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I need help with the trigger for the below apex . Any help will really be graceful
Overall, this Apex class calculates and manages MCV Amount (MCV Line Items object )records related to OpportunityLineItems, considering proration, rate increases, and other related attributes. It provides methods for creating, updating, and deleting MCV records based on changes in OpportunityLineItems. Both are md relation with opportunity. I have added a method to calculate MCV Amount only for a specific product and to apply discount only to this product .. Now the existing trigger is not working with the updated method or the older method , Apex :
Please help me with trigger to calculate to calculate dicount for mcv amount only for blubeem products , for create , update and delete .. The prorate should work .
/** * Kartik (NeuraFlash) * Service Class for OpportunityProducts related functionality */ public with sharing class OpportunityProductService { /** * Calculate the MCVs for each of the Line item for next 18 months, consider prorates * @param lineItems [The line items for which we need to calculate the MCVs] * @return [description] */ @testVisible private static PriceBook2 standardPriceBook; public static String calculateMCVs(List<OpportunityLineItem> lineItems) { List<MCVStructure> mcvs = new List<MCVStructure>(); Set<Id> opportunityIds = new Set<Id>(); Set<Id> RCSOpptIds = new Set<Id>(); Map<Id,Opportunity> opportunityMap = new Map<Id,Opportunity>(); Map<Id,Product2> pricebookEntryToProductMap = new Map<Id,Product2>(); Map<Id,Product2> productMap = new Map<Id,Product2>(); List<Opportunity> RCSOpptsToUpdate = new List<Opportunity>(); if (!Test.isRunningTest()) standardPriceBook = [Select Id, Name from PriceBook2 where isStandard = true LIMIT 1]; for (PriceBookEntry pbe : [Select Id, Product2Id, Name, Product2.Upfront_Fee__c from PriceBookEntry where PriceBook2Id = :standardPriceBook.Id]) { pricebookEntryToProductMap.put(pbe.Id,new Product2(Id=pbe.Product2Id,Upfront_Fee__c=pbe.Product2.Upfront_Fee__c)); } for (OpportunityLineItem oli : lineItems) { opportunityIds.add(oli.OpportunityId); } // MV -- Added Code for RCS for (AggregateResult aggRes : [SELECT COUNT(ID) numRCS, OpportunityId FROM OpportunityLineItem where Product2Id IN (select Id from Product2 where isActive =true and family IN ('Recyclers', 'CompuSafe')) and OpportunityId IN :opportunityIds and OpportunityId not in (select Id from Opportunity where Has_RCS_Product__c = true) GROUP BY OpportunityId limit 200]) { Id OpportunityId = (Id) aggRes.get('OpportunityId'); Integer numRCS = (Integer) aggRes.get('numRCS'); if (numRCS > 0) RCSOpptIds.add(OpportunityId); } for (Opportunity opp : [Select Id, Name, Account.Name, Account.Rate_Increase__c, Account.Rate_Increase_terms__c, Term__c, Rate_Increase_Date__c, Has_RCS_Product__c from Opportunity where Id in :opportunityIds]) { //MV 07-24-2019 - If it's RCS Oppt, Set the flag to true if (RCSOpptIds.contains(opp.Id)) { opp.Has_RCS_Product__c=true; RCSOpptsToUpdate.add(opp); } opportunityMap.put(opp.Id,opp); } update RCSOpptsToUpdate; for (OpportunityLineItem oli : lineItems) { if (oli.ServiceDate == null) oli.ServiceDate = oli.CreatedDate.date(); // Prepare for MCV Calculation Double rateIncrease = opportunityMap.get(oli.OpportunityId).Account.Rate_Increase__c != null ? opportunityMap.get(oli.OpportunityId).Account.Rate_Increase__c : 0; String rateIncreaseTerms = opportunityMap.get(oli.OpportunityId).Rate_Increase_Date__c != null ? opportunityMap.get(oli.OpportunityId).Rate_Increase_Date__c : 'Anniversary'; Integer term = opportunityMap.get(oli.OpportunityId).Term__c != null ? Integer.valueof(opportunityMap.get(oli.OpportunityId).Term__c) : 18; // If the product has Upfront Fee checked on, skip calculating MCV for term // and do it only for one Service Start Date. if (pricebookEntryToProductMap.get(oli.PricebookEntryId).Upfront_Fee__c) { Date startingMonth = oli.ServiceDate.toStartOfMonth(); MCVStructure mcv = new MCVStructure(oli.Id,startingMonth,oli.TotalPrice,false); mcv.theOpportunityId = oli.OpportunityId; mcv.accountName = opportunityMap.get(oli.OpportunityId).Account.Name; mcv.productId = pricebookEntryToProductMap.get(oli.PricebookEntryId).Id; mcv.lineItem = oli; mcv.upfrontFeeProduct = true; mcvs.add(mcv); // Skip into the next line item. continue; } // Calculate the Pro-rated if the Service Start Date is in middle of the month. Date startingMonth = oli.ServiceDate.toStartOfMonth(); Integer daysRemaining = oli.ServiceDate.daysBetween(oli.ServiceDate.addMonths(+1).toStartOfMonth()); Integer daysInMonth = Date.daysInMonth(oli.ServiceDate.year(),oli.ServiceDate.month()); Decimal proratedUnitPrice = 0; // If Trip rate, prorate based on number of days left over in a month if (oli.Monthly_or_Trip_Rate__c == 'Trip') { DaysWrapper dWrapper = getDaysInMonth(oli.ServiceDate.year(),oli.ServiceDate.month(),oli.ServiceDate.day()); Integer numberOfTripsInMonth = getTotalTripsInMonth(oli,dWrapper); proratedUnitPrice = oli.TotalPrice * numberOfTripsInMonth; } else { proratedUnitPrice = (oli.TotalPrice/daysInMonth) * daysRemaining; } MCVStructure mcv = new MCVStructure(oli.Id,startingMonth,proratedUnitPrice,false); mcv.theOpportunityId = oli.OpportunityId; mcv.accountName = opportunityMap.get(oli.OpportunityId).Account.Name; mcv.productId = pricebookEntryToProductMap.get(oli.PricebookEntryId).Id; mcv.lineItem = oli; mcvs.add(mcv); // Unit Price and Rate increase Decimal rateIncreaseUnitPrice = oli.TotalPrice + (oli.TotalPrice * rateIncrease/100); Decimal rateIncreaseUnitPriceBuffer = rateIncreaseUnitPrice; Boolean rateIncreaseApplied = false; Integer termYearFiller = 12 + (12 - oli.ServiceDate.month()); // MCV for the term. for (Integer i=1;i<term;i++) { // Reset the Unit Price. Decimal unitPrice = oli.TotalPrice; // Reset the RateIncreaseUnitPrice if (!rateIncreaseApplied) rateIncreaseUnitPrice = oli.TotalPrice + (oli.TotalPrice * rateIncrease/100); else rateIncreaseUnitPrice = rateIncreaseUnitPriceBuffer; // The rate increase is based on 2 options // Anniversary - Anniversary is straight 12 months from date of service // Full Year of Service - The rate increase is Jan after the full year of Service. Date serviceMonth = oli.ServiceDate.addMonths(i).toStartOfMonth(); Integer yearOfServiceMonth = oli.ServiceDate.addMonths(12).month(); if (rateIncreaseTerms == 'Anniversary') { if (i > 12) { // If Trip rate, get the number of trips based on selections on Opportunity Line Item if (oli.Monthly_or_Trip_Rate__c == 'Trip') { DaysWrapper dWrapper = getDaysInMonth(serviceMonth.year(),serviceMonth.month(),serviceMonth.day()); Integer numberOfTripsInMonth = getTotalTripsInMonth(oli,dWrapper); rateIncreaseUnitPrice = rateIncreaseUnitPrice * numberOfTripsInMonth; } MCVStructure mcv1 = new MCVStructure(oli.Id,serviceMonth,rateIncreaseUnitPrice,true); mcv1.theOpportunityId = oli.OpportunityId; mcv1.accountName = opportunityMap.get(oli.OpportunityId).Account.Name; mcv1.productId = pricebookEntryToProductMap.get(oli.PricebookEntryId).Id; mcv1.lineItem = oli; mcvs.add(mcv1); // Compound Calculation update the rateIncrease if (Math.mod(i,12) == 0) { Integer termYear = i/12; rateIncreaseUnitPriceBuffer = rateIncreaseUnitPriceBuffer + (rateIncreaseUnitPriceBuffer * rateIncrease/100); rateIncreaseApplied = true; } // Skip into next term continue; } } else if (i > (12 + (12 - yearOfServiceMonth))) { // If Trip rate, get the number of trips based on selections on Opportunity Line Item if (oli.Monthly_or_Trip_Rate__c == 'Trip') { DaysWrapper dWrapper = getDaysInMonth(serviceMonth.year(),serviceMonth.month(),serviceMonth.day()); Integer numberOfTripsInMonth = getTotalTripsInMonth(oli,dWrapper); rateIncreaseUnitPrice = rateIncreaseUnitPrice * numberOfTripsInMonth; } MCVStructure mcv1 = new MCVStructure(oli.Id,serviceMonth,rateIncreaseUnitPrice,true); mcv1.theOpportunityId = oli.OpportunityId; mcv1.accountName = opportunityMap.get(oli.OpportunityId).Account.Name; mcv1.productId = pricebookEntryToProductMap.get(oli.PricebookEntryId).Id; mcv1.lineItem = oli; mcvs.add(mcv1); // Compound Calculation, for 1st of Jan, the rate increase is applied 1 full year after the service // start date, so make sure the rate increase applies only after 2 terms. (1st term is already calculated // above) // Term year filler always ends on December. The next iteration is a January when the rate increase // needs to be applied. if (i == (termYearFiller + 12)) { rateIncreaseUnitPriceBuffer = rateIncreaseUnitPriceBuffer + (rateIncreaseUnitPriceBuffer * rateIncrease/100); rateIncreaseApplied = true; termYearFiller = termYearFiller + 12; } // Skip into next term continue; } // If Trip rate, get the number of trips based on selections on Opportunity Line Item if (oli.Monthly_or_Trip_Rate__c == 'Trip') { DaysWrapper dWrapper = getDaysInMonth(serviceMonth.year(),serviceMonth.month(),serviceMonth.day()); Integer numberOfTripsInMonth = getTotalTripsInMonth(oli,dWrapper); unitPrice = unitPrice * numberOfTripsInMonth; } MCVStructure mcv1 = new MCVStructure(oli.Id,serviceMonth,unitPrice,false); mcv1.theOpportunityId = oli.OpportunityId; mcv1.accountName = opportunityMap.get(oli.OpportunityId).Account.Name; mcv1.productId = pricebookEntryToProductMap.get(oli.PricebookEntryId).Id; mcv1.lineItem = oli; mcvs.add(mcv1); } } createMCVs(mcvs,true); // Create the MCV Records return json.serializePretty(mcvs); } public static void calculateMcvAmountBluebeam(set<Id> olId){ system.debug(olId); system.debug('inside function bluebeam'); List<MCV_Line_Items__c> MLI=[select id,Discount__c, MCV_Amount__c,Opportunity_Line_Item__c,Opportunity_Line_Item__r.UnitPrice from MCV_Line_Items__c where Opportunity_Product_Id__c in:olId]; system.debug('mcv list'+MLI); List<MCV_Line_Items__c> MLItoUpdate=new list<MCV_Line_Items__c>(); for(MCV_Line_Items__c ml:MLI){ if(ml.Discount__c==NULL) { Decimal disc= 0 * ml.MCV_Amount__c ; disc=disc/100; system.debug(disc); ml.MCV_Amount__c=ml.MCV_Amount__c- disc; system.debug(ml.MCV_Amount__c); MLItoUpdate.add(ml); } system.debug('inside for loop to update amount'); Decimal disc=ml.Discount__c * ml.MCV_Amount__c ; disc=disc/100; system.debug(disc); ml.MCV_Amount__c=ml.MCV_Amount__c- disc; system.debug(ml.MCV_Amount__c); MLItoUpdate.add(ml); } update MLItoUpdate; } /** * Delete the MCV's if the lineitems are deleted. * @param lineItems Opportunity Line Items. */ public static void deleteMCVs(List<OpportunityLineItem> lineItems) { List<MCV_Line_Items__c> mcvLineItems = new List<MCV_Line_Items__c>(); List<Opportunity> RCSOpptsToUpdate = new List<Opportunity>(); Set<Id> lineItemIds = new Set<Id>(); Set<Id> RCSOpptIds = new Set<Id>(); for (OpportunityLineItem oli : lineItems) { lineItemIds.add(oli.Id); } mcvLineItems = [Select Id from MCV_Line_Items__c where Opportunity_Product_Id__c IN :lineItemIds]; for (AggregateResult aggRes : [SELECT COUNT(ID) numRCS, OpportunityId FROM OpportunityLineItem where Product2Id IN (select Id from Product2 where isActive =true and family IN ('Recyclers', 'CompuSafe')) and Id IN :lineItemIds and OpportunityId not in (select Id from Opportunity where Has_RCS_Product__c = true) GROUP BY OpportunityId limit 200]) { Id OpportunityId = (Id) aggRes.get('OpportunityId'); Integer numRCS = (Integer) aggRes.get('numRCS'); if (numRCS > 0) RCSOpptIds.add(OpportunityId); } if (RCSOpptIds.size() > 0) { RCSOpptsToUpdate = [Select Id, Has_RCS_Product__c from Opportunity where Id IN :RCSOpptIds]; for (integer i=0;i<RCSOpptsToUpdate.size(); i++) { RCSOpptsToUpdate[i].Has_RCS_Product__c = true; } update RCSOpptsToUpdate; } delete mcvLineItems; } public static List<MCV_Line_Items__c> createMCVs(List<MCVStructure> mcvs, Boolean doInsert) { List<MCV_Line_Items__c> items = new List<MCV_Line_Items__c>(); for (MCVStructure mcv : mcvs) { MCV_Line_Items__c lineItem = new MCV_Line_Items__c(); lineItem.Date__c = mcv.theMonth; lineItem.MCV_Amount__c = mcv.mcvAmount; lineItem.Opportunity__c = mcv.theOpportunityId; lineItem.Opportunity_Product_Id__c = mcv.lineItem.Id; lineItem.Rate_Increase_Applied__c = mcv.hasRateIncreaseApplied; lineItem.Product__c = mcv.productId; lineItem.ATM_Deposit_Processing__c = mcv.lineItem.ATM_Deposit_Processing__c; lineItem.BDEX__c = mcv.lineItem.BDEX__c; lineItem.Brink_s_24x7_App__c = mcv.lineItem.Brink_s_24x7_App__c; lineItem.Cash_Forecasting__c = mcv.lineItem.Cash_Forecasting__c; lineItem.Cash_Vault_Services__c = mcv.lineItem.Cash_Vault_Services__c; lineItem.Cellular_Communication__c = mcv.lineItem.Cellular_Communication__c; lineItem.Cellular_Connectivity__c = mcv.lineItem.Cellular_Connectivity__c; lineItem.Check_Imaging__c = mcv.lineItem.Check_Imaging__c; lineItem.Coin_Processing__c = mcv.lineItem.Coin_Processing__c; lineItem.Coin__c = mcv.lineItem.Coin__c; lineItem.Conjunctive__c = mcv.lineItem.Conjunctive__c; lineItem.Customer_Success_Single_POC__c = mcv.lineItem.Customer_Success_Single_POC__c; lineItem.Daily_Credit_Bundle__c = mcv.lineItem.Daily_Credit_Bundle__c; lineItem.Daily_Credit__c = mcv.lineItem.Daily_Credit__c; lineItem.Device_Dashboard__c = mcv.lineItem.Device_Dashboard__c; lineItem.Enhanced_Service_Guarantee__c = mcv.lineItem.Enhanced_Service_Guarantee__c; lineItem.Envelope_Drop_Package__c = mcv.lineItem.Envelope_Drop_Package__c; lineItem.FI__c = mcv.lineItem.FI__c; lineItem.Inventory_Management__c = mcv.lineItem.Inventory_Management__c; lineItem.Location__c = mcv.lineItem.Location__c; lineItem.Monthly_or_Trip_Rate__c = mcv.lineItem.Monthly_or_Trip_Rate__c; lineItem.Retail__c = mcv.lineItem.Retail__c; lineItem.SmartDrop_Box__c = mcv.lineItem.SmartDrop_Box__c; lineItem.Standard_Warranty__c = mcv.lineItem.Standard_Warranty__c; lineItem.Trip_Rate_if_applicable__c = mcv.lineItem.Trip_Rate_if_applicable__c; lineItem.Web_based_Reporting_iInfo__c = mcv.lineItem.Web_based_Reporting_iInfo__c; lineItem.Upfront_Fee_Product__c = mcv.upfrontFeeProduct; items.add(lineItem); } //system.debug(items); if (doInsert) insert items; return items; } public static Integer getTotalTripsInMonth(OpportunityLineItem oli, DaysWrapper dWrapper) { Integer totalTrips = 0; if (oli.Frequency__c == 'Monthly') { totalTrips = oli.SUN__c != null && oli.SUN__c && dWrapper.numberOfSundays > 0 ? totalTrips + 1 : totalTrips; totalTrips = oli.MON__c != null && oli.MON__c && dWrapper.numberOfMondays > 0 ? totalTrips + 1 : totalTrips; totalTrips = oli.TUES__c != null && oli.TUES__c && dWrapper.numberOfTuesdays > 0 ? totalTrips + 1 : totalTrips; totalTrips = oli.WED__c != null && oli.WED__c && dWrapper.numberOfWednesdays > 0 ? totalTrips + 1: totalTrips; totalTrips = oli.THURS__c != null && oli.THURS__c && dWrapper.numberOfThursdays > 0 ? totalTrips + 1: totalTrips; totalTrips = oli.FRI__c != null && oli.FRI__c && dWrapper.numberOfFridays > 0 ? totalTrips + 1 : totalTrips; totalTrips = oli.SAT__c != null && oli.SAT__c && dWrapper.numberOfSaturdays > 0 ? totalTrips + 1 : totalTrips; } else { totalTrips = oli.SUN__c != null && oli.SUN__c ? totalTrips + dWrapper.numberOfSundays : totalTrips; totalTrips = oli.MON__c != null && oli.MON__c ? totalTrips + dWrapper.numberOfMondays : totalTrips; totalTrips = oli.TUES__c != null && oli.TUES__c ? totalTrips + dWrapper.numberOfTuesdays : totalTrips; totalTrips = oli.WED__c != null && oli.WED__c ? totalTrips + dWrapper.numberOfWednesdays : totalTrips; totalTrips = oli.THURS__c != null && oli.THURS__c ? totalTrips + dWrapper.numberOfThursdays : totalTrips; totalTrips = oli.FRI__c != null && oli.FRI__c ? totalTrips + dWrapper.numberOfFridays : totalTrips; totalTrips = oli.SAT__c != null && oli.SAT__c ? totalTrips + dWrapper.numberOfSaturdays : totalTrips; } if (oli.Frequency__c == 'EOW') totalTrips = totalTrips/2; return totalTrips; } public static DaysWrapper getDaysInMonth(Integer year, Integer month, Integer dayOfMonth) { if (dayOfMonth == null) dayOfMonth = 1; DaysWrapper dWrapper = new DaysWrapper(year, month, dayOfMonth); Datetime monthStartDate = Datetime.newInstance(year, month, dayOfMonth); while (month == monthStartDate.month()) { String day = monthStartDate.format('EEE'); if (day == 'SUN') dWrapper.numberOfSundays += 1; if (day == 'MON') dWrapper.numberOfMondays += 1; if (day == 'TUE') dWrapper.numberOfTuesdays += 1; if (day == 'WED') dWrapper.numberOfWednesdays += 1; if (day == 'THU') dWrapper.numberOfThursdays += 1; if (day == 'FRI') dWrapper.numberOfFridays += 1; if (day == 'SAT') dWrapper.numberOfSaturdays += 1; monthStartDate = monthStartDate.addDays(1); } return dWrapper; } public class DaysWrapper { public Integer year; public Integer month; public Integer dayOfMonth; public Integer numberOfSundays; public Integer numberOfMondays; public Integer numberOfTuesdays; public Integer numberOfWednesdays; public Integer numberOfThursdays; public Integer numberOfFridays; public Integer numberOfSaturdays; public DaysWrapper(Integer year, Integer month, Integer dayOfMonth) { this.year = year; this.month = month; this.dayOfMonth = dayOfMonth; this.numberOfSundays = 0; this.numberOfMondays = 0; this.numberOfTuesdays = 0; this.numberOfWednesdays = 0; this.numberOfThursdays = 0; this.numberOfFridays = 0; this.numberOfSaturdays = 0; } } public class MCVStructure { public OpportunityLineItem lineItem {get;set;} public Id theOpportunityLineItemId {get;set;} public Id theOpportunityId {get;set;} public String accountName {get;set;} public Id productId {get;set;} public Date theMonth {get;set;} public Decimal mcvAmount {get;set;} public Boolean hasRateIncreaseApplied {get;set;} public Boolean upfrontFeeProduct {get;set;} public MCVStructure (Id theOpportunityLineItemId, Date theMonth, Decimal mcvAmount, Boolean hasRateIncreaseApplied) { this.theOpportunityLineItemId = theOpportunityLineItemId; this.theMonth = theMonth; this.mcvAmount = mcvAmount; this.hasRateIncreaseApplied = hasRateIncreaseApplied; this.upfrontFeeProduct = false; } } }
Apex Trigger: /** * Created by Kartik (NeuraFlash) * Apex Trigger to create MCV line items */ trigger OpportunityProductTrigger on OpportunityLineItem (after insert, after update, before delete) { //system.debug('inside trigger, loop ahead'); set<id> OLID=new set<Id>(); integer i=0; for(OpportunityLineItem Oli:trigger.new ){ if(Oli.ProductCode=='Blubeem'&& oli.UnitPrice != null){ system.debug('inside trigger bluebeem product'); OLID.add(Oli.Id); i=1; } } if (Trigger.isInsert && Trigger.isAfter) { // Call the service class to create MCV Records OpportunityProductService.calculateMCVs(trigger.new); if(i==1){ system.debug('calling function for blue beam'); OpportunityProductService.calculateMcvAmountBluebeam(OLID);} system.debug('inside After insert'); system.debug(trigger.new); } else if (Trigger.isUpdate && Trigger.isAfter) { // Delete the existing MCVs OpportunityProductService.deleteMCVs(trigger.new); // Create new ones OpportunityProductService.calculateMCVs(trigger.new); if(i==1){ system.debug('calling function for blue beam'); OpportunityProductService.calculateMcvAmountBluebeam(OLID); } system.debug('inside After update'); } else if (Trigger.isDelete) { system.debug('inside Delete'); OpportunityProductService.deleteMCVs(trigger.old); } /* if(i==1){ system.debug('calling function for blue beam'); OpportunityProductService.calculateMcvAmountBluebeam(OLID);}*/ }
New Method Implemented : public static void calculateMcvAmountBluebeam(set<Id> olId){ system.debug(olId); system.debug('inside function bluebeam'); List<MCV_Line_Items__c> MLI=[select id,Discount__c, MCV_Amount__c,Opportunity_Line_Item__c,Opportunity_Line_Item__r.UnitPrice from MCV_Line_Items__c where Opportunity_Product_Id__c in:olId]; system.debug('mcv list'+MLI); List<MCV_Line_Items__c> MLItoUpdate=new list<MCV_Line_Items__c>(); for(MCV_Line_Items__c ml:MLI){ if(ml.Discount__c==NULL) { Decimal disc= 0 * ml.MCV_Amount__c ; disc=disc/100; system.debug(disc); ml.MCV_Amount__c=ml.MCV_Amount__c- disc; system.debug(ml.MCV_Amount__c); MLItoUpdate.add(ml); } system.debug('inside for loop to update amount'); Decimal disc=ml.Discount__c * ml.MCV_Amount__c ; disc=disc/100; system.debug(disc); ml.MCV_Amount__c=ml.MCV_Amount__c- disc; system.debug(ml.MCV_Amount__c); MLItoUpdate.add(ml); } update MLItoUpdate; }
Please help me with trigger to calculate to calculate dicount for mcv amount only for blubeem products , for create , update and delete .. The prorate should work .
