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Need to Deactivate Trigger with Low Code Coverage
There is an old trigger in our org that needs to be deactivated. However, the trigger's test class only has 65% code coverage. I did not write this code and do not have a background in development. Could anyone offer clear edits to make so that I can successfully deploy the deactivated trigger to production?
Test Class:
Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
There is an old trigger in our org that needs to be deactivated. However, the trigger's test class only has 65% code coverage. I did not write this code and do not have a background in development. Could anyone offer clear edits to make so that I can successfully deploy the deactivated trigger to production?
trigger AccountTrigger on Account (before delete, before insert, before update,after insert) { AccountTriggerHandler.execute(Trigger.new, Trigger.newMap, Trigger.old, Trigger.oldMap, Trigger.isInsert, Trigger.isUpdate, Trigger.isDelete, Trigger.isBefore, Trigger.isAfter); AccountTriggerHandler.executeLeadLink(Trigger.new,Trigger.old,Trigger.isUpdate,Trigger.isBefore,Trigger.isInsert,Trigger.isAfter); }The Class referenced in the trigger:
public with sharing class AccountTriggerHandler { static RecordType applicantRecordType; static Profile adminProfile; static { applicantRecordType = [Select Id From RecordType Where Name = 'Applicants' and sobjecttype = 'Account']; adminProfile = [Select Id, Name From Profile Where Name = 'System Administrator']; } public static void execute(List<Account> newList, Map<Id, Account> newMap, List<Account> oldList, Map<Id, Account> oldMap, Boolean isInsert, Boolean isUpdate, Boolean isDelete, Boolean isBefore, Boolean isAfter) { List<Account> accList = new List<Account>(); if (isDelete) { for (Account acc : oldList) accList.add(acc); } else { for (Account acc : newList) accList.add(acc); } for (Account acc : accList) { if (isBefore) { if (acc.RecordTypeId == applicantRecordType.Id && System.Userinfo.getProfileId() != adminProfile.Id) { acc.addError('Only System Administrators may create, edit, or delete Applicants'); } } } } public static Map<String,Lead> GetLeadsWithAccountEmailAddress(List<Account> accounts){ Map<String,Lead> mappedLeads=new Map<String,Lead>(); Set<String> accountEmails=new Set<String>(); for(Account a:accounts){ accountEmails.add(a.PersonEmail.toLowerCase()); } List<Lead> leads = [Select l.IsConverted, l.Id, l.Email,l.Account__c,l.Application_Status__c From Lead l where l.IsConverted = false and l.Email in:accountEmails]; for(Lead lead:leads){ mappedLeads.put(lead.Email.toLowerCase(),lead); } return mappedLeads; } public static Map<String,Lead> GetLeadsWithAccountExternalReference(List<Account> accounts){ Map<String,Lead> mappedLeads=new Map<String,Lead>(); Set<String> accountExternalRef=new Set<String>(); for(Account a:accounts){ if (!String.isBlank(a.ExternalReference__c)){ accountExternalRef.add(a.ExternalReference__c); } } List<Lead> leads = [Select l.IsConverted, l.Id, l.Email,l.Account__c,l.Application_Status__c From Lead l where l.IsConverted = false and l.Id in:accountExternalRef]; for(Lead lead:leads){ mappedLeads.put(String.valueOf(lead.Id),lead); } return mappedLeads; } public static Map<String,Lead> GetLeadsWithAccountRelation(List<Account> accounts){ Set<Id> leadIds=new Set<Id>(); Map<String,Lead> mappedLeads=new Map<String,Lead>(); for(Account acc:accounts){ leadIds.add(acc.Related_Lead__c); } List<Lead> leads = [Select l.IsConverted, l.Id, l.Email,l.Account__c,l.Application_Status__c From Lead l where l.IsConverted = false and l.Id in:leadIds]; for(Lead lead:leads){ mappedLeads.put(String.valueOf(lead.Id),lead); } return mappedLeads; } public static void CreateLeadLinkAndUpdateLeadData(List<Account> newList,Boolean updateAccount){ Map<String,Lead> mappedLeadsByExternalReference=GetLeadsWithAccountExternalReference(newList); Map<String,Lead> mappedLeads=GetLeadsWithAccountEmailAddress(newList); if (mappedLeads.size()==0 && mappedLeadsByExternalReference.size()==0){ return; } List<Lead> updatedLeads=new List<Lead>(); for(Account acc:newList){ //Check the external ref first Lead lead=mappedLeadsByExternalReference.get(acc.ExternalReference__c); if (lead==null){ lead=mappedLeads.get(acc.PersonEmail.toLowerCase()); } if (lead!=null){ if (updateAccount && lead.Account__c==null){ acc.Related_Lead__c=lead.id; } FieldMapperHelper.AccountToLeadMapping(lead,acc); updatedLeads.add(lead); } } if (updatedLeads.size()>0){ System.debug('Account insert/update updating lead'); update updatedLeads; } } public static void UpdateLeadData(List<Account> accList){ Map<String,Lead> mappedLeads=GetLeadsWithAccountRelation(accList); List<Lead> updatedLeads=new List<Lead>(); for(Account acc:accList){ Lead lead=mappedLeads.get(acc.Related_Lead__c); if (lead!