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QR Scanning and Authorisation
Can we Implement this scenario :-
An Custom object will be created where Name, Email, DOB, Address and Mobile number will be filled. When It will save Username and Password will be generated and displayed in that same record page and Username, Password be mailed to the given email address.
Using LWC a site will be developed which will open to scan a QR code. To open that page user needs to put the username and password that is sent through email. He/She will scan the QR code and after scanning in another custom object Scanning details will be stored like Time, Date, Scanned by - Username/Name, Location.
Is this scenario is possible, if yes then what all steps needs to be followed up.
- Sudeep Singh
- April 24, 2023
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- 0
Test Class coverage 60%
Batch Class:-
/* Class Type :- Batch
* Date :-
* Description :- Creates a new order if Contract Status is Activated after one month and update Next Order Date
* Author :-
global class AutoSubscriptionForOrderCreation implements Database.Batchable<sObject>,schedulable,database.stateful {
Public string errmsg = '';
Public integer OrderCount = 0;
Public void execute(SchedulableContext sc)
database.executebatch(new AutoSubscriptionForOrderCreation());
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
Date orderCreationDate = system.today().addDays(3);
//system.debug('output'+[SELECT Id,Status,Next_Order_Date__c,Service__r.id,AccountId,ShippingAddress,BillingAddress,Insurance__c From Contract Where Status = 'Activated' And Next_Order_Date__c = TODAY]);
return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id,Status,Next_Order_Date__c,Service__r.id,AccountId,ShippingAddress,BillingAddress,Insurance__c,Group_ID__c,Policy_ID__c,Insurance_Provider__c,BillingState,BillingCity,BillingStreet,BillingCountry,BillingPostalCode,BillingLatitude,BillingLongitude,ShippingStreet,ShippingState,ShippingCity,ShippingCountry,ShippingPostalCode,ShippingLatitude,ShippingLongitude,CustomerSignedId From Contract]);
//System.debug('This is executing');
return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id,Status,Next_Order_Date__c,Service__r.id,AccountId,ShippingAddress,BillingAddress,Insurance__c,Group_ID__c,Policy_ID__c,Insurance_Provider__c,BillingState,BillingCity,BillingStreet,BillingCountry,BillingPostalCode,BillingLatitude,BillingLongitude,ShippingStreet,ShippingState,ShippingCity,ShippingCountry,ShippingPostalCode,ShippingLatitude,ShippingLongitude,CustomerSignedId From Contract Where Status = 'Activated' And Next_Order_Date__c =: orderCreationDate]);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<Contract> contractlst) {
List<Order> orderlsttoinsert = new List<Order>();
List<OrderItem> orderItemsToInsert = new List<OrderItem>();
List<Contract> contractupdatelst = new List<Contract>();
List<Order> ordertoupdate= new List<Order>();
map<Id, Id> contractProdMap = New map<Id, Id>();
if(contractlst.size() > 0){
Pricebook2 priceBook = [select id, name from Pricebook2 where isStandard = true limit 1];
List<PriceBookEntry> priceBookEntryList = [SELECT Product2.Id, Product2.Name, UnitPrice FROM PriceBookEntry WHERE Pricebook2Id =:priceBook.id];
//Set <Id> accid = new set <Id>();
for(Contract con: contractlst){
//Insert Orders
Order orderObj = new Order();
orderObj.AccountId = con.AccountId;
orderObj.Status = 'Draft';
orderObj.ContractId = con.Id;
orderObj.EffectiveDate = System.today();
orderObj.Pricebook2Id = priceBook.id;
orderObj.Insurance__c = con.Insurance__c;
orderObj.Insurance_Group_Number__c = con.Group_ID__c;
orderObj.Insurance_ID__c = con.Policy_ID__c;
orderObj.Insurance_Name__c = con.Insurance_Provider__c;
orderObj.Type = 'Subscription Order';
orderObj.BillingStreet = con.BillingStreet;
orderObj.BillingState = con.BillingState;
orderObj.BillingCity = con.BillingCity;
orderObj.BillingCountry = con.BillingCountry;
orderObj.BillingPostalCode = con.BillingPostalCode;
orderObj.BillingLatitude = con.BillingLatitude;
orderObj.BillingLongitude = con.BillingLongitude;
orderObj.ShippingStreet = con.ShippingStreet;
orderObj.ShippingState = con.ShippingState;
orderObj.ShippingCity = con.ShippingCity;
orderObj.ShippingCountry = con.ShippingCountry;
orderObj.ShippingPostalCode = con.ShippingPostalCode;
orderObj.ShippingLatitude = con.ShippingLatitude;
orderObj.ShippingLongitude = con.ShippingLongitude;
//orderObj.ShipToContactId = con.account.PersonContactId;
//orderObj.BillToContactId = con.account.PersonContactId;
orderObj.EffectiveDate = con.Next_Order_Date__c;
//Create Contract and Product Map
for(PriceBookEntry pBookEntry : priceBookEntryList){
if(pBookEntry.Product2.Id == con.Service__r.Id){