- Mohini
- August 06, 2023
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- 0
Please help me with an apex trigger handler for the scenarion -
1.If opportunity record is closed dont make any change
2. Opportunity is parent and sub object is child (lookup). Once any of the sub record stage is closed won , the field of sub (Revenue , cost and probability) gets copied to the parent opportunity
2. Opportunity is parent and sub object is child (lookup). Once any of the sub record stage is closed won , the field of sub (Revenue , cost and probability) gets copied to the parent opportunity
- Mohini
- May 19, 2023
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- 0
Please help me achieve 75% for the test class for my below class that is sending a excel attachment for account object records as email alert
class :
global class UserReport implements Database.Batchable<SObject>, Database.AllowsCallouts, Database.Stateful {
global blob MyBlob;
Set<String> nums = new Set<String>{'1%','2%','3%','4%','5%','6%','7%','8%','9%'};
public List<String> searchstring = new List<String> {'Sales Manager','Sales User'};
private List<String> fieldNames = new List<String> {
'Name', 'Registry_ID_EBS__c','OwnerId', 'Owner.Email', 'Owner.IsActive'
global String csvContent = '';
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext context) {
return Database.getQueryLocator([Select Id, Name, Registry_ID_EBS__c, OwnerId, Owner.Email, Owner.IsActive,Owner.profile.Name From Account where Owner.profile.Name IN ('Sales Manager', 'Sales User') AND Registry_ID_EBS__c like :nums ]);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext context, List<Account> records) {
Map<Id, User> owners = new Map<Id, User>();
for (Account record : records) {
owners.put(record.OwnerId, null);
owners.putAll([Select Id, Name, Email, IsActive From User Where Id IN :owners.keySet()]);
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fieldName == 'OwnerId') {
csvContent += '"Owner Name",';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.Email') {
csvContent += '"Owner Email",';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.IsActive') {
csvContent += '"Owner Active",';
} else {
csvContent += '"' + fieldName + '"' + ',';
csvContent += '\n';*/
for (Account record : records) {
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fieldName == 'OwnerId') {
String ownerName = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerName = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).Name).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerName + '"' + ',';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.Email') {
String ownerEmail = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerEmail = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).Email).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerEmail + '"' + ',';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.IsActive') {
String ownerIsActive = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerIsActive = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).IsActive).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerIsActive + '"' + ',';
} else {
Object fieldValueObj = record.get(fieldName);
if (fieldValueObj != null) {
String fieldValue = String.valueOf(fieldValueObj).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + fieldValue + '"' + ',';
} else {
csvContent += ',';
csvContent += '\n';
String Header = 'Customer Name, EBS Registry Id, Account Owner, Account Owner Email, Account Owner IsActive';
String FinalcsvContent = Header + '\n' + csvContent ;
MyBlob = blob.valueOf(FinalcsvContent);
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext context) {
String emailAddress1 = 'mousumi.chatterjee@continuserve.com';
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment csvAttachment = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
String myName = 'AccountList.csv';
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage myEmail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[]{emailAddress1};
String subject = 'UserID and List CSV';
myEmail.setPlainTextBody('User Alias Report');
myEmail.setHtmlBody('Hi All'+','+'</br><br/>'+ 'Please find attached the sales user detail report from Salesforce production CRM.' +'</br><br/'+'Thanks'+','+'</br>'+'Brinks Team');
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] attachments = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[]{csvAttachment};
Messaging.SendEmailResult[] r = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[]{myEmail});
test class - 42%
public class TestUserReport {
static String str = 'Name,Registry_ID_EBS__c,OwnerId,Owner.Email,Owner.IsActive \n';
public static String[] csvFileLines;
public static Blob csvFileBody;
static testmethod void testfileupload(){
csvFileBody = Blob.valueOf(str);
String csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
UserReport result = new UserReport();
// result .csvAttachment();
static testmethod void testfileuploadNegative(){
csvFileBody = Blob.valueOf(str);
String csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
UserReport result = new UserReport();
Id batchJobId = Database.executeBatch(new UserReport(), 200);
global class UserReport implements Database.Batchable<SObject>, Database.AllowsCallouts, Database.Stateful {
global blob MyBlob;
Set<String> nums = new Set<String>{'1%','2%','3%','4%','5%','6%','7%','8%','9%'};
public List<String> searchstring = new List<String> {'Sales Manager','Sales User'};
private List<String> fieldNames = new List<String> {
'Name', 'Registry_ID_EBS__c','OwnerId', 'Owner.Email', 'Owner.IsActive'
global String csvContent = '';
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext context) {
return Database.getQueryLocator([Select Id, Name, Registry_ID_EBS__c, OwnerId, Owner.Email, Owner.IsActive,Owner.profile.Name From Account where Owner.profile.Name IN ('Sales Manager', 'Sales User') AND Registry_ID_EBS__c like :nums ]);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext context, List<Account> records) {
Map<Id, User> owners = new Map<Id, User>();
for (Account record : records) {
owners.put(record.OwnerId, null);
owners.putAll([Select Id, Name, Email, IsActive From User Where Id IN :owners.keySet()]);
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fieldName == 'OwnerId') {
csvContent += '"Owner Name",';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.Email') {
csvContent += '"Owner Email",';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.IsActive') {
csvContent += '"Owner Active",';
} else {
csvContent += '"' + fieldName + '"' + ',';
csvContent += '\n';*/
for (Account record : records) {
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fieldName == 'OwnerId') {
String ownerName = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerName = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).Name).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerName + '"' + ',';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.Email') {
String ownerEmail = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerEmail = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).Email).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerEmail + '"' + ',';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.IsActive') {
String ownerIsActive = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerIsActive = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).IsActive).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerIsActive + '"' + ',';
} else {
Object fieldValueObj = record.get(fieldName);
if (fieldValueObj != null) {
String fieldValue = String.valueOf(fieldValueObj).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + fieldValue + '"' + ',';
} else {
csvContent += ',';
csvContent += '\n';
String Header = 'Customer Name, EBS Registry Id, Account Owner, Account Owner Email, Account Owner IsActive';
String FinalcsvContent = Header + '\n' + csvContent ;
MyBlob = blob.valueOf(FinalcsvContent);
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext context) {
String emailAddress1 = 'mousumi.chatterjee@continuserve.com';
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment csvAttachment = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
String myName = 'AccountList.csv';
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage myEmail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[]{emailAddress1};
String subject = 'UserID and List CSV';
myEmail.setPlainTextBody('User Alias Report');
myEmail.setHtmlBody('Hi All'+','+'</br><br/>'+ 'Please find attached the sales user detail report from Salesforce production CRM.' +'</br><br/'+'Thanks'+','+'</br>'+'Brinks Team');
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] attachments = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[]{csvAttachment};
Messaging.SendEmailResult[] r = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[]{myEmail});
test class - 42%
public class TestUserReport {
static String str = 'Name,Registry_ID_EBS__c,OwnerId,Owner.Email,Owner.IsActive \n';
public static String[] csvFileLines;
public static Blob csvFileBody;
static testmethod void testfileupload(){
csvFileBody = Blob.valueOf(str);
String csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
UserReport result = new UserReport();
// result .csvAttachment();
static testmethod void testfileuploadNegative(){
csvFileBody = Blob.valueOf(str);
String csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
UserReport result = new UserReport();
Id batchJobId = Database.executeBatch(new UserReport(), 200);
- Mohini
- March 27, 2023
- Like
- 0
I want a to write a test class with 75% coverage .
The batch apex is sending account details as attachment and sending email and the test class is only covering 37% .Please helo me to get 75% code coverage
Apex Class:
global class UserReport implements Database.Batchable<SObject>, Database.AllowsCallouts, Database.Stateful {
global blob MyBlob;
public List<String> searchstring = new List<String> {'Sales Manager','Sales User'};
private List<String> fieldNames = new List<String> {
'Id', 'Name', 'Registry_ID_EBS__c','OwnerId', 'Owner.Email', 'Owner.IsActive'
global String csvContent = '';
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext context) {
return Database.getQueryLocator([Select Id, Name, Registry_ID_EBS__c, OwnerId, Owner.Email, Owner.IsActive,Owner.profile.Name From Account where Owner.profile.Name IN ('Sales Manager', 'Sales User') ]);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext context, List<Account> records) {
Map<Id, User> owners = new Map<Id, User>();
for (Account record : records) {
owners.put(record.OwnerId, null);
owners.putAll([Select Id, Name, Email, IsActive From User Where Id IN :owners.keySet()]);
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fieldName == 'OwnerId') {
csvContent += '"Owner Name",';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.Email') {
csvContent += '"Owner Email",';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.IsActive') {
csvContent += '"Owner Active",';
} else {
csvContent += '"' + fieldName + '"' + ',';
csvContent += '\n';
for (Account record : records) {
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fieldName == 'OwnerId') {
String ownerName = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerName = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).Name).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerName + '"' + ',';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.Email') {
String ownerEmail = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerEmail = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).Email).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerEmail + '"' + ',';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.IsActive') {
String ownerIsActive = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerIsActive = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).IsActive).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerIsActive + '"' + ',';
} else {
Object fieldValueObj = record.get(fieldName);
if (fieldValueObj != null) {
String fieldValue = String.valueOf(fieldValueObj).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + fieldValue + '"' + ',';
} else {
csvContent += ',';
csvContent += '\n';
MyBlob = blob.valueOf(csvContent);
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext context) {
String emailAddress1 = 'selvin.paul@continuserve.com';
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment csvAttachment = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
String myName = 'AccountList.csv';
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage myEmail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[]{emailAddress1};
String subject = 'UserID and List CSV';
myEmail.setPlainTextBody('User Alias Report');
myEmail.setHtmlBody('Hi All'+','+'</br><br/>'+ 'Please find attached the sales user detail report from Salesforce production CRM.' +'</br><br/'+'Thanks'+','+'</br>'+'Brinks Team');
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] attachments = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[]{csvAttachment};
Messaging.SendEmailResult[] r = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[]{myEmail});
Test Class:
public class UserReportTest {
static String str = 'Name,Registry_ID_EBS__c,OwnerId,Owner.Email,Owner.IsActive \n';
public static String[] csvFileLines;
public static Blob csvFileBody;
static testmethod void testfileupload(){
csvFileBody = Blob.valueOf(str);
String csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
UserReport result = new UserReport();
// result .csvAttachment();
static testmethod void testfileuploadNegative(){
csvFileBody = Blob.valueOf(str);
String csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
UserReport result = new UserReport();
Id batchJobId = Database.executeBatch(new UserReport(), 200);
Apex Class:
global class UserReport implements Database.Batchable<SObject>, Database.AllowsCallouts, Database.Stateful {
global blob MyBlob;
public List<String> searchstring = new List<String> {'Sales Manager','Sales User'};
private List<String> fieldNames = new List<String> {
'Id', 'Name', 'Registry_ID_EBS__c','OwnerId', 'Owner.Email', 'Owner.IsActive'
global String csvContent = '';
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext context) {
return Database.getQueryLocator([Select Id, Name, Registry_ID_EBS__c, OwnerId, Owner.Email, Owner.IsActive,Owner.profile.Name From Account where Owner.profile.Name IN ('Sales Manager', 'Sales User') ]);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext context, List<Account> records) {
Map<Id, User> owners = new Map<Id, User>();
for (Account record : records) {
owners.put(record.OwnerId, null);
owners.putAll([Select Id, Name, Email, IsActive From User Where Id IN :owners.keySet()]);
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fieldName == 'OwnerId') {
csvContent += '"Owner Name",';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.Email') {
csvContent += '"Owner Email",';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.IsActive') {
csvContent += '"Owner Active",';
} else {
csvContent += '"' + fieldName + '"' + ',';
csvContent += '\n';
for (Account record : records) {
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fieldName == 'OwnerId') {
String ownerName = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerName = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).Name).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerName + '"' + ',';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.Email') {
String ownerEmail = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerEmail = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).Email).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerEmail + '"' + ',';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.IsActive') {
String ownerIsActive = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerIsActive = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).IsActive).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerIsActive + '"' + ',';
} else {
Object fieldValueObj = record.get(fieldName);
if (fieldValueObj != null) {
String fieldValue = String.valueOf(fieldValueObj).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + fieldValue + '"' + ',';
} else {
csvContent += ',';
csvContent += '\n';
MyBlob = blob.valueOf(csvContent);
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext context) {
String emailAddress1 = 'selvin.paul@continuserve.com';
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment csvAttachment = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
String myName = 'AccountList.csv';
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage myEmail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[]{emailAddress1};
String subject = 'UserID and List CSV';
myEmail.setPlainTextBody('User Alias Report');
myEmail.setHtmlBody('Hi All'+','+'</br><br/>'+ 'Please find attached the sales user detail report from Salesforce production CRM.' +'</br><br/'+'Thanks'+','+'</br>'+'Brinks Team');
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] attachments = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[]{csvAttachment};
Messaging.SendEmailResult[] r = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[]{myEmail});
Test Class:
public class UserReportTest {
static String str = 'Name,Registry_ID_EBS__c,OwnerId,Owner.Email,Owner.IsActive \n';
public static String[] csvFileLines;
public static Blob csvFileBody;
static testmethod void testfileupload(){
csvFileBody = Blob.valueOf(str);
String csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
UserReport result = new UserReport();
// result .csvAttachment();
static testmethod void testfileuploadNegative(){
csvFileBody = Blob.valueOf(str);
String csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
UserReport result = new UserReport();
Id batchJobId = Database.executeBatch(new UserReport(), 200);
- Mohini
- March 17, 2023
- Like
- 0
Need help as trigger does not let me save new value and saves the old value
My trigger is working good for autopopulationg Account Id field when account lookup field is selected, But it is not letting me update a record .
