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Test class for Contoller's method which involve attachment insert
Hello, can anyone help me in this question, in this method i am some custom record as well as attachment, my test class is running for custom records but it gives error "System.DmlException: Upsert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Body]: [Body]"
this is method's code ,
Public PageReference saveRecordlprop(){
lead.Labor_Mid_Construction_Proposal_Added__c = true ;
upsert lead;
update testlprop ;
lprop.Marketing_Material__c = testlprop.Marketing_Material__c;
lprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testlprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
lprop.Management_and_Supervision__c = testlprop.Management_and_Supervision__c ;
lprop.Over_Time_Hours__c = testlprop.Over_Time_Hours__c ;
lprop.Payment_Terms__c = testlprop.Payment_Terms__c ;
lprop.Pricing__c = testlprop.Pricing__c ;
lprop.Statement_of_Work__c = testlprop.Statement_of_Work__c ;
lprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testlprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
lprop.Contract_Terms__c = testlprop.Contract_Terms__c;
insert lprop;
lpdocument = new Attachment();
lpdocument.Name = 'Client cover image';
lpdocument.ParentId = lprop.ID;
lpdocument.Body = lpfileBody;
upsert lpdocument;
lprop.Current_Record_ID__c = lpdocument.ID;
upsert lprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.lprop.Id );
return p;
and this is my test class for this controller
public class addProposalCntrltest2{
static testMethod void testMethod1() {
Lead testRecord= new Lead();
testRecord.LastName = 'test name ';
testRecord.Company = 'test company';
testRecord.Status = 'new';
testRecord.Credit_Limit_Amount__c = 12344;
insert testRecord;
Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c testRecord2 = new Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c();
testRecord2.Name = 'test';
testRecord2.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord2 ;
Blob lpfileBody = Blob.valueOf('Test Data');
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
attachment.Name = 'Test Attachment for Parent';
attachment.ParentId = testRecord2.ID;
attachment.Body = lpfileBody;
insert attachment;
Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c testRecord3 = new Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c();
testRecord3.Name = 'test';
testRecord3.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord3;
Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c testRecord4 = new Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c();
testRecord4.Name = 'test';
testRecord4.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord4 ;
Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c testRecord5 = new Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c();
testRecord5.Name = 'test';
testRecord5.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
Insert testRecord5;
Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c testRecord6 = new Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c();
testRecord6.Name = 'test';
testRecord6.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord6 ;
Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c testRecord7 = new Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c();
testRecord7.Name = 'test';
testRecord7.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord7;
General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c testRecord8 = new General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c();
testRecord8.Name = 'test';
testRecord8.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord8;
Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c testRecord9 = new Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c();
testRecord9.Name = 'test';
testRecord9.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord9 ;
System.currentPageReference().getParameters().put('id', testRecord.Id);
addProposalCntrl addProposalCntrlTestIns = new addProposalCntrl();
private static void addAttachmentToParent(Id testRecord) {
Thank you!
this is method's code ,
Public PageReference saveRecordlprop(){
lead.Labor_Mid_Construction_Proposal_Added__c = true ;
upsert lead;
update testlprop ;
lprop.Marketing_Material__c = testlprop.Marketing_Material__c;
lprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testlprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
lprop.Management_and_Supervision__c = testlprop.Management_and_Supervision__c ;
lprop.Over_Time_Hours__c = testlprop.Over_Time_Hours__c ;
lprop.Payment_Terms__c = testlprop.Payment_Terms__c ;
lprop.Pricing__c = testlprop.Pricing__c ;
lprop.Statement_of_Work__c = testlprop.Statement_of_Work__c ;
lprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testlprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
lprop.Contract_Terms__c = testlprop.Contract_Terms__c;
insert lprop;
lpdocument = new Attachment();
lpdocument.Name = 'Client cover image';
lpdocument.ParentId = lprop.ID;
lpdocument.Body = lpfileBody;
upsert lpdocument;
lprop.Current_Record_ID__c = lpdocument.ID;
upsert lprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.lprop.Id );
return p;
and this is my test class for this controller
public class addProposalCntrltest2{
static testMethod void testMethod1() {
Lead testRecord= new Lead();
testRecord.LastName = 'test name ';
testRecord.Company = 'test company';
testRecord.Status = 'new';
testRecord.Credit_Limit_Amount__c = 12344;
insert testRecord;
Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c testRecord2 = new Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c();
testRecord2.Name = 'test';
testRecord2.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord2 ;
Blob lpfileBody = Blob.valueOf('Test Data');
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
attachment.Name = 'Test Attachment for Parent';
attachment.ParentId = testRecord2.ID;
attachment.Body = lpfileBody;
insert attachment;
Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c testRecord3 = new Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c();
testRecord3.Name = 'test';
testRecord3.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord3;
Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c testRecord4 = new Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c();
testRecord4.Name = 'test';
testRecord4.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord4 ;
Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c testRecord5 = new Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c();
testRecord5.Name = 'test';
testRecord5.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
Insert testRecord5;
Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c testRecord6 = new Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c();
testRecord6.Name = 'test';
testRecord6.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord6 ;
Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c testRecord7 = new Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c();
testRecord7.Name = 'test';
testRecord7.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord7;
General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c testRecord8 = new General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c();
testRecord8.Name = 'test';
testRecord8.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord8;
Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c testRecord9 = new Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c();
testRecord9.Name = 'test';
testRecord9.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord9 ;
System.currentPageReference().getParameters().put('id', testRecord.Id);
addProposalCntrl addProposalCntrlTestIns = new addProposalCntrl();
private static void addAttachmentToParent(Id testRecord) {
Thank you!
- Chaim Rosenfeld 8
- November 13, 2019
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- 0
how to match rich text area fields from child object
Hello ,
i have two objects,
both of these objects have Scope of work Rich Text area Fields, i want when ever Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c object's rich text area field get created, it should automatically update the Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c objects Scope of work,
I have already tried work flow rule and process builder, both of these get saved with now errors, but dont update fields,
i have added look up field of Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c on Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c object ,
Please help me in this if any one has already came across this problem
i have two objects,
both of these objects have Scope of work Rich Text area Fields, i want when ever Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c object's rich text area field get created, it should automatically update the Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c objects Scope of work,
I have already tried work flow rule and process builder, both of these get saved with now errors, but dont update fields,
i have added look up field of Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c on Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c object ,
Please help me in this if any one has already came across this problem
- Chaim Rosenfeld 8
- May 06, 2019
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- 0
need help in this visualforce and controller's test c;lass
Hello , i need help in test class of this visualforce page and controller,
<apex:page controller="addJobCntrl" sidebar="false" showHeader="false" >
background-color : #ECECEC;
width: 100%;
padding: 12px 20px;
background-color : #ECECEC;
width: 100%;
padding: 12px 20px;
.inp1 {
background-color : #ECECEC;
padding: 12px 30px;
background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */
border: none;
color: white;
padding: 8px 20px;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none ;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 16px;
<apex:form >
<div align="center">
<apex:outputLabel value="Please choose Customer from below list and Click Create Job Button" styleClass="lbl" ></apex:outputLabel>
<apex:inputField value="{!jobIns.Customer__c}" label="" id="Customer"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!creatContract}" value="Create Job" styleClass="btn"/>
This is its Controller
public class addJobCntrl {
Public string leadID{get;set;}
Public Lead leadIns{get;set;}
Public Job__c jobIns{get;set;}
public addJobCntrl (){
leadID = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');
leadIns= [select id, Company, State__c, Street__c , Zip__c , City__c , Type_of_Service_Proposal__c , Name , Sales_Person__c, Insurance_Amount__c , Email, Credit_Application_received__c, Credit_Limit_Amount__c, Phone from Lead where ID =: leadID ];
jobIns = new Job__c(Lead__c = leadID );
Public PageReference creatContract(){
jobIns.Name = leadIns.Company;
jobIns.Sales_Rep__c = leadIns.Sales_Person__c;
jobIns.Billing_Contact__c = leadIns.Name ;
jobIns.Billing_Email__c = leadIns.Email;
jobIns.Billing_Phone_Number__c = leadIns.Phone;
jobIns.Street__c = leadIns.Street__c ;
jobIns.State__c = leadIns.State__c ;
jobIns.Zipcode__c = leadIns.Zip__c ;
jobIns.City__c = leadIns.City__c ;
jobIns.Service_Type__c = leadIns.Type_of_Service_Proposal__c ;
jobIns.Credit_Application_received__c = leadIns.Credit_Application_received__c;
jobIns.Credit_Amount_Limit__c = leadIns.Credit_Limit_Amount__c;
jobIns.Insurance_Amount__c = leadIns.Insurance_Amount__c;
upsert jobIns;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.jobIns.Id );
return p;
and this is its test class
public class addJobCntrlTest{
static testMethod void testMethod1() {
Account custIns = new Account();
custIns.Name = 'test';
custIns.QB_Company__c = 'qfs';
custIns.QB_Account__c = 'test';
custIns.Service_Type__c = 'Mid-Construction';
insert custIns;
Job__c jobIns = new Job__c();
jobIns.Name = 'test';
jobIns.Sales_Rep__c = 'Aharon Kaplan';
jobIns.Customer__c = custIns.ID;
jobIns.Billing_Contact__c = 'test';
jobIns.Billing_Email__c= 'test@test.com';
jobIns.Billing_Phone_Number__c= '123';
jobIns.QB_Job_Name__c = 'test';
jobIns.QB_Company__c = 'QFS';
insert jobIns;
Lead testRecord= new Lead();
testRecord.LastName = 'test name ';
testRecord.Company = 'test company';
testRecord.Status = 'new';
testRecord.Credit_Limit_Amount__c = 12344;
insert testRecord;
System.currentPageReference().getParameters().put('id', testRecord.Id);
addJobCntrl addjobCntrlTestIns = new addJobCntrl();
this test class is giving this error.
