• M Umer
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For skiiled based routing what are the options we have for the migration of the related artifects. This is my thinking:
  • We can deploy profile & permissions changes via change sets
  • Move skills & routing rules via Data Loader as its a setup data and cannot be moved with Change Sets
  • After deployment use Mass Transfer to update the cases to assign to the right skilled agents
Please correct/advise.
I am connected to a Test sandbox org and using vscode, I am trying to fetch the Case Page Layouts metadata but unable to fetch. I tried with wildcard as well as with specific Layout name but nothing has worked so far. This is how my package.xml looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
    	<members>Case-Case Layout</members>

Any idea how to fetch the page layouts for the case?

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only these layouts are coming over but not sure what are these as can't see them in the application.
  • March 04, 2021
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I am changing a Checkbox field to a Picklist field. This field is being used in a Report Type. When I select this field in the Report Type it is showing that the Default State: Unchecked. After chaning the field type to Picklist the Report Type is still showing the same information. I removed the field from the Report Type and placed it again but the same outcome is there. Please can you advise how to fix this?

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  • February 21, 2021
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I have created a aura lightning component and calling it on a quick action of on Contact detail page. There is no UI/Html elements in the component which means only purpose of the component is execute an Apex class. 
Currently all is working fine except a popup is shown when I click the quick action. Please I want this popup gone and quick action should behave seemlessly like other standard buttons.

This is the popup thats coming up:

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  • January 28, 2021
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For skiiled based routing what are the options we have for the migration of the related artifects. This is my thinking:
  • We can deploy profile & permissions changes via change sets
  • Move skills & routing rules via Data Loader as its a setup data and cannot be moved with Change Sets
  • After deployment use Mass Transfer to update the cases to assign to the right skilled agents
Please correct/advise.
I am connected to a Test sandbox org and using vscode, I am trying to fetch the Case Page Layouts metadata but unable to fetch. I tried with wildcard as well as with specific Layout name but nothing has worked so far. This is how my package.xml looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
    	<members>Case-Case Layout</members>

Any idea how to fetch the page layouts for the case?

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only these layouts are coming over but not sure what are these as can't see them in the application.
  • March 04, 2021
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I am changing a Checkbox field to a Picklist field. This field is being used in a Report Type. When I select this field in the Report Type it is showing that the Default State: Unchecked. After chaning the field type to Picklist the Report Type is still showing the same information. I removed the field from the Report Type and placed it again but the same outcome is there. Please can you advise how to fix this?

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  • February 21, 2021
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I have created a aura lightning component and calling it on a quick action of on Contact detail page. There is no UI/Html elements in the component which means only purpose of the component is execute an Apex class. 
Currently all is working fine except a popup is shown when I click the quick action. Please I want this popup gone and quick action should behave seemlessly like other standard buttons.

This is the popup thats coming up:

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  • January 28, 2021
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Hi All,


I have a strange issue. I have a SOQL query which is returning a single row of data if I run the query in the Salesforce Schema in Eclipse, but it is not returning any rows if I run the Query in the Apex class. I am not getting any rows and I get the exception:


System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject.


Select Name, Id, BigMachines_Quote__r.Is_Primary__c, BigMachines_Quote__r.Id,q.BigMachines_Quote__c From Quote_Product__c q  where id='a2p50000000kDl4' 


Here BigMachines_Quote__c is the MAster and Quote_Product__c is teh child object. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Note: (I donot have the keyword with Sharing and the class is being executed in sytem mode, the reason for hardcoding the id is just  for testing purposes)

