• Sharon Crenshaw
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I am getting a null, for the variable, setUsrCat after a call to the Apex Class. SetUsrCat should not be Sminull90. I was hoping to get SmOR90. My Apex class does it correctly, but  when I run the test class I get the null problem.

I have tried a number of things in the test class, but the null remains. I am assuming there is something in the test class that needs to be set that is not. If you can please help me in this matter it will be appreciated.
My code is as follows:
Apex Class:

public  class NewUtilStaffProcess {
public static void createUtlUser(Id recid) {
     Contact gcon = [SELECT Email, Lastname, Firstname, Middlename, AccountId
                      FROM   Contact
                      WHERE  Id = :recid];
     Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='HAVNA City Public Utility Group'];
     Id acctsTypeId = [SELECT Id
                      FROM   RecordType
                      WHERE  SObjectType = 'Account'
                      AND Name = 'Account Source'].Id;
     String groleId = [SELECT Id FROM UserRole WHERE Name = 'Utility Staff' LIMIT 1].Id;
     String formatUsrName;
     String setUsrLoc;
     Account retAcct = [SELECT Id, HAVNA_State_Country_State__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c, Hav_Locality__c, Hav_Street__c    
                         FROM   Account
                         WHERE  Id = :gcon.AccountId
                         AND recordTypeId = :acctsTypeId
                         LIMIT 1];
     if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'Local/Surveyor')
        setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAVNA_State_and_Country_ID__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c+retAcct.Hav_Locality__c;
     if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'City/Surveyor')
        setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAVNA_State_and_Country_ID__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c+'C1';
     if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'State/Surveyor')
        setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAVNA_State_and_Country_ID__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c+'C2';
     if (gcon.middlename == null) {
         formatUsrName = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
     } else {
         Integer midSize = gcon.Middlename.length();
         if (midSize == 1) {
             formatUsrName = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.middlename.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
         } else {
             formatUsrName = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.middlename.deleteWhitespace().trim().substring(0,1).toLowercase()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
     System.debug('Formatted Username: '+formatUsrName);
     User u   = new User(Alias = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().trim().length() > 4 ? gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().trim().substring(0,2)+setUsrLoc: gcon.lastname+setUsrLoc,
                   Email          = gcon.Email,
                   EmailEncodingKey   = 'UTF-8',
                   LastName       = gcon.Lastname,
                   FirstName      = gcon.Firstname,
                   MiddleName     = gcon.Middlename,     
                   LanguageLocaleKey  = 'en_US',
                   LocaleSidKey   = 'en_US',
                   ProfileId      = p.Id,
                   UserRoleId     = groleid,      
                   TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/New_York',
                   UserName       = formatUsrName);
     UtilStaffPermSet.assgnPermissionSet(recId, u.Id);  
     System.resetPassword(u.Id, True);

Apex Test Class:
public class NewUtilStaffProcessTest {
   public static testMethod void InitialTest() {
  /* Get Record Id Type */   
  Id conTypeId;
  Id acctTypeId;
  String formatUsrName;
  String setUsrLoc;
  conTypeId = [SELECT Id  
               FROM   RecordType
               WHERE  SObjectType = 'Contact'
               AND Name = 'Utility Staffer'].Id;  
  Id acctsTypeId = [SELECT Id
                FROM   RecordType
                WHERE  SObjectType = 'Account'
                    AND Name = 'Account Source'].Id;
  Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='HAVNA City Public Utility Group'];
  String groleId = [SELECT Id FROM UserRole WHERE Name = 'Utility Staff' LIMIT 1].Id;
  Integer midsize;
  //Create new State record; initialize required field(s), then insert
  HAV_State_and_Country__c state  = new HAV_State_and_Country__c();
  state.Name            = 'Oregon';
  state.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c = 'OR';
  state.Hav_Type__c    = 'State';
  Insert state;
  //Create new Account record; initialize required field(s), then insert
  Account acct = new Account(Name='Oregon Local 7');
  acct.Hav_Locality__c = '90';
  acct.Hav_Street__c = 'Local/Surveyor';
  acct.RecordTypeId =  AcctTypeId;
  acct.HAVNA_State_and_Country_ID__c = state.id;