=null){ FieldMapperHelper.AccountToLeadMapping(lead,acc); updatedLeads.add(lead); } } if (updatedLeads.size()>0){ System.debug('Account insert/update updating lead'); update updatedLeads; } } public static void executeLeadLink(List<Account> newList, List<Account> oldList,Boolean isUpdate,Boolean isBefore,Boolean isInsert,Boolean isAfter){ if(isInsert && isBefore){ Map<String,Lead> mappedLeadsByExternalReference=GetLeadsWithAccountExternalReference(newList); Map<String,Lead> mappedLeads=GetLeadsWithAccountEmailAddress(newList); for(Account acc:newList){ Lead lead=mappedLeadsByExternalReference.get(acc.ExternalReference__c); if (lead==null){ lead=mappedLeads.get(acc.PersonEmail.toLowerCase()); } //Check if lead is not null and lead does not have an account already associated with it if (lead!=null && lead.Account__c==null){ acc.Related_Lead__c=lead.Id; } acc.RecordTypeId = FieldMapperHelper.MarkPlusApplicants(acc); } } if (isInsert && isAfter){ CreateLeadLinkAndUpdateLeadData(newList,false); } if (isBefore && isUpdate){ List<Account> accWithNoLeads=new List<Account>(); List<Account> accWithLeads=new List<Account>(); for(Account acc:newList) { acc.RecordTypeId = FieldMapperHelper.MarkPlusApplicants(acc); if (acc.Related_Lead__c==null){ accWithNoLeads.add(acc); } else{ accWithLeads.add(acc); } } //Send the accounts that do not have leads - we need to search if leads exists and then link the lead CreateLeadLinkAndUpdateLeadData(accWithNoLeads,true); //If the account already has a lead, just update the lead no need to relink the accounts UpdateLeadData(accWithLeads); } } }
Test Class:
@isTest private class Test_AccountTriggerHandler { static RecordType applicantRecordType; static { applicantRecordType = [Select Id From RecordType Where Name = 'Applicants' and sobjecttype = 'Account']; } static testMethod void testAccountError() { test.startTest(); Account acc = CreateTestData.createAccount('U_testAccount@tntp.org','externalRef'); acc.FirstName = 'Test Account3'; update acc; delete acc; test.stopTest(); } static testMethod void Account_Gets_Linked_To_Lead_Based_On_Account_ExternalReference_But_With_Different_Emails() { test.startTest(); //Create a lead Lead lead= CreateTestData.createLead('U_test2@tntp.org'); String externalRef=String.valueOf(lead.Id); //Createa a an account with different email address Account acc = CreateTestData.createAccount('U_test1@tntp.org',externalRef); //Get account from database List<Account> accounts = [Select a.PersonEmail,a.Id,a.Related_Lead__c From Account a Where a.PersonEmail ='U_test1@tntp.org']; test.stopTest(); } static testMethod void Account_Gets_Linked_To_Lead_Based_On_Account_Email() { test.startTest(); //Create a lead Lead lead= CreateTestData.createLead('U_test1@tntp.org'); //Createa a an account with same email address Account acc = CreateTestData.createAccount('U_test1@tntp.org','someinvalidId'); //Get Lead from database List<Lead> leads = [Select l.Id,Account__c From Lead l Where l.Email ='U_test1@tntp.org']; //Get account from database List<Account> accounts = [Select a.PersonEmail,a.Id,a.Related_Lead__c From Account a Where a.PersonEmail ='U_test1@tntp.org']; test.stopTest(); } static testMethod void Account_Doesnot_Get_Linked_To_Lead_Because_Of_Missing_Account_ExternalReference() { test.startTest(); //Create a lead Lead lead= CreateTestData.createLead('U_test1@tntp.org'); //Createa a an account with different email address Account acc = CreateTestData.createAccount('U_test2@tntp.org','someinvalidId'); //Get Lead from database List<Lead> leads = [Select l.Id From Lead l Where l.Email ='U_test1@tntp.org']; //Get account from database List<Account> accounts = [Select a.PersonEmail,a.Id,a.Related_Lead__c From Account a Where a.PersonEmail ='U_test2@tntp.org']; //Should find no match System.assertEquals(accounts[0].Related_Lead__c, null); test.stopTest(); } }
Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
- Michael Christie 13
- May 22, 2020
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Need to Deactivate Trigger with Low Code Coverage
There is an old trigger in our org that needs to be deactivated. However, the trigger's test class only has 65% code coverage. I did not write this code and do not have a background in development. Could anyone offer clear edits to make so that I can successfully deploy the deactivated trigger to production?