System.DmlException: Upsert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Customer__c]: [Customer__c]
I am not sure why i keep getting this error, i am getting customer__c value from visualforce page's input field from user, visualforce page is giving / creating correct records, but in test class it says customer__c value is required ,
can any one pleaes help me in this at your earliest possible ????
<apex:page controller="addJobCntrl" sidebar="false" showHeader="false" >
background-color : #ECECEC;
width: 100%;
padding: 12px 20px;
background-color : #ECECEC;
width: 100%;
padding: 12px 20px;
.inp1 {
background-color : #ECECEC;
padding: 12px 30px;
background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */
border: none;
color: white;
padding: 8px 20px;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none ;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 16px;
<apex:form >
<div align="center">
<apex:outputLabel value="Please choose Customer from below list and Click Create Job Button" styleClass="lbl" ></apex:outputLabel>
<apex:inputField value="{!jobIns.Customer__c}" label="" id="Customer"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!creatContract}" value="Create Job" styleClass="btn"/>
This is its Controller
public class addJobCntrl {
Public string leadID{get;set;}
Public Lead leadIns{get;set;}
Public Job__c jobIns{get;set;}
public addJobCntrl (){
leadID = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');
leadIns= [select id, Company, State__c, Street__c , Zip__c , City__c , Type_of_Service_Proposal__c , Name , Sales_Person__c, Insurance_Amount__c , Email, Credit_Application_received__c, Credit_Limit_Amount__c, Phone from Lead where ID =: leadID ];
jobIns = new Job__c(Lead__c = leadID );
Public PageReference creatContract(){
jobIns.Name = leadIns.Company;
jobIns.Sales_Rep__c = leadIns.Sales_Person__c;
jobIns.Billing_Contact__c = leadIns.Name ;
jobIns.Billing_Email__c = leadIns.Email;
jobIns.Billing_Phone_Number__c = leadIns.Phone;
jobIns.Street__c = leadIns.Street__c ;
jobIns.State__c = leadIns.State__c ;
jobIns.Zipcode__c = leadIns.Zip__c ;
jobIns.City__c = leadIns.City__c ;
jobIns.Service_Type__c = leadIns.Type_of_Service_Proposal__c ;
jobIns.Credit_Application_received__c = leadIns.Credit_Application_received__c;
jobIns.Credit_Amount_Limit__c = leadIns.Credit_Limit_Amount__c;
jobIns.Insurance_Amount__c = leadIns.Insurance_Amount__c;
upsert jobIns;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.jobIns.Id );
return p;
and this is its test class
public class addJobCntrlTest{
static testMethod void testMethod1() {
Account custIns = new Account();
custIns.Name = 'test';
custIns.QB_Company__c = 'qfs';
custIns.QB_Account__c = 'test';
custIns.Service_Type__c = 'Mid-Construction';
insert custIns;
Job__c jobIns = new Job__c();
jobIns.Name = 'test';
jobIns.Sales_Rep__c = 'Aharon Kaplan';
jobIns.Customer__c = custIns.ID;
jobIns.Billing_Contact__c = 'test';
jobIns.Billing_Email__c= 'test@test.com';
jobIns.Billing_Phone_Number__c= '123';
jobIns.QB_Job_Name__c = 'test';
jobIns.QB_Company__c = 'QFS';
insert jobIns;
Lead testRecord= new Lead();
testRecord.LastName = 'test name ';
testRecord.Company = 'test company';
testRecord.Status = 'new';
testRecord.Credit_Limit_Amount__c = 12344;
insert testRecord;
System.currentPageReference().getParameters().put('id', testRecord.Id);
addJobCntrl addjobCntrlTestIns = new addJobCntrl();
this test class is giving this error.
System.DmlException: Upsert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Customer__c]: [Customer__c]
I am not sure why i keep getting this error, i am getting customer__c value from visualforce page's input field from user, visualforce page is giving / creating correct records, but in test class it says customer__c value is required ,
can any one pleaes help me in this at your earliest possible ????
- Chaim Rosenfeld 8
- March 21, 2019
- Like
- 0
apex test class giving 88% coverage but not being deployed
hello , my test class for this controller is giving 88% coverage, but it is not being deployed , can any one help me in this
public class addJobCntrl {
Public string leadID{get;set;}
Public Lead leadIns{get;set;}
Public Job__c jobIns{get;set;}
Public Job__c testjobIns{get;set;}
public addJobCntrl (){
leadID = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');
leadIns= [select id, Company, State__c, Street__c , Zip__c , City__c , Type_of_Service_Proposal__c , Name , Sales_Person__c, Insurance_Amount__c , Email, Credit_Application_received__c, Credit_Limit_Amount__c, Phone from Lead where ID =: leadID ];
jobIns = new Job__c(Lead__c = leadID );
Public PageReference creatContract(){
jobIns.Name = leadIns.Company;
jobIns.Street__c = leadIns.Street__c ;
jobIns.State__c = leadIns.State__c ;
jobIns.Zipcode__c = leadIns.Zip__c ;
jobIns.City__c = leadIns.City__c ;
jobIns.Service_Type__c = leadIns.Type_of_Service_Proposal__c ;
jobIns.Billing_Contact__c = leadIns.Name ;
jobIns.Billing_Email__c = leadIns.Email;
jobIns.Billing_Phone_Number__c = leadIns.Phone;
jobIns.Credit_Application_received__c = leadIns.Credit_Application_received__c;
jobIns.Credit_Amount_Limit__c = leadIns.Credit_Limit_Amount__c;
jobIns.Insurance_Amount__c = leadIns.Insurance_Amount__c;
jobIns.Sales_Rep__c = leadIns.Sales_Person__c;
upsert jobIns;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.jobIns.Id );
return p;
this is Test class
public class addJobCntrlTest{
static testMethod void testMethod1() {
Account custIns = new Account();
custIns.Name = 'test';
custIns.QB_Company__c = 'qfs';
custIns.QB_Account__c = 'test';
custIns.Service_Type__c = 'Mid-Construction';
insert custIns;
Job__c jobIns = new Job__c();
jobIns.Name = 'test';
jobIns.Sales_Rep__c = 'Aharon Kaplan';
jobIns.Customer__c = custIns.ID;
jobIns.Billing_Contact__c = 'test';
jobIns.Billing_Email__c= 'test@test.com';
jobIns.Billing_Phone_Number__c= '123';
jobIns.QB_Job_Name__c = 'test';
jobIns.QB_Company__c = 'QFS';
insert jobIns;
Lead testRecord= new Lead();
testRecord.LastName = 'test name ';
testRecord.Company = 'test company';
testRecord.Status = 'new';
testRecord.Credit_Limit_Amount__c = 12344;
insert testRecord;
System.currentPageReference().getParameters().put('id', testRecord.Id);
addJobCntrl addjobCntrlTestIns = new addJobCntrl();
and this is error i keep getting from test run
upsert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Customer__c]:
public class addJobCntrl {
Public string leadID{get;set;}
Public Lead leadIns{get;set;}
Public Job__c jobIns{get;set;}
Public Job__c testjobIns{get;set;}
public addJobCntrl (){
leadID = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');
leadIns= [select id, Company, State__c, Street__c , Zip__c , City__c , Type_of_Service_Proposal__c , Name , Sales_Person__c, Insurance_Amount__c , Email, Credit_Application_received__c, Credit_Limit_Amount__c, Phone from Lead where ID =: leadID ];
jobIns = new Job__c(Lead__c = leadID );
Public PageReference creatContract(){
jobIns.Name = leadIns.Company;
jobIns.Street__c = leadIns.Street__c ;
jobIns.State__c = leadIns.State__c ;
jobIns.Zipcode__c = leadIns.Zip__c ;
jobIns.City__c = leadIns.City__c ;
jobIns.Service_Type__c = leadIns.Type_of_Service_Proposal__c ;
jobIns.Billing_Contact__c = leadIns.Name ;
jobIns.Billing_Email__c = leadIns.Email;
jobIns.Billing_Phone_Number__c = leadIns.Phone;
jobIns.Credit_Application_received__c = leadIns.Credit_Application_received__c;
jobIns.Credit_Amount_Limit__c = leadIns.Credit_Limit_Amount__c;
jobIns.Insurance_Amount__c = leadIns.Insurance_Amount__c;
jobIns.Sales_Rep__c = leadIns.Sales_Person__c;
upsert jobIns;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.jobIns.Id );
return p;
this is Test class
public class addJobCntrlTest{
static testMethod void testMethod1() {
Account custIns = new Account();
custIns.Name = 'test';
custIns.QB_Company__c = 'qfs';
custIns.QB_Account__c = 'test';
custIns.Service_Type__c = 'Mid-Construction';
insert custIns;
Job__c jobIns = new Job__c();
jobIns.Name = 'test';
jobIns.Sales_Rep__c = 'Aharon Kaplan';
jobIns.Customer__c = custIns.ID;
jobIns.Billing_Contact__c = 'test';
jobIns.Billing_Email__c= 'test@test.com';
jobIns.Billing_Phone_Number__c= '123';
jobIns.QB_Job_Name__c = 'test';
jobIns.QB_Company__c = 'QFS';
insert jobIns;
Lead testRecord= new Lead();
testRecord.LastName = 'test name ';
testRecord.Company = 'test company';
testRecord.Status = 'new';
testRecord.Credit_Limit_Amount__c = 12344;
insert testRecord;
System.currentPageReference().getParameters().put('id', testRecord.Id);
addJobCntrl addjobCntrlTestIns = new addJobCntrl();
and this is error i keep getting from test run
upsert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Customer__c]:
- Chaim Rosenfeld 8
- March 20, 2019
- Like
- 0
test class giving System.TypeException: Invalid id value for this SObject type: a091g0000085HO8AAM error
hello , i am not being able to run my test class for this controller ,
public class addLaborProposalCntrl {
Public string leadID{get;set;}
Public string testlpropID{get;set;}
Public Lead lead {get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c lprop {get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c testlprop {get;set;}
public addLaborProposalCntrl () {
testlprop = [SELECT Marketing_Material__c, Holiday_Coverage__c,Management_and_Supervision__c, Over_Time_Hours__c, Pricing__c , Payment_Terms__c,Statement_of_Work__c,Supplies_and_Equipment__c FROM Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c where Name LIKE 'Test%' Limit 1 ];
leadID = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');
lead = new Lead(ID = leadID);
lprop = new Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c(Lead__c = LeadID );
Public PageReference saveRecordlprop(){