insert acct;
  //Create new Contact record; initialize required field(s), then insert
  Contact con  = new Contact();   
  con.FirstName   = 'Ralph';  
  con.LastName    = 'Smith';
  con.Middlename  = 'Otis';
  con.RecordTypeId =  conTypeId;
  con.email       = 'rsmith8@verizon.com';
  con.AccountId      = acct.id;
  //Insert Contact
  Insert con ;
 User thisUser = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
I keep getting the following error while running my Apex Test Class. If I could please get assistance in resolving the problem I would appreciate it. I continue getting the following error:

System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: STRING_TOO_LONG, Alias: data value too large: Sminull90 (max length=8): [Alias]

Below is my code:

Apex Class:

public  class NewUtilStaffProcess {
       public static void createUtlUser(Id recid) {
           Contact gcon = [SELECT Email, Lastname, Firstname, Middlename, AcctId
                            FROM   Contact
                            WHERE  Id = :recid];
           Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='HAVNA City Public Utility Group'];
           Id acctsTypeId = [SELECT Id
                            FROM   RecordType
                            WHERE  SObjectType = 'Account'
                            AND    Name = 'Account Source'].Id;
           String groleId = [SELECT Id FROM UserRole WHERE Name = 'Utility Staff' LIMIT 1].Id;
           String formatUsrName;
           String setUsrLoc;
           Account retAcct = [SELECT Id, HAVNA_Country__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c, Hav_Locality__c, Hav_Street__c
                               FROM   Account
                               WHERE  Id = :gcon.AcctId
                               AND    recordTypeId = :acctsTypeId
                               LIMIT 1];
           if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'Local/Surveyor')
              setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAVNA_Country__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c+retAcct.Hav_Locality__c;
           if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'City/Surveyor')
              setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAVNA_Country__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c+'C1';
           if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'State/Surveyor')
              setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAVNA_Country__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c+'C2';
           if (gcon.middlename == null) {
               formatUsrName = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
           } else {
               Integer midSize = gcon.Middlename.length();
               if (midSize == 1) {
                   formatUsrName = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.middlename.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
               } else {
                   formatUsrName = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.middlename.deleteWhitespace().trim().substring(0,1).toLowercase()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';

           System.debug('Formatted Username: '+formatUsrName);
           User u       = new User(Alias    = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().trim().length() > 4 ? gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().trim().substring(0,3)+setUsrLoc: gcon.lastname+setUsrLoc,
                         Email              = gcon.Email,
                         EmailEncodingKey   = 'UTF-8',
                         LastName           = gcon.Lastname,
                         FirstName          = gcon.Firstname,
                         MiddleName         = gcon.Middlename,         
                         LanguageLocaleKey  = 'en_US',
                         LocaleSidKey       = 'en_US',
                         ProfileId          = p.Id,
                         UserRoleId         = groleid,          
                         TimeZoneSidKey     = 'America/New_York',
                         UserName           = formatUsrName);
           UtilStaffPermSet.assgnPermissionSet(recId, u.Id);  
           System.resetPassword(u.Id, True);


Apex Test Class:

public class NewUtilStaffProcessTest {

   public static testMethod void InitialTest() {

        /* Get Record Id Type */   
        Id conTypeId;
        Id acctTypeId;
        String formatUsrName;
        String setUsrLoc;
        conTypeId = [SELECT Id  
                     FROM   RecordType
                     WHERE  SObjectType = 'Contact'
                     AND    Name = 'Utility Staffer'].Id;  

        Id acctsTypeId = [SELECT Id
                      FROM   RecordType
                      WHERE  SObjectType = 'Account'
                          AND    Name = 'Account Source'].Id;

        Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='HAVNA City Public Utility Group'];
        String groleId = [SELECT Id FROM UserRole WHERE Name = 'Utility Staff' LIMIT 1].Id;