contractProdMap.put(con.Id, pBookEntry.Id);
// Update order date to next month's nearest Wednesday
Date nextOrderDate = ((System.today().addMonths(1)).toStartOfWeek().addDays(3));
con.Next_Order_Date__c = nextOrderDate;
if(orderlsttoinsert.size() > 0){
insert orderlsttoinsert;
OrderCount = OrderCount+orderlsttoinsert.size();
for(Order O: orderlsttoinsert){
//Insert Order Items
OrderItem oi = new OrderItem();
oi.OrderId = O.id;
oi.Quantity = 1;
oi.UnitPrice = 1;
oi.Product2id = O.Contract.Service__c;
oi.PricebookEntryId = contractProdMap.get(O.ContractId);
oi.sstation__Currency_Type__c = 'USD';
if(orderItemsToInsert.size() > 0){
insert orderItemsToInsert;
if(contractupdatelst.size() > 0){
update contractupdatelst;
if(orderlsttoinsert.size() > 0){
for(Order Order: orderlsttoinsert){
Order.Status='Order Placed';
update ordertoupdate;
}catch (exception e){
errmsg = e.getMessage();
Batch_Message__c batch = new Batch_Message__c();
batch.Batch_Status__c = 'Failed';
batch.Failed_Description__c = errmsg;
insert batch;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
if (errmsg == ''){
Batch_Message__c batch = new Batch_Message__c();
batch.Batch_Status__c = 'Success';
batch.Order_Count__c = OrderCount;
insert batch;
Test class:-
public class Test_AutoSubscriptionForOrderCreation {
static void testMethod1()
String recordTypeId = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get('Account').getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Person Account').getRecordTypeId();
Account acc= new Account(
RecordTypeID=recordTypeId ,
FirstName='Test FName',
LastName='Test LName',
insert acc;
Contact con = new Contact();
//con.AccountId = acc.Id;
con.LastName = 'Test';
con.Birthdate = system.today();
insert con;
Product2 op = new Product2();
op.Name = 'Test';
op.IsActive = true;
op.ProductCode = 'Test';
insert op;
Pricebook2 standardPricebook = new Pricebook2(
Id = Test.getStandardPricebookId(),
IsActive = true
update standardPricebook;
PricebookEntry standardPrice = new PricebookEntry();
standardPrice.Pricebook2Id = standardPricebook.id;
standardPrice.Product2Id = op.Id;
standardPrice.UnitPrice = 100;
standardPrice.IsActive = true;
standardPrice.UseStandardPrice = false;
insert standardPrice;
Contract cont = new Contract();
cont.AccountId= acc.id;
cont.Next_Order_Date__c = Date.today();
cont.Pricebook2Id = standardPricebook.Id;
cont.Service__c = op.Id;
//cont.Insurance__c = mp.Id;
cont.BillingStreet = 'test';
cont.BillingPostalCode = '759128';
cont.BillingState = 'test';
cont.BillingCity = 'test';
cont.BillingCountry = 'test';
cont.BillingLatitude = 20.296059;
cont.BillingLongitude = 85.824539;
cont.ShippingCity = 'test';
cont.ShippingCountry = 'test';
cont.ShippingPostalCode = '777777';
cont.ShippingLatitude = 20.296059;
cont.ShippingLongitude = 85.824539;
cont.Insurance__c = 'Medicaid';
cont.Insurance_Provider__c = 'Medicaid';
cont.Group_ID__c = '1234GID';
cont.Policy_ID__c = 'PID1234';
cont.Policy_Holder_First_Name__c = 'Test';
cont.Policy_Holder_Last_Name__c = 'Test';
//cont.Service__c = op.Id;
insert cont;
Order o = new Order();
o.AccountId = acc.Id;
o.ContractId = cont.Id;
o.Status = 'Draft';
o.EffectiveDate = system.today();
o.BillToContactId = con.Id;
o.ShipToContactId = con.Id;
o.Insurance__c = cont.Insurance__c;
o.Insurance_Name__c = cont.Insurance_Provider__c;
o.Insurance_ID__c = cont.Policy_ID__c;
o.Insurance_Group_Number__c = cont.Group_ID__c;
insert o;
OrderItem oi = new OrderItem();
oi.sstation__Currency_Type__c = 'USD';
oi.OrderId = o.Id;
oi.Quantity = 20.4;
oi.UnitPrice = 100;
oi.PricebookEntryId = standardPrice.Id;
insert oi;
Contract contr = new Contract();
contr.Status = 'Activated';
contr.Id = cont.Id;
contr.Next_Order_Date__c = date.today()+3;
update contr;
Order od = new Order(
AccountId = acc.Id,
ContractId = cont.Id,
EffectiveDate = System.today(),
Status = 'Draft',
BillToContactId = con.Id,
ShipToContactId = con.Id,
PriceBook2Id = Test.getStandardPricebookId()
System.assert(True, 'ErrorMessage');
AutoSubscriptionForOrderCreation obj = new AutoSubscriptionForOrderCreation();
String CRON_EXP = '0 0 0 3 9 ? 2042';
system.schedule('Test status Check9', CRON_EXP, obj );
When am removing this two line coverage is 91% but when i am including this two line thne coverage is 60%
orderObj.ShipToContactId = con.account.PersonContactId;
orderObj.BillToContactId = con.account.PersonContactId;
- Sudeep Singh
- April 17, 2023
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- 0
Lead Conversion Lead to contract
I had written a class which will convert lead to Contract in between it will create Account and Address.
I dont want to create Contact but it is getting created.
I filled data with lead first and Last name.
Company field in lead is mandatory which is not in use for my requirement.