For example if the account is stephan , it does not updates to Luke when updated and saves older value . Please help me with what is wrong here.
trigger LeadTriggerPardot on Lead (before insert,before update) {
List<String> Ids = new List<String>();
List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>();
Map<String,Id> mapAccount = new Map<String,Id>();
List<String> AccIds = new List<String>();
List<Account> acc = new List<Account>();
Map<Id,String> mapAcc = new Map<Id,String>();
Id leadRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('lead2.4').getRecordTypeId();
Id leadRecordTypeId1 = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Inside Sales').getRecordTypeId();
for(Lead o : trigger.new){
if(o.PartnerID__c !=null){
} }
for(Account a : [SELECT Id, PartnerID__c, Name FROM Account WHERE PartnerID__c IN :Ids]){
mapAccount.put(a.PartnerID__c, a.Id);
for(Lead o : trigger.new){
for(Account a : [SELECT Id, PartnerID__c, Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN :AccIds]){
for(Lead l: trigger.new){
if(l.RecordTypeId == leadRecordTypeId || l.RecordTypeId==leadRecordTypeId1){
if( mapAccount.containsKey(l.PartnerID__c))
l.Partner_Account_24__c = mapAccount.get(l.PartnerID__c);
if(l.PartnerID__c == null || l.Partner_Account_24__c!=null){
if( mapAcc.containsKey(l.Partner_Account_24__c))
l.PartnerID__c = mapAcc.get(l.Partner_Account_24__c);
For example if the account is stephan , it does not updates to Luke when updated and saves older value . Please help me with what is wrong here.
trigger LeadTriggerPardot on Lead (before insert,before update) {
List<String> Ids = new List<String>();
List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>();
Map<String,Id> mapAccount = new Map<String,Id>();
List<String> AccIds = new List<String>();
List<Account> acc = new List<Account>();
Map<Id,String> mapAcc = new Map<Id,String>();
Id leadRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('lead2.4').getRecordTypeId();
Id leadRecordTypeId1 = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Inside Sales').getRecordTypeId();
for(Lead o : trigger.new){
if(o.PartnerID__c !=null){
} }
for(Account a : [SELECT Id, PartnerID__c, Name FROM Account WHERE PartnerID__c IN :Ids]){
mapAccount.put(a.PartnerID__c, a.Id);
for(Lead o : trigger.new){
for(Account a : [SELECT Id, PartnerID__c, Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN :AccIds]){
for(Lead l: trigger.new){
if(l.RecordTypeId == leadRecordTypeId || l.RecordTypeId==leadRecordTypeId1){
if( mapAccount.containsKey(l.PartnerID__c))
l.Partner_Account_24__c = mapAccount.get(l.PartnerID__c);
if(l.PartnerID__c == null || l.Partner_Account_24__c!=null){
if( mapAcc.containsKey(l.Partner_Account_24__c))
l.PartnerID__c = mapAcc.get(l.Partner_Account_24__c);
- Mohini
- August 03, 2022
- Like
- 0
Need help with test class for the below trigger and apex handler. Please help me as I am stuck
.Scenrio : Trigger rolls up child revenue and cost record as average for similar product type and sum for different product type:.
Please helo me write a test class for this
Trigger :trigger RollupSubAmt on Sub_Opportunity__c (after insert, after update,after delete,after undelete) {
Set<Id> oppIdSet = new Set<Id>();
Map<Id, List<AggregateResult>> revenuecostAmountMap = new Map<Id, List<AggregateResult>>();
//Map<Id, Double> costTypeMap = new Map<Id, Double>();
List<Opportunity> opptyListToUpdate = new List<Opportunity>();
if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isUndelete){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c subopp : Trigger.new){
if(subopp.Opportunity__c != null){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c opp : Trigger.old){
if(opp.Opportunity__c!= null){
Apex :
public class RollupSubAmtHandler {
Public Static void afterOperation(Set<Id> setofOpportunityId)
Map<Id, List<AggregateResult>> revenuecostAmountMap = new Map<Id, List<AggregateResult>>();
List<Opportunity> opptyListToUpdate = new List<Opportunity>();
for(AggregateResult res : [SELECT Opportunity__c Opp, Product_Type__c value, AVG(Actual_Revenue_Rollup__c)revAvg , AVG(Actual_Cost_Rollup__c)costAvg FROM Sub_Opportunity__c WHERE Opportunity__c IN : setofOpportunityId GROUP BY Opportunity__c, Product_Type__c]) {
//opptyListToUpdate.add(new Opportunity(Id=(Id)res.get('Opportunity__c'), Actual_Revenue2__c= (Double)res.get('revAvg')));
Id oppId = (ID)res.get('Opp');
system.debug('revenuecostAmountMap=>'+ revenuecostAmountMap);
revenuecostAmountMap.put(oppId, new List<AggregateResult> { res });
System.debug('revenuecostAmountMap.size()=>>'+ revenuecostAmountMap.size());
for(Id opportunityId : revenuecostAmountMap.keySet())
Double sumOfRevenueAmount = calculateRevenue(revenuecostAmountMap.get(opportunityId));
Double sumOfCostAmount = calculateCost(revenuecostAmountMap.get(opportunityId));
Opportunity opportunityRecord = New Opportunity();
opportunityRecord.Id = opportunityId;
opportunityRecord.Actual_Cost2__c = sumOfCostAmount ;
opportunityRecord.Actual_Revenue2__c = sumOfRevenueAmount ;
update opptyListToUpdate;
public Static Double calculateRevenue(List<AggregateResult> revenueList)
Double sumofrevenue = 0.0;
for(AggregateResult ar : revenueList)
system.debug('each aggregate revenue value => '+ (Double)ar.get('revAvg'));
sumofrevenue += (Double)ar.get('revAvg');
return sumofrevenue;
public Static Double calculateCost(List<AggregateResult> costList)
Double sumofcost = 0.0;
for(AggregateResult ar : costList)
system.debug('each aggregate cost value => '+ (Double)ar.get('costAvg'));
sumofcost += (Double)ar.get('costAvg');
return sumofcost;
Please helo me write a test class for this
Trigger :trigger RollupSubAmt on Sub_Opportunity__c (after insert, after update,after delete,after undelete) {
Set<Id> oppIdSet = new Set<Id>();
Map<Id, List<AggregateResult>> revenuecostAmountMap = new Map<Id, List<AggregateResult>>();
//Map<Id, Double> costTypeMap = new Map<Id, Double>();
List<Opportunity> opptyListToUpdate = new List<Opportunity>();
if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isUndelete){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c subopp : Trigger.new){
if(subopp.Opportunity__c != null){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c opp : Trigger.old){
if(opp.Opportunity__c!= null){
Apex :
public class RollupSubAmtHandler {
Public Static void afterOperation(Set<Id> setofOpportunityId)
Map<Id, List<AggregateResult>> revenuecostAmountMap = new Map<Id, List<AggregateResult>>();
List<Opportunity> opptyListToUpdate = new List<Opportunity>();
for(AggregateResult res : [SELECT Opportunity__c Opp, Product_Type__c value, AVG(Actual_Revenue_Rollup__c)revAvg , AVG(Actual_Cost_Rollup__c)costAvg FROM Sub_Opportunity__c WHERE Opportunity__c IN : setofOpportunityId GROUP BY Opportunity__c, Product_Type__c]) {
//opptyListToUpdate.add(new Opportunity(Id=(Id)res.get('Opportunity__c'), Actual_Revenue2__c= (Double)res.get('revAvg')));
Id oppId = (ID)res.get('Opp');
system.debug('revenuecostAmountMap=>'+ revenuecostAmountMap);
revenuecostAmountMap.put(oppId, new List<AggregateResult> { res });
System.debug('revenuecostAmountMap.size()=>>'+ revenuecostAmountMap.size());
for(Id opportunityId : revenuecostAmountMap.keySet())
Double sumOfRevenueAmount = calculateRevenue(revenuecostAmountMap.get(opportunityId));
Double sumOfCostAmount = calculateCost(revenuecostAmountMap.get(opportunityId));
Opportunity opportunityRecord = New Opportunity();
opportunityRecord.Id = opportunityId;
opportunityRecord.Actual_Cost2__c = sumOfCostAmount ;
opportunityRecord.Actual_Revenue2__c = sumOfRevenueAmount ;
update opptyListToUpdate;
public Static Double calculateRevenue(List<AggregateResult> revenueList)
Double sumofrevenue = 0.0;
for(AggregateResult ar : revenueList)
system.debug('each aggregate revenue value => '+ (Double)ar.get('revAvg'));
sumofrevenue += (Double)ar.get('revAvg');
return sumofrevenue;
public Static Double calculateCost(List<AggregateResult> costList)
Double sumofcost = 0.0;
for(AggregateResult ar : costList)
system.debug('each aggregate cost value => '+ (Double)ar.get('costAvg'));
sumofcost += (Double)ar.get('costAvg');
return sumofcost;
- Mohini
- July 27, 2022
- Like
- 0
Need Help with Dynamically checking picklists and performing aggregate
- Please help me with the apex handler . I have 2 objects opportunity (parent) and sub -opportunity (child)objects . I have two fields in child object revenue and cost. There is a picklist field in sub opportunity called prod type. If the sub opportunity has similar prod type, the revenue and cost should get averaged at opportunity object (Revenue field and cost field field) . For different prod type , the revenue should be sumed and displayed at oopportunity revenue field. Similarly for cost. Please help me how I can dynamically check the prod type and do average or sum for sub opportunity by product type and display in opportunity object revenue field.
Trigger handler:
public class SubOpportunityTriggerHandler {
public void afterUpdate(List<Sub_Opportunity__c> newSubOpp){
Set<ID> SubId = new Set<ID>();
for (Sub_Opportunity__c sub : (List<Sub_Opportunity__c>)Trigger.New) {
public void afterinsert(List<Sub_Opportunity__c> newSubOpp){
for (Sub_Opportunity__c opp : (List<Sub_Opportunity__c>)Trigger.New) {
public void afterdelete(List<Sub_Opportunity__c> newSubOpp){
for (Sub_Opportunity__c opp : (List<Sub_Opportunity__c>)Trigger.New) {
public void afterundelete(List<Sub_Opportunity__c> newSubOpp){
for (Sub_Opportunity__c opp : (List<Sub_Opportunity__c>)Trigger.New) {
- Mohini
- July 18, 2022
- Like
- 0
Need help with aggregate function.
- Please help me with the apex handler . I have 2 objects opportunity (parent) and sub -opportunity (child)objects . I have two fields in child object revenue and cost. There is a picklist field in sub opportunity called prod type. If the sub opportunity has similar prod type, the revenue and cost should get averaged at opportunity object (Revenue field and cost field field) . For different prod type , the revenue should be sumed and displayed at oopportunity revenue field. Similarly for cost. Please help me how I can dynamically check the prod type and do average or sum for sub opportunity by product type and display in opportunity object revenue field.
Trigger handler:
public class SubOpportunityTriggerHandler {
public void afterUpdate(List<Sub_Opportunity__c> newSubOpp){
Set<ID> SubId = new Set<ID>();
for (Sub_Opportunity__c sub : (List<Sub_Opportunity__c>)Trigger.New) {
public void afterinsert(List<Sub_Opportunity__c> newSubOpp){
for (Sub_Opportunity__c opp : (List<Sub_Opportunity__c>)Trigger.New) {
public void afterdelete(List<Sub_Opportunity__c> newSubOpp){
for (Sub_Opportunity__c opp : (List<Sub_Opportunity__c>)Trigger.New) {
public void afterundelete(List<Sub_Opportunity__c> newSubOpp){
for (Sub_Opportunity__c opp : (List<Sub_Opportunity__c>)Trigger.New) {
public static void RollupCalculation(Set<ID> subId){
Trigger handler:
public class SubOpportunityTriggerHandler {
public void afterUpdate(List<Sub_Opportunity__c> newSubOpp){
Set<ID> SubId = new Set<ID>();
for (Sub_Opportunity__c sub : (List<Sub_Opportunity__c>)Trigger.New) {
public void afterinsert(List<Sub_Opportunity__c> newSubOpp){
for (Sub_Opportunity__c opp : (List<Sub_Opportunity__c>)Trigger.New) {
public void afterdelete(List<Sub_Opportunity__c> newSubOpp){
for (Sub_Opportunity__c opp : (List<Sub_Opportunity__c>)Trigger.New) {
public void afterundelete(List<Sub_Opportunity__c> newSubOpp){
for (Sub_Opportunity__c opp : (List<Sub_Opportunity__c>)Trigger.New) {
public static void RollupCalculation(Set<ID> subId){
- Mohini
- July 15, 2022
- Like
- 0
Need help to perform average or sum based on child object picklist product type on parent object
how to dynamically search a picklist values
There is a picklist field Prod Type in child object ,sub opportunity . Based on similar Prod Type values the child object sub opportunity's field "revenue" should get averaged and for differnt product types values the child object "Sub opportunity " revenue field should be sumed at the parent object that is opportunity.
