• sreekanth vallepu
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what is ment params could pls explain that at the same time suggest any vidoes about params  (easily understand)
could u pls exaplain about what is track reactive and api reactive
        const t=parseInt(this.telugu);
        const h=parseInt(this.hindi);
        const e=parseInt(this.english);
        const m=parseInt(this.maths);
        const s=parseInt(this.science);
        const so=parseInt(this.social);
        this.currentoutput='totalpercentage=' +(t+h+e+m+s+so/600);
public with sharing class AccountinfoCtrl{
    public static List<Account> getAccounts() {
        List <Account> accList = [SELECT id,Name, AccountNumber,Phone,Fax, Industry From Account LIMIT 2];
        return accList;
what is ment params could pls explain that at the same time suggest any vidoes about params  (easily understand)
could u pls exaplain about what is track reactive and api reactive
public with sharing class AccountinfoCtrl{
    public static List<Account> getAccounts() {
        List <Account> accList = [SELECT id,Name, AccountNumber,Phone,Fax, Industry From Account LIMIT 2];
        return accList;