Here is the code I tried :
public class AutoConvertLead {
public static void assignLeads(List<Id> LeadIds) {
Map<String,Date> NameDOBMap = new Map<String,Date>();
List<String> leadNames = new List<String>();
List<Date> leadDOBs = new List<Date>();
List<Database.LeadConvert> massLeadConvert = new List<Database.LeadConvert>();
List<Account> accountsToUpdate = new List<Account>();
List<Account> accountsToInsert = new List<Account>();
List<Contract> contractsToInsert = new List<Contract>();
List<Address__c> addressesToInsert = new List<Address__c>();
//List<MemberPlan> memberplanToInsert = new List<MemberPlan>();
Map<String,Account> nameDOBToAccountMap = new Map<String,Account>();
Map<String,Account> newCreatedAccounts = new Map<String,Account>();
Map<ID,Id> leadProductMap = new Map<Id,Id>();
Map<ID,Id> leadHealthcareFacilityMap = new Map<ID, Id>();
//Id personAccountRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Person Account').getRecordTypeId();
LeadStatus cLeadStatus = [SELECT Id,MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE isConverted = true LIMIT 1];
// List<Lead> leads = [SELECT Id,Name,LastName,FirstName,Email,Birthdate__c,Service__c,Ethnicity__c, Race__c,Gender__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :LeadIds];
Map<Id,Lead> leadmap= new Map<Id,Lead>([SELECT Id,Name,LastName,FirstName,Email,Signature__c,Signature_Date_Time__c,Birthdate__c,Service__c,Ethnicity__c,MobilePhone,Phone,Race__c,Gender__c,City,Country,State,Street,PostalCode,Address_Type__c,Group_ID__c,Insurance_Provider__c,Is_Policy_Holder__c,Policy_Holder_First_Name__c,Policy_Holder_Last_Name__c,Policy_ID__c,Insurance__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :LeadIds]);
// for(Lead lead: leads) {
for(Lead lead: leadmap.values()) {
NameDOBMap.put(lead.Name, lead.Birthdate__c);
Map<Id, Account> existingAccounts = new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT Id, Birthdate__c, Name, Gender__c FROM Account WHERE Name IN :NameDOBMap.KeySet() AND Birthdate__c IN :NameDOBMap.values()]);
for(account acc: existingAccounts.values()){
System.debug('Check 1'+existingAccounts);
for(Account accc: existingAccounts.values()){
nameDOBToAccountMap.put(accc.Name+accc.Birthdate__c, accc);
// for(Lead ld : leads){
for(Lead ld: leadmap.values()) {
Account existingAccount = new Account();
existingAccount.Name = ld.Name;
existingAccount.First_Name__c = ld.LastName;
existingAccount.First_Name__c = ld.FirstName;
existingAccount.Email__c = ld.Email;
existingAccount.Gender__c = ld.Gender__c;
//existingAccount.RecordTypeId = personAccountRecordTypeId;
existingAccount.Ethnicity__c = ld.Ethnicity__c;
existingAccount.Race__c = ld.Race__c;
existingAccount.Gender__c = ld.Gender__c;
existingAccount.Birthdate__c = ld.Birthdate__c;
existingAccount.Mobile__c = ld.MobilePhone;
existingAccount.Mobile__c = ld.Phone;
existingAccount.Insurance_Options__c = ld.Insurance__c;
existingAccount.Insurance_Provider__c = ld.Insurance_Provider__c;
existingAccount.Policy_Holder_First_Name__c = ld.Policy_Holder_First_Name__c;
existingAccount.Policy_Holder_Last_Name__c = ld.Policy_Holder_Last_Name__c;
existingAccount.Group_Number__c = ld.Group_ID__c;
existingAccount.Member_ID__c = ld.Policy_ID__c;
existingAccount.Is_Policy_Holder__c = ld.Is_Policy_Holder__c;
//existingAccount.Address_Line_2__c = ld.Address_Line_2__c;
insert accountsToInsert;
for(account acc: accountsToInsert){
newCreatedAccounts.put(acc.First_Name__c+acc.Last_Name__c, acc);
//for(Lead lead : leads){
for(Lead lead : leadmap.values()){
System.debug('Check 2');
Database.LeadConvert LeadConvert = new Database.LeadConvert();
if(lead.Name != null && lead.Birthdate__c != null){
if(nameDOBToAccountMap.containsKey(lead.Name+lead.Birthdate__c) && nameDOBToAccountMap.get(lead.Name+lead.Birthdate__c)!=Null){
Account existingAccount = new Account();
existingAccount.Id = nameDOBToAccountMap.get(lead.Name+lead.Birthdate__c).id;
existingAccount.Ethnicity__c = lead.Ethnicity__c;
existingAccount.Race__c = lead.Race__c;
existingAccount.Gender__c = lead.Gender__c;
existingAccount.Mobile__c = lead.MobilePhone;
existingAccount.Email__c = lead.Email;
existingAccount.Mobile__c = lead.Phone;
existingAccount.Mobile__c = lead.MobilePhone;
//existingAccount.Address_Line_2__c = lead.Address_Line_2__c;
existingAccount.BillingCountry = lead.Country;
existingAccount.BillingPostalCode = lead.PostalCode;
existingAccount.BillingState = lead.State;
existingAccount.BillingStreet = lead.Street;
existingAccount.BillingCity = lead.City;
existingAccount.Insurance_Options__c = lead.Insurance__c;
existingAccount.Insurance_Provider__c = lead.Insurance_Provider__c;
existingAccount.Policy_Holder_First_Name__c = lead.Policy_Holder_First_Name__c;
existingAccount.Policy_Holder_Last_Name__c = lead.Policy_Holder_Last_Name__c;
existingAccount.Group_Number__c = lead.Group_ID__c;
existingAccount.Member_ID__c = lead.Policy_ID__c;
existingAccount.Is_Policy_Holder__c = lead.Is_Policy_Holder__c;
if(newCreatedAccounts.containskey(lead.FirstName+lead.LastName) && newCreatedAccounts.get(lead.FirstName+lead.LastName)!= Null){
update accountsToUpdate;
List<Database.LeadConvertResult> lcr = Database.convertLead(massLeadConvert);
for(Database.LeadConvertResult leadConvertResult : lcr) {
if(leadConvertResult.isSuccess() ) {
Contract contract = new Contract();
contract.Status = 'Draft';
contract.AccountId = leadConvertResult.getAccountId();
contract.StartDate = system.today();
contract.ContractTerm = 12;
if(leadProductMap.containskey(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()) && leadProductMap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId())!=Null){
contract.Service__c = leadProductMap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId());
//if(leadHealthcareFacilityMap.containskey(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()) && leadHealthcareFacilityMap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId())!=Null ){
//contract.Depot_Name__c = leadHealthcareFacilityMap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId());
if(leadmap.containskey(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()) ) {
contract.BillingCity= leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).City;
contract.BillingState= leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).State;
contract.BillingCountry = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Country;
contract.ShippingCity = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).City;
contract.ShippingState = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).State;