        Integer midsize;
        //Create new State record; initialize required field(s), then insert
        HAV_State_and_Country__c state  = new HAV_State_and_Country__c();
        state.Name                = 'Oregon';
        state.HAV_Letter_Code__c = 'OR';
        state.HAV_Type__c        = 'State';
        Insert state;
        //Create new Account record; initialize required field(s), then insert
        Account acct = new Account(Name='Oregon Local 7');
        acct.Hav_Locality__c     = '90';
        acct.Hav_Street__c     = 'Local/Surveyor';
        acct.RecordTypeId     =  AcctTypeId;
        acct.HAV__Country__c    = state.id;
    insert acct;

        //Create new Contact record; initialize required field(s), then insert
        Contact con  = new Contact();   
        con.FirstName       = 'Ralph';  
        con.LastName        = 'Smith';
        con.Middlename      = 'Otis';
        con.RecordTypeId    =  conTypeId;
        con.email           = 'rsmith8@verizon.com';
        con.AcctId          = acct.id;
        //Insert Contact
        Insert con ;
       Account retAcct = [SELECT Id, HAV_Country__r.HAV_Letter_Code__c, Hav_Locality__c, Hav_Street__c
                          FROM   Account
                          WHERE  Id           = :con.AcctId
                          AND    recordTypeId = :nomsTypeId
                          LIMIT 1];
       if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'Local/Surveyor')
              setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAV_Country__r.HAV_Letter_Code__c+retAcct.Hav_Locality__c;
       if (con.middlename == null) {
           System.debug('3: '+setUsrLoc);
               formatUsrName = con.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+con.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
           } else {
               System.debug('4: '+setUsrLoc);
               midSize = con.Middlename.length();
               if (midSize == 1) {
                   System.debug('5: '+setUsrLoc);
                   formatUsrName = con.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+con.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+con.middlename.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
               } else {
                   System.debug('6: '+setUsrLoc);
                   formatUsrName = con.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+con.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+con.middlename.deleteWhitespace().trim().substring(0,1).toLowercase()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
 User thisUser = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
         User u       = new User(Alias      = con.LastName.deleteWhitespace().trim().length() > 4 ? con.LastName.deleteWhitespace().trim().substring(0,4)+setUsrLoc: con.LastName+setUsrLoc,
                         Email              = con.email,
                         EmailEncodingKey   = 'UTF-8',
                         LastName           = con.LastName,
                         FirstName          = con.Firstname,
                         MiddleName         = con.Middlename,         
                         LanguageLocaleKey  = 'en_US',
                         LocaleSidKey       = 'en_US',
                         ProfileId          = p.Id,
                         UserRoleId         = groleid,          
                         TimeZoneSidKey     = 'America/New_York',
                         UserName           = formatUsrName);


I keep getting the following error while running my Apex Test Class. If I could please get assistance in resolving the problem I would appreciate it. I continue getting the following error:

System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: STRING_TOO_LONG, Alias: data value too large: Sminull90 (max length=8): [Alias]

Below is my code:

Apex Class:

public  class NewUtilStaffProcess {
       public static void createUtlUser(Id recid) {
           Contact gcon = [SELECT Email, Lastname, Firstname, Middlename, AcctId
                            FROM   Contact
                            WHERE  Id = :recid];
           Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='HAVNA City Public Utility Group'];
           Id acctsTypeId = [SELECT Id
                            FROM   RecordType
                            WHERE  SObjectType = 'Account'
                            AND    Name = 'Account Source'].Id;
           String groleId = [SELECT Id FROM UserRole WHERE Name = 'Utility Staff' LIMIT 1].Id;
           String formatUsrName;
           String setUsrLoc;
           Account retAcct = [SELECT Id, HAVNA_Country__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c, Hav_Locality__c, Hav_Street__c
                               FROM   Account
                               WHERE  Id = :gcon.AcctId
                               AND    recordTypeId = :acctsTypeId
                               LIMIT 1];
           if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'Local/Surveyor')
              setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAVNA_Country__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c+retAcct.Hav_Locality__c;
           if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'City/Surveyor')
              setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAVNA_Country__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c+'C1';
           if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'State/Surveyor')
              setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAVNA_Country__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c+'C2';
           if (gcon.middlename == null) {
               formatUsrName = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
           } else {
               Integer midSize = gcon.Middlename.length();
               if (midSize == 1) {
                   formatUsrName = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.middlename.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
               } else {
                   formatUsrName = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.middlename.deleteWhitespace().trim().substring(0,1).toLowercase()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';