upsert lead;
update testlprop ;
lprop.Marketing_Material__c = testlprop.Marketing_Material__c;
lprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testlprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
lprop.Management_and_Supervision__c = testlprop.Management_and_Supervision__c ;
lprop.Over_Time_Hours__c = testlprop.Over_Time_Hours__c ;
lprop.Payment_Terms__c = testlprop.Payment_Terms__c ;
lprop.Pricing__c = testlprop.Pricing__c ;
lprop.Statement_of_Work__c = testlprop.Statement_of_Work__c ;
lprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testlprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
upsert lprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.lprop.Id );
return p;
this is my Test Class
public class addLaborProposalCntrlTest{
static testMethod void testMethod1() {
Lead testRecord= new Lead();
testRecord.LastName = 'test name ';
testRecord.Company = 'test company';
testRecord.Status = 'new';
testRecord.Credit_Limit_Amount__c = 12344;
insert testRecord;
Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c testRecord2 = new Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c();
testRecord2.Lead__C = testRecord.ID;
testRecord2.Marketing_Material__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Holiday_Coverage__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Management_and_Supervision__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Over_Time_Hours__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Payment_Terms__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Pricing__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Statement_of_Work__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Name = 'test';
insert testRecord2;
update testRecord2;
System.currentPageReference().getParameters().put('id', testRecord2.Id);
addLaborProposalCntrl addjobCntrlTestIns = new addLaborProposalCntrl();
it gives this error
System.TypeException: Invalid id value for this SObject type: a091g0000085HO8AAM error
can anyone please help me in this
public class addLaborProposalCntrl {
Public string leadID{get;set;}
Public string testlpropID{get;set;}
Public Lead lead {get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c lprop {get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c testlprop {get;set;}
public addLaborProposalCntrl () {
testlprop = [SELECT Marketing_Material__c, Holiday_Coverage__c,Management_and_Supervision__c, Over_Time_Hours__c, Pricing__c , Payment_Terms__c,Statement_of_Work__c,Supplies_and_Equipment__c FROM Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c where Name LIKE 'Test%' Limit 1 ];
leadID = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');
lead = new Lead(ID = leadID);
lprop = new Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c(Lead__c = LeadID );
Public PageReference saveRecordlprop(){
upsert lead;
update testlprop ;
lprop.Marketing_Material__c = testlprop.Marketing_Material__c;
lprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testlprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
lprop.Management_and_Supervision__c = testlprop.Management_and_Supervision__c ;
lprop.Over_Time_Hours__c = testlprop.Over_Time_Hours__c ;
lprop.Payment_Terms__c = testlprop.Payment_Terms__c ;
lprop.Pricing__c = testlprop.Pricing__c ;
lprop.Statement_of_Work__c = testlprop.Statement_of_Work__c ;
lprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testlprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
upsert lprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.lprop.Id );
return p;
this is my Test Class
public class addLaborProposalCntrlTest{
static testMethod void testMethod1() {
Lead testRecord= new Lead();
testRecord.LastName = 'test name ';
testRecord.Company = 'test company';
testRecord.Status = 'new';
testRecord.Credit_Limit_Amount__c = 12344;
insert testRecord;
Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c testRecord2 = new Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c();
testRecord2.Lead__C = testRecord.ID;
testRecord2.Marketing_Material__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Holiday_Coverage__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Management_and_Supervision__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Over_Time_Hours__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Payment_Terms__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Pricing__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Statement_of_Work__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Name = 'test';
insert testRecord2;
update testRecord2;
System.currentPageReference().getParameters().put('id', testRecord2.Id);
addLaborProposalCntrl addjobCntrlTestIns = new addLaborProposalCntrl();
it gives this error
System.TypeException: Invalid id value for this SObject type: a091g0000085HO8AAM error
can anyone please help me in this
- Chaim Rosenfeld 8
- March 19, 2019
- Like
- 0
test class for controller with multiple methods
Hello guys, can any one please help me creating test class which include multiple methods,
my controller code is as
public class addProposalCntrl {
Public string leadID{get;set;}
Public string testlpropID{get;set;}
Public string testppropID{get;set;}
Public string testspropID{get;set;}
Public string testcommID{get;set;}
Public string testresdID{get;set;}
Public Lead lead {get;set;}
Public string floorPOID{get;set;}
Public string generalpccPOID{get;set;}
Public string windowPOID{get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c lprop {get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c testlprop {get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c lpropIns {get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c sprop {get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c testsprop {get;set;}
Public Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c pprop {get;set;}
Public Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c testpprop {get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c steadyComm{get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c teststeadyComm{get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c steadyResd{get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c teststeadyResd{get;set;}
Public Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c floorPO{get;set;}
Public Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c testfloorPO{get;set;}
Public General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c generalpccPO{get;set;}
Public General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c testgeneralpccPO{get;set;}
Public Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c windowPO{get;set;}
Public Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c testwindowPO{get;set;}
public addProposalCntrl () {
testlpropID= 'a091g000004naaqAAA';
testppropID = 'a0B1g0000033u90EAA';
testspropID = 'a0A1g000000RlDZEA0';
testcommID = 'a0C1g000000saTmEAI';
testresdID = 'a0D1g000002274aEAA';
floorPOID = 'a0b1g000001CBfXAAW';
generalpccPOID = 'a0c1g000000UGEgAAO';
windowPOID = 'a0a1g00000192O3AAI';
testlprop = [SELECT Marketing_Material__c, Holiday_Coverage__c,Management_and_Supervision__c, Over_Time_Hours__c, Pricing__c , Payment_Terms__c,Statement_of_Work__c,Supplies_and_Equipment__c FROM Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c where ID =: testlpropID];
testpprop = [SELECT Contract_Terms__c, Pricing_and_Agreement__c FROM Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c where ID =: testppropID];
testsprop = [SELECT Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c,Holiday_Coverage__c, Payment_Terms__c , Pricing__c, Sick_Pay__c, Supplies_and_Equipment__c , Uniform__c , Marketing_Material__c FROM Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c where ID =: testspropID];
teststeadyComm = [SELECT id, Scope_of_Work__c from Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c where id =: testcommID ];
teststeadyResd = [SELECT id, Scope_of_Work__c from Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c where id =: testresdID ];
testfloorPO = [select id, Project_Overview__c from Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c where id =: floorPOID ];
testgeneralpccPO = [select id, Project_Overview__c from General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c where id =: generalpccPOID ];
testwindowPO = [select id, Project_Overview__c from Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c where id =: windowPOID ];
leadID = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');
lead = new Lead(ID = leadID);
pprop = new Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c(Lead__c = LeadID);
sprop = new Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c(Lead__c = LeadID);
lprop = new Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c (Lead__c = LeadID );
steadyComm = new Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c (Lead__c = leadID);
steadyResd = new Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c (Lead__c = leadID);
floorPO = new Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c (Lead__c = leadID);
generalpccPO = new General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c (Lead__c = leadID);
windowPO = new Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c (Lead__c = leadID);
Public PageReference saveRecordlprop(){
upsert lead;
update testlprop ;
lprop.Marketing_Material__c = testlprop.Marketing_Material__c;
lprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testlprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
lprop.Management_and_Supervision__c = testlprop.Management_and_Supervision__c ;
lprop.Over_Time_Hours__c = testlprop.Over_Time_Hours__c ;
lprop.Payment_Terms__c = testlprop.Payment_Terms__c ;
lprop.Pricing__c = testlprop.Pricing__c ;
