• prakher jain 10
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IM using this query List<ApexClass> classes = [select ApiVersion, Body, BodyCrc, CreatedById, CreatedDate, Id, IsValid, LastModifiedById, LastModifiedDate, LengthWithoutComments, Name, NamespacePrefix, Status, SystemModstamp from ApexClass LIMIT 10000];
to get all apex class in my org. I want to write test class for this but dont know how to cover this query can anyone help 
I am using SOQL query to retrive all the class methods,
SOQL query ========= "select id,name,Body from apexclass''

Can someone help me to retrive all the class methods and variables using SOQL
Hi there  - Is it possible to view an entire list of all APEX classes for a given org without having to keep clicking on the 'next page' or 'show more' link. I notice that it maxs out at 1000 records when clicking either of these links, which presents an issue if the org has more than 1000 APEX class records and one is trying to document an entire listing of what is there.

Thanks - Jeff

Hi , 


 I have a requirement wherein i need to retrieve a list of all the apex classes that are available in my org in a custom visual force page. So wht shall i do to achive this. Wht will be controller of that particular  visualforce page. How can i get list of all apex classes in my organisation. 


Any sort of  help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Hi I have created a flow using following code


MetadataService.MetadataPort service = createService();
MetadataService.Flow flow = new MetadataService.Flow();
flow.fullName = 'My_Flow-1';
flow.label = 'My Flow';
flow.description= 'This is a test floe';
MetadataService.FlowStep step = new MetadataService.FlowStep();
//step.metaType = 'FlowStep';
step.locationY = 10;
step.description = 'Step description';
step.name='test step';

//MetadataService.AsyncResult[] results2 = service.create(new MetadataService.FlowStep[] { step });

flow.steps = new MetadataService.FlowStep[]{step};

//MetadataService.AsyncResult[] results = service.create(new List<MetadataService.Metadata> { flow });
MetadataService.AsyncResult[] results = service.create(new MetadataService.Flow[] { flow });


I get an id like 04sd0000002iQXvAAM in AsyncResult. But I am unable to see the flow in Salesforce.


2ndly, Can you also tell me how do i get the id with which I can access the flow using url like https://na14.salesforce.com/04sd0000002iQXvAAM




  • February 20, 2013
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