• Mamatha Srinivas
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i am trying to disable all primary checkbox if any one primary contact is enabled, but i am not able to do that

public class AdjustingSalesPrice {

    public static void UpdateSalesPrice(List<Opportunity> newList) {
            Set<Id> oppId = new Set <Id> ();
            for(Opportunity op : newList){
                system.debug('Opportunity id:' +oppId);
            Double Num;
             Double Num3;
             Double Num2;
             Double quantity = 0;
            List<Opportunity> OppList = [SELECT Id, Name, Target_R4WR__c,List_Recurring_4_Week_Rev__c, Upselling__c,Target_Recurring_Discount__c,
                                         (SELECT Id, Torq_One_Time__c, UnitPrice,ListPrice FROM OpportunityLineItems where Torq_One_Time__c = false )
                                         FROM Opportunity WHERE Id=:oppId limit 1];
              List<OpportunityLineItem> OliList =  [SELECT id, OpportunityId, UnitPrice, Torq_One_Time__c,Quantity
                                                FROM OpportunityLineItem
                                                WHERE OpportunityId IN :oppId
                                                AND Torq_One_Time__c = False AND UnitPrice > 0];
             system.debug('ListSizeof Oppline' +OliList.size());
             for(OpportunityLineItem Oli:OliList){
               Quantity = quantity+Oli.Quantity;
                 Num3 = Quantity;
            system.debug('ListSize of Num3' +Num3);
            List<OpportunityLineItem> updateOppOli = new List <OpportunityLineItem>();
            List<Opportunity> updateOpp = new List <Opportunity>();
            for(Opportunity opp: OppList){
                for(OpportunityLineItem Oli: opp.OpportunityLineItems){
                    System.debug('OpportunityLineItems:' +oli);
                    if(Opp.Upselling__c == True){
                    if(Oli.Torq_One_Time__c == false &&  opp.Target_R4WR__c > opp.List_Recurring_4_Week_Rev__c && Oli.UnitPrice > 0 && Oli.UnitPrice == Oli.ListPrice){
                     Num = opp.Target_R4WR__c - opp.List_Recurring_4_Week_Rev__c; 
                        system.debug('Minus value'+Num);
                     Num2 = Num/Num3;
                        system.debug('divided value'+Num2);
                        Oli.UnitPrice = Num2 + Oli.UnitPrice;
                      System.debug('UpdateSalesPrice Number of Queries used in this apex code so far: ' + Limits.getQueries()); 
                    if(opp.Upselling__c == false){ 
                        if(Oli.Torq_One_Time__c == false &&  opp.Target_R4WR__c == Null && opp.Target_Recurring_Discount__c == Null && Oli.UnitPrice > 0 ){
                        Oli.UnitPrice = Oli.ListPrice;
                        system.debug('Unit Price'+oli.UnitPrice);
               Map<Id, OpportunityLineItem> Olimap = new Map<Id, OpportunityLineItem>();
            if(Olimap.size() > 0){
                update Olimap.values();
                system.debug(Olimap.size()+' Opportunity Line Items Updated sucessfully: '+Olimap.values());
        catch(Exception e){
            System.debug('Exception Occured::'+e.getMessage());
Hello there,

I am working on a visual force page that it is used as a Web to Lead form. I would like to add a new comment box. I added the code below but it somehow adds a predifine text when I try to submit the form. Also , I need a big comment box ( I need to add up to 500 characters) but the one that shows it is very small.

<div class="form-group">
                            <label for="description"> Tell us what interest you and how we can help *</label>
                            <input type="text" id="description" ng-model="data.description" name="description" ng-required="true" class="form-control" ng-disabled="waiting" ng-pattern="textPattern2" maxlength="500"/>
                            <span ng-class="{active:form.description.$invalid&&(form.description.$touched || showErrors)}"
                                  class="ui-state-error message">Tell us what interest you and how we can help.</span>
Thank you in advance.

public class AdjustingSalesPrice {

    public static void UpdateSalesPrice(List<Opportunity> newList) {
            Set<Id> oppId = new Set <Id> ();
            for(Opportunity op : newList){
                system.debug('Opportunity id:' +oppId);
            Double Num;
             Double Num3;
             Double Num2;
             Double quantity = 0;
            List<Opportunity> OppList = [SELECT Id, Name, Target_R4WR__c,List_Recurring_4_Week_Rev__c, Upselling__c,Target_Recurring_Discount__c,
                                         (SELECT Id, Torq_One_Time__c, UnitPrice,ListPrice FROM OpportunityLineItems where Torq_One_Time__c = false )
                                         FROM Opportunity WHERE Id=:oppId limit 1];
              List<OpportunityLineItem> OliList =  [SELECT id, OpportunityId, UnitPrice, Torq_One_Time__c,Quantity
                                                FROM OpportunityLineItem
                                                WHERE OpportunityId IN :oppId
                                                AND Torq_One_Time__c = False AND UnitPrice > 0];
             system.debug('ListSizeof Oppline' +OliList.size());
             for(OpportunityLineItem Oli:OliList){
               Quantity = quantity+Oli.Quantity;
                 Num3 = Quantity;
            system.debug('ListSize of Num3' +Num3);
            List<OpportunityLineItem> updateOppOli = new List <OpportunityLineItem>();
            List<Opportunity> updateOpp = new List <Opportunity>();
            for(Opportunity opp: OppList){
                for(OpportunityLineItem Oli: opp.OpportunityLineItems){
                    System.debug('OpportunityLineItems:' +oli);
                    if(Opp.Upselling__c == True){
                    if(Oli.Torq_One_Time__c == false &&  opp.Target_R4WR__c > opp.List_Recurring_4_Week_Rev__c && Oli.UnitPrice > 0 && Oli.UnitPrice == Oli.ListPrice){
                     Num = opp.Target_R4WR__c - opp.List_Recurring_4_Week_Rev__c; 
                        system.debug('Minus value'+Num);
                     Num2 = Num/Num3;
                        system.debug('divided value'+Num2);
                        Oli.UnitPrice = Num2 + Oli.UnitPrice;
                      System.debug('UpdateSalesPrice Number of Queries used in this apex code so far: ' + Limits.getQueries()); 
                    if(opp.Upselling__c == false){ 
                        if(Oli.Torq_One_Time__c == false &&  opp.Target_R4WR__c == Null && opp.Target_Recurring_Discount__c == Null && Oli.UnitPrice > 0 ){
                        Oli.UnitPrice = Oli.ListPrice;
                        system.debug('Unit Price'+oli.UnitPrice);
               Map<Id, OpportunityLineItem> Olimap = new Map<Id, OpportunityLineItem>();
            if(Olimap.size() > 0){
                update Olimap.values();
                system.debug(Olimap.size()+' Opportunity Line Items Updated sucessfully: '+Olimap.values());
        catch(Exception e){
            System.debug('Exception Occured::'+e.getMessage());