lprop.Statement_of_Work__c = testlprop.Statement_of_Work__c ;
lprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testlprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
insert lprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.lprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordspropComm(){
upsert lead;
update testsprop;
sprop.Marketing_Material__c = testsprop.Marketing_Material__c;
sprop.Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c = testsprop.Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c;
sprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testsprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
sprop.Payment_Terms__c = testsprop.Payment_Terms__c;
sprop.Pricing__c = testsprop.Pricing__c;
sprop.Sick_Pay__c = testsprop.Sick_Pay__c;
sprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testsprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
sprop.Uniform__c = testsprop.Uniform__c;
update teststeadyComm ;
steadyComm.Scope_of_Work__c = teststeadyComm.Scope_of_Work__c ;
upsert steadyComm;
upsert sprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.sprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordspropResd(){
upsert lead;
update testsprop;
sprop.Marketing_Material__c= testsprop.Marketing_Material__c;
sprop.Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c = testsprop.Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c;
sprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testsprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
sprop.Payment_Terms__c = testsprop.Payment_Terms__c;
sprop.Pricing__c = testsprop.Pricing__c;
sprop.Sick_Pay__c = testsprop.Sick_Pay__c;
sprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testsprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
sprop.Uniform__c = testsprop.Uniform__c;
update teststeadyResd;
steadyResd.Scope_of_Work__c = teststeadyResd.Scope_of_Work__c ;
upsert steadyResd;
upsert sprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.sprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordpprop1(){
lead.PCC_Proposal_Added__c = true;
upsert lead;
update testpprop;
update testfloorPO ;
pprop.Contract_Terms__c = testpprop.Contract_Terms__c;
pprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c = testpprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c;
floorPO.Project_Overview__c = testfloorPO.Project_Overview__c;
upsert floorPO;
upsert pprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.pprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordpprop2(){
lead.PCC_Proposal_Added__c = true;
upsert lead;
update testpprop;
update testgeneralpccPO;
pprop.Contract_Terms__c = testpprop.Contract_Terms__c;
pprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c = testpprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c;
generalpccPO.Project_Overview__c = testgeneralpccPO.Project_Overview__c ;
upsert generalpccPO;
upsert pprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.pprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordpprop3(){
lead.PCC_Proposal_Added__c = true;
upsert lead;
update testpprop;
update testwindowPO;
pprop.Contract_Terms__c = testpprop.Contract_Terms__c;
pprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c = testpprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c;
windowPO.Project_Overview__c = testwindowPO.Project_Overview__c ;
upsert windowPO;
upsert pprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.pprop.Id );
return p;
my controller code is as
public class addProposalCntrl {
Public string leadID{get;set;}
Public string testlpropID{get;set;}
Public string testppropID{get;set;}
Public string testspropID{get;set;}
Public string testcommID{get;set;}
Public string testresdID{get;set;}
Public Lead lead {get;set;}
Public string floorPOID{get;set;}
Public string generalpccPOID{get;set;}
Public string windowPOID{get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c lprop {get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c testlprop {get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c lpropIns {get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c sprop {get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c testsprop {get;set;}
Public Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c pprop {get;set;}
Public Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c testpprop {get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c steadyComm{get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c teststeadyComm{get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c steadyResd{get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c teststeadyResd{get;set;}
Public Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c floorPO{get;set;}
Public Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c testfloorPO{get;set;}
Public General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c generalpccPO{get;set;}
Public General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c testgeneralpccPO{get;set;}
Public Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c windowPO{get;set;}
Public Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c testwindowPO{get;set;}
public addProposalCntrl () {
testlpropID= 'a091g000004naaqAAA';
testppropID = 'a0B1g0000033u90EAA';
testspropID = 'a0A1g000000RlDZEA0';
testcommID = 'a0C1g000000saTmEAI';
testresdID = 'a0D1g000002274aEAA';
floorPOID = 'a0b1g000001CBfXAAW';
generalpccPOID = 'a0c1g000000UGEgAAO';
windowPOID = 'a0a1g00000192O3AAI';
testlprop = [SELECT Marketing_Material__c, Holiday_Coverage__c,Management_and_Supervision__c, Over_Time_Hours__c, Pricing__c , Payment_Terms__c,Statement_of_Work__c,Supplies_and_Equipment__c FROM Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c where ID =: testlpropID];
testpprop = [SELECT Contract_Terms__c, Pricing_and_Agreement__c FROM Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c where ID =: testppropID];
testsprop = [SELECT Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c,Holiday_Coverage__c, Payment_Terms__c , Pricing__c, Sick_Pay__c, Supplies_and_Equipment__c , Uniform__c , Marketing_Material__c FROM Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c where ID =: testspropID];
teststeadyComm = [SELECT id, Scope_of_Work__c from Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c where id =: testcommID ];
teststeadyResd = [SELECT id, Scope_of_Work__c from Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c where id =: testresdID ];
testfloorPO = [select id, Project_Overview__c from Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c where id =: floorPOID ];
testgeneralpccPO = [select id, Project_Overview__c from General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c where id =: generalpccPOID ];
testwindowPO = [select id, Project_Overview__c from Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c where id =: windowPOID ];
leadID = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');
lead = new Lead(ID = leadID);
pprop = new Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c(Lead__c = LeadID);
sprop = new Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c(Lead__c = LeadID);
lprop = new Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c (Lead__c = LeadID );
steadyComm = new Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c (Lead__c = leadID);
steadyResd = new Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c (Lead__c = leadID);
floorPO = new Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c (Lead__c = leadID);
generalpccPO = new General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c (Lead__c = leadID);
windowPO = new Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c (Lead__c = leadID);
Public PageReference saveRecordlprop(){
upsert lead;
update testlprop ;
lprop.Marketing_Material__c = testlprop.Marketing_Material__c;
lprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testlprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
lprop.Management_and_Supervision__c = testlprop.Management_and_Supervision__c ;
lprop.Over_Time_Hours__c = testlprop.Over_Time_Hours__c ;
lprop.Payment_Terms__c = testlprop.Payment_Terms__c ;
lprop.Pricing__c = testlprop.Pricing__c ;
lprop.Statement_of_Work__c = testlprop.Statement_of_Work__c ;
lprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testlprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
insert lprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.lprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordspropComm(){
upsert lead;
update testsprop;
sprop.Marketing_Material__c = testsprop.Marketing_Material__c;
sprop.Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c = testsprop.Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c;
sprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testsprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
sprop.Payment_Terms__c = testsprop.Payment_Terms__c;
sprop.Pricing__c = testsprop.Pricing__c;
sprop.Sick_Pay__c = testsprop.Sick_Pay__c;
sprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testsprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
sprop.Uniform__c = testsprop.Uniform__c;
update teststeadyComm ;
steadyComm.Scope_of_Work__c = teststeadyComm.Scope_of_Work__c ;
upsert steadyComm;
upsert sprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.sprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordspropResd(){
upsert lead;
update testsprop;
sprop.Marketing_Material__c= testsprop.Marketing_Material__c;
sprop.Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c = testsprop.Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c;
sprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testsprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
