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I am receiving the error:
Unexpected file found in package directory:
When I try to deploy a class that I have just created.  The file is saved in the /force-app/main/default/classes/Case_Trigger_Alert_Count.

I have also noticed that in the 'Problems' tab, I have the message:
The sourcepath ".../force-app/main/default/classes/Case_Trigger_Alert_Count" is not a valid source file path.  SourcePathInvalid [1,1]

The filename of the file I have just created and attempting to deploy is 'Case_Trigger_Alert_Count"
What am I missing to be able to deploy to my Sandbox?

Hi all,

We need to implement the following pattern at my org:
  • callout to external data source
  • if that callout takes too long (according to some configurable threshold), log an error (ie do some DML)
  • if that callout timed out on the remote server, try it again
Recognizing the potential for the dreaded "You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out." error, I put the error logging code in a future method, thus isolating the DML from the callouts. However, the error is still being thrown. I reduced the issue down to this pattern:
public static void foo() {
    Http http = new Http();
    HttpRequest req = new Httprequest();
    req.setEndpoint('https://test.salesforce.com'); //whatever endpoint
    http.send(req); //works fine
    http.send(req); //throws calloutexception

@future public static void bar() {

Am I correct to assume that calling a future method counts as a DML operation? Is there any documentation I'm missing somewhere?