• chandra prakash 58
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I have two custom objecrt 1. stock_register__c 2. stock_regirser_line__c
i have master detail relation field quantity__c with stock_register__c(parent object) and  stock_regirser_line__c (chield)

I need to write a before insert and before update trigger to restrict the  sum of quantiy__in stock_regirser_line__c can not be more that  allocated_quanity__c in the parent object(stock_register__c)

Please help!!
thanks in advance!!
I have three custom object target__c and targetLine__c, employee__c.
In target __c i have a field name employee__c(lookup) with employee__c object.
in Employee__c have a self lookup field name manager__c.
Criteria:  when record creates in target__c object.
Action: automatically crate the record in targetline__c based upon the employee. (e.g. if in an employee is the manager of three other employees then. then create three orderLine__ record.)
I have an  cutom object(target__c) in this object we have three field Month__c(picklist), remainigquantity__c(num), baklogquantity__c(num) .
If in January month target has some remaining quantity. thin when I will go to create the February month target. the remaining quantity of January month will come in backlog quantity in February month.

need to write a trigger. please help ASAP
Want to create a batch class on the custom object (enquiry__c) having lookup with the account. When enqiry__c  lookup field(City__c and State__c) get  matched with same field in Account object  then Account name  will get reflected in dealer(lookup field with account object) in  enquiry__c object. Please help to code this.
I have two custom object with same and equal fields,
1. sales quote
2. order header
I want a custom button "create order" in sales quote object.
and on sales quote object have a picklist field name quote status.
My requirement is,
when quote status =approved
then when clicking on "Create order" button, then create a record in order header object with same as sales quote field value.
Most welcome for suggestion and solution
please help...ASAP
Thaanks in Adv.
object[quote line__c] have a lookup field [product master__c] with product object and two custom currency field  one  is base_price__c and other selling_price__c.
I want a trigger, 
when removing the product from the lookup field then automatically assign the null value in the other two mentioned field.

please help.
I am writing a trigger to update two currency field as null when a lookup field is Null but I getting the error when try to update record"
Get_ProductPrice_On_Sq_lines: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.StringException: Invalid id: Trigger.Get_ProductPrice_On_Sq_lines: line 65, column 1"User-added imagei am new in this plse help..ASAP

I have two custom objecrt 1. stock_register__c 2. stock_regirser_line__c
i have master detail relation field quantity__c with stock_register__c(parent object) and  stock_regirser_line__c (chield)

I need to write a before insert and before update trigger to restrict the  sum of quantiy__in stock_regirser_line__c can not be more that  allocated_quanity__c in the parent object(stock_register__c)

Please help!!
thanks in advance!!
Want to create a batch class on the custom object (enquiry__c) having lookup with the account. When enqiry__c  lookup field(City__c and State__c) get  matched with same field in Account object  then Account name  will get reflected in dealer(lookup field with account object) in  enquiry__c object. Please help to code this.
I have two custom object with same and equal fields,
1. sales quote
2. order header
I want a custom button "create order" in sales quote object.
and on sales quote object have a picklist field name quote status.
My requirement is,
when quote status =approved
then when clicking on "Create order" button, then create a record in order header object with same as sales quote field value.
Most welcome for suggestion and solution
please help...ASAP
Thaanks in Adv.
object[quote line__c] have a lookup field [product master__c] with product object and two custom currency field  one  is base_price__c and other selling_price__c.
I want a trigger, 
when removing the product from the lookup field then automatically assign the null value in the other two mentioned field.

please help.
I am writing a trigger to update two currency field as null when a lookup field is Null but I getting the error when try to update record"
Get_ProductPrice_On_Sq_lines: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.StringException: Invalid id: Trigger.Get_ProductPrice_On_Sq_lines: line 65, column 1"User-added imagei am new in this plse help..ASAP

Want to create a batch class on contact object having lookup with account. When contact mobile number get updated then latest mobile umber will get reflected in account object. Please help to code this.