           System.debug('Formatted Username: '+formatUsrName);
           User u       = new User(Alias    = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().trim().length() > 4 ? gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().trim().substring(0,3)+setUsrLoc: gcon.lastname+setUsrLoc,
                         Email              = gcon.Email,
                         EmailEncodingKey   = 'UTF-8',
                         LastName           = gcon.Lastname,
                         FirstName          = gcon.Firstname,
                         MiddleName         = gcon.Middlename,         
                         LanguageLocaleKey  = 'en_US',
                         LocaleSidKey       = 'en_US',
                         ProfileId          = p.Id,
                         UserRoleId         = groleid,          
                         TimeZoneSidKey     = 'America/New_York',
                         UserName           = formatUsrName);
           UtilStaffPermSet.assgnPermissionSet(recId, u.Id);  
           System.resetPassword(u.Id, True);


Apex Test Class:

public class NewUtilStaffProcessTest {

   public static testMethod void InitialTest() {

        /* Get Record Id Type */   
        Id conTypeId;
        Id acctTypeId;
        String formatUsrName;
        String setUsrLoc;
        conTypeId = [SELECT Id  
                     FROM   RecordType
                     WHERE  SObjectType = 'Contact'
                     AND    Name = 'Utility Staffer'].Id;  

        Id acctsTypeId = [SELECT Id
                      FROM   RecordType
                      WHERE  SObjectType = 'Account'
                          AND    Name = 'Account Source'].Id;

        Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='HAVNA City Public Utility Group'];
        String groleId = [SELECT Id FROM UserRole WHERE Name = 'Utility Staff' LIMIT 1].Id;

        Integer midsize;
        //Create new State record; initialize required field(s), then insert
        HAV_State_and_Country__c state  = new HAV_State_and_Country__c();
        state.Name                = 'Oregon';
        state.HAV_Letter_Code__c = 'OR';
        state.HAV_Type__c        = 'State';
        Insert state;
        //Create new Account record; initialize required field(s), then insert
        Account acct = new Account(Name='Oregon Local 7');
        acct.Hav_Locality__c     = '90';
        acct.Hav_Street__c     = 'Local/Surveyor';
        acct.RecordTypeId     =  AcctTypeId;
        acct.HAV__Country__c    = state.id;
    insert acct;

        //Create new Contact record; initialize required field(s), then insert
        Contact con  = new Contact();   
        con.FirstName       = 'Ralph';  
        con.LastName        = 'Smith';
        con.Middlename      = 'Otis';
        con.RecordTypeId    =  conTypeId;
        con.email           = 'rsmith8@verizon.com';
        con.AcctId          = acct.id;
        //Insert Contact
        Insert con ;
       Account retAcct = [SELECT Id, HAV_Country__r.HAV_Letter_Code__c, Hav_Locality__c, Hav_Street__c
                          FROM   Account
                          WHERE  Id           = :con.AcctId
                          AND    recordTypeId = :nomsTypeId
                          LIMIT 1];
       if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'Local/Surveyor')
              setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAV_Country__r.HAV_Letter_Code__c+retAcct.Hav_Locality__c;
       if (con.middlename == null) {
           System.debug('3: '+setUsrLoc);
               formatUsrName = con.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+con.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
           } else {
               System.debug('4: '+setUsrLoc);
               midSize = con.Middlename.length();
               if (midSize == 1) {
                   System.debug('5: '+setUsrLoc);
                   formatUsrName = con.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+con.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+con.middlename.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
               } else {
                   System.debug('6: '+setUsrLoc);
                   formatUsrName = con.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+con.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+con.middlename.deleteWhitespace().trim().substring(0,1).toLowercase()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
 User thisUser = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
         User u       = new User(Alias      = con.LastName.deleteWhitespace().trim().length() > 4 ? con.LastName.deleteWhitespace().trim().substring(0,4)+setUsrLoc: con.LastName+setUsrLoc,
                         Email              = con.email,
                         EmailEncodingKey   = 'UTF-8',
                         LastName           = con.LastName,
                         FirstName          = con.Firstname,
                         MiddleName         = con.Middlename,         
                         LanguageLocaleKey  = 'en_US',
                         LocaleSidKey       = 'en_US',
                         ProfileId          = p.Id,
                         UserRoleId         = groleid,          
                         TimeZoneSidKey     = 'America/New_York',
                         UserName           = formatUsrName);


