• Saurabh Kumar 284
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Create a field on Account object:
Field Label: Number OF Contacts
Data Type: Number (2,0)
Visible to All Profiles and Add it to the Page Layouts.
Write an apex trigger to populate the new field in case if Account undergoes any update with Count of Contact records under it. Example: Account "ABC Corp" has 3 contacts. I update this account record today, new field should have a value of 3. If I create a new account then this field should have value as 0. If now I create a contact under it, count should be increased to 1. If I delete a contact, the count should be reduced by 1.
Write an apex trigger on Account to Populate the Rating field with value as "Cold" if the account record is initially created with a blank Rating value
Hi, I am at learning stage of Apex Trigger. So, can someone please help me with this question?
Write an apex trigger on Account to Populate the Rating field with value as "Cold" if the account record is initially created with a blank Rating value
Hi, I am at learning stage of Apex Trigger. So, can someone please help me with this question?