sprop.Payment_Terms__c = testsprop.Payment_Terms__c;
sprop.Pricing__c = testsprop.Pricing__c;
sprop.Sick_Pay__c = testsprop.Sick_Pay__c;
sprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testsprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
sprop.Uniform__c = testsprop.Uniform__c;
update teststeadyResd;
steadyResd.Scope_of_Work__c = teststeadyResd.Scope_of_Work__c ;
upsert steadyResd;
upsert sprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.sprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordpprop1(){
lead.PCC_Proposal_Added__c = true;
upsert lead;
update testpprop;
update testfloorPO ;
pprop.Contract_Terms__c = testpprop.Contract_Terms__c;
pprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c = testpprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c;
floorPO.Project_Overview__c = testfloorPO.Project_Overview__c;
upsert floorPO;
upsert pprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.pprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordpprop2(){
lead.PCC_Proposal_Added__c = true;
upsert lead;
update testpprop;
update testgeneralpccPO;
pprop.Contract_Terms__c = testpprop.Contract_Terms__c;
pprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c = testpprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c;
generalpccPO.Project_Overview__c = testgeneralpccPO.Project_Overview__c ;
upsert generalpccPO;
upsert pprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.pprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordpprop3(){
lead.PCC_Proposal_Added__c = true;
upsert lead;
update testpprop;
update testwindowPO;
pprop.Contract_Terms__c = testpprop.Contract_Terms__c;
pprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c = testpprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c;
windowPO.Project_Overview__c = testwindowPO.Project_Overview__c ;
upsert windowPO;
upsert pprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.pprop.Id );
return p;
- Chaim Rosenfeld 8
- March 14, 2019
- Like
- 0
Test class for Contoller's method which involve attachment insert
Hello, can anyone help me in this question, in this method i am some custom record as well as attachment, my test class is running for custom records but it gives error "System.DmlException: Upsert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Body]: [Body]"
this is method's code ,
Public PageReference saveRecordlprop(){
lead.Labor_Mid_Construction_Proposal_Added__c = true ;
upsert lead;
update testlprop ;
lprop.Marketing_Material__c = testlprop.Marketing_Material__c;
lprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testlprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
lprop.Management_and_Supervision__c = testlprop.Management_and_Supervision__c ;
lprop.Over_Time_Hours__c = testlprop.Over_Time_Hours__c ;
lprop.Payment_Terms__c = testlprop.Payment_Terms__c ;
lprop.Pricing__c = testlprop.Pricing__c ;
lprop.Statement_of_Work__c = testlprop.Statement_of_Work__c ;
lprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testlprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
lprop.Contract_Terms__c = testlprop.Contract_Terms__c;
insert lprop;
lpdocument = new Attachment();
lpdocument.Name = 'Client cover image';
lpdocument.ParentId = lprop.ID;
lpdocument.Body = lpfileBody;
upsert lpdocument;
lprop.Current_Record_ID__c = lpdocument.ID;
upsert lprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.lprop.Id );
return p;
and this is my test class for this controller
public class addProposalCntrltest2{
static testMethod void testMethod1() {
Lead testRecord= new Lead();
testRecord.LastName = 'test name ';
testRecord.Company = 'test company';
testRecord.Status = 'new';
testRecord.Credit_Limit_Amount__c = 12344;
insert testRecord;
Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c testRecord2 = new Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c();
testRecord2.Name = 'test';
testRecord2.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord2 ;
Blob lpfileBody = Blob.valueOf('Test Data');
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
attachment.Name = 'Test Attachment for Parent';
attachment.ParentId = testRecord2.ID;
attachment.Body = lpfileBody;
insert attachment;
Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c testRecord3 = new Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c();
testRecord3.Name = 'test';
testRecord3.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord3;
Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c testRecord4 = new Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c();
testRecord4.Name = 'test';
testRecord4.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord4 ;
Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c testRecord5 = new Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c();
testRecord5.Name = 'test';
testRecord5.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
Insert testRecord5;
Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c testRecord6 = new Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c();
testRecord6.Name = 'test';
testRecord6.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord6 ;
Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c testRecord7 = new Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c();
testRecord7.Name = 'test';
testRecord7.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord7;
General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c testRecord8 = new General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c();
testRecord8.Name = 'test';
testRecord8.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord8;
Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c testRecord9 = new Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c();
testRecord9.Name = 'test';
testRecord9.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord9 ;
System.currentPageReference().getParameters().put('id', testRecord.Id);
addProposalCntrl addProposalCntrlTestIns = new addProposalCntrl();
private static void addAttachmentToParent(Id testRecord) {
Thank you!
this is method's code ,
Public PageReference saveRecordlprop(){
lead.Labor_Mid_Construction_Proposal_Added__c = true ;
upsert lead;
update testlprop ;
lprop.Marketing_Material__c = testlprop.Marketing_Material__c;
lprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testlprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
lprop.Management_and_Supervision__c = testlprop.Management_and_Supervision__c ;
lprop.Over_Time_Hours__c = testlprop.Over_Time_Hours__c ;
lprop.Payment_Terms__c = testlprop.Payment_Terms__c ;
lprop.Pricing__c = testlprop.Pricing__c ;
lprop.Statement_of_Work__c = testlprop.Statement_of_Work__c ;
lprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testlprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
lprop.Contract_Terms__c = testlprop.Contract_Terms__c;
insert lprop;
lpdocument = new Attachment();
lpdocument.Name = 'Client cover image';
lpdocument.ParentId = lprop.ID;
lpdocument.Body = lpfileBody;
upsert lpdocument;
lprop.Current_Record_ID__c = lpdocument.ID;
upsert lprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.lprop.Id );
return p;
and this is my test class for this controller
public class addProposalCntrltest2{
static testMethod void testMethod1() {
Lead testRecord= new Lead();
testRecord.LastName = 'test name ';
testRecord.Company = 'test company';
testRecord.Status = 'new';
testRecord.Credit_Limit_Amount__c = 12344;
insert testRecord;
Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c testRecord2 = new Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c();
testRecord2.Name = 'test';
testRecord2.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord2 ;
Blob lpfileBody = Blob.valueOf('Test Data');
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
attachment.Name = 'Test Attachment for Parent';
attachment.ParentId = testRecord2.ID;
attachment.Body = lpfileBody;
insert attachment;
Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c testRecord3 = new Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c();
testRecord3.Name = 'test';
testRecord3.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord3;
Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c testRecord4 = new Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c();
testRecord4.Name = 'test';
testRecord4.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord4 ;
Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c testRecord5 = new Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c();
testRecord5.Name = 'test';
testRecord5.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
Insert testRecord5;
Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c testRecord6 = new Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c();
testRecord6.Name = 'test';
testRecord6.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord6 ;
Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c testRecord7 = new Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c();
testRecord7.Name = 'test';
testRecord7.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord7;
General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c testRecord8 = new General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c();
testRecord8.Name = 'test';
testRecord8.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord8;
Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c testRecord9 = new Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c();
testRecord9.Name = 'test';
testRecord9.Lead__c= testRecord.ID;
insert testRecord9 ;
System.currentPageReference().getParameters().put('id', testRecord.Id);
addProposalCntrl addProposalCntrlTestIns = new addProposalCntrl();
private static void addAttachmentToParent(Id testRecord) {
Thank you!