Please help me to achive this in my trigger
trigger RolllupSubAmt on Sub_Opportunity__c ( after insert, after update,after delete,after undelete) {
Set<Id> oppIdSet=new Set<Id>();
List<Opportunity> opptyListToUpdate=new List<Opportunity>();
if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isUndelete){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c subopp : Trigger.new){
if(subopp.Opportunity__c!= null){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c opp : Trigger.old){
if(opp.Opportunity__c!= null){
for(AggregateResult res : [SELECT Opportunity__c,avg(Actual_Revenue_Rollup__c)can FROM Sub_Opportunity__c WHERE Opportunity__c IN :oppIdSet GROUP BY Opportunity__c ]) {
opptyListToUpdate.add(new Opportunity(Id=(Id)res.get('Opportunity__c'), Actual_Revenue2__c=(Double)res.get('can')));
update opptyListToUpdate;
}catch(DmlException de){
There is a picklist field Prod Type in child object ,sub opportunity . Based on similar Prod Type values the child object sub opportunity's field "revenue" should get averaged and for differnt product types values the child object "Sub opportunity " revenue field should be sumed at the parent object that is opportunity.
Please help me to achive this in my trigger
trigger RolllupSubAmt on Sub_Opportunity__c ( after insert, after update,after delete,after undelete) {
Set<Id> oppIdSet=new Set<Id>();
List<Opportunity> opptyListToUpdate=new List<Opportunity>();
if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isUndelete){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c subopp : Trigger.new){
if(subopp.Opportunity__c!= null){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c opp : Trigger.old){
if(opp.Opportunity__c!= null){
for(AggregateResult res : [SELECT Opportunity__c,avg(Actual_Revenue_Rollup__c)can FROM Sub_Opportunity__c WHERE Opportunity__c IN :oppIdSet GROUP BY Opportunity__c ]) {
opptyListToUpdate.add(new Opportunity(Id=(Id)res.get('Opportunity__c'), Actual_Revenue2__c=(Double)res.get('can')));
update opptyListToUpdate;
}catch(DmlException de){
- Mohini
- July 15, 2022
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- 0
how to dynamically search a picklist values
There is a picklist field Prod Type in child object ,sub opportunity . Based on similar Prod Type values the child object sub opportunity's field "revenue" should get averaged and for differnt product types values the child object "Sub opportunity " revenue field should be sumed at the parent object that is opportunity.
Please help me to achive this in my trigger
trigger RolllupSubAmt on Sub_Opportunity__c ( after insert, after update,after delete,after undelete) {
Set<Id> oppIdSet=new Set<Id>();
List<Opportunity> opptyListToUpdate=new List<Opportunity>();
if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isUndelete){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c subopp : Trigger.new){
if(subopp.Opportunity__c!= null){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c opp : Trigger.old){
if(opp.Opportunity__c!= null){
for(AggregateResult res : [SELECT Opportunity__c,avg(Actual_Revenue_Rollup__c)can FROM Sub_Opportunity__c WHERE Opportunity__c IN :oppIdSet GROUP BY Opportunity__c ]) {
opptyListToUpdate.add(new Opportunity(Id=(Id)res.get('Opportunity__c'), Actual_Revenue2__c=(Double)res.get('can')));
update opptyListToUpdate;
}catch(DmlException de){
Please help me to achive this in my trigger
trigger RolllupSubAmt on Sub_Opportunity__c ( after insert, after update,after delete,after undelete) {
Set<Id> oppIdSet=new Set<Id>();
List<Opportunity> opptyListToUpdate=new List<Opportunity>();
if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isUndelete){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c subopp : Trigger.new){
if(subopp.Opportunity__c!= null){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c opp : Trigger.old){
if(opp.Opportunity__c!= null){
for(AggregateResult res : [SELECT Opportunity__c,avg(Actual_Revenue_Rollup__c)can FROM Sub_Opportunity__c WHERE Opportunity__c IN :oppIdSet GROUP BY Opportunity__c ]) {
opptyListToUpdate.add(new Opportunity(Id=(Id)res.get('Opportunity__c'), Actual_Revenue2__c=(Double)res.get('can')));
update opptyListToUpdate;
}catch(DmlException de){
- Mohini
- July 15, 2022
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- 0
Trigger to perform average or sum of child records on parent object based on product type
Hi there.. I need help with a trigger which averages sub opportunities revenue field when product type is same else it sums the revenues at the parent (opprtunity object).
The trigger which I have written below only sums. Please help me so that based on the similar product types the revenue gets averages else sumed up.
trigger RolllupSubAmt on Sub_Opportunity__c ( after insert, after update,after delete,after undelete) {
Set<Id> oppIdSet=new Set<Id>();
List<Opportunity> opptyListToUpdate=new List<Opportunity>();
if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isUndelete){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c subopp : Trigger.new){
if(subopp.Opportunity__c!= null){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c opp : Trigger.old){
if(opp.Opportunity__c!= null){
for(AggregateResult res : [SELECT Opportunity__c,sum(Actual_Revenue_Rollup__c)can FROM Sub_Opportunity__c WHERE Opportunity__c IN :oppIdSet GROUP BY Opportunity__c ]) {
opptyListToUpdate.add(new Opportunity(Id=(Id)res.get('Opportunity__c'), Actual_Revenue2__c=(Double)res.get('can')));
update opptyListToUpdate;
}catch(DmlException de){
The trigger which I have written below only sums. Please help me so that based on the similar product types the revenue gets averages else sumed up.
trigger RolllupSubAmt on Sub_Opportunity__c ( after insert, after update,after delete,after undelete) {
Set<Id> oppIdSet=new Set<Id>();
List<Opportunity> opptyListToUpdate=new List<Opportunity>();
if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isUndelete){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c subopp : Trigger.new){
if(subopp.Opportunity__c!= null){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c opp : Trigger.old){
if(opp.Opportunity__c!= null){
for(AggregateResult res : [SELECT Opportunity__c,sum(Actual_Revenue_Rollup__c)can FROM Sub_Opportunity__c WHERE Opportunity__c IN :oppIdSet GROUP BY Opportunity__c ]) {
opptyListToUpdate.add(new Opportunity(Id=(Id)res.get('Opportunity__c'), Actual_Revenue2__c=(Double)res.get('can')));
update opptyListToUpdate;
}catch(DmlException de){
- Mohini
- July 14, 2022
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- 0
Need help with average at opportunity
Scenario : opportunity (primary)
Sub opportunity(master detailed with primary
Product (mater detailed with sub oppty)
Product object revenue and cost sum is rolling up at sub opportunity and the probability is getting averaged for product at sub opportunity object. Product has product type IS and OS.
I need your help here … at the opportunity object if there are 2 sub opportunity records with IS product types then further rollup for revenue , cost and probability at primary opportunity will be averaged. Same for OS.. if there are more than 1 sub opportunity at opportunity object the revenue , cost and probability rollups will be averaged.The IS and OS sub opportunity will always be added
for revenue and cost and Probability will be averaged.ut
Below table is an example to make you undertand. Please help me.with the developments to achieve this .
Sub opportunity(master detailed with primary
Product (mater detailed with sub oppty)
Product object revenue and cost sum is rolling up at sub opportunity and the probability is getting averaged for product at sub opportunity object. Product has product type IS and OS.
I need your help here … at the opportunity object if there are 2 sub opportunity records with IS product types then further rollup for revenue , cost and probability at primary opportunity will be averaged. Same for OS.. if there are more than 1 sub opportunity at opportunity object the revenue , cost and probability rollups will be averaged.The IS and OS sub opportunity will always be added
for revenue and cost and Probability will be averaged.ut
Below table is an example to make you undertand. Please help me.with the developments to achieve this .
- Mohini
- July 13, 2022
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- 1
Please help me write a test class for the trigger code
Scenario : This trigger with the apex class helps in calculating roll up of average (cost, amount and probability ) from product child object to sub-oppty parent object. Please help me with the test class for this . Your help will be greatly helpful.
trigger AvgCalculateTrigger on Sub_Opportunity_Product__c (after insert, after update, after delete) {
if( Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isAfter || Trigger.isDelete ){
if( Trigger.isAfter ){
Apex Class
public class AvgCalculate {
public static void avgCalculate (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds = new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub ){
subopptyIds.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Cost__c ) avg FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Actual_Cost2__c = (Decimal)ag.get('avg') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate;
public static void avgCalculate1 (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds1= new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate1 = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub1 = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub1 ){
subopptyIds1.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag1 : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Amount__c ) avg FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate1.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag1.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Actual_Revenue2__c = (Decimal)ag1.get('avg') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate1.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate1;
public static void avgCalculate2 (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds2= new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate2 = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub2 = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub2 ){
subopptyIds2.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag2 : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Probability__c ) avgprob FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate2.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag2.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Probability__c = (Decimal)ag2.get('avgprob') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate2.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate2;
trigger AvgCalculateTrigger on Sub_Opportunity_Product__c (after insert, after update, after delete) {
if( Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isAfter || Trigger.isDelete ){
if( Trigger.isAfter ){
Apex Class
public class AvgCalculate {
public static void avgCalculate (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds = new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub ){
subopptyIds.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Cost__c ) avg FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Actual_Cost2__c = (Decimal)ag.get('avg') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate;
public static void avgCalculate1 (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds1= new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate1 = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub1 = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub1 ){
subopptyIds1.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag1 : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Amount__c ) avg FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate1.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag1.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Actual_Revenue2__c = (Decimal)ag1.get('avg') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate1.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate1;
public static void avgCalculate2 (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds2= new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate2 = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub2 = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub2 ){
subopptyIds2.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag2 : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Probability__c ) avgprob FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate2.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag2.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Probability__c = (Decimal)ag2.get('avgprob') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate2.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate2;
- Mohini
- June 27, 2022
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- 0
Need help with the trigger to calculate average.
Scenario : I have written a trigger to update average of cost , amount and probability of child object product at parent object sub opportunity level (Actual Cost , Actual Amount and Actual Probability ) fields. I have written three separate methods for the same , Please help me to write inside one method.
Apex Trigger:
trigger AvgCalculateTrigger on Sub_Opportunity_Product__c (after insert, after update, after delete) {
if( Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isAfter || Trigger.isDelete ){
if( Trigger.isAfter ){
Apex Class
public class AvgCalculate {
public static void avgCalculate (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds = new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub ){
subopptyIds.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Cost__c ) avg FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Actual_Cost2__c = (Decimal)ag.get('avg') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate;
public static void avgCalculate1 (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds1= new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate1 = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub1 = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub1 ){
subopptyIds1.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag1 : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Amount__c ) avg FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate1.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag1.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Actual_Revenue2__c = (Decimal)ag1.get('avg') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate1.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate1;
public static void avgCalculate2 (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds2= new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate2 = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub2 = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub2 ){
subopptyIds2.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag2 : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Probability__c ) avgprob FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate2.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag2.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Probability__c = (Decimal)ag2.get('avgprob') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate2.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate2;
Apex Trigger:
trigger AvgCalculateTrigger on Sub_Opportunity_Product__c (after insert, after update, after delete) {
if( Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isAfter || Trigger.isDelete ){
if( Trigger.isAfter ){
Apex Class
public class AvgCalculate {
public static void avgCalculate (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds = new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub ){
subopptyIds.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Cost__c ) avg FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Actual_Cost2__c = (Decimal)ag.get('avg') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate;
public static void avgCalculate1 (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds1= new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate1 = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub1 = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub1 ){
subopptyIds1.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag1 : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Amount__c ) avg FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate1.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag1.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Actual_Revenue2__c = (Decimal)ag1.get('avg') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate1.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate1;
public static void avgCalculate2 (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds2= new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate2 = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub2 = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub2 ){
subopptyIds2.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag2 : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Probability__c ) avgprob FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate2.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag2.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Probability__c = (Decimal)ag2.get('avgprob') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate2.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate2;
- Mohini
- June 24, 2022
- Like
- 0
Make a picklist value required when a formula field value is "None"
I have two fields ,
Timing 1 field one is picklist which is created for user to select manually , Timing 2 field is a formula which populates if user selects a contract end date.
The users should enter Timing 1 field only when Timing 2 is populated as "No' as value (basically when no contract end date is entered , Timing 2 is no ).
How to achieve this ? Help me with the validations please
Timing 1 field one is picklist which is created for user to select manually , Timing 2 field is a formula which populates if user selects a contract end date.
The users should enter Timing 1 field only when Timing 2 is populated as "No' as value (basically when no contract end date is entered , Timing 2 is no ).
How to achieve this ? Help me with the validations please
- Mohini
- May 16, 2022
- Like
- 0
how to make a picklist value required when a formula field value is "None"
I have two Timing 1 field one is picklisy which is created for user to select manually , Timing 2 field is a formula which populates if user selects a contract end date.
The users should enter Timing 1 field only when Timing 2 is populated as "None' (basically when no contract end date is entered , Timing 2 is none ).
How to achieve this ? Help me with the validations please
The users should enter Timing 1 field only when Timing 2 is populated as "None' (basically when no contract end date is entered , Timing 2 is none ).
How to achieve this ? Help me with the validations please
- Mohini
- May 16, 2022
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- 0
I need help with the test class for below trigger as I am stuck.
