• Carolyn juliana
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Hi gurus,

i really only need Inline editing for 1 permission set on a custom object i'm working on,is this only at the Org level?,
so if it's enabled everyone will see it and on all objects?

Hi All,

Hope everyone doing great..!

I have a  ERT New Case Type object which  is loaded using  Data Load and this custom object  have 4 fields namely :-

 Now i want to build lightning component  and change existing lightning page so as to view current list of Case Types in the New Case Type object.

Basically  i  want to be be able to select 3 case types starting with Level 1, and Level 2 (based on value selected in Level 1) and Level 3(based on Level 1 and Level 2 values selected) so that i can assign this combination of Levels 1-3 to current case I am working on.

Below is the trigger  update a field on an attachment or file insert , can some one suggest a test class for this trigger?

Can some one please help in writing a  @isTest class for below trigger to achieve 100 % code completion 
trigger ContentDocumentLinkTrigger on ContentDocumentLink (after insert) {
    if(trigger.isAfter) {
        if(trigger.isInsert) {

here is the class
public  class ContentDocumentLinkTriggerHandler {
public static void onAfterInsert(list<ContentDocumentLink> lstCntLinks) {
set<Id> setTaskIds = new set<Id>();
list<task> lstTask=new list<task>();
Id recordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Task.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Task_Record_Type').getRecordTypeId();

for(ContentDocumentLink clIterator : lstCntLinks) {  
     setTaskIds.add(clIterator.LinkedEntityId);//Set all task id            

if(!setTaskIds.isEmpty()) {
                lstTask= [SELECT Id, Name,Attachment_Indicator__c  FROM task WHERE Id IN :setTaskIds and recordtypeid=: recordTypeId ]; //Get all the task 

for(task varTsk:  lstTask){
varTsk.Attachment_Indicator__c=true;//Set Attachment Indicator Flag true

update lstTask; //update task

Thanks in Advance,
i'm trying to add a related record to a lightning page layout for BAN but don't have an update/new action to associate with it

My goal is  based on the BAN entered into the Case
to  show the BAN page on the Case lightning page for a custom object

do you know if there's a way to set a process builder criteria for when a task attachment is done?

I need to set a flag that indicates an attachment has been linked to the Activity Task
Hi gurus,

i really only need Inline editing for 1 permission set on a custom object i'm working on,is this only at the Org level?,
so if it's enabled everyone will see it and on all objects?

Below is the trigger  update a field on an attachment or file insert , can some one suggest a test class for this trigger?

Can some one please help in writing a  @isTest class for below trigger to achieve 100 % code completion 
trigger ContentDocumentLinkTrigger on ContentDocumentLink (after insert) {
    if(trigger.isAfter) {
        if(trigger.isInsert) {

here is the class
public  class ContentDocumentLinkTriggerHandler {
public static void onAfterInsert(list<ContentDocumentLink> lstCntLinks) {
set<Id> setTaskIds = new set<Id>();
list<task> lstTask=new list<task>();
Id recordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Task.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Task_Record_Type').getRecordTypeId();

for(ContentDocumentLink clIterator : lstCntLinks) {  
     setTaskIds.add(clIterator.LinkedEntityId);//Set all task id            

if(!setTaskIds.isEmpty()) {
                lstTask= [SELECT Id, Name,Attachment_Indicator__c  FROM task WHERE Id IN :setTaskIds and recordtypeid=: recordTypeId ]; //Get all the task 

for(task varTsk:  lstTask){
varTsk.Attachment_Indicator__c=true;//Set Attachment Indicator Flag true

update lstTask; //update task

Thanks in Advance,
i'm trying to add a related record to a lightning page layout for BAN but don't have an update/new action to associate with it

My goal is  based on the BAN entered into the Case
to  show the BAN page on the Case lightning page for a custom object

do you know if there's a way to set a process builder criteria for when a task attachment is done?

I need to set a flag that indicates an attachment has been linked to the Activity Task