- Chaim Rosenfeld 8
- November 13, 2019
- Like
- 0
how to match rich text area fields from child object
Hello ,
i have two objects,
both of these objects have Scope of work Rich Text area Fields, i want when ever Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c object's rich text area field get created, it should automatically update the Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c objects Scope of work,
I have already tried work flow rule and process builder, both of these get saved with now errors, but dont update fields,
i have added look up field of Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c on Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c object ,
Please help me in this if any one has already came across this problem
i have two objects,
both of these objects have Scope of work Rich Text area Fields, i want when ever Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c object's rich text area field get created, it should automatically update the Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c objects Scope of work,
I have already tried work flow rule and process builder, both of these get saved with now errors, but dont update fields,
i have added look up field of Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c on Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c object ,
Please help me in this if any one has already came across this problem
- Chaim Rosenfeld 8
- May 06, 2019
- Like
- 0
apex test class giving 88% coverage but not being deployed
hello , my test class for this controller is giving 88% coverage, but it is not being deployed , can any one help me in this
public class addJobCntrl {
Public string leadID{get;set;}
Public Lead leadIns{get;set;}
Public Job__c jobIns{get;set;}
Public Job__c testjobIns{get;set;}
public addJobCntrl (){
leadID = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');
leadIns= [select id, Company, State__c, Street__c , Zip__c , City__c , Type_of_Service_Proposal__c , Name , Sales_Person__c, Insurance_Amount__c , Email, Credit_Application_received__c, Credit_Limit_Amount__c, Phone from Lead where ID =: leadID ];
jobIns = new Job__c(Lead__c = leadID );
Public PageReference creatContract(){
jobIns.Name = leadIns.Company;
jobIns.Street__c = leadIns.Street__c ;
jobIns.State__c = leadIns.State__c ;
jobIns.Zipcode__c = leadIns.Zip__c ;
jobIns.City__c = leadIns.City__c ;
jobIns.Service_Type__c = leadIns.Type_of_Service_Proposal__c ;
jobIns.Billing_Contact__c = leadIns.Name ;
jobIns.Billing_Email__c = leadIns.Email;
jobIns.Billing_Phone_Number__c = leadIns.Phone;
jobIns.Credit_Application_received__c = leadIns.Credit_Application_received__c;
jobIns.Credit_Amount_Limit__c = leadIns.Credit_Limit_Amount__c;
jobIns.Insurance_Amount__c = leadIns.Insurance_Amount__c;
jobIns.Sales_Rep__c = leadIns.Sales_Person__c;
upsert jobIns;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.jobIns.Id );
return p;
this is Test class
public class addJobCntrlTest{
static testMethod void testMethod1() {
Account custIns = new Account();
custIns.Name = 'test';
custIns.QB_Company__c = 'qfs';
custIns.QB_Account__c = 'test';
custIns.Service_Type__c = 'Mid-Construction';
insert custIns;
Job__c jobIns = new Job__c();
jobIns.Name = 'test';
jobIns.Sales_Rep__c = 'Aharon Kaplan';
jobIns.Customer__c = custIns.ID;
jobIns.Billing_Contact__c = 'test';
jobIns.Billing_Email__c= 'test@test.com';
jobIns.Billing_Phone_Number__c= '123';
jobIns.QB_Job_Name__c = 'test';
jobIns.QB_Company__c = 'QFS';
insert jobIns;
Lead testRecord= new Lead();
testRecord.LastName = 'test name ';
testRecord.Company = 'test company';
testRecord.Status = 'new';
testRecord.Credit_Limit_Amount__c = 12344;
insert testRecord;
System.currentPageReference().getParameters().put('id', testRecord.Id);
addJobCntrl addjobCntrlTestIns = new addJobCntrl();
and this is error i keep getting from test run
upsert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Customer__c]:
public class addJobCntrl {
Public string leadID{get;set;}
Public Lead leadIns{get;set;}
Public Job__c jobIns{get;set;}
Public Job__c testjobIns{get;set;}
public addJobCntrl (){
leadID = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');
leadIns= [select id, Company, State__c, Street__c , Zip__c , City__c , Type_of_Service_Proposal__c , Name , Sales_Person__c, Insurance_Amount__c , Email, Credit_Application_received__c, Credit_Limit_Amount__c, Phone from Lead where ID =: leadID ];
jobIns = new Job__c(Lead__c = leadID );
Public PageReference creatContract(){
jobIns.Name = leadIns.Company;
jobIns.Street__c = leadIns.Street__c ;
jobIns.State__c = leadIns.State__c ;
jobIns.Zipcode__c = leadIns.Zip__c ;
jobIns.City__c = leadIns.City__c ;
jobIns.Service_Type__c = leadIns.Type_of_Service_Proposal__c ;
jobIns.Billing_Contact__c = leadIns.Name ;
jobIns.Billing_Email__c = leadIns.Email;
jobIns.Billing_Phone_Number__c = leadIns.Phone;
jobIns.Credit_Application_received__c = leadIns.Credit_Application_received__c;
jobIns.Credit_Amount_Limit__c = leadIns.Credit_Limit_Amount__c;
jobIns.Insurance_Amount__c = leadIns.Insurance_Amount__c;
jobIns.Sales_Rep__c = leadIns.Sales_Person__c;
upsert jobIns;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.jobIns.Id );
return p;
this is Test class
public class addJobCntrlTest{
static testMethod void testMethod1() {
Account custIns = new Account();
custIns.Name = 'test';
custIns.QB_Company__c = 'qfs';
custIns.QB_Account__c = 'test';
custIns.Service_Type__c = 'Mid-Construction';
insert custIns;
Job__c jobIns = new Job__c();
jobIns.Name = 'test';
jobIns.Sales_Rep__c = 'Aharon Kaplan';
jobIns.Customer__c = custIns.ID;
jobIns.Billing_Contact__c = 'test';
jobIns.Billing_Email__c= 'test@test.com';
jobIns.Billing_Phone_Number__c= '123';
jobIns.QB_Job_Name__c = 'test';
jobIns.QB_Company__c = 'QFS';
insert jobIns;
Lead testRecord= new Lead();
testRecord.LastName = 'test name ';
testRecord.Company = 'test company';
testRecord.Status = 'new';
testRecord.Credit_Limit_Amount__c = 12344;
insert testRecord;
System.currentPageReference().getParameters().put('id', testRecord.Id);
addJobCntrl addjobCntrlTestIns = new addJobCntrl();
and this is error i keep getting from test run
upsert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Customer__c]:
- Chaim Rosenfeld 8
- March 20, 2019
- Like
- 0
test class giving System.TypeException: Invalid id value for this SObject type: a091g0000085HO8AAM error
hello , i am not being able to run my test class for this controller ,
public class addLaborProposalCntrl {
Public string leadID{get;set;}
Public string testlpropID{get;set;}
Public Lead lead {get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c lprop {get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c testlprop {get;set;}
public addLaborProposalCntrl () {
testlprop = [SELECT Marketing_Material__c, Holiday_Coverage__c,Management_and_Supervision__c, Over_Time_Hours__c, Pricing__c , Payment_Terms__c,Statement_of_Work__c,Supplies_and_Equipment__c FROM Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c where Name LIKE 'Test%' Limit 1 ];
leadID = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');
lead = new Lead(ID = leadID);
lprop = new Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c(Lead__c = LeadID );
Public PageReference saveRecordlprop(){
upsert lead;
update testlprop ;
lprop.Marketing_Material__c = testlprop.Marketing_Material__c;
lprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testlprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
lprop.Management_and_Supervision__c = testlprop.Management_and_Supervision__c ;
lprop.Over_Time_Hours__c = testlprop.Over_Time_Hours__c ;
lprop.Payment_Terms__c = testlprop.Payment_Terms__c ;
lprop.Pricing__c = testlprop.Pricing__c ;
lprop.Statement_of_Work__c = testlprop.Statement_of_Work__c ;
lprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testlprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
upsert lprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.lprop.Id );
return p;
this is my Test Class
public class addLaborProposalCntrlTest{
static testMethod void testMethod1() {
Lead testRecord= new Lead();
testRecord.LastName = 'test name ';
testRecord.Company = 'test company';
testRecord.Status = 'new';
testRecord.Credit_Limit_Amount__c = 12344;
insert testRecord;
Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c testRecord2 = new Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c();
testRecord2.Lead__C = testRecord.ID;
testRecord2.Marketing_Material__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Holiday_Coverage__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Management_and_Supervision__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Over_Time_Hours__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Payment_Terms__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Pricing__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Statement_of_Work__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Name = 'test';
insert testRecord2;
update testRecord2;
System.currentPageReference().getParameters().put('id', testRecord2.Id);
addLaborProposalCntrl addjobCntrlTestIns = new addLaborProposalCntrl();
it gives this error
System.TypeException: Invalid id value for this SObject type: a091g0000085HO8AAM error
can anyone please help me in this
public class addLaborProposalCntrl {
Public string leadID{get;set;}
Public string testlpropID{get;set;}
Public Lead lead {get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c lprop {get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c testlprop {get;set;}
