• Maciej Król 28
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I develop application, part of which is implementing of OWD settings edition. First phase is to do it as it is on standard Sharing settings setup. As there are multiple options for standard object - is it achievable to get all possible settings for each standard object?
hello, i have created project for lWC ,from visualstudiocode i am trying to conect with org that org is by default opening in opera but i dont want that,i want to open in google chrome because through opera am not able to inspect and reload the data so am?
I keep on getting Unknown Property Error. Any tips on how can I solve it?

public class ActiveOpportunityLineItems {
    public List<OpportunityLineItem> lineItems {get; set;}
    public List<OpportunityLineItem> findActiveItems() {
       lineItems = [SELECT Name From OpportunityLineItem WHERE Active__c = TRUE];
       return lineItems;   

<apex:component controller="ActiveOpportunityLineItems" access="global">
	<apex:pageBlock title="Opportunity Line items">
       <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!findActiveItems.Opportunity}" var="opportunity">
         <apex:column value="{!opportunity.Name}"/>
Unknown property 'ActiveOpportunityLineItems.findActiveItems'



I am trying to achieve bidirectional  communication between 2 independent components, one an aura component and the other one a LWC. I am able to achieve one way communication(ie from LWC TO aura / aura TO LWC ) using Lightning messaging service, however how to achieve bi-directional?



Is it possible to create a custom object using Apex Metadata API? I wasn't able to find any code example about this quite recent API.

Note that I am creating it right now by making a callout to the Metadata API, but am wondering if there is a better way.

I develop application, part of which is implementing of OWD settings edition. First phase is to do it as it is on standard Sharing settings setup. As there are multiple options for standard object - is it achievable to get all possible settings for each standard object?