• Priya 212213
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Hi all,
I have a scenario to build tree structure for an custom object which has its two own lookups(Parent and Alternate Parent).
I need to form a tree like 
child a
abc 1 (For abc1, Child1 is Parent and child a is Alt Parent)
abc2 (for abc2, Child 1 is parent and no alternate parent). 
All there record has comes under same record of Custom obj 2.
My scenario is, 

For Custom obj2 named Plant1, then I have query all the records of Custom obj1 (Sites) and to display then as tree in lwc component.

Please suggest me ideas and share some code samples.



I have a lwc component which has data table with mulitple rows and colums formed dynamically.

My Scenario is,

If i pointed the cell, value of that particular cell should be displayed on hover like
 User-added image

Please share some idea and code. 
Thanks in Advance,


I have a parent object and 2 child object. I have a status field (Picklist) with values Closed and open at parent object. My scenario is,

If I click standard delete button, If the parent's status is open, then It allows to delete. If the parent's status is closed, It should not allow to delete the child objects. I need to show error message and also  can perform bulk deletion operation without throwing Soql exceptions.

Please suggest me any Codes.

Thanks in Advance.


I have an scenario where I want to pass list of Object's records as an argument to the class from trigger. This class can be used in triggers of multple objects in which trigger.old of that particular passed to this class's method. Those objects has same lookup field in common. I want to check the field named status of that lookup field and to do some actions with that.

Can any one please suggest me some code.

I am trying to query Articles on the Knowledge__kav object related to Cases. But I have the following error
Didn't understand relationship 'Knowledge__kavs' in FROM part of query call. 
How can I make a subquery on Knowledge__kav?
Map<Id, Case> caseMap = new Map<Id, Case>([SELECT Id, First_JIRA_Issue_Number__c, (SELECT Id FROM Knowledge__kavs) FROM Case WHERE Id IN :caseIdJiraIssueId.keyset()]);