contract.ShippingCountry = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Country;
contract.ShippingStreet = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Street;
contract.ShippingPostalCode = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).PostalCode;
contract.Signature__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Signature__c;
contract.Signature_Date_Time__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Signature_Date_Time__c;
contract.Is_Policy_Holder__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Is_Policy_Holder__c;
contract.Insurance__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Insurance__c;
contract.Insurance_Provider__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Insurance_Provider__c;
contract.Policy_Holder_First_Name__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Policy_Holder_First_Name__c;
contract.Policy_Holder_Last_Name__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Policy_Holder_Last_Name__c;
contract.Policy_ID__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Policy_ID__c;
contract.Group_ID__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Group_ID__c;
//contract.Address_Line_2__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Address_Line_2__c;
Address__c Address = new Address__c();
Address.Account__c = leadConvertResult.getAccountId();
Address.Address_Type__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Address_Type__c;
Address.Name = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Street;
//Address.Street__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Street;
Address.City__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).City;
Address.State__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).State;
Address.Zip_Code__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).PostalCode;
Address.Country__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Country;
//Address.Landmark__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).City;
//MemberPlan member = new MemberPlan();
//member.MemberId = leadConvertResult.getAccountId();
//member.Is_Policy_Holder__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Is_Policy_Holder__c;
//member.Name = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Insurance_Name__c;
//member.Insurance_Options__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Insurance__c;
//member.MemberNumber = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Policy_ID__c;
//member.GroupNumber = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Group_ID__c;
//member.Policy_Holder_First_Name__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Policy_Holder_First_Name__c;
//member.Policy_Holder_Last_Name__c = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Policy_Holder_Last_Name__c;
insert contractsToInsert;
//insert memberplanToInsert;
insert addressesToInsert;
}catch(Exception e){
System.debug('Error: '+e.getMessage()+ 'Line Number'+e.getLineNumber());
I need to create account with the lead first and last name
- Sudeep Singh
- April 14, 2023
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- 0
Instantly write a field while creating record
First Name
Last Name
Shipping First Name
Shipping Last name
While creating record we need to give input for all the fields. I need to do one automation that, when a user click on checkbox "Same as First and Last name" then Shipping First Name and Shipping last name must be automatically write the values of First name and Last name.
Summary :-
First Name = Test
Last Name = Check
Clicked on Same as First name and last name checkbox
Shipping first name = test
Shipping Last name = check
- Sudeep Singh
- March 09, 2023
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- 0
Cancel Contract and Order
A custom object Cancellation Request is there and it is having First name, last Name, Email, birthdate. Data will be coming from an intak form from Marketing cloud.
When form submission will be done the data will be coming to "Cancellation Request " Obj and it will check wether any account is there or not with those same First name, last Name, Email, birthdate. If there then it will cancel the contract and order.
There is no relation between Cancellation Request Obj and Account, Contracts and Orders.
how we can achieve this
- Sudeep Singh
- March 02, 2023
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- 0
Bulk conversion of lead to contract
Currently am converting Lead to Contract, while converting it creates account, Memberplan, Address record also.
Now I need to do it in Batch so that it will convert all the leads at a single time. Batch should run according the condition of class am using currently.
How to achieve this ?
Thank you
- Sudeep Singh
- February 28, 2023
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- 0
Lead to contract conversion using batch
Currently am converting Lead to Contract, while converting it creates account, Memberplan, Address record also.
Now I need to do it in Batch so that it will convert all the leads at a single time. Batch should run according the condition of class am using currently.
How to achieve this ?
- Sudeep Singh
- February 28, 2023
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- 0
Twillio Send Message
now it is going well and fine.
But the SMS should go once not repeatedly. Till the lead exist the SMS goes to that lead's mobile number. How to prevent it ?
- Sudeep Singh
- February 28, 2023
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- 0
Need to attach the latest attachment in the mail when we are sending email
I added one documents in Notes and Attachment in Account object. In the activity tab in email section when I click on send then it should send email attaching the latest document in Note & Attachment.
How we can acheive this ?
- Sudeep Singh
- February 20, 2023
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- 0
In MemberPlan if a insurance is marked as primary then it should get updated in the Account lookup custom field with that primary marked lookup
Primary is the custom field in MemberPlan standard object
Insurance is lookup with MemberPlan.
Any MemberPlan which is marked primary that must get displayed in the Insurance field of Account
- Sudeep Singh
- February 13, 2023
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- 0
How to get exception and success message
1. Get the everyday logs on batch runs and number of order created and its status.
2. In case batch did not run due to any issue(exceptions) that also needs to be notified.
Can I get any help how to achieve on this.