Test Class:
Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
There is an old trigger in our org that needs to be deactivated. However, the trigger's test class only has 65% code coverage. I did not write this code and do not have a background in development. Could anyone offer clear edits to make so that I can successfully deploy the deactivated trigger to production?
trigger AccountTrigger on Account (before delete, before insert, before update,after insert) { AccountTriggerHandler.execute(Trigger.new, Trigger.newMap, Trigger.old, Trigger.oldMap, Trigger.isInsert, Trigger.isUpdate, Trigger.isDelete, Trigger.isBefore, Trigger.isAfter); AccountTriggerHandler.executeLeadLink(Trigger.new,Trigger.old,Trigger.isUpdate,Trigger.isBefore,Trigger.isInsert,Trigger.isAfter); }The Class referenced in the trigger:
public with sharing class AccountTriggerHandler { static RecordType applicantRecordType; static Profile adminProfile; static { applicantRecordType = [Select Id From RecordType Where Name = 'Applicants' and sobjecttype = 'Account']; adminProfile = [Select Id, Name From Profile Where Name = 'System Administrator']; } public static void execute(List<Account> newList, Map<Id, Account> newMap, List<Account> oldList, Map<Id, Account> oldMap, Boolean isInsert, Boolean isUpdate, Boolean isDelete, Boolean isBefore, Boolean isAfter) { List<Account> accList = new List<Account>(); if (isDelete) { for (Account acc : oldList) accList.add(acc); } else { for (Account acc : newList) accList.add(acc); } for (Account acc : accList) { if (isBefore) { if (acc.RecordTypeId == applicantRecordType.Id && System.Userinfo.getProfileId() != adminProfile.Id) { acc.addError('Only System Administrators may create, edit, or delete Applicants'); } } } } public static Map<String,Lead> GetLeadsWithAccountEmailAddress(List<Account> accounts){ Map<String,Lead> mappedLeads=new Map<String,Lead>(); Set<String> accountEmails=new Set<String>(); for(Account a:accounts){ accountEmails.add(a.PersonEmail.toLowerCase()); } List<Lead> leads = [Select l.IsConverted, l.Id, l.Email,l.Account__c,l.Application_Status__c From Lead l where l.IsConverted = false and l.Email in:accountEmails]; for(Lead lead:leads){ mappedLeads.put(lead.Email.toLowerCase(),lead); } return mappedLeads; } public static Map<String,Lead> GetLeadsWithAccountExternalReference(List<Account> accounts){ Map<String,Lead> mappedLeads=new Map<String,Lead>(); Set<String> accountExternalRef=new Set<String>(); for(Account a:accounts){ if (!String.isBlank(a.ExternalReference__c)){ accountExternalRef.add(a.ExternalReference__c); } } List<Lead> leads = [Select l.IsConverted, l.Id, l.Email,l.Account__c,l.Application_Status__c From Lead l where l.IsConverted = false and l.Id in:accountExternalRef]; for(Lead lead:leads){ mappedLeads.put(String.valueOf(lead.Id),lead); } return mappedLeads; } public static Map<String,Lead> GetLeadsWithAccountRelation(List<Account> accounts){ Set<Id> leadIds=new Set<Id>(); Map<String,Lead> mappedLeads=new Map<String,Lead>(); for(Account acc:accounts){ leadIds.add(acc.Related_Lead__c); } List<Lead> leads = [Select l.IsConverted, l.Id, l.Email,l.Account__c,l.Application_Status__c From Lead l where l.IsConverted = false and l.Id in:leadIds]; for(Lead lead:leads){ mappedLeads.put(String.valueOf(lead.Id),lead); } return mappedLeads; } public static void CreateLeadLinkAndUpdateLeadData(List<Account> newList,Boolean updateAccount){ Map<String,Lead> mappedLeadsByExternalReference=GetLeadsWithAccountExternalReference(newList); Map<String,Lead> mappedLeads=GetLeadsWithAccountEmailAddress(newList); if (mappedLeads.size()==0 && mappedLeadsByExternalReference.size()==0){ return; } List<Lead> updatedLeads=new List<Lead>(); for(Account acc:newList){ //Check the external ref first Lead lead=mappedLeadsByExternalReference.get(acc.ExternalReference__c); if (lead==null){ lead=mappedLeads.get(acc.PersonEmail.toLowerCase()); } if (lead!=null){ if (updateAccount && lead.Account__c==null){ acc.Related_Lead__c=lead.id; } FieldMapperHelper.AccountToLeadMapping(lead,acc); updatedLeads.add(lead); } } if (updatedLeads.size()>0){ System.debug('Account insert/update updating lead'); update updatedLeads; } } public static void UpdateLeadData(List<Account> accList){ Map<String,Lead> mappedLeads=GetLeadsWithAccountRelation(accList); List<Lead> updatedLeads=new List<Lead>(); for(Account acc:accList){ Lead lead=mappedLeads.get(acc.Related_Lead__c); if (lead!