Partnerid is external id in Account .
In Lead Partnerid is a text datatype field which will have same value as Account PartnerId
:This trigger updates the account name lookup field on lead based on the partner id on Lead object .
Usecase2:Also if account lookup is selected first then it populates the partnerid field to the id number that is tied to the account selected
Both the usecases are taken care by this trigger.
trigger LeadTriggerPardot on Lead (before insert,before update) {
List<String> Ids = new List<String>();
List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>();
Map<String,Id> mapAccount = new Map<String,Id>();
List<String> AccIds = new List<String>();
List<Account> acc = new List<Account>();
Map<Id,String> mapAcc = new Map<Id,String>();
Id leadRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('lead2.4').getRecordTypeId();
for(Lead o : trigger.new){
if(o.PartnerID__c !=null){
} }
for(Account a : [SELECT Id, PartnerID__c, Name FROM Account WHERE PartnerID__c IN :Ids]){
mapAccount.put(a.PartnerID__c, a.Id);
for(Lead o : trigger.new){
for(Account a : [SELECT Id, PartnerID__c, Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN :AccIds]){
for(Lead l: trigger.new){
if(l.RecordTypeId == leadRecordTypeId){
if( mapAccount.containsKey(l.PartnerID__c))
l.Partner_Account_24__c = mapAccount.get(l.PartnerID__c);
if(l.PartnerID__c == null || l.Partner_Account_24__c!=null){
if( mapAcc.containsKey(l.Partner_Account_24__c))
l.PartnerID__c = mapAcc.get(l.Partner_Account_24__c);
Test Class:
public class TestLeadTriggerPardot {
@isTest static void LeadPardot (){
Account acc = new Account(
Name = 'Test Temp Account',
PartnerID__c = '6789'
insert acc;
Lead ld = new Lead(
PartnerID__c = '6789',
Partner_Account_24__c = 'Test Temp Account',
LastName = 'Test Lead',
Company = 'ABC',
LeadSource ='Phone'
insert ld;
Static testMethod void insertLeadItem()
Lead l=[select id, Partner_Account_24__c from Lead where PartnerID__c = '6789'];
system.assertequals(l.Partner_Account_24__c, null);
Static testMethod void insertLeadItem_Null()
Lead l=[select id,Partner_Account_24__c from Lead where PartnerID__c = '6789'];
Account a =[select id , PartnerID__c,Name from Account where PartnerID__c = '6789'];
l.PartnerID__c = '6789';
update l;
Lead lead =[select id ,Partner_Account_24__c from Lead where Id=:l.id];
system.assertequals(lead.Partner_Account_24__c, a.PartnerID__c);
- Mohini
- May 13, 2022
- Like
- 0
Need help with Test class on Lead object. Your help will be appreciated
trigger LeadTriggerPardot on Lead (before insert,before update) {
List<String> Ids = new List<String>();
List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>();
Map<String,Id> mapAccount = new Map<String,Id>();
List<String> AccIds = new List<String>();
List<Account> acc = new List<Account>();
Map<Id,String> mapAcc = new Map<Id,String>();
Id leadRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('lead2.4').getRecordTypeId();
for(Lead o : trigger.new){
if(o.PartnerID__c !=null){
} }
for(Account a : [SELECT Id, PartnerID__c, Name FROM Account WHERE PartnerID__c IN :Ids]){
mapAccount.put(a.PartnerID__c, a.Id);
for(Lead o : trigger.new){
for(Account a : [SELECT Id, PartnerID__c, Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN :AccIds]){
for(Lead l: trigger.new){
if(l.RecordTypeId == leadRecordTypeId){
if( mapAccount.containsKey(l.PartnerID__c))
l.Partner_Account_24__c = mapAccount.get(l.PartnerID__c);
if(l.PartnerID__c == null || l.Partner_Account_24__c!=null){
if( mapAcc.containsKey(l.Partner_Account_24__c))
l.PartnerID__c = mapAcc.get(l.Partner_Account_24__c);
List<String> Ids = new List<String>();
List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>();
Map<String,Id> mapAccount = new Map<String,Id>();
List<String> AccIds = new List<String>();
List<Account> acc = new List<Account>();
Map<Id,String> mapAcc = new Map<Id,String>();
Id leadRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('lead2.4').getRecordTypeId();
for(Lead o : trigger.new){
if(o.PartnerID__c !=null){
} }
for(Account a : [SELECT Id, PartnerID__c, Name FROM Account WHERE PartnerID__c IN :Ids]){
mapAccount.put(a.PartnerID__c, a.Id);
for(Lead o : trigger.new){
for(Account a : [SELECT Id, PartnerID__c, Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN :AccIds]){
for(Lead l: trigger.new){
if(l.RecordTypeId == leadRecordTypeId){
if( mapAccount.containsKey(l.PartnerID__c))
l.Partner_Account_24__c = mapAccount.get(l.PartnerID__c);
if(l.PartnerID__c == null || l.Partner_Account_24__c!=null){
if( mapAcc.containsKey(l.Partner_Account_24__c))
l.PartnerID__c = mapAcc.get(l.Partner_Account_24__c);
- Mohini
- May 09, 2022
- Like
- 0
Need help with average at opportunity
Scenario : opportunity (primary)
Sub opportunity(master detailed with primary
Product (mater detailed with sub oppty)
Product object revenue and cost sum is rolling up at sub opportunity and the probability is getting averaged for product at sub opportunity object. Product has product type IS and OS.
I need your help here … at the opportunity object if there are 2 sub opportunity records with IS product types then further rollup for revenue , cost and probability at primary opportunity will be averaged. Same for OS.. if there are more than 1 sub opportunity at opportunity object the revenue , cost and probability rollups will be averaged.The IS and OS sub opportunity will always be added
for revenue and cost and Probability will be averaged.ut
Below table is an example to make you undertand. Please help me.with the developments to achieve this .
Sub opportunity(master detailed with primary
Product (mater detailed with sub oppty)
Product object revenue and cost sum is rolling up at sub opportunity and the probability is getting averaged for product at sub opportunity object. Product has product type IS and OS.
I need your help here … at the opportunity object if there are 2 sub opportunity records with IS product types then further rollup for revenue , cost and probability at primary opportunity will be averaged. Same for OS.. if there are more than 1 sub opportunity at opportunity object the revenue , cost and probability rollups will be averaged.The IS and OS sub opportunity will always be added
for revenue and cost and Probability will be averaged.ut
Below table is an example to make you undertand. Please help me.with the developments to achieve this .
- Mohini
- July 13, 2022
- Like
- 1
Please help me achieve 75% for the test class for my below class that is sending a excel attachment for account object records as email alert
class :
global class UserReport implements Database.Batchable<SObject>, Database.AllowsCallouts, Database.Stateful {
global blob MyBlob;
Set<String> nums = new Set<String>{'1%','2%','3%','4%','5%','6%','7%','8%','9%'};
public List<String> searchstring = new List<String> {'Sales Manager','Sales User'};
private List<String> fieldNames = new List<String> {
'Name', 'Registry_ID_EBS__c','OwnerId', 'Owner.Email', 'Owner.IsActive'
global String csvContent = '';
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext context) {
return Database.getQueryLocator([Select Id, Name, Registry_ID_EBS__c, OwnerId, Owner.Email, Owner.IsActive,Owner.profile.Name From Account where Owner.profile.Name IN ('Sales Manager', 'Sales User') AND Registry_ID_EBS__c like :nums ]);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext context, List<Account> records) {
Map<Id, User> owners = new Map<Id, User>();
for (Account record : records) {
owners.put(record.OwnerId, null);
owners.putAll([Select Id, Name, Email, IsActive From User Where Id IN :owners.keySet()]);
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fieldName == 'OwnerId') {
csvContent += '"Owner Name",';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.Email') {
csvContent += '"Owner Email",';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.IsActive') {
csvContent += '"Owner Active",';
} else {
csvContent += '"' + fieldName + '"' + ',';
csvContent += '\n';*/
for (Account record : records) {
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fieldName == 'OwnerId') {
String ownerName = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerName = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).Name).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerName + '"' + ',';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.Email') {
String ownerEmail = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerEmail = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).Email).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerEmail + '"' + ',';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.IsActive') {
String ownerIsActive = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerIsActive = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).IsActive).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerIsActive + '"' + ',';
} else {
Object fieldValueObj = record.get(fieldName);
if (fieldValueObj != null) {
String fieldValue = String.valueOf(fieldValueObj).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + fieldValue + '"' + ',';
} else {
csvContent += ',';
csvContent += '\n';
String Header = 'Customer Name, EBS Registry Id, Account Owner, Account Owner Email, Account Owner IsActive';
String FinalcsvContent = Header + '\n' + csvContent ;
MyBlob = blob.valueOf(FinalcsvContent);
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext context) {
String emailAddress1 = 'mousumi.chatterjee@continuserve.com';
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment csvAttachment = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
String myName = 'AccountList.csv';
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage myEmail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[]{emailAddress1};
String subject = 'UserID and List CSV';
myEmail.setPlainTextBody('User Alias Report');
myEmail.setHtmlBody('Hi All'+','+'</br><br/>'+ 'Please find attached the sales user detail report from Salesforce production CRM.' +'</br><br/'+'Thanks'+','+'</br>'+'Brinks Team');
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] attachments = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[]{csvAttachment};
Messaging.SendEmailResult[] r = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[]{myEmail});
test class - 42%
public class TestUserReport {
static String str = 'Name,Registry_ID_EBS__c,OwnerId,Owner.Email,Owner.IsActive \n';
public static String[] csvFileLines;
public static Blob csvFileBody;
static testmethod void testfileupload(){
csvFileBody = Blob.valueOf(str);
String csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
UserReport result = new UserReport();
// result .csvAttachment();
static testmethod void testfileuploadNegative(){
csvFileBody = Blob.valueOf(str);
String csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
UserReport result = new UserReport();
Id batchJobId = Database.executeBatch(new UserReport(), 200);
global class UserReport implements Database.Batchable<SObject>, Database.AllowsCallouts, Database.Stateful {
global blob MyBlob;
Set<String> nums = new Set<String>{'1%','2%','3%','4%','5%','6%','7%','8%','9%'};
public List<String> searchstring = new List<String> {'Sales Manager','Sales User'};
private List<String> fieldNames = new List<String> {
'Name', 'Registry_ID_EBS__c','OwnerId', 'Owner.Email', 'Owner.IsActive'
global String csvContent = '';
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext context) {
return Database.getQueryLocator([Select Id, Name, Registry_ID_EBS__c, OwnerId, Owner.Email, Owner.IsActive,Owner.profile.Name From Account where Owner.profile.Name IN ('Sales Manager', 'Sales User') AND Registry_ID_EBS__c like :nums ]);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext context, List<Account> records) {
Map<Id, User> owners = new Map<Id, User>();
for (Account record : records) {
owners.put(record.OwnerId, null);
owners.putAll([Select Id, Name, Email, IsActive From User Where Id IN :owners.keySet()]);
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fieldName == 'OwnerId') {
csvContent += '"Owner Name",';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.Email') {
csvContent += '"Owner Email",';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.IsActive') {
csvContent += '"Owner Active",';
} else {
csvContent += '"' + fieldName + '"' + ',';
csvContent += '\n';*/
for (Account record : records) {
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fieldName == 'OwnerId') {
String ownerName = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerName = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).Name).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerName + '"' + ',';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.Email') {
String ownerEmail = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerEmail = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).Email).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerEmail + '"' + ',';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.IsActive') {
String ownerIsActive = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerIsActive = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).IsActive).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerIsActive + '"' + ',';
} else {
Object fieldValueObj = record.get(fieldName);
if (fieldValueObj != null) {
String fieldValue = String.valueOf(fieldValueObj).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + fieldValue + '"' + ',';
} else {
csvContent += ',';
csvContent += '\n';
String Header = 'Customer Name, EBS Registry Id, Account Owner, Account Owner Email, Account Owner IsActive';
String FinalcsvContent = Header + '\n' + csvContent ;
MyBlob = blob.valueOf(FinalcsvContent);
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext context) {
String emailAddress1 = 'mousumi.chatterjee@continuserve.com';
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment csvAttachment = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
String myName = 'AccountList.csv';
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage myEmail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[]{emailAddress1};
String subject = 'UserID and List CSV';
myEmail.setPlainTextBody('User Alias Report');
myEmail.setHtmlBody('Hi All'+','+'</br><br/>'+ 'Please find attached the sales user detail report from Salesforce production CRM.' +'</br><br/'+'Thanks'+','+'</br>'+'Brinks Team');
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] attachments = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[]{csvAttachment};
Messaging.SendEmailResult[] r = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[]{myEmail});
test class - 42%
public class TestUserReport {
static String str = 'Name,Registry_ID_EBS__c,OwnerId,Owner.Email,Owner.IsActive \n';
public static String[] csvFileLines;
public static Blob csvFileBody;
static testmethod void testfileupload(){
csvFileBody = Blob.valueOf(str);
String csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
UserReport result = new UserReport();
// result .csvAttachment();
static testmethod void testfileuploadNegative(){
csvFileBody = Blob.valueOf(str);
String csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
UserReport result = new UserReport();
Id batchJobId = Database.executeBatch(new UserReport(), 200);
- Mohini
- March 27, 2023
- Like
- 0
I want a to write a test class with 75% coverage .