- Sudeep Singh
- February 10, 2023
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- 0
Progress Indicator not working properly
I am adding a progress indicator in one of my requirement referred from this link :- https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.lightning.meta/lightning/components_config_for_flow_screens_stages.htm
It is not getting progress perfectly.
Green color is not coming on the first stage. I had attached a file for reference
- Sudeep Singh
- February 07, 2023
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- 0
When order is created using batch at that time Order Status should be "Order Placed" instead Draft
When the order is created the status field is showing "Draft" which is giving default value as we cannot change anything while creating order.
So, I need to set that Status to "Order Placed" instead of "Draft".
Here is the Batch :-
/* Class Type :- Batch
* Date :-
* Description :- Creates a new order if Contract Status is Activated after one month and update Next Order Date
* Author :-
global class AutoSubscriptionForOrderCreation implements Database.Batchable<sObject>,schedulable {
Public void execute(SchedulableContext sc)
database.executebatch(new AutoSubscriptionForOrderCreation());
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
Date orderCreationDate = system.today().addDays(3);
//system.debug('output'+[SELECT Id,Status,Next_Order_Date__c,Service__r.id,AccountId,ShippingAddress,BillingAddress,Insurance__c From Contract Where Status = 'Activated' And Next_Order_Date__c = TODAY]);
return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id,Status,Next_Order_Date__c,Service__r.id,AccountId,account.PersonContactId,ShippingAddress,BillingAddress,Insurance__c,BillingState,BillingCity,BillingStreet,BillingCountry,BillingPostalCode,BillingLatitude,BillingLongitude,ShippingStreet,ShippingState,ShippingCity,ShippingCountry,ShippingPostalCode,ShippingLatitude,ShippingLongitude,CustomerSignedId From Contract]);
return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id,Status,Next_Order_Date__c,Service__r.id,AccountId,account.PersonContactId,ShippingAddress,BillingAddress,Insurance__c,BillingState,BillingCity,BillingStreet,BillingCountry,BillingPostalCode,BillingLatitude,BillingLongitude,ShippingStreet,ShippingState,ShippingCity,ShippingCountry,ShippingPostalCode,ShippingLatitude,ShippingLongitude,CustomerSignedId From Contract Where Status = 'Activated' And Next_Order_Date__c =: orderCreationDate]);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<Contract> contractlst) {
List<Order> orderlsttoinsert = new List<Order>();
List<OrderItem> orderItemsToInsert = new List<OrderItem>();
List<Contract> contractupdatelst = new List<Contract>();
map<Id, Id> contractProdMap = New map<Id, Id>();
if(contractlst.size() > 0){
Pricebook2 priceBook = [select id, name from Pricebook2 where isStandard = true limit 1];
List<PriceBookEntry> priceBookEntryList = [SELECT Product2.Id, Product2.Name, UnitPrice FROM PriceBookEntry WHERE Pricebook2Id =:priceBook.id];
//Set <Id> accid = new set <Id>();
for(Contract con: contractlst){
//Insert Orders
Order orderObj = new Order();
orderObj.AccountId = con.AccountId;
orderObj.Status = 'Draft';
orderObj.ContractId = con.Id;
orderObj.EffectiveDate = System.today();
orderObj.Pricebook2Id = priceBook.id;
orderObj.Insurance__c = con.Insurance__c;
orderObj.Type = 'Subscription Order';
orderObj.BillingStreet = con.BillingStreet;
orderObj.BillingState = con.BillingState;
orderObj.BillingCity = con.BillingCity;
orderObj.BillingCountry = con.BillingCountry;
orderObj.BillingPostalCode = con.BillingPostalCode;
orderObj.BillingLatitude = con.BillingLatitude;
orderObj.BillingLongitude = con.BillingLongitude;
orderObj.ShippingStreet = con.ShippingStreet;
orderObj.ShippingState = con.ShippingState;
orderObj.ShippingCity = con.ShippingCity;
orderObj.ShippingCountry = con.ShippingCountry;
orderObj.ShippingPostalCode = con.ShippingPostalCode;
orderObj.ShippingLatitude = con.ShippingLatitude;
orderObj.ShippingLongitude = con.ShippingLongitude;
orderObj.ShipToContactId =con.account.PersonContactId;
orderObj.BillToContactId = con.account.PersonContactId;
orderObj.EffectiveDate = con.Next_Order_Date__c;
//Create Contract and Product Map
for(PriceBookEntry pBookEntry : priceBookEntryList){
if(pBookEntry.Product2.Id == con.Service__r.Id){
contractProdMap.put(con.Id, pBookEntry.Id);
// Update order date to next month's nearest Wednesday
Date nextOrderDate = ((System.today().addMonths(1)).toStartOfWeek().addDays(3));
con.Next_Order_Date__c = nextOrderDate;
if(orderlsttoinsert.size() > 0){
insert orderlsttoinsert;
for(Order O: orderlsttoinsert){
//Insert Order Items
OrderItem oi = new OrderItem();
oi.OrderId = O.id;
oi.Quantity = 1;
oi.UnitPrice = 1;
oi.Product2id = O.Contract.Service__c;
oi.PricebookEntryId = contractProdMap.get(O.ContractId);
oi.sstation__Currency_Type__c = 'USD';
if(orderItemsToInsert.size() > 0){
insert orderItemsToInsert;
if(contractupdatelst.size() > 0){
update contractupdatelst;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
- Sudeep Singh
- January 31, 2023
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- 0
How Lookup field can be auto-populated ?
Field Name - Service
Lookup with Product.
I need to auto-populate only one product in those lookup field in Lead as well as Contract before creatin record.
