• Hiral Patel 25
  • 10 Points
  • Member since 2020
  • Sr. Developer
  • xyz

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I want solution for this

Return values:
Less than or equal to 10%: Low
Between 10% and 40%: Medium
More than 40%: High

Hint: CASE statements can’t contain Boolean functions. Use IF statements instead.
  1. Tell me about a time you work through a request that was not well-defined and what did you build?
  1. What are some limitations when working with WhoId and WhatId in Salesforce? How can you work around those?
create a calculator using aura id
Create a component student with last name,firstname,phone as attributes and invoke the student componenet in the application
Hi , i finish each and every steps for create a hello world lightning web component but than i show this error please help me i try so many times

Step not yet complete in Playful Moose Playground
We couldn't find a Lightning web component named 'helloWorld'.
i got job as a  salesforce developer 
this is job description what should i more focus ?
Job Description
Additional Skills:              
• Roles and Responsibilities:      
• Design and develop solutions primarily on the Salesforce platform using Apex programming language and Lightning component.
• Develop software solutions using Salesforce.com API framework, and 3rd party APIs
• Impact custom features look and feel.
• Participate in all aspects of the product development life cycle
• Collaborate closely with QA.
• Consistently applies learned processes, procedures and workflows to include (however not limited to) the software development lifecycle and/or release processes.
• Creates system requirements, performs design and analysis, coding of medium to high complexity, unit testing of core system functionality and corrects defects during various phases of testing.
• Independently install, customize and integrate commercial software packages. Facilitates root cause analysis of system issues.
• May serve as the subject matter expert on development techniques. Creates system documentation/play book and participates as a reviewer and contributor in requirements, design and code reviews.
• Provide ideas to improve system performance and impact availability and resolves complex technical design issues.
• Interact with and present to product owners throughout the development process
• Develop documentation of coding standards, training, and support
• Participate in defining best practices around report development, testing, access management, and report refresh scheduling
• Experience capturing and translating Business Requirements into technical sol

Error: ExtensionController Compile Error: Variable does not exist: stdcontroller at line 6 column 29

public class ExtensionController 
    public final Account acct;
    public ExtensionController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) 
       this.acct = (Account)stdcontroller.getRecord();

  public string getGreeting()
     return 'Hello' + acct.name + '('+ acct.id +')';

 // Write an APEX Program to fetch All Lead Records, Based on the Lead status Supplied by the User at Run-Time
i show error in this line like Illegal assignment from List<Contact> to List<contact>

list<Contact> lstContacts =[SELECT Id,FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone, accountID FROM Contact Where accountid =: accountRecordID];
on this code showing error (Syntax error. Extra '1')

<apex:form >
  <apex:pageBlock title="CALCULATOR">
  First Number: <apex:inputText value="{!First number}"/><br/><br/>
  Second Number : <apex:inputText value="{! Second number}" /><br/><br/>
   <apex:pageBlockButtons >
   <apex:commandButton value="ADD" action="{!addition}" />
       <apex:commandButton value="SUB" action="{!subtraction}" />
         <apex:commandButton value="DIV" action="{!division}" />
       <apex:commandButton value="MULTIPLY" action="{!multiplication}" />
  <b>Output is:<apex:outputText value="{!result}"></apex:outputText></b>
write down visual force page


First Number ::  box
Second Number : :   box
Result:: box

Add     SUB    MUL  DIV
Everything in box and background color is gray Nd calcular color is  red
write down visual force page


First Number ::  box
Second Number : :   box
Result:: box

Add     SUB    MUL  DIV

Everything in box
Write the Test Class's for all Triggers
in scheduled apex write a program any custom object every 1st saturday of the month
in Batch apex write program to update the name field in the contact object with the level as primary 
(Note : upload 500 records through dataloader)
 why i am showing this error :Variable does not exist: Phone

trigger Phone_Email_Validation on Contact (before insert) 
  if (Trigger.Isbefore && Trigger.IsInsert)
      for (Contact con : Trigger.New)
          if (con.Phone == Null || con.Phone == '')
              con.Phone.AddError ('Please Enter a valid Phone Number');
              if(con.Email == Null || con.Email == '')
              con.Email.AddError ('Please Enter a valid Email Address');
Invalid type: AccountTeamMemeber
Variable does not exist: TeamMemeberRole
why i am showing error?

trigger AccountTeamMemberAssign on Account (after insert) 
   user u = [Select id from user where alias = 'rpate'];
    for (Account acc : Trigger.New)
       if (acc.Annualrevenue > 500000)
          AccountTeamMember actteam  = New AccountTeamMemeber();
          actteam.UserId = u.Id;
          actteam.AccountId = acc.Id;
          actteam.TeamMemeberRole = 'Account Manager';
once the record was restored from recycle bin...Needs to notify the Account owner
Unexpected token 'Trigger'.   if(Trigger.isbefore && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger .IsUpdate))
i got this error :Variable does not exist: description

trigger ContactEx2_0209 on Contact (before update) 
  for(contact con : Trigger.New)
      con.description = 'Updated by --->' +userinfo.getUserName();
write down visual force page


First Number ::  box
Second Number : :   box
Result:: box

Add     SUB    MUL  DIV

Everything in box
in scheduled apex write a program any custom object every 1st saturday of the month
in Batch apex write program to update the name field in the contact object with the level as primary 
(Note : upload 500 records through dataloader)
 why i am showing this error :Variable does not exist: Phone

trigger Phone_Email_Validation on Contact (before insert) 
  if (Trigger.Isbefore && Trigger.IsInsert)
      for (Contact con : Trigger.New)
          if (con.Phone == Null || con.Phone == '')
              con.Phone.AddError ('Please Enter a valid Phone Number');
              if(con.Email == Null || con.Email == '')
              con.Email.AddError ('Please Enter a valid Email Address');
i got this error :Variable does not exist: description

trigger ContactEx2_0209 on Contact (before update) 
  for(contact con : Trigger.New)
      con.description = 'Updated by --->' +userinfo.getUserName();
create  new account with type=customer direct and industry=banking and new opportunities record will be created using trigger