• Mohammed El-khatib
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I have two formula fields. 
The first one is "start date" which is always TODAY()

The second one is "End Date" which is TODAY()+3


When I open the record on salesforce, the "start date" field shows as blank but the "end date" is working perfectly fine and is showing as the current date plus 3 days. 


When I tested the API to pull info from salesforce, the start date is None but the end date is working just fine. 


I solved the issue for the "start date" field by changing the formula from TODAY() to TODAY() + 0


I'm not sure what's going on and why this is happening. Does anyone know ? 

Hi guys, 


I have a formula field called 'remaining balance' and the formula is:

""Final_Price__c -  Already_Paid__c""


I have another formula checkbox field called 'ispaid' and the formula is:


IF( remaining_balance__c = 0.00, true, false)


when the remaining balance field is $0.00, the 'ispaid' field becomes True and is checked but that's not always the case. 


In some cases, the ispaid field doesn't get checked even if the remaining balance field is $0.00


I tried the following formulas: 

IF( remaining_balance__c = 0.00, true, false)

IF( remaining_balance__c == 0.00, true, false)

IF( remaining_balance__c = 0, true, false)
IF( remaining_balance__c == 0, true, false)


I'm not sure what the problem is. Some records have a remaining balance of $0.00 and the 'ispaid' field won't get checked. 


Please help

I have a process that runs a flow. 

I have a picklist field called 'Channel' and I would like to run this flow if the channel picklist field is changed. however, it just doesn't work. 

I tried a currency field, a number field, a text field with isChanged() just to debug and they worked perfectly but the picklist field just doesn't work. 

Is there any to make it work ???

I have a screen flow that makes a call to a sub-flow. I wanna display the output of the sub-flow on a screen but it's not working. 

The output is currency and it should be displayed but instead, I get the following error in debug:

Error element Cost_Breakdown (FlowScreen).
Value of class java.math.BigDecimal is not a ValueType: CURRENCY

I have no problems displaying currency variables on screen but if it's an output from a sub-flow then it doesn't work. 

Please help !

I have a scheduled flow, the flow should send an action "email alert" and an SMS using Twilio Apex. 

Anyway, when I debug the scheduled flow, emails don't send and twilio apex SMS doesn't send either. 

When I try the same thing on an auto-launched flow, it works perfectly fine. 

I heard it has something to do with the fact scheduled flows "even when debugging" are run by an auto process user. 

I attached a screenshot from my debug log and "process automation settings". 

User-added imageUser-added image

I have a scheduled flow, the flow should send an action "email alert" and an SMS using Twilio Apex. 

Anyway, when I debug the scheduled flow, emails don't send and twilio apex SMS doesn't send either. 

When I try the same thing on an auto-launched flow, it works perfectly fine. 

I heard it has something to do with the fact scheduled flows "even when debugging" are run by an auto process user. 

I attached a screenshot from my debug log and "process automation settings". 

Process Automation Settings
Debug Log
I have a scheduled flow that runs daily. How can I find the logs for when it ran in the past? 

I have a scheduled flow, the flow should send an action "email alert" and an SMS using Twilio Apex. 

Anyway, when I debug the scheduled flow, emails don't send and twilio apex SMS doesn't send either. 

When I try the same thing on an auto-launched flow, it works perfectly fine. 

I heard it has something to do with the fact scheduled flows "even when debugging" are run by an auto process user. 

I attached a screenshot from my debug log and "process automation settings". 

Process Automation Settings
Debug Log
I have a scheduled flow that runs daily. How can I find the logs for when it ran in the past?