When we click on new button at that moment only the lookup field must have "Value" product.
- Sudeep Singh
- January 27, 2023
- Like
- 0
How to set a value as default value in a lookup field
- Sudeep Singh
- January 27, 2023
- Like
- 0
Why my test class is not increasing more than 73% after puting all correct data
public class AutoConvertLead {
public static void assignLeads(List<Id> LeadIds) {
Map<String,Date> NameDOBMap = new Map<String,Date>();
List<String> leadNames = new List<String>();
List<Date> leadDOBs = new List<Date>();
List<Database.LeadConvert> massLeadConvert = new List<Database.LeadConvert>();
List<Account> accountsToUpdate = new List<Account>();
List<Account> accountsToInsert = new List<Account>();
List<Contract> contractsToInsert = new List<Contract>();
Map<String,Account> nameDOBToAccountMap = new Map<String,Account>();
Map<String,Account> newCreatedAccounts = new Map<String,Account>();
Map<ID,Id> leadProductMap = new Map<Id,Id>();
Id personAccountRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Person Account').getRecordTypeId();
LeadStatus cLeadStatus = [SELECT Id,MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE isConverted = true LIMIT 1];
// List<Lead> leads = [SELECT Id,Name,LastName,FirstName,Email,Date_Of_Birth__c,Service__c,Ethnicity__c, Race__c,Gender__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :LeadIds];
Map<Id,Lead> leadmap= new Map<Id,Lead>([SELECT Id,Name,LastName,FirstName,Email,Date_Of_Birth__c,Service__c,Ethnicity__c,MobilePhone, Race__c,Gender__c,City,Country,State,Street,PostalCode FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :LeadIds]);
// for(Lead lead: leads) {
for(Lead lead: leadmap.values()) {
NameDOBMap.put(lead.Name, lead.Date_Of_Birth__c);
Map<Id, Account> existingAccounts = new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT Id, PersonBirthdate, Name, PersonGender FROM Account WHERE Name IN :NameDOBMap.KeySet() AND PersonBirthdate IN :NameDOBMap.values()]);
for(account acc: existingAccounts.values()){
//System.debug('Check 1'+existingAccounts);
for(Account accc: existingAccounts.values()){
nameDOBToAccountMap.put(accc.Name+accc.PersonBirthdate, accc);
// for(Lead ld : leads){
for(Lead ld: leadmap.values()) {
Account existingAccount = new Account();
existingAccount.LastName = ld.LastName;
existingAccount.FirstName = ld.FirstName;
existingAccount.PersonEmail = ld.Email;
existingAccount.PersonGender = ld.Gender__c;
existingAccount.RecordTypeId = personAccountRecordTypeId;
existingAccount.Ethnicity__pc = ld.Ethnicity__c;
existingAccount.Race__pc = ld.Race__c;
existingAccount.PersonGender = ld.Gender__c;
existingAccount.PersonBirthdate = ld.Date_Of_Birth__c;
existingAccount.PersonHomePhone = ld.MobilePhone;
insert accountsToInsert;
for(account acc: accountsToInsert){
newCreatedAccounts.put(acc.FirstName+acc.LastName, acc);
//for(Lead lead : leads){
for(Lead lead : leadmap.values()){
//System.debug('Check 2');
Database.LeadConvert LeadConvert = new Database.LeadConvert();
if(lead.Name != null && lead.Date_Of_Birth__c != null){
if(nameDOBToAccountMap.containsKey(lead.Name+lead.Date_Of_Birth__c) && nameDOBToAccountMap.get(lead.Name+lead.Date_Of_Birth__c)!=Null){
Account existingAccount = new Account();
existingAccount.Id = nameDOBToAccountMap.get(lead.Name+lead.Date_Of_Birth__c).id;
existingAccount.Ethnicity__pc = lead.Ethnicity__c;
existingAccount.Race__pc = lead.Race__c;
existingAccount.PersonGender = lead.Gender__c;
existingAccount.PersonHomePhone = lead.MobilePhone;
if(newCreatedAccounts.containskey(lead.FirstName+lead.LastName) && newCreatedAccounts.get(lead.FirstName+lead.LastName)!= Null){
update accountsToUpdate;
List<Database.LeadConvertResult> lcr = Database.convertLead(massLeadConvert);
for(Database.LeadConvertResult leadConvertResult : lcr) {
if(leadConvertResult.isSuccess() && !existingAccounts.containskey(leadConvertResult.accountid) ) {
Contract contract = new Contract();
contract.Status = 'Draft';
contract.AccountId = leadConvertResult.getAccountId();
contract.StartDate = system.today();
contract.ContractTerm = 12;
if(leadProductMap.containskey(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()) && leadProductMap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId())!=Null){
contract.Service__c = leadProductMap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId());
if(leadmap.containskey(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()) ) {
contract.BillingCity= leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).City;
contract.BillingState= leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).State;
contract.BillingCountry = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Country;
contract.ShippingCity = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).City;
contract.ShippingState = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).State;
contract.ShippingCountry = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Country;
contract.ShippingStreet = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).Street;
contract.ShippingPostalCode = leadmap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()).PostalCode;
insert contractsToInsert;
}catch(Exception e){