The batch apex is sending account details as attachment and sending email and the test class is only covering 37% .Please helo me to get 75% code coverage
Apex Class:
global class UserReport implements Database.Batchable<SObject>, Database.AllowsCallouts, Database.Stateful {
global blob MyBlob;
public List<String> searchstring = new List<String> {'Sales Manager','Sales User'};
private List<String> fieldNames = new List<String> {
'Id', 'Name', 'Registry_ID_EBS__c','OwnerId', 'Owner.Email', 'Owner.IsActive'
global String csvContent = '';
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext context) {
return Database.getQueryLocator([Select Id, Name, Registry_ID_EBS__c, OwnerId, Owner.Email, Owner.IsActive,Owner.profile.Name From Account where Owner.profile.Name IN ('Sales Manager', 'Sales User') ]);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext context, List<Account> records) {
Map<Id, User> owners = new Map<Id, User>();
for (Account record : records) {
owners.put(record.OwnerId, null);
owners.putAll([Select Id, Name, Email, IsActive From User Where Id IN :owners.keySet()]);
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fieldName == 'OwnerId') {
csvContent += '"Owner Name",';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.Email') {
csvContent += '"Owner Email",';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.IsActive') {
csvContent += '"Owner Active",';
} else {
csvContent += '"' + fieldName + '"' + ',';
csvContent += '\n';
for (Account record : records) {
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fieldName == 'OwnerId') {
String ownerName = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerName = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).Name).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerName + '"' + ',';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.Email') {
String ownerEmail = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerEmail = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).Email).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerEmail + '"' + ',';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.IsActive') {
String ownerIsActive = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerIsActive = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).IsActive).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerIsActive + '"' + ',';
} else {
Object fieldValueObj = record.get(fieldName);
if (fieldValueObj != null) {
String fieldValue = String.valueOf(fieldValueObj).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + fieldValue + '"' + ',';
} else {
csvContent += ',';
csvContent += '\n';
MyBlob = blob.valueOf(csvContent);
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext context) {
String emailAddress1 = 'selvin.paul@continuserve.com';
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment csvAttachment = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
String myName = 'AccountList.csv';
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage myEmail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[]{emailAddress1};
String subject = 'UserID and List CSV';
myEmail.setPlainTextBody('User Alias Report');
myEmail.setHtmlBody('Hi All'+','+'</br><br/>'+ 'Please find attached the sales user detail report from Salesforce production CRM.' +'</br><br/'+'Thanks'+','+'</br>'+'Brinks Team');
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] attachments = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[]{csvAttachment};
Messaging.SendEmailResult[] r = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[]{myEmail});
Test Class:
public class UserReportTest {
static String str = 'Name,Registry_ID_EBS__c,OwnerId,Owner.Email,Owner.IsActive \n';
public static String[] csvFileLines;
public static Blob csvFileBody;
static testmethod void testfileupload(){
csvFileBody = Blob.valueOf(str);
String csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
UserReport result = new UserReport();
// result .csvAttachment();
static testmethod void testfileuploadNegative(){
csvFileBody = Blob.valueOf(str);
String csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
UserReport result = new UserReport();
Id batchJobId = Database.executeBatch(new UserReport(), 200);
Apex Class:
global class UserReport implements Database.Batchable<SObject>, Database.AllowsCallouts, Database.Stateful {
global blob MyBlob;
public List<String> searchstring = new List<String> {'Sales Manager','Sales User'};
private List<String> fieldNames = new List<String> {
'Id', 'Name', 'Registry_ID_EBS__c','OwnerId', 'Owner.Email', 'Owner.IsActive'
global String csvContent = '';
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext context) {
return Database.getQueryLocator([Select Id, Name, Registry_ID_EBS__c, OwnerId, Owner.Email, Owner.IsActive,Owner.profile.Name From Account where Owner.profile.Name IN ('Sales Manager', 'Sales User') ]);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext context, List<Account> records) {
Map<Id, User> owners = new Map<Id, User>();
for (Account record : records) {
owners.put(record.OwnerId, null);
owners.putAll([Select Id, Name, Email, IsActive From User Where Id IN :owners.keySet()]);
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fieldName == 'OwnerId') {
csvContent += '"Owner Name",';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.Email') {
csvContent += '"Owner Email",';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.IsActive') {
csvContent += '"Owner Active",';
} else {
csvContent += '"' + fieldName + '"' + ',';
csvContent += '\n';
for (Account record : records) {
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
if (fieldName == 'OwnerId') {
String ownerName = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerName = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).Name).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerName + '"' + ',';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.Email') {
String ownerEmail = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerEmail = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).Email).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerEmail + '"' + ',';
} else if (fieldName == 'Owner.IsActive') {
String ownerIsActive = '';
if (record.OwnerId != null && owners.containsKey(record.OwnerId)) {
ownerIsActive = String.valueOf(owners.get(record.OwnerId).IsActive).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + ownerIsActive + '"' + ',';
} else {
Object fieldValueObj = record.get(fieldName);
if (fieldValueObj != null) {
String fieldValue = String.valueOf(fieldValueObj).replace('"', '""');
csvContent += '"' + fieldValue + '"' + ',';
} else {
csvContent += ',';
csvContent += '\n';
MyBlob = blob.valueOf(csvContent);
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext context) {
String emailAddress1 = 'selvin.paul@continuserve.com';
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment csvAttachment = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
String myName = 'AccountList.csv';
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage myEmail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[]{emailAddress1};
String subject = 'UserID and List CSV';
myEmail.setPlainTextBody('User Alias Report');
myEmail.setHtmlBody('Hi All'+','+'</br><br/>'+ 'Please find attached the sales user detail report from Salesforce production CRM.' +'</br><br/'+'Thanks'+','+'</br>'+'Brinks Team');
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] attachments = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[]{csvAttachment};
Messaging.SendEmailResult[] r = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[]{myEmail});
Test Class:
public class UserReportTest {
static String str = 'Name,Registry_ID_EBS__c,OwnerId,Owner.Email,Owner.IsActive \n';
public static String[] csvFileLines;
public static Blob csvFileBody;
static testmethod void testfileupload(){
csvFileBody = Blob.valueOf(str);
String csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
UserReport result = new UserReport();
// result .csvAttachment();
static testmethod void testfileuploadNegative(){
csvFileBody = Blob.valueOf(str);
String csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
csvFileLines = csvAsString.split('\n');
UserReport result = new UserReport();
Id batchJobId = Database.executeBatch(new UserReport(), 200);
- Mohini
- March 17, 2023
- Like
- 0
Need help as trigger does not let me save new value and saves the old value
My trigger is working good for autopopulationg Account Id field when account lookup field is selected, But it is not letting me update a record .
For example if the account is stephan , it does not updates to Luke when updated and saves older value . Please help me with what is wrong here.
trigger LeadTriggerPardot on Lead (before insert,before update) {
List<String> Ids = new List<String>();
List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>();
Map<String,Id> mapAccount = new Map<String,Id>();
List<String> AccIds = new List<String>();
List<Account> acc = new List<Account>();
Map<Id,String> mapAcc = new Map<Id,String>();
Id leadRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('lead2.4').getRecordTypeId();
Id leadRecordTypeId1 = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Inside Sales').getRecordTypeId();
for(Lead o : trigger.new){
if(o.PartnerID__c !=null){
} }
for(Account a : [SELECT Id, PartnerID__c, Name FROM Account WHERE PartnerID__c IN :Ids]){
mapAccount.put(a.PartnerID__c, a.Id);
for(Lead o : trigger.new){
for(Account a : [SELECT Id, PartnerID__c, Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN :AccIds]){
for(Lead l: trigger.new){
if(l.RecordTypeId == leadRecordTypeId || l.RecordTypeId==leadRecordTypeId1){
if( mapAccount.containsKey(l.PartnerID__c))
l.Partner_Account_24__c = mapAccount.get(l.PartnerID__c);
if(l.PartnerID__c == null || l.Partner_Account_24__c!=null){
if( mapAcc.containsKey(l.Partner_Account_24__c))
l.PartnerID__c = mapAcc.get(l.Partner_Account_24__c);
For example if the account is stephan , it does not updates to Luke when updated and saves older value . Please help me with what is wrong here.
trigger LeadTriggerPardot on Lead (before insert,before update) {
List<String> Ids = new List<String>();
List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>();
Map<String,Id> mapAccount = new Map<String,Id>();
List<String> AccIds = new List<String>();
List<Account> acc = new List<Account>();
Map<Id,String> mapAcc = new Map<Id,String>();
Id leadRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('lead2.4').getRecordTypeId();
Id leadRecordTypeId1 = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Inside Sales').getRecordTypeId();
for(Lead o : trigger.new){
if(o.PartnerID__c !=null){
} }
for(Account a : [SELECT Id, PartnerID__c, Name FROM Account WHERE PartnerID__c IN :Ids]){
mapAccount.put(a.PartnerID__c, a.Id);
for(Lead o : trigger.new){
for(Account a : [SELECT Id, PartnerID__c, Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN :AccIds]){
for(Lead l: trigger.new){
if(l.RecordTypeId == leadRecordTypeId || l.RecordTypeId==leadRecordTypeId1){
if( mapAccount.containsKey(l.PartnerID__c))
l.Partner_Account_24__c = mapAccount.get(l.PartnerID__c);
if(l.PartnerID__c == null || l.Partner_Account_24__c!=null){
if( mapAcc.containsKey(l.Partner_Account_24__c))
l.PartnerID__c = mapAcc.get(l.Partner_Account_24__c);
- Mohini
- August 03, 2022
- Like
- 0
Need help with test class for the below trigger and apex handler. Please help me as I am stuck
.Scenrio : Trigger rolls up child revenue and cost record as average for similar product type and sum for different product type:.