public addLaborProposalCntrl () {
testlprop = [SELECT Marketing_Material__c, Holiday_Coverage__c,Management_and_Supervision__c, Over_Time_Hours__c, Pricing__c , Payment_Terms__c,Statement_of_Work__c,Supplies_and_Equipment__c FROM Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c where Name LIKE 'Test%' Limit 1 ];
leadID = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');
lead = new Lead(ID = leadID);
lprop = new Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c(Lead__c = LeadID );
Public PageReference saveRecordlprop(){
upsert lead;
update testlprop ;
lprop.Marketing_Material__c = testlprop.Marketing_Material__c;
lprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testlprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
lprop.Management_and_Supervision__c = testlprop.Management_and_Supervision__c ;
lprop.Over_Time_Hours__c = testlprop.Over_Time_Hours__c ;
lprop.Payment_Terms__c = testlprop.Payment_Terms__c ;
lprop.Pricing__c = testlprop.Pricing__c ;
lprop.Statement_of_Work__c = testlprop.Statement_of_Work__c ;
lprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testlprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
upsert lprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.lprop.Id );
return p;
this is my Test Class
public class addLaborProposalCntrlTest{
static testMethod void testMethod1() {
Lead testRecord= new Lead();
testRecord.LastName = 'test name ';
testRecord.Company = 'test company';
testRecord.Status = 'new';
testRecord.Credit_Limit_Amount__c = 12344;
insert testRecord;
Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c testRecord2 = new Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c();
testRecord2.Lead__C = testRecord.ID;
testRecord2.Marketing_Material__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Holiday_Coverage__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Management_and_Supervision__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Over_Time_Hours__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Payment_Terms__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Pricing__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Statement_of_Work__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = 'test';
testRecord2.Name = 'test';
insert testRecord2;
update testRecord2;
System.currentPageReference().getParameters().put('id', testRecord2.Id);
addLaborProposalCntrl addjobCntrlTestIns = new addLaborProposalCntrl();
it gives this error
System.TypeException: Invalid id value for this SObject type: a091g0000085HO8AAM error
can anyone please help me in this
- Chaim Rosenfeld 8
- March 19, 2019
- Like
- 0
test class for controller with multiple methods
Hello guys, can any one please help me creating test class which include multiple methods,
my controller code is as
public class addProposalCntrl {
Public string leadID{get;set;}
Public string testlpropID{get;set;}
Public string testppropID{get;set;}
Public string testspropID{get;set;}
Public string testcommID{get;set;}
Public string testresdID{get;set;}
Public Lead lead {get;set;}
Public string floorPOID{get;set;}
Public string generalpccPOID{get;set;}
Public string windowPOID{get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c lprop {get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c testlprop {get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c lpropIns {get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c sprop {get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c testsprop {get;set;}
Public Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c pprop {get;set;}
Public Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c testpprop {get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c steadyComm{get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c teststeadyComm{get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c steadyResd{get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c teststeadyResd{get;set;}
Public Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c floorPO{get;set;}
Public Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c testfloorPO{get;set;}
Public General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c generalpccPO{get;set;}
Public General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c testgeneralpccPO{get;set;}
Public Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c windowPO{get;set;}
Public Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c testwindowPO{get;set;}
public addProposalCntrl () {
testlpropID= 'a091g000004naaqAAA';
testppropID = 'a0B1g0000033u90EAA';
testspropID = 'a0A1g000000RlDZEA0';
testcommID = 'a0C1g000000saTmEAI';
testresdID = 'a0D1g000002274aEAA';
floorPOID = 'a0b1g000001CBfXAAW';
generalpccPOID = 'a0c1g000000UGEgAAO';
windowPOID = 'a0a1g00000192O3AAI';
testlprop = [SELECT Marketing_Material__c, Holiday_Coverage__c,Management_and_Supervision__c, Over_Time_Hours__c, Pricing__c , Payment_Terms__c,Statement_of_Work__c,Supplies_and_Equipment__c FROM Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c where ID =: testlpropID];
testpprop = [SELECT Contract_Terms__c, Pricing_and_Agreement__c FROM Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c where ID =: testppropID];
testsprop = [SELECT Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c,Holiday_Coverage__c, Payment_Terms__c , Pricing__c, Sick_Pay__c, Supplies_and_Equipment__c , Uniform__c , Marketing_Material__c FROM Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c where ID =: testspropID];
teststeadyComm = [SELECT id, Scope_of_Work__c from Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c where id =: testcommID ];
teststeadyResd = [SELECT id, Scope_of_Work__c from Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c where id =: testresdID ];
testfloorPO = [select id, Project_Overview__c from Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c where id =: floorPOID ];
testgeneralpccPO = [select id, Project_Overview__c from General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c where id =: generalpccPOID ];
testwindowPO = [select id, Project_Overview__c from Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c where id =: windowPOID ];
leadID = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');
lead = new Lead(ID = leadID);
pprop = new Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c(Lead__c = LeadID);
sprop = new Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c(Lead__c = LeadID);
lprop = new Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c (Lead__c = LeadID );
steadyComm = new Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c (Lead__c = leadID);
steadyResd = new Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c (Lead__c = leadID);
floorPO = new Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c (Lead__c = leadID);
generalpccPO = new General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c (Lead__c = leadID);
windowPO = new Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c (Lead__c = leadID);
Public PageReference saveRecordlprop(){
upsert lead;
update testlprop ;
lprop.Marketing_Material__c = testlprop.Marketing_Material__c;
lprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testlprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
lprop.Management_and_Supervision__c = testlprop.Management_and_Supervision__c ;
lprop.Over_Time_Hours__c = testlprop.Over_Time_Hours__c ;
lprop.Payment_Terms__c = testlprop.Payment_Terms__c ;
lprop.Pricing__c = testlprop.Pricing__c ;
lprop.Statement_of_Work__c = testlprop.Statement_of_Work__c ;
lprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testlprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
insert lprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.lprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordspropComm(){
upsert lead;
update testsprop;
sprop.Marketing_Material__c = testsprop.Marketing_Material__c;
sprop.Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c = testsprop.Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c;
sprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testsprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
sprop.Payment_Terms__c = testsprop.Payment_Terms__c;
sprop.Pricing__c = testsprop.Pricing__c;
sprop.Sick_Pay__c = testsprop.Sick_Pay__c;
sprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testsprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
sprop.Uniform__c = testsprop.Uniform__c;
update teststeadyComm ;
steadyComm.Scope_of_Work__c = teststeadyComm.Scope_of_Work__c ;
upsert steadyComm;
upsert sprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.sprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordspropResd(){
upsert lead;
update testsprop;
sprop.Marketing_Material__c= testsprop.Marketing_Material__c;
sprop.Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c = testsprop.Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c;
sprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testsprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
sprop.Payment_Terms__c = testsprop.Payment_Terms__c;
sprop.Pricing__c = testsprop.Pricing__c;
sprop.Sick_Pay__c = testsprop.Sick_Pay__c;
sprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testsprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
sprop.Uniform__c = testsprop.Uniform__c;
update teststeadyResd;
steadyResd.Scope_of_Work__c = teststeadyResd.Scope_of_Work__c ;
upsert steadyResd;
