• Jennifer Morris 17
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I have a scheduled triggered flow setup on the Opportunity object. The goal is to send an email to our Client Services Team when the Contract End Date has occurred on a Non Renewable Opportunity. The Team doesn't want to recieve email when the Product is Ad Hoc or Snaphost Products. I have the trigger criteria setup on the Opportunity object. I then have a descision to determine if the Contract End Date = TODAY. If yes then GetOpportunity Products. I then have an OppProduct Loop and assign the OppId as the OppId in the OppProduct loop. The  outside the Loop I have another decision called Exlucde Products where I take the Product Name from the current loop and Does Not Equals my product name. Action item is to then send email. The email is triggering for all Products regardless of exclusion of the Products I have excluded. Any ideas what I am missing here?

FlowDecision Criteria
I have a number decimal field decimal created to calcuate the number of years and months (in decimal) on our Contract object. My formula is not calcuating the month in decimal correctly taking into account rounding. For instance I have a a record where the Dates are as follows:
Original Agreement Start Date : 9/1/2020
Original Agreement End Date: 12/31/2025
I would expect the Original Agreement Term (Years) to be 5.4 based on the rounding. The below formula is calculating the Original Agreement Term as 5.3. 

    (YEAR({!$Record.Original_Agreement_End_Date__c}) - YEAR({!$Record.Original_Agreement_Start_Date__c}))
    ((({!$Record.Original_Agreement_End_Date__c} - DATE(YEAR({!$Record.Original_Agreement_End_Date__c} ), 1, 1)) - 
({!$Record.Original_Agreement_Start_Date__c} - DATE(YEAR({!$Record.Original_Agreement_Start_Date__c}), 1, 1))) / 365),
I'm converting a Process Builder workflow to flow. The workflow checks three assignments on the Account (Strategic Account Manager, Client Sucess Manager, Client Success Analyst) and uses the values populated ont he Account to determine who the Opportunity should be assigned to.  I'm receiving error because flow is looking for null values and is expecting values to be populated. Not sure how to reslove this as I need to check for null values to determine the assignment. If I do a Get Records to store the null values how do I look for specific null values in the referenced fields to apply the logic?

Error message: The flow failed to access the value for $Record.Account.VP_Strategic_Solution_New__r.Id because it hasn't been set or assigned.

Current Logic resulting in error
Seller Criteria Cloned Renewal
I have a requirment to create a flow to pull the contract record from previous Opportunity and populate this previous contract number(link to access the record) onto the Renewal Opportunity.  I created a new text field on the Opportunity called Previous Agreement Number. Then created a record triggered flow on the Opportunity object.I then created a Get Records to obtain the Contract ID's. How to I add an Update record action to ensure the contract record from the previous Opp is populated as a link?Trigger LogicGetRecords
I am trying to calculate the number of days remaining in the current year excluding weekends and holidays. I created the below formula but weekends and holidays are included in the formula. DATE(YEAR(TODAY()) + 1, 01, 01) - TODAY()

I'm not comparing two dates to obtain the number of days. I want to compare TODAY () to static date of the 1st of January next year.
I am trying to add criteria to search for Product Names to ensure Brand is selected on the Opportunity when Opportunity is set to Closed Won. I added Contains function to require Brand selected when the Product contains the specific name. However, my formula is allowing Users to Close Won deals if there is one of the Products with no Brand selected.

IF(RecordType.Name = "Renewal",
Number_of_Products__c = 0,
ISBLANK(Product_Family__c ),
CONTAINS("Brand Websites: Coverage Search: FormTrak",Products__c),
Number_of_Brands__c = 0)),
ISPICKVAL(StageName, "Deal Won"),
$Profile.Name <> "System Administrator",
$Profile.Name <> "RJ Health Standard User"
), False
I am trying to determine if there is a way to obtain a unique list of Accounts which have Opportunities where Stage is Deal Won. The Accounts can have more than one Opportunity and I only care to see the Account Name returned once. I tried group by function and received error:MALFORMED_QUERY: duplicate alias: Name
My query to obtain list of all records is below.

SELECT Account.Owner.Name,AccountId,Account.Name,Account.Type,Account.Active__c,ID,Contract_End_Date__c,CloseDate,Name,StageName FROM Opportunity 
WHERE (StageName != 'Deal Won' AND Contract_End_Date__c > TODAY) OR (StageName = 'Deal Won' and CloseDate = LAST_N_MONTHS:12 AND Contract_End_Date__c = NULL)
I have a number decimal field decimal created to calcuate the number of years and months (in decimal) on our Contract object. My formula is not calcuating the month in decimal correctly taking into account rounding. For instance I have a a record where the Dates are as follows:
Original Agreement Start Date : 9/1/2020
Original Agreement End Date: 12/31/2025
I would expect the Original Agreement Term (Years) to be 5.4 based on the rounding. The below formula is calculating the Original Agreement Term as 5.3. 

    (YEAR({!$Record.Original_Agreement_End_Date__c}) - YEAR({!$Record.Original_Agreement_Start_Date__c}))
    ((({!$Record.Original_Agreement_End_Date__c} - DATE(YEAR({!$Record.Original_Agreement_End_Date__c} ), 1, 1)) - 
({!$Record.Original_Agreement_Start_Date__c} - DATE(YEAR({!$Record.Original_Agreement_Start_Date__c}), 1, 1))) / 365),
I'm converting a Process Builder workflow to flow. The workflow checks three assignments on the Account (Strategic Account Manager, Client Sucess Manager, Client Success Analyst) and uses the values populated ont he Account to determine who the Opportunity should be assigned to.  I'm receiving error because flow is looking for null values and is expecting values to be populated. Not sure how to reslove this as I need to check for null values to determine the assignment. If I do a Get Records to store the null values how do I look for specific null values in the referenced fields to apply the logic?

Error message: The flow failed to access the value for $Record.Account.VP_Strategic_Solution_New__r.Id because it hasn't been set or assigned.

Current Logic resulting in error
Seller Criteria Cloned Renewal