I am getting a null, for the variable, setUsrCat after a call to the Apex Class. SetUsrCat should not be Sminull90. I was hoping to get SmOR90. My Apex class does it correctly, but  when I run the test class I get the null problem.

I have tried a number of things in the test class, but the null remains. I am assuming there is something in the test class that needs to be set that is not. If you can please help me in this matter it will be appreciated.
My code is as follows:
Apex Class:

public  class NewUtilStaffProcess {
public static void createUtlUser(Id recid) {
     Contact gcon = [SELECT Email, Lastname, Firstname, Middlename, AccountId
                      FROM   Contact
                      WHERE  Id = :recid];
     Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='HAVNA City Public Utility Group'];
     Id acctsTypeId = [SELECT Id
                      FROM   RecordType
                      WHERE  SObjectType = 'Account'
                      AND Name = 'Account Source'].Id;
     String groleId = [SELECT Id FROM UserRole WHERE Name = 'Utility Staff' LIMIT 1].Id;
     String formatUsrName;
     String setUsrLoc;
     Account retAcct = [SELECT Id, HAVNA_State_Country_State__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c, Hav_Locality__c, Hav_Street__c    
                         FROM   Account
                         WHERE  Id = :gcon.AccountId
                         AND recordTypeId = :acctsTypeId
                         LIMIT 1];
     if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'Local/Surveyor')
        setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAVNA_State_and_Country_ID__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c+retAcct.Hav_Locality__c;
     if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'City/Surveyor')
        setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAVNA_State_and_Country_ID__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c+'C1';
     if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'State/Surveyor')
        setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAVNA_State_and_Country_ID__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c+'C2';
     if (gcon.middlename == null) {
         formatUsrName = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
     } else {
         Integer midSize = gcon.Middlename.length();
         if (midSize == 1) {
             formatUsrName = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.middlename.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
         } else {
             formatUsrName = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.middlename.deleteWhitespace().trim().substring(0,1).toLowercase()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
     System.debug('Formatted Username: '+formatUsrName);
     User u   = new User(Alias = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().trim().length() > 4 ? gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().trim().substring(0,2)+setUsrLoc: gcon.lastname+setUsrLoc,
                   Email          = gcon.Email,
                   EmailEncodingKey   = 'UTF-8',
                   LastName       = gcon.Lastname,
                   FirstName      = gcon.Firstname,
                   MiddleName     = gcon.Middlename,     
                   LanguageLocaleKey  = 'en_US',
                   LocaleSidKey   = 'en_US',
                   ProfileId      = p.Id,
                   UserRoleId     = groleid,      
                   TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/New_York',
                   UserName       = formatUsrName);
     UtilStaffPermSet.assgnPermissionSet(recId, u.Id);  
     System.resetPassword(u.Id, True);