upsert sprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.sprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordpprop1(){
lead.PCC_Proposal_Added__c = true;
upsert lead;
update testpprop;
update testfloorPO ;
pprop.Contract_Terms__c = testpprop.Contract_Terms__c;
pprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c = testpprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c;
floorPO.Project_Overview__c = testfloorPO.Project_Overview__c;
upsert floorPO;
upsert pprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.pprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordpprop2(){
lead.PCC_Proposal_Added__c = true;
upsert lead;
update testpprop;
update testgeneralpccPO;
pprop.Contract_Terms__c = testpprop.Contract_Terms__c;
pprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c = testpprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c;
generalpccPO.Project_Overview__c = testgeneralpccPO.Project_Overview__c ;
upsert generalpccPO;
upsert pprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.pprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordpprop3(){
lead.PCC_Proposal_Added__c = true;
upsert lead;
update testpprop;
update testwindowPO;
pprop.Contract_Terms__c = testpprop.Contract_Terms__c;
pprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c = testpprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c;
windowPO.Project_Overview__c = testwindowPO.Project_Overview__c ;
upsert windowPO;
upsert pprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.pprop.Id );
return p;
my controller code is as
public class addProposalCntrl {
Public string leadID{get;set;}
Public string testlpropID{get;set;}
Public string testppropID{get;set;}
Public string testspropID{get;set;}
Public string testcommID{get;set;}
Public string testresdID{get;set;}
Public Lead lead {get;set;}
Public string floorPOID{get;set;}
Public string generalpccPOID{get;set;}
Public string windowPOID{get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c lprop {get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c testlprop {get;set;}
Public Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c lpropIns {get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c sprop {get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c testsprop {get;set;}
Public Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c pprop {get;set;}
Public Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c testpprop {get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c steadyComm{get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c teststeadyComm{get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c steadyResd{get;set;}
Public Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c teststeadyResd{get;set;}
Public Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c floorPO{get;set;}
Public Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c testfloorPO{get;set;}
Public General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c generalpccPO{get;set;}
Public General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c testgeneralpccPO{get;set;}
Public Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c windowPO{get;set;}
Public Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c testwindowPO{get;set;}
public addProposalCntrl () {
testlpropID= 'a091g000004naaqAAA';
testppropID = 'a0B1g0000033u90EAA';
testspropID = 'a0A1g000000RlDZEA0';
testcommID = 'a0C1g000000saTmEAI';
testresdID = 'a0D1g000002274aEAA';
floorPOID = 'a0b1g000001CBfXAAW';
generalpccPOID = 'a0c1g000000UGEgAAO';
windowPOID = 'a0a1g00000192O3AAI';
testlprop = [SELECT Marketing_Material__c, Holiday_Coverage__c,Management_and_Supervision__c, Over_Time_Hours__c, Pricing__c , Payment_Terms__c,Statement_of_Work__c,Supplies_and_Equipment__c FROM Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c where ID =: testlpropID];
testpprop = [SELECT Contract_Terms__c, Pricing_and_Agreement__c FROM Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c where ID =: testppropID];
testsprop = [SELECT Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c,Holiday_Coverage__c, Payment_Terms__c , Pricing__c, Sick_Pay__c, Supplies_and_Equipment__c , Uniform__c , Marketing_Material__c FROM Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c where ID =: testspropID];
teststeadyComm = [SELECT id, Scope_of_Work__c from Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c where id =: testcommID ];
teststeadyResd = [SELECT id, Scope_of_Work__c from Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c where id =: testresdID ];
testfloorPO = [select id, Project_Overview__c from Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c where id =: floorPOID ];
testgeneralpccPO = [select id, Project_Overview__c from General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c where id =: generalpccPOID ];
testwindowPO = [select id, Project_Overview__c from Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c where id =: windowPOID ];
leadID = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');
lead = new Lead(ID = leadID);
pprop = new Post_Construction_Cleanup_Proposal__c(Lead__c = LeadID);
sprop = new Steady_Maintenance_Proposal__c(Lead__c = LeadID);
lprop = new Laborer_Mid_Construction_Proposal__c (Lead__c = LeadID );
steadyComm = new Steady_Maintenance_Commercial__c (Lead__c = leadID);
steadyResd = new Steady_Maintenance_Residential__c (Lead__c = leadID);
floorPO = new Floor_Cleaning_Project_Over_View__c (Lead__c = leadID);
generalpccPO = new General_PCC_Project_Over_View__c (Lead__c = leadID);
windowPO = new Window_Cleaning_Project_Overview__c (Lead__c = leadID);
Public PageReference saveRecordlprop(){
upsert lead;
update testlprop ;
lprop.Marketing_Material__c = testlprop.Marketing_Material__c;
lprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testlprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
lprop.Management_and_Supervision__c = testlprop.Management_and_Supervision__c ;
lprop.Over_Time_Hours__c = testlprop.Over_Time_Hours__c ;
lprop.Payment_Terms__c = testlprop.Payment_Terms__c ;
lprop.Pricing__c = testlprop.Pricing__c ;
lprop.Statement_of_Work__c = testlprop.Statement_of_Work__c ;
lprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testlprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
insert lprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.lprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordspropComm(){
upsert lead;
update testsprop;
sprop.Marketing_Material__c = testsprop.Marketing_Material__c;
sprop.Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c = testsprop.Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c;
sprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testsprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
sprop.Payment_Terms__c = testsprop.Payment_Terms__c;
sprop.Pricing__c = testsprop.Pricing__c;
sprop.Sick_Pay__c = testsprop.Sick_Pay__c;
sprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testsprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
sprop.Uniform__c = testsprop.Uniform__c;
update teststeadyComm ;
steadyComm.Scope_of_Work__c = teststeadyComm.Scope_of_Work__c ;
upsert steadyComm;
upsert sprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.sprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordspropResd(){
upsert lead;
update testsprop;
sprop.Marketing_Material__c= testsprop.Marketing_Material__c;
sprop.Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c = testsprop.Extraordinary_Maintenance_Requirements__c;
sprop.Holiday_Coverage__c = testsprop.Holiday_Coverage__c;
sprop.Payment_Terms__c = testsprop.Payment_Terms__c;
sprop.Pricing__c = testsprop.Pricing__c;
sprop.Sick_Pay__c = testsprop.Sick_Pay__c;
sprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c = testsprop.Supplies_and_Equipment__c ;
sprop.Uniform__c = testsprop.Uniform__c;
update teststeadyResd;
steadyResd.Scope_of_Work__c = teststeadyResd.Scope_of_Work__c ;
upsert steadyResd;
upsert sprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.sprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordpprop1(){
lead.PCC_Proposal_Added__c = true;
upsert lead;
update testpprop;
update testfloorPO ;
pprop.Contract_Terms__c = testpprop.Contract_Terms__c;
pprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c = testpprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c;
floorPO.Project_Overview__c = testfloorPO.Project_Overview__c;
upsert floorPO;
upsert pprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.pprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordpprop2(){
lead.PCC_Proposal_Added__c = true;
upsert lead;
update testpprop;
update testgeneralpccPO;
pprop.Contract_Terms__c = testpprop.Contract_Terms__c;
pprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c = testpprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c;
generalpccPO.Project_Overview__c = testgeneralpccPO.Project_Overview__c ;
upsert generalpccPO;
upsert pprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.pprop.Id );
return p;
Public PageReference saveRecordpprop3(){
lead.PCC_Proposal_Added__c = true;
upsert lead;
update testpprop;
update testwindowPO;
pprop.Contract_Terms__c = testpprop.Contract_Terms__c;
pprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c = testpprop.Pricing_and_Agreement__c;
windowPO.Project_Overview__c = testwindowPO.Project_Overview__c ;
upsert windowPO;
upsert pprop;
PageReference p = new PageReference('/' + this.pprop.Id );
return p;
- Chaim Rosenfeld 8
- March 14, 2019
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