• Parth Patel 184
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Hi There,

We have an integration that listens to anything changed on a user record and push the change to the down steam systems.
Now, the sytem that listens to it cant anchor on a specific field for e.g. LastModifiedDate and hence if the LastReferencedDate and LastViewedDate is updated it also counts that as an update and push a bulk load of data without need.

Has anyone come across this ?

How can we avoid it?

Please advise.



Using Async SOQL as per below:

  "query": "SELECT EventDate,EventIdentifier,Operation,QueriedEntities,RecordId,SourceIp,Username,UserType FROM LightningUriEvent WHERE QueriedEntities LIKE '%contact%'",
  "targetObject": "UsersAccessingHPC__c",
  "targetFieldMap": {
    "EventDate": "EventDate__c",
    "Operation": "Operation__c",
    "EventIdentifier": "EventIdentifier__c",
    "QueriedEntities": "QueriedEntities__c",
    "RecordId": "Contact__c",
    "SourceIp": "IPAddress__c",
    "Username": "User__c",
    "UserType": "UserType__c"

As highlighted above Contact__s is a lookup key field, that i want to populate from RecordId from LightningUriEvent object. The main reason is I want to report on this for users. This fails with an error:
async soql does not know what to do with this field. it's an id field that is not the pk and has no fk domains

If I use normal field to map RecordId it works fine as I need to update a lookup key for reporting, it fails.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi There,
We have a requirement to delete all data in a custom object daily and load it from external data source.

We have a APEX class as per below:

global with sharing class DeleteRecords 
    global static void doDelete()
       List<MTDYTD_Trend_Data__c> customObj = [select Id FROM CustomObject LIMIT 10000];
         delete customObj;

As we are calling this class from external source and the records are above 10 K it fails. How can we tweak the above to run it in a loop till the entire records in the object is cleared out?

Please advise.

Thank you.

Hi There,
How can we delete data from entire custom object and revert deletion via an API externally?
We have a requirement to delete data and insert new data and in case on any errors revert the deletion as well.
What options we have to do it in Salesforce via API/APEX?
Thank you

Hi There,
I am trying to use /services/data/v23.0/sobjects/Document/ from the link below:


I can create the file just the name. How to upload a actual file/photo.

The the above link "Binary data goes here." what/how we can upload a photo and how can we generate a binary here and upload a photo in documents area?

Please advise.

Hello There,
I am looking for some inputs based on writing custom code in Salesforce to look for error/exception and send the details to an external end point to consume.

The external end point will consume the data and record in the db table that will be further users for alerting.

Can everything be done by the code or we would need connected app here?

Any inputs/recommendataions/examples to follow?


Hello there,
I was able to successfully use an constant value in the Azure AD mappings to 

User-added image
The above works fine during the sync, but what I need to do is If the profile is x role is y else z kind of expression. 
So, in the below I have used expression to do that.
IIF(SingleAppRoleAssignment([appRoleAssignments])="International", "Admin", "International")
User-added image
Which never works. What field from Azure AD user object should we use to assign this using an expression?

I guess the user object field appRoleAssignments i am using is not right. What should I be using?

Has any one worked on this before?

Using Async SOQL as per below:

  "query": "SELECT EventDate,EventIdentifier,Operation,QueriedEntities,RecordId,SourceIp,Username,UserType FROM LightningUriEvent WHERE QueriedEntities LIKE '%contact%'",
  "targetObject": "UsersAccessingHPC__c",
  "targetFieldMap": {
    "EventDate": "EventDate__c",
    "Operation": "Operation__c",
    "EventIdentifier": "EventIdentifier__c",
    "QueriedEntities": "QueriedEntities__c",
    "RecordId": "Contact__c",
    "SourceIp": "IPAddress__c",
    "Username": "User__c",
    "UserType": "UserType__c"

As highlighted above Contact__s is a lookup key field, that i want to populate from RecordId from LightningUriEvent object. The main reason is I want to report on this for users. This fails with an error:
async soql does not know what to do with this field. it's an id field that is not the pk and has no fk domains

If I use normal field to map RecordId it works fine as I need to update a lookup key for reporting, it fails.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi There,
We have a requirement to delete all data in a custom object daily and load it from external data source.

We have a APEX class as per below:

global with sharing class DeleteRecords 
    global static void doDelete()
       List<MTDYTD_Trend_Data__c> customObj = [select Id FROM CustomObject LIMIT 10000];
         delete customObj;

As we are calling this class from external source and the records are above 10 K it fails. How can we tweak the above to run it in a loop till the entire records in the object is cleared out?

Please advise.

Thank you.

SalesForce support suggested that I post this question here.

We have configured Azure Active Directory to provision users in SalesForce.  It is working great except that permission sets seem to be erroring out.  

We are looking to understand the syntax SalesForce is expecting when pushing in a Multi-Value list of Permission Set objects into the user record for the automated user provisioning.