//System.debug('Error: '+e.getMessage()+ 'Line Number'+e.getLineNumber());
Test Class:-
public class Test_AutoConvertLead {
static void testAutoConvertLead()
String recordTypeId = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get('Account').getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Person Account').getRecordTypeId();
Account acc= new Account(
RecordTypeID=recordTypeId ,
FirstName='Test FName',
LastName='Test LName',
PersonBirthdate = date.valueOf('1998-02-02') ,
PersonGender = 'Male',
insert acc;
Product2 p = new Product2();
p.Name = 'Covid Test Kit';
p.sstation__Msrp__c = 1;
insert p;
Lead ld = new lead();
ld.LastName = 'test';
ld.FirstName = 'class';
ld.Email = 'test@gmail.com';
ld.Date_Of_Birth__c = date.valueOf('1998-02-02') ;
ld.Race__c = 'Asian';
ld.Ethnicity__c = 'Hispanic or Latino';
ld.Gender__c = 'Male';
ld.Status = 'New';
ld.Shipping_First_Name__c = 'test';
ld.Shipping_Last_Name__c = 'class';
ld.City = 'test';
ld.Country = 'tes';
ld.Street = 'test';
ld.State = 'test';
ld.PostalCode = '000000';
ld.Service__c = p.Id;
ld.MobilePhone = '9999999999';
ld.Phone = '8888888888';
insert ld;
Account accc = new Account();
accc.LastName = ld.LastName;
accc.FirstName = ld.FirstName;
accc.PersonEmail = ld.Email;
//accc.PersonBirthdate = ld.Date_Of_Birth__c-3;
accc.Race__pc = ld.Race__c;
accc.Ethnicity__pc = ld.Ethnicity__c;
accc.PersonGender = ld.Gender__c;
accc.BillingCity = ld.City;
accc.BillingCountry = ld.Country;
accc.BillingPostalCode = ld.PostalCode;
accc.BillingState = ld.State;
accc.BillingStreet = ld.Street;
accc.PersonHomePhone = ld.Phone;
accc.PersonMobilePhone = ld.MobilePhone;
insert accc;
Contract cont = new Contract();
cont.AccountId= accc.id;
//cont.Pricebook2Id = standardPricebook.Id;
//cont.Service__c = op.Id;
//cont.Insurance__c = mp.Id;
cont.BillingStreet = 'test';
cont.BillingPostalCode = '759128';
cont.BillingState = 'test';
cont.BillingCity = 'test';
cont.BillingCountry = 'test';
cont.BillingLatitude = 20.296059;
cont.BillingLongitude = 85.824539;
cont.ShippingCity = 'test';
cont.ShippingCountry = 'test';
cont.ShippingPostalCode = '777777';
cont.ShippingLatitude = 20.296059;
cont.ShippingLongitude = 85.824539;
cont.Service__c = p.Id;
insert cont;
System.assert(True, 'ErrorMessage');
Lead l = new Lead(LastName = 'Test Lead',
Company = 'Test Company',Race__c = 'Asian',Ethnicity__c = 'Hispanic or Latino'
insert l;
AutoConvertLead obj = new AutoConvertLead();
//String CRON_EXP = '0 0 0 3 9 ? 2042';
//system.schedule('Test status Check9', CRON_EXP, obj );
AutoConvertLead.assignLeads(new List<String>{l.id});
// For Schedulable AutoSubscriptionForOrderCreation
static void testAutoConvertLead2()
String recordTypeId = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get('Account').getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Person Account').getRecordTypeId();
Account acc= new Account(
RecordTypeID=recordTypeId ,
PersonBirthdate = date.valueOf('1998-02-02') ,
PersonGender = 'Male',
BillingStreet = 'Test',
BillingCity = 'Test',
BillingState = 'Test',
BillingPostalCode = 'Test',
BillingCountry = 'Test'
insert acc;
Lead l2 = new Lead(LastName = 'Test', FirstName = 'Lead',
Company = 'Test Company',Race__c = 'Asian',Ethnicity__c = 'Hispanic or Latino', Date_Of_Birth__c = date.valueOf('1998-02-02')
insert l2;
AutoConvertLead.assignLeads(new List<String>{l2.id});
Code coverage is only 74%
- Sudeep Singh
- January 27, 2023
- Like
- 0
How to add address field of contract to fetch the address details from Lead conversion.
Code :-
public class AutoConvertLead {
public static void assignLeads(List<Id> LeadIds) {
Map<String,Date> NameDOBMap = new Map<String,Date>();
List<String> leadNames = new List<String>();
List<Date> leadDOBs = new List<Date>();
List<Database.LeadConvert> massLeadConvert = new List<Database.LeadConvert>();
List<Account> accountsToUpdate = new List<Account>();
List<Account> accountsToInsert = new List<Account>();
List<Contract> contractsToInsert = new List<Contract>();
Map<String,Account> nameDOBToAccountMap = new Map<String,Account>();
Map<String,Account> newCreatedAccounts = new Map<String,Account>();
Map<ID,Id> leadProductMap = new Map<Id,Id>();
Id personAccountRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Person Account').getRecordTypeId();
LeadStatus cLeadStatus = [SELECT Id,MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE isConverted = true LIMIT 1];
List<Lead> leads = [SELECT Id,Name,LastName,FirstName,Email,Date_Of_Birth__c,Service__c,Ethnicity__c, Race__c,Gender__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :LeadIds];
for(Lead lead: leads) {
NameDOBMap.put(lead.Name, lead.Date_Of_Birth__c);
Map<Id, Account> existingAccounts = new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT Id, PersonBirthdate, Name, PersonGender FROM Account WHERE Name IN :NameDOBMap.KeySet() AND PersonBirthdate IN :NameDOBMap.values()]);
for(account acc: existingAccounts.values()){
//System.debug('Check 1'+existingAccounts);
for(Account accc: existingAccounts.values()){
nameDOBToAccountMap.put(accc.Name+accc.PersonBirthdate, accc);
for(Lead ld : leads){
Account existingAccount = new Account();