Please helo me write a test class for this
Trigger :trigger RollupSubAmt on Sub_Opportunity__c (after insert, after update,after delete,after undelete) {
Set<Id> oppIdSet = new Set<Id>();
Map<Id, List<AggregateResult>> revenuecostAmountMap = new Map<Id, List<AggregateResult>>();
//Map<Id, Double> costTypeMap = new Map<Id, Double>();
List<Opportunity> opptyListToUpdate = new List<Opportunity>();
if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isUndelete){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c subopp : Trigger.new){
if(subopp.Opportunity__c != null){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c opp : Trigger.old){
if(opp.Opportunity__c!= null){
Apex :
public class RollupSubAmtHandler {
Public Static void afterOperation(Set<Id> setofOpportunityId)
Map<Id, List<AggregateResult>> revenuecostAmountMap = new Map<Id, List<AggregateResult>>();
List<Opportunity> opptyListToUpdate = new List<Opportunity>();
for(AggregateResult res : [SELECT Opportunity__c Opp, Product_Type__c value, AVG(Actual_Revenue_Rollup__c)revAvg , AVG(Actual_Cost_Rollup__c)costAvg FROM Sub_Opportunity__c WHERE Opportunity__c IN : setofOpportunityId GROUP BY Opportunity__c, Product_Type__c]) {
//opptyListToUpdate.add(new Opportunity(Id=(Id)res.get('Opportunity__c'), Actual_Revenue2__c= (Double)res.get('revAvg')));
Id oppId = (ID)res.get('Opp');
system.debug('revenuecostAmountMap=>'+ revenuecostAmountMap);
revenuecostAmountMap.put(oppId, new List<AggregateResult> { res });
System.debug('revenuecostAmountMap.size()=>>'+ revenuecostAmountMap.size());
for(Id opportunityId : revenuecostAmountMap.keySet())
Double sumOfRevenueAmount = calculateRevenue(revenuecostAmountMap.get(opportunityId));
Double sumOfCostAmount = calculateCost(revenuecostAmountMap.get(opportunityId));
Opportunity opportunityRecord = New Opportunity();
opportunityRecord.Id = opportunityId;
opportunityRecord.Actual_Cost2__c = sumOfCostAmount ;
opportunityRecord.Actual_Revenue2__c = sumOfRevenueAmount ;
update opptyListToUpdate;
public Static Double calculateRevenue(List<AggregateResult> revenueList)
Double sumofrevenue = 0.0;
for(AggregateResult ar : revenueList)
system.debug('each aggregate revenue value => '+ (Double)ar.get('revAvg'));
sumofrevenue += (Double)ar.get('revAvg');
return sumofrevenue;
public Static Double calculateCost(List<AggregateResult> costList)
Double sumofcost = 0.0;
for(AggregateResult ar : costList)
system.debug('each aggregate cost value => '+ (Double)ar.get('costAvg'));
sumofcost += (Double)ar.get('costAvg');
return sumofcost;
Please helo me write a test class for this
Trigger :trigger RollupSubAmt on Sub_Opportunity__c (after insert, after update,after delete,after undelete) {
Set<Id> oppIdSet = new Set<Id>();
Map<Id, List<AggregateResult>> revenuecostAmountMap = new Map<Id, List<AggregateResult>>();
//Map<Id, Double> costTypeMap = new Map<Id, Double>();
List<Opportunity> opptyListToUpdate = new List<Opportunity>();
if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isUndelete){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c subopp : Trigger.new){
if(subopp.Opportunity__c != null){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c opp : Trigger.old){
if(opp.Opportunity__c!= null){
Apex :
public class RollupSubAmtHandler {
Public Static void afterOperation(Set<Id> setofOpportunityId)
Map<Id, List<AggregateResult>> revenuecostAmountMap = new Map<Id, List<AggregateResult>>();
List<Opportunity> opptyListToUpdate = new List<Opportunity>();
for(AggregateResult res : [SELECT Opportunity__c Opp, Product_Type__c value, AVG(Actual_Revenue_Rollup__c)revAvg , AVG(Actual_Cost_Rollup__c)costAvg FROM Sub_Opportunity__c WHERE Opportunity__c IN : setofOpportunityId GROUP BY Opportunity__c, Product_Type__c]) {
//opptyListToUpdate.add(new Opportunity(Id=(Id)res.get('Opportunity__c'), Actual_Revenue2__c= (Double)res.get('revAvg')));
Id oppId = (ID)res.get('Opp');
system.debug('revenuecostAmountMap=>'+ revenuecostAmountMap);
revenuecostAmountMap.put(oppId, new List<AggregateResult> { res });
System.debug('revenuecostAmountMap.size()=>>'+ revenuecostAmountMap.size());
for(Id opportunityId : revenuecostAmountMap.keySet())
Double sumOfRevenueAmount = calculateRevenue(revenuecostAmountMap.get(opportunityId));
Double sumOfCostAmount = calculateCost(revenuecostAmountMap.get(opportunityId));
Opportunity opportunityRecord = New Opportunity();
opportunityRecord.Id = opportunityId;
opportunityRecord.Actual_Cost2__c = sumOfCostAmount ;
opportunityRecord.Actual_Revenue2__c = sumOfRevenueAmount ;
update opptyListToUpdate;
public Static Double calculateRevenue(List<AggregateResult> revenueList)
Double sumofrevenue = 0.0;
for(AggregateResult ar : revenueList)
system.debug('each aggregate revenue value => '+ (Double)ar.get('revAvg'));
sumofrevenue += (Double)ar.get('revAvg');
return sumofrevenue;
public Static Double calculateCost(List<AggregateResult> costList)
Double sumofcost = 0.0;
for(AggregateResult ar : costList)
system.debug('each aggregate cost value => '+ (Double)ar.get('costAvg'));
sumofcost += (Double)ar.get('costAvg');
return sumofcost;
- Mohini
- July 27, 2022
- Like
- 0
Trigger to perform average or sum of child records on parent object based on product type
Hi there.. I need help with a trigger which averages sub opportunities revenue field when product type is same else it sums the revenues at the parent (opprtunity object).
The trigger which I have written below only sums. Please help me so that based on the similar product types the revenue gets averages else sumed up.
trigger RolllupSubAmt on Sub_Opportunity__c ( after insert, after update,after delete,after undelete) {
Set<Id> oppIdSet=new Set<Id>();
List<Opportunity> opptyListToUpdate=new List<Opportunity>();
if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isUndelete){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c subopp : Trigger.new){
if(subopp.Opportunity__c!= null){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c opp : Trigger.old){
if(opp.Opportunity__c!= null){
for(AggregateResult res : [SELECT Opportunity__c,sum(Actual_Revenue_Rollup__c)can FROM Sub_Opportunity__c WHERE Opportunity__c IN :oppIdSet GROUP BY Opportunity__c ]) {
opptyListToUpdate.add(new Opportunity(Id=(Id)res.get('Opportunity__c'), Actual_Revenue2__c=(Double)res.get('can')));
update opptyListToUpdate;
}catch(DmlException de){
The trigger which I have written below only sums. Please help me so that based on the similar product types the revenue gets averages else sumed up.
trigger RolllupSubAmt on Sub_Opportunity__c ( after insert, after update,after delete,after undelete) {
Set<Id> oppIdSet=new Set<Id>();
List<Opportunity> opptyListToUpdate=new List<Opportunity>();
if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isUndelete){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c subopp : Trigger.new){
if(subopp.Opportunity__c!= null){
for(Sub_Opportunity__c opp : Trigger.old){
if(opp.Opportunity__c!= null){
for(AggregateResult res : [SELECT Opportunity__c,sum(Actual_Revenue_Rollup__c)can FROM Sub_Opportunity__c WHERE Opportunity__c IN :oppIdSet GROUP BY Opportunity__c ]) {
opptyListToUpdate.add(new Opportunity(Id=(Id)res.get('Opportunity__c'), Actual_Revenue2__c=(Double)res.get('can')));
update opptyListToUpdate;
}catch(DmlException de){
- Mohini
- July 14, 2022
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Need help with average at opportunity
Scenario : opportunity (primary)
Sub opportunity(master detailed with primary
Product (mater detailed with sub oppty)
Product object revenue and cost sum is rolling up at sub opportunity and the probability is getting averaged for product at sub opportunity object. Product has product type IS and OS.
I need your help here … at the opportunity object if there are 2 sub opportunity records with IS product types then further rollup for revenue , cost and probability at primary opportunity will be averaged. Same for OS.. if there are more than 1 sub opportunity at opportunity object the revenue , cost and probability rollups will be averaged.The IS and OS sub opportunity will always be added
for revenue and cost and Probability will be averaged.ut
Below table is an example to make you undertand. Please help me.with the developments to achieve this .
Sub opportunity(master detailed with primary
Product (mater detailed with sub oppty)
Product object revenue and cost sum is rolling up at sub opportunity and the probability is getting averaged for product at sub opportunity object. Product has product type IS and OS.
I need your help here … at the opportunity object if there are 2 sub opportunity records with IS product types then further rollup for revenue , cost and probability at primary opportunity will be averaged. Same for OS.. if there are more than 1 sub opportunity at opportunity object the revenue , cost and probability rollups will be averaged.The IS and OS sub opportunity will always be added
for revenue and cost and Probability will be averaged.ut
Below table is an example to make you undertand. Please help me.with the developments to achieve this .
- Mohini
- July 13, 2022
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Need help with the trigger to calculate average.
Scenario : I have written a trigger to update average of cost , amount and probability of child object product at parent object sub opportunity level (Actual Cost , Actual Amount and Actual Probability ) fields. I have written three separate methods for the same , Please help me to write inside one method.
Apex Trigger:
trigger AvgCalculateTrigger on Sub_Opportunity_Product__c (after insert, after update, after delete) {
if( Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isAfter || Trigger.isDelete ){
if( Trigger.isAfter ){
Apex Class
public class AvgCalculate {
public static void avgCalculate (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds = new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub ){
subopptyIds.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Cost__c ) avg FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Actual_Cost2__c = (Decimal)ag.get('avg') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate;
public static void avgCalculate1 (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds1= new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate1 = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub1 = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub1 ){
subopptyIds1.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag1 : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Amount__c ) avg FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate1.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag1.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Actual_Revenue2__c = (Decimal)ag1.get('avg') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate1.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate1;
public static void avgCalculate2 (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds2= new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate2 = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub2 = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub2 ){
subopptyIds2.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag2 : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Probability__c ) avgprob FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate2.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag2.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Probability__c = (Decimal)ag2.get('avgprob') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate2.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate2;
Apex Trigger:
trigger AvgCalculateTrigger on Sub_Opportunity_Product__c (after insert, after update, after delete) {
if( Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isAfter || Trigger.isDelete ){
if( Trigger.isAfter ){
Apex Class
public class AvgCalculate {
public static void avgCalculate (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds = new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub ){
subopptyIds.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Cost__c ) avg FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Actual_Cost2__c = (Decimal)ag.get('avg') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate;
public static void avgCalculate1 (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds1= new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate1 = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub1 = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub1 ){
subopptyIds1.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag1 : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Amount__c ) avg FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate1.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag1.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Actual_Revenue2__c = (Decimal)ag1.get('avg') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate1.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate1;
public static void avgCalculate2 (){
Set<Id> subopptyIds2= new Set<Id>();
List<Sub_Opportunity__c> subopptyToUpdate2 = new List<Sub_Opportunity__c>();
List< Sub_Opportunity_Product__c> sub2 = Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ? Trigger.New : Trigger.Old;
for(Sub_Opportunity_Product__c ct : sub2 ){
subopptyIds2.add( ct.Sub_Opportunity__c /*lookup field value of utilityrecord */ );
for( AggregateResult ag2 : [ SELECT Sub_Opportunity__c, AVG( Probability__c ) avgprob FROM Sub_Opportunity_Product__c
GROUP BY Sub_Opportunity__c ] ){
subopptyToUpdate2.add( new Sub_Opportunity__c(
Id = (Id)ag2.get('Sub_Opportunity__c'),
Probability__c = (Decimal)ag2.get('avgprob') ) );
if(subopptyToUpdate2.size() > 0 ){
update subopptyToUpdate2;
- Mohini
- June 24, 2022
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Make a picklist value required when a formula field value is "None"
I have two fields ,
Timing 1 field one is picklist which is created for user to select manually , Timing 2 field is a formula which populates if user selects a contract end date.
The users should enter Timing 1 field only when Timing 2 is populated as "No' as value (basically when no contract end date is entered , Timing 2 is no ).
How to achieve this ? Help me with the validations please
Timing 1 field one is picklist which is created for user to select manually , Timing 2 field is a formula which populates if user selects a contract end date.
The users should enter Timing 1 field only when Timing 2 is populated as "No' as value (basically when no contract end date is entered , Timing 2 is no ).
How to achieve this ? Help me with the validations please
- Mohini
- May 16, 2022
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I need help with the test class for below trigger as I am stuck.
Partnerid is external id in Account .
In Lead Partnerid is a text datatype field which will have same value as Account PartnerId
:This trigger updates the account name lookup field on lead based on the partner id on Lead object .
Usecase2:Also if account lookup is selected first then it populates the partnerid field to the id number that is tied to the account selected
Both the usecases are taken care by this trigger.
trigger LeadTriggerPardot on Lead (before insert,before update) {
List<String> Ids = new List<String>();
List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>();
Map<String,Id> mapAccount = new Map<String,Id>();
List<String> AccIds = new List<String>();
List<Account> acc = new List<Account>();
Map<Id,String> mapAcc = new Map<Id,String>();
Id leadRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('lead2.4').getRecordTypeId();
for(Lead o : trigger.new){
if(o.PartnerID__c !=null){
} }
for(Account a : [SELECT Id, PartnerID__c, Name FROM Account WHERE PartnerID__c IN :Ids]){
mapAccount.put(a.PartnerID__c, a.Id);
for(Lead o : trigger.new){
for(Account a : [SELECT Id, PartnerID__c, Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN :AccIds]){
for(Lead l: trigger.new){
if(l.RecordTypeId == leadRecordTypeId){
if( mapAccount.containsKey(l.PartnerID__c))
l.Partner_Account_24__c = mapAccount.get(l.PartnerID__c);
if(l.PartnerID__c == null || l.Partner_Account_24__c!=null){
if( mapAcc.containsKey(l.Partner_Account_24__c))
l.PartnerID__c = mapAcc.get(l.Partner_Account_24__c);
Test Class:
public class TestLeadTriggerPardot {
@isTest static void LeadPardot (){
Account acc = new Account(
Name = 'Test Temp Account',
PartnerID__c = '6789'
insert acc;
Lead ld = new Lead(
PartnerID__c = '6789',
Partner_Account_24__c = 'Test Temp Account',
LastName = 'Test Lead',
Company = 'ABC',
LeadSource ='Phone'
insert ld;
Static testMethod void insertLeadItem()
Lead l=[select id, Partner_Account_24__c from Lead where PartnerID__c = '6789'];
system.assertequals(l.Partner_Account_24__c, null);
Static testMethod void insertLeadItem_Null()
Lead l=[select id,Partner_Account_24__c from Lead where PartnerID__c = '6789'];
Account a =[select id , PartnerID__c,Name from Account where PartnerID__c = '6789'];
l.PartnerID__c = '6789';
update l;
Lead lead =[select id ,Partner_Account_24__c from Lead where Id=:l.id];
system.assertequals(lead.Partner_Account_24__c, a.PartnerID__c);
- Mohini
- May 13, 2022
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