• Alex Valavanis 13
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I want to create a screen flow where the user can add the name of a record (lookup field) and it will retreive information of another custom object which are related to that lookup field.

(e.g. user can add the account name and see the contacts related to the account name on a screen)

Could someone direct me to a video or step by step guidance on how to do that?

I am looking for a video tutorial/documentation as i want to create a Search Box component which the users will be able to type the account name and the search will bring related records from this account (e.g opportunity & rebate agreements, decisions etc.)

I did found this (https://www.salesforcebolt.com/2020/09/client-side-search-lightning-data-table.html), however this retrieves fields from one object.

Are there any tutorials? What is the complexity of building this as i am not a developer.
Could you please tell me where the error is here? Is it because there is a blank space somewhere?

The error i am receiving is "Error: Compile Error: Invalid constructor name: MyPageExtension at line 1 column 93"
public with sharing class OwnerChangeExtension{public List<Contact>contacts{get;set;}public MyPageExtension
(ApexPages.StandardSetController controller){controller.addFields(new List<String>{'Name','FirstName',
'AccountId', 'Account.Name', 'OwnerId','Account.Owner.Name'});
    public PageReference save() {
            Map<Id, Account> accountById= new Map<Id, Account>();
            for(Contact con : contacts){
                        Account acc = new Account(Id=con.AccountId,
                        accountById.put(con.AccountId, acc);
            update contacts;
            update accountById.values();
            return new ApexPages.Action('{!List}').invoke();
        }catch(Exception e){
            ApexPages.addMessage(newApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Error, 'Error occured while updating below records.'+ e.getMessage()));
         return null;

    public PageReference cancel() {
        return new ApexPages.Action('{!List}').invoke();


I want to create a custom button which will give me a pdf document. Fields will come from various objects (not from 1 object...) . Is there a step by step guide or video tutorial?

I want to create a custom button which will give me a pdf document. Fields will come from various objects (not from 1 object...) . Is there a step by step guide or video tutorial?