• Sean Rock
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On my client's registration form there is a checkbox to subscribe to the newsletter. They want to include the selection when creating a new Lead. I've generated the wsdl to create a Lead however I don't see how I can add a new property.

Is that possible and if Yes, how can I include this value when creating a Lead.

I'm getting a large page with a repeating error message:

Errors with this extended error code have the following properties: erroneousElementApiName, erroneousElementType, erroneousFields, severity, actionCallName, parameterName

Does anyone know what might be causing this and how to correct it? I've had a colleague try on a developer account and it worked. Another colleague tried on a developer account and got this same error. 



New to SalesForce. I'm trying to generate a Lead using the rest api and thankfully I've had a good reply. However the next hurdle is solving this error that is returned from the api call.
        "message": "Session expired or invalid",
        "errorCode": "INVALID_SESSION_ID"

I've reviewed the documentation on authorisation and its just a tad confusing. It states do not use SessionID if you are handling someones password, then states you must include username/password when getting a session id. Or am I missing something?

It also mentions client id and client secret. Can anyone tell me where I can find those? I've seen a few posts where its mentioned you can go to Create > Apps or Build > Create > Apps however I do not see those actions. 

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm using a developer account.



I'm new to SalesForce and want to create a Lead using the rest api. I've been directed to the documentation however I cannot find the specific section for that. Can anyone help?
