• Jonathan Crow 6
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  • Member since 2020

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I have a flow where the guest user can upload a file and attach it to a case. The flow works in our development environment, but not in testing or production. As a guest user if the file is uploaded I get the error message: "Can't upload File.csv." or whatever filename I use. So my assumption is that it has something to do with the environment of the org. The problem is that there is another flow that is engineered a bit differently but guest users are able to upload files just fine. And I believe the flow that has the error worked at one time.

I have checked to make sure that Settings -> General Settings -> "Allow site guest users to upload files" is checked.
I couldn't find any triggers, validation rules, or classes affecting any of the following: Content Version, Content Document, Content Delivery, or Content Document Link.

Any other ideas of what the problem could be or where to start troubleshooting?
I have a VF Page called BatchRegProcess created by "Automated Process". When I click on Where is this used? Nothing shows up. I would like to delete this page, but without knowing how it was created or why I am somewhat reticent to do so.

Is there any way to find out how this page was created or what Automated Process created it?
I am still new to Apex testing and am trying to build a test class on the following, but keep running into the error message “Unexpected token 'void' on the second line of the test class. Can somebody tell me where I went wrong?

Here is my class:
public  class MyNewCaseController {
	public string filterId {get; set;}
	public MyNewCaseController(ApexPages.StandardController  ctrl){
		string filter = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('filterId');
		if (filter != null)
			filterId = filter;

Here is my test class:
public static void MyNewCaseControllerTest {
    string testFilterId = MyNewCaseController.filterId;
    public static void MyNewCaseControllerTest(ApexPages.StandardController  ctrl){
        string filter = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get(CommunitiesCaseControllerTest.testFilterId);
        if (filter != null)
            testFilterId = filter;
We recently refreshed our development org and I am trying to upload some new work (unrelated to Agile Accelerator managed package) to the org. I am running all tests on validation and getting a number of error messages on a number of ADM classes from the managed package for Agile Accelerator.

Here are a few of the error messages:
ADM_AgeOfWorkTests | testTotalAgeWhenClosed | System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a2V8H000000B8dyUAC; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, When Status = Closed, the following fields are required: Deployed Resolution, Release Notes, Scheduled Build: []Stack Trace: (agf) 

ADM_ApplicationApprover_TriggerTest | testApplicationApproverTrigger | System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [ProfileId]: [ProfileId]Stack Trace: (agf)

When looking at the object I can't find any field called ProfileId, or any reference to a ProfileId for a User. Obviously since the package is managed I can't get inside the code to determine where the issue lies.
Any help? Any idea of where to start?
I am trying to create an APEX Trigger that strips a custom field of any HTML. I wrote this code in a Trailblazer sandbox and it was working fine. When I moved it over to my Dev org I now am getting an error message when saving:

Failed to create createContainerMember for containerId=1bg8X000000HkYgQAK: SELECT Id FROM ContainerAsyncRequest WHERE State ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:16 sObject type 'ContainerAsyncRequest' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.

Here is the APEX Trigger I am trying to write:
trigger removeHTML on Case (before update) {
    for (Case c : Trigger.New){
    c.MyCustom_Field__c = c.MyCustom_Field__c.stripHtmlTags();

Currently I have made sure that my profile has:
  • API Enabled
  • View and Setup Configuration
  • View All Data
  • Write access to MyCustom_Field__c and Case
  • I have changed my Developer Console Workspace in case it had gotten corrupted and deleted all others.
Even when all I do is create the trigger and then try to change insert to update I can't save.
trigger removeHTML on Case (before *update*) { 


Any ideas on what to try next?
I am trying to fetch data from an API. I took a look at this recipe from the LWC Recipes: https://github.com/trailheadapps/lwc-recipes/tree/main/force-app/main/default/lwc/miscRestApiCall

But I need to authenticate the call to the API with my API Key and have no idea how to do that.

Can anyone point me to any resources for doing this in LWC?
I want to display Featured Topics in an Accordion. I have the Accordion set up in an LWC, but I don't know how to call the Featured Topic from the LWC. Any ideas? Any references that could help?
I am using Workbench to Insert Users. I have the CSV set and ready to go, however when I try to map the ProfileID field in my CSV to the ProfileID field that Salesforce provides I don't see ProfileID on their list anywhere. But after trying to upload I get an error message that: Required Fields Are Missing: [ProfileId]
I have an autolaunched flow (from a Process Builder on Contact object) that will create a new Contact. I want to get the ID of the Contact just created and reference it on a Lookup on the original Contact record. 

Any recommendations?
I want to display Featured Topics in an Accordion. I have the Accordion set up in an LWC, but I don't know how to call the Featured Topic from the LWC. Any ideas? Any references that could help?
I am using Workbench to Insert Users. I have the CSV set and ready to go, however when I try to map the ProfileID field in my CSV to the ProfileID field that Salesforce provides I don't see ProfileID on their list anywhere. But after trying to upload I get an error message that: Required Fields Are Missing: [ProfileId]

I am working on Communities, where I wanted to replace the Salesforce Standard title tag's text: Home with my custom text. 
I have made changes to "Head Markup" from Advanced settings in Community Builder by adding title tag with Custom text, but even, I am getting Home as Browser's tab.

I can see, the tab loads with my custom text, but after completion of the loading, it is changing back to Home text.
Where can I remove or change preference to not to use this Head title?

Please respond to me with even a question, that way I can move forward with my progress.



I am pretty new to SOQL and I am trying to write a query
List<SObject> quotes = [SELECT Id, Name, QuoteId, Document FROM QuoteDocument];
and I get an error:
"sObject type 'QuoteDocument' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names."

I am trying to build a package and I would like to get the list QuoteDocument if it exists in the Organization and also list should be empty if Quotes are disabled for the organization. How can rewrite the statement to achieve this?

Thank you in advance.