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Hi All,
I am not able to login into my Trailhead Account.
1. I have logged in with correct Username and Password
2.Having domain as: https://olivalightninguv-dev-ed-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com/
3. After logging in next screen is displayed as below.
User-added image
4.I have deleted account from  "Salesforce Authenticator" mobile app by mistakenly.
5.But now i am trying to login into my account it's shows screen as above in snapshot. So, I need to disconnect "Salesforce Authenticator" from my Account. 

I have tryied 4 to 5 time raise request using below link
but still not able to raise it. 
Is any solution for this - Please let me know.
Hi All,
I am traying to login developer org.but unable to login into it.
it's shows screen as below in snapshot.
User-added imageanyone can help me please.

Hi All,
I am not able to login into my Trailhead Account.
1. I have logged in with correct Username and Password
2.Having domain as: https://olivalightninguv-dev-ed-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com/
3. After logging in next screen is displayed as below.
User-added image

4.I have deleted account from  "Salesforce Authenticator" mobile app by mistakenly.
5.But now i am trying to login into my account it's shows screen as above in snapshot. So, I need to disconnect "Salesforce Authenticator" from my Account.
Anyone can help me please?
How can i able to login into my Trailhead account? 

Hi All,
I am not able to login into my Trailhead Account.
1. I have logged in with correct Username and Password
2.Having domain as: https://olivalightninguv-dev-ed-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com/
3. After logging in next screen is displayed as below.
User-added image
4.I have deleted account from  "Salesforce Authenticator" mobile app by mistakenly.
5.But now i am trying to login into my account it's shows screen as above in snapshot. So, I need to disconnect "Salesforce Authenticator" from my Account. 

I have tryied 4 to 5 time raise request using below link
but still not able to raise it. 
Is any solution for this - Please let me know.
Hi All,
I am traying to login developer org.but unable to login into it.
it's shows screen as below in snapshot.
User-added imageanyone can help me please.

Hi All,
I am not able to login into my Trailhead Account.
1. I have logged in with correct Username and Password
2.Having domain as: https://olivalightninguv-dev-ed-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com/
3. After logging in next screen is displayed as below.
User-added image

4.I have deleted account from  "Salesforce Authenticator" mobile app by mistakenly.
5.But now i am trying to login into my account it's shows screen as above in snapshot. So, I need to disconnect "Salesforce Authenticator" from my Account.
Anyone can help me please?
How can i able to login into my Trailhead account? 

Hey All,

One of my friend is not able to login into her Trailhead Account. Here is the problem:
1. She is having custom domain as https://revadomain-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com
2. She has logged in with correct Username and Password.
3. After logging in her next screen is displayed as below
Check your mobile device

4. She has deleted the account in her "Salesforce Authenticator" mobile app by mistakenly.
5. So, she clicked on "Use Different Verfication Method" link at the bottom
6. Her next screen is displayed as below:
Choose a Verification Method

7. By selecting first radio button, she is navigated back again to first screenshot
8. By selecting second radio button, that is "Use code from authenticator app"
9. But as mentioned she is no more having Account on the app
10. In order to generate again the "Verification Code" by adding another NEW Account, she needs a key provided by salesforce.

At this point of time she is not redirecting to that page.

How can she will able to login into her Trailhead account?