• Albert Charan
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Hi all ,

new to salesforce development . I need a basic design for school-student management  . We will have 3 different object as 

1. Student --> containing basic info about student like DOB ,name ,standard,StudnetID  etc....StudentID will be unique . 

2. Marksheet --> This object has field like studentID ,name , marks in every subject ,and many more . we need to send report card to parent . mail will be used from Student object .

3. attendance sheet --> montly attendance sheet which need to be send to parent with remarks . Also StudendID and Student name will be here . 

Now student ID is here unique and we need to send marksheet and attendance sheet everymonth . we will upload csv file for marks and attendance at the end of every month . according to that data we want to send a mail to parent .

my question is how I can relate this student object to rest of two object based on studentID and how I can store data for every month (like if someone wants to check  attendance for the current year ,we should be able show them ). 