=null){ FieldMapperHelper.AccountToLeadMapping(lead,acc); updatedLeads.add(lead); } } if (updatedLeads.size()>0){ System.debug('Account insert/update updating lead'); update updatedLeads; } } public static void executeLeadLink(List<Account> newList, List<Account> oldList,Boolean isUpdate,Boolean isBefore,Boolean isInsert,Boolean isAfter){ if(isInsert && isBefore){ Map<String,Lead> mappedLeadsByExternalReference=GetLeadsWithAccountExternalReference(newList); Map<String,Lead> mappedLeads=GetLeadsWithAccountEmailAddress(newList); for(Account acc:newList){ Lead lead=mappedLeadsByExternalReference.get(acc.ExternalReference__c); if (lead==null){ lead=mappedLeads.get(acc.PersonEmail.toLowerCase()); } //Check if lead is not null and lead does not have an account already associated with it if (lead!=null && lead.Account__c==null){ acc.Related_Lead__c=lead.Id; } acc.RecordTypeId = FieldMapperHelper.MarkPlusApplicants(acc); } } if (isInsert && isAfter){ CreateLeadLinkAndUpdateLeadData(newList,false); } if (isBefore && isUpdate){ List<Account> accWithNoLeads=new List<Account>(); List<Account> accWithLeads=new List<Account>(); for(Account acc:newList) { acc.RecordTypeId = FieldMapperHelper.MarkPlusApplicants(acc); if (acc.Related_Lead__c==null){ accWithNoLeads.add(acc); } else{ accWithLeads.add(acc); } } //Send the accounts that do not have leads - we need to search if leads exists and then link the lead CreateLeadLinkAndUpdateLeadData(accWithNoLeads,true); //If the account already has a lead, just update the lead no need to relink the accounts UpdateLeadData(accWithLeads); } } }
Test Class:
@isTest private class Test_AccountTriggerHandler { static RecordType applicantRecordType; static { applicantRecordType = [Select Id From RecordType Where Name = 'Applicants' and sobjecttype = 'Account']; } static testMethod void testAccountError() { test.startTest(); Account acc = CreateTestData.createAccount('U_testAccount@tntp.org','externalRef'); acc.FirstName = 'Test Account3'; update acc; delete acc; test.stopTest(); } static testMethod void Account_Gets_Linked_To_Lead_Based_On_Account_ExternalReference_But_With_Different_Emails() { test.startTest(); //Create a lead Lead lead= CreateTestData.createLead('U_test2@tntp.org'); String externalRef=String.valueOf(lead.Id); //Createa a an account with different email address Account acc = CreateTestData.createAccount('U_test1@tntp.org',externalRef); //Get account from database List<Account> accounts = [Select a.PersonEmail,a.Id,a.Related_Lead__c From Account a Where a.PersonEmail ='U_test1@tntp.org']; test.stopTest(); } static testMethod void Account_Gets_Linked_To_Lead_Based_On_Account_Email() { test.startTest(); //Create a lead Lead lead= CreateTestData.createLead('U_test1@tntp.org'); //Createa a an account with same email address Account acc = CreateTestData.createAccount('U_test1@tntp.org','someinvalidId'); //Get Lead from database List<Lead> leads = [Select l.Id,Account__c From Lead l Where l.Email ='U_test1@tntp.org']; //Get account from database List<Account> accounts = [Select a.PersonEmail,a.Id,a.Related_Lead__c From Account a Where a.PersonEmail ='U_test1@tntp.org']; test.stopTest(); } static testMethod void Account_Doesnot_Get_Linked_To_Lead_Because_Of_Missing_Account_ExternalReference() { test.startTest(); //Create a lead Lead lead= CreateTestData.createLead('U_test1@tntp.org'); //Createa a an account with different email address Account acc = CreateTestData.createAccount('U_test2@tntp.org','someinvalidId'); //Get Lead from database List<Lead> leads = [Select l.Id From Lead l Where l.Email ='U_test1@tntp.org']; //Get account from database List<Account> accounts = [Select a.PersonEmail,a.Id,a.Related_Lead__c From Account a Where a.PersonEmail ='U_test2@tntp.org']; //Should find no match System.assertEquals(accounts[0].Related_Lead__c, null); test.stopTest(); } }
Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
- Michael Christie 13
- May 22, 2020
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