• nguyen tai
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I'm not sure why it's failing when I try to run 1000 records through. Anything I can do? 

Here's my Trigger:
trigger PlaybooksEnrollmentLead on Lead (before update, after update) {
    if(trigger.isbefore) {
        Map<Id, Lead> leadMap = new Map<Id, Lead>();
        for(Lead l : trigger.new) {
            Lead oldLead = trigger.oldMap.get(l.Id);
            if(oldLead.Playbooks_Play_Name__c != l.Playbooks_Play_Name__c && l.Playbooks_Play_Name__c != null) {
                // Pass this to class that creates new Enrollment
            } else if(oldLead.Playbooks_Play_Status__c != l.Playbooks_Play_Status__c  ||
                       oldLead.Playbooks_Step_Number__c != l.Playbooks_Step_Number__c) {
                leadMap.put(l.Id, l);

    if(trigger.isAfter) {
        Map<Id, Lead> leadMap = new Map<Id, Lead>();
        for(Lead l : trigger.new){
            if(l.IsConverted == TRUE && l.Playbooks_Play_Name__c != null && l.Playbooks_Play_Status__c != 'Failure' && l.Playbooks_Play_Status__c != 'Unenrolled') {
                leadMap.put(l.Id, l);
And here's my Class:
public class PlaybooksEnrollmentEngine {

    public static void CreateRecordLead(List<Lead> leads) {
        // Create a list that inserts the PB Enrollment records
        List<Playbooks_Enrollment__c> insertList = new List<Playbooks_Enrollment__c>();

        for(Lead l : leads){
            // Create new Playbooks Enrollment record
            Playbooks_Enrollment__c pbE = new Playbooks_Enrollment__c();

            pbE.Object_Enrolled__c = 'Lead';
            pbE.Lead__c = l.Id;
            pbE.Name             = l.Playbooks_Play_Name__c;
            pbE.Enroller__c      = l.LastModifiedById;
            pbE.Play_Name__c     = l.Playbooks_Play_Name__c;
            pbE.Next_Step_Due__c = l.Playbooks_Next_Step_Due_Date__c;
            pbE.Play_Status__c   = l.Playbooks_Play_Status__c;
            pbE.Step_Number__c   = l.Playbooks_Step_Number__c; 


        insert insertList;

It's currently happening when I update the fields to trigger on Before Update, not the conversion part. Any help is appreciated, thanks!