• Christoffer Oliveira
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Hello. Im trying to pass a list of SObject an apex action in Einstein Bot. But it doesnt work. It gives an error, saying that the class is missing the required input, which, of course, its not true.
This is the error message:
"Error when invoking /support/conversations/0X90E0000004CsX/invocations/0SC0E0000004NZEWA2: [{"actionName":"APIT88_KnowledgePrint","errors":[{"statusCode":"REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING","message":"Missing required input parameter: inputKnowledge","fields":[]}],"isSuccess":false,"outputValues":null}]"

Action in Einstein Bot

User-added image


Code in Apex

public with sharing class RecebendoAgencias {
    public class AgenciaBot {
        @InvocableVariable(required = true)
        public List<Agencia__c> agencia;
    @InvocableMethod(label = 'imprime agencias')
    public static void imprimeAgencias(List<AgenciaBot> agencias){


It's a basic code where I don't do much, but the error already happens. Can anybody help me?
I am trying to setup Messaging for Web (not in-app at this stage). I am following the setup here (https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.miaw_setup_stages.htm&type=5) but cannot test the functionality for whatever reason. I have created a VF page with the code snippet from the embedded service deployment but the page is blank or the chat button that is displayed is unresponsive. 
Agent is available in omni to accept Messages
Has anyone had any lucky with getting this working?
I have a class that sends a case to some user who is online on OmniChannel. To test this class I need to create a user and make him online in OmniChannel and then send the case and check if it arrived for this user.  How to perform this test if the SObject UserServicePresence does not allow writing in the isCurrentState field? 
I am trying to setup Messaging for Web (not in-app at this stage). I am following the setup here (https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.miaw_setup_stages.htm&type=5) but cannot test the functionality for whatever reason. I have created a VF page with the code snippet from the embedded service deployment but the page is blank or the chat button that is displayed is unresponsive. 
Agent is available in omni to accept Messages
Has anyone had any lucky with getting this working?