Apex Test Class:
public class NewUtilStaffProcessTest {
   public static testMethod void InitialTest() {
  /* Get Record Id Type */   
  Id conTypeId;
  Id acctTypeId;
  String formatUsrName;
  String setUsrLoc;
  conTypeId = [SELECT Id  
               FROM   RecordType
               WHERE  SObjectType = 'Contact'
               AND Name = 'Utility Staffer'].Id;  
  Id acctsTypeId = [SELECT Id
                FROM   RecordType
                WHERE  SObjectType = 'Account'
                    AND Name = 'Account Source'].Id;
  Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='HAVNA City Public Utility Group'];
  String groleId = [SELECT Id FROM UserRole WHERE Name = 'Utility Staff' LIMIT 1].Id;
  Integer midsize;
  //Create new State record; initialize required field(s), then insert
  HAV_State_and_Country__c state  = new HAV_State_and_Country__c();
  state.Name            = 'Oregon';
  state.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c = 'OR';
  state.Hav_Type__c    = 'State';
  Insert state;
  //Create new Account record; initialize required field(s), then insert
  Account acct = new Account(Name='Oregon Local 7');
  acct.Hav_Locality__c = '90';
  acct.Hav_Street__c = 'Local/Surveyor';
  acct.RecordTypeId =  AcctTypeId;
  acct.HAVNA_State_and_Country_ID__c = state.id;

insert acct;
  //Create new Contact record; initialize required field(s), then insert
  Contact con  = new Contact();   
  con.FirstName   = 'Ralph';  
  con.LastName    = 'Smith';
  con.Middlename  = 'Otis';
  con.RecordTypeId =  conTypeId;
  con.email       = 'rsmith8@verizon.com';
  con.AccountId      = acct.id;
  //Insert Contact
  Insert con ;
 User thisUser = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
I keep getting the following error while running my Apex Test Class. If I could please get assistance in resolving the problem I would appreciate it. I continue getting the following error:

System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: STRING_TOO_LONG, Alias: data value too large: Sminull90 (max length=8): [Alias]

Below is my code:

Apex Class:

public  class NewUtilStaffProcess {
       public static void createUtlUser(Id recid) {
           Contact gcon = [SELECT Email, Lastname, Firstname, Middlename, AcctId
                            FROM   Contact
                            WHERE  Id = :recid];
           Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='HAVNA City Public Utility Group'];
           Id acctsTypeId = [SELECT Id
                            FROM   RecordType
                            WHERE  SObjectType = 'Account'
                            AND    Name = 'Account Source'].Id;
           String groleId = [SELECT Id FROM UserRole WHERE Name = 'Utility Staff' LIMIT 1].Id;
           String formatUsrName;
           String setUsrLoc;
           Account retAcct = [SELECT Id, HAVNA_Country__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c, Hav_Locality__c, Hav_Street__c
                               FROM   Account
                               WHERE  Id = :gcon.AcctId
                               AND    recordTypeId = :acctsTypeId
                               LIMIT 1];
           if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'Local/Surveyor')
              setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAVNA_Country__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c+retAcct.Hav_Locality__c;
           if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'City/Surveyor')
              setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAVNA_Country__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c+'C1';
           if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'State/Surveyor')
              setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAVNA_Country__r.HAVNA_Letter_Code__c+'C2';
           if (gcon.middlename == null) {
               formatUsrName = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
           } else {
               Integer midSize = gcon.Middlename.length();
               if (midSize == 1) {
                   formatUsrName = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.middlename.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
               } else {
                   formatUsrName = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+gcon.middlename.deleteWhitespace().trim().substring(0,1).toLowercase()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';

           System.debug('Formatted Username: '+formatUsrName);
           User u       = new User(Alias    = gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().trim().length() > 4 ? gcon.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().trim().substring(0,3)+setUsrLoc: gcon.lastname+setUsrLoc,
                         Email              = gcon.Email,
                         EmailEncodingKey   = 'UTF-8',
                         LastName           = gcon.Lastname,
                         FirstName          = gcon.Firstname,
                         MiddleName         = gcon.Middlename,         
                         LanguageLocaleKey  = 'en_US',
                         LocaleSidKey       = 'en_US',
                         ProfileId          = p.Id,
                         UserRoleId         = groleid,          
                         TimeZoneSidKey     = 'America/New_York',
                         UserName           = formatUsrName);
           UtilStaffPermSet.assgnPermissionSet(recId, u.Id);  
           System.resetPassword(u.Id, True);


Apex Test Class:

public class NewUtilStaffProcessTest {

   public static testMethod void InitialTest() {

        /* Get Record Id Type */   
        Id conTypeId;
        Id acctTypeId;
        String formatUsrName;
        String setUsrLoc;
        conTypeId = [SELECT Id  
                     FROM   RecordType
                     WHERE  SObjectType = 'Contact'
                     AND    Name = 'Utility Staffer'].Id;  

        Id acctsTypeId = [SELECT Id
                      FROM   RecordType
                      WHERE  SObjectType = 'Account'
                          AND    Name = 'Account Source'].Id;

        Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='HAVNA City Public Utility Group'];
        String groleId = [SELECT Id FROM UserRole WHERE Name = 'Utility Staff' LIMIT 1].Id;

        Integer midsize;
        //Create new State record; initialize required field(s), then insert
        HAV_State_and_Country__c state  = new HAV_State_and_Country__c();
        state.Name                = 'Oregon';
        state.HAV_Letter_Code__c = 'OR';
        state.HAV_Type__c        = 'State';
        Insert state;
        //Create new Account record; initialize required field(s), then insert
        Account acct = new Account(Name='Oregon Local 7');
        acct.Hav_Locality__c     = '90';
        acct.Hav_Street__c     = 'Local/Surveyor';
        acct.RecordTypeId     =  AcctTypeId;
        acct.HAV__Country__c    = state.id;
    insert acct;

        //Create new Contact record; initialize required field(s), then insert
        Contact con  = new Contact();   
        con.FirstName       = 'Ralph';  
        con.LastName        = 'Smith';
        con.Middlename      = 'Otis';
        con.RecordTypeId    =  conTypeId;
        con.email           = 'rsmith8@verizon.com';
        con.AcctId          = acct.id;
        //Insert Contact
        Insert con ;
       Account retAcct = [SELECT Id, HAV_Country__r.HAV_Letter_Code__c, Hav_Locality__c, Hav_Street__c
                          FROM   Account
                          WHERE  Id           = :con.AcctId
                          AND    recordTypeId = :nomsTypeId
                          LIMIT 1];
       if (retAcct.Hav_Street__c == 'Local/Surveyor')
              setUsrLoc = retAcct.HAV_Country__r.HAV_Letter_Code__c+retAcct.Hav_Locality__c;
       if (con.middlename == null) {
           System.debug('3: '+setUsrLoc);
               formatUsrName = con.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+con.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
           } else {
               System.debug('4: '+setUsrLoc);
               midSize = con.Middlename.length();
               if (midSize == 1) {
                   System.debug('5: '+setUsrLoc);
                   formatUsrName = con.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+con.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+con.middlename.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
               } else {
                   System.debug('6: '+setUsrLoc);
                   formatUsrName = con.Lastname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+con.Firstname.deleteWhitespace().toLowercase().trim()+'.'+con.middlename.deleteWhitespace().trim().substring(0,1).toLowercase()+'.cnastaff'+setUsrLoc+'@HAVNA.gmail';
 User thisUser = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
         User u       = new User(Alias      = con.LastName.deleteWhitespace().trim().length() > 4 ? con.LastName.deleteWhitespace().trim().substring(0,4)+setUsrLoc: con.LastName+setUsrLoc,
                         Email              = con.email,
                         EmailEncodingKey   = 'UTF-8',
                         LastName           = con.LastName,
                         FirstName          = con.Firstname,
                         MiddleName         = con.Middlename,         
                         LanguageLocaleKey  = 'en_US',
                         LocaleSidKey       = 'en_US',
                         ProfileId          = p.Id,
                         UserRoleId         = groleid,          
                         TimeZoneSidKey     = 'America/New_York',
                         UserName           = formatUsrName);