existingAccount.LastName = ld.LastName;
existingAccount.FirstName = ld.FirstName;
existingAccount.PersonEmail = ld.Email;
existingAccount.PersonGender = ld.Gender__c;
existingAccount.RecordTypeId = personAccountRecordTypeId;
existingAccount.Ethnicity__pc = ld.Ethnicity__c;
existingAccount.Race__pc = ld.Race__c;
existingAccount.PersonGender = ld.Gender__c;
existingAccount.PersonBirthdate = ld.Date_Of_Birth__c;
insert accountsToInsert;
for(account acc: accountsToInsert){
newCreatedAccounts.put(acc.FirstName+acc.LastName, acc);
for(Lead lead : leads){
//System.debug('Check 2');
Database.LeadConvert LeadConvert = new Database.LeadConvert();
if(lead.Name != null && lead.Date_Of_Birth__c != null){
if(nameDOBToAccountMap.containsKey(lead.Name+lead.Date_Of_Birth__c) && nameDOBToAccountMap.get(lead.Name+lead.Date_Of_Birth__c)!=Null){
Account existingAccount = new Account();
existingAccount.Id = nameDOBToAccountMap.get(lead.Name+lead.Date_Of_Birth__c).id;
existingAccount.Ethnicity__pc = lead.Ethnicity__c;
existingAccount.Race__pc = lead.Race__c;
existingAccount.PersonGender = lead.Gender__c;
if(newCreatedAccounts.containskey(lead.FirstName+lead.LastName) && newCreatedAccounts.get(lead.FirstName+lead.LastName)!= Null){
update accountsToUpdate;
List<Database.LeadConvertResult> lcr = Database.convertLead(massLeadConvert);
for(Database.LeadConvertResult leadConvertResult : lcr) {
if(leadConvertResult.isSuccess() && !existingAccounts.containskey(leadConvertResult.accountid) ) {
Contract contract = new Contract();
contract.Status = 'Draft';
contract.AccountId = leadConvertResult.getAccountId();
contract.StartDate = system.today();
contract.ContractTerm = 12;
if(leadProductMap.containskey(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()) && leadProductMap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId())!=Null){
contract.Service__c = leadProductMap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId());
insert contractsToInsert;
}catch(Exception e){
//System.debug('Error: '+e.getMessage()+ 'Line Number'+e.getLineNumber());
In this code I need to modify that Address field of lead should get fetched in Contract's Billing and Shipping address.
In this conversion Lead's address is coming to Account's Billing address but not coming to Account's Shipping address.
How to achieve this"
- Sudeep Singh
- January 27, 2023
- Like
- 0
Next Order Date should be Order Start date + 30
Written a batch class to creaet automatically order if the contract is Activated. When the Contract status is made activated at that time the Next order Date will display the immediate wednesday which is handled by flow.
I need to do an setup that when Order status will be Order Dispatched then the Next Order Date should display Order Start Date + 30 days or Order Start Date + 30 days (immediate wednesday).
Is it possible by flow If yes then how, if no then how we can achieve this.
- Sudeep Singh
- January 26, 2023
- Like
- 0
Test class for invocable method
Class :-
public class AutoConvertLead {
public static void assignLeads(List<Id> LeadIds) {
Map<String,Date> NameDOBMap = new Map<String,Date>();
List<String> leadNames = new List<String>();
List<Date> leadDOBs = new List<Date>();
List<Database.LeadConvert> massLeadConvert = new List<Database.LeadConvert>();
List<Account> accountsToUpdate = new List<Account>();
List<Account> accountsToInsert = new List<Account>();
List<Contract> contractsToInsert = new List<Contract>();
Map<String,Account> nameDOBToAccountMap = new Map<String,Account>();
Map<String,Account> newCreatedAccounts = new Map<String,Account>();
Map<ID,Id> leadProductMap = new Map<Id,Id>();
Id personAccountRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Person Account').getRecordTypeId();
LeadStatus cLeadStatus = [SELECT Id,MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE isConverted = true LIMIT 1];
List<Lead> leads = [SELECT Id,Name,LastName,FirstName,Email,Date_Of_Birth__c,Service__c,Ethnicity__c, Race__c,Gender__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :LeadIds];
for(Lead lead: leads) {
NameDOBMap.put(lead.Name, lead.Date_Of_Birth__c);
Map<Id, Account> existingAccounts = new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT Id, PersonBirthdate, Name, PersonGender FROM Account WHERE Name IN :NameDOBMap.KeySet() AND PersonBirthdate IN :NameDOBMap.values()]);
for(account acc: existingAccounts.values()){
//System.debug('Check 1'+existingAccounts);
for(Account accc: existingAccounts.values()){
nameDOBToAccountMap.put(accc.Name+accc.PersonBirthdate, accc);
for(Lead ld : leads){
Account existingAccount = new Account();
existingAccount.LastName = ld.LastName;
existingAccount.FirstName = ld.FirstName;
existingAccount.PersonEmail = ld.Email;
existingAccount.PersonGender = ld.Gender__c;
existingAccount.RecordTypeId = personAccountRecordTypeId;
existingAccount.Ethnicity__pc = ld.Ethnicity__c;
existingAccount.Race__pc = ld.Race__c;
existingAccount.PersonGender = ld.Gender__c;
existingAccount.PersonBirthdate = ld.Date_Of_Birth__c;
insert accountsToInsert;
for(account acc: accountsToInsert){
newCreatedAccounts.put(acc.FirstName+acc.LastName, acc);
for(Lead lead : leads){
//System.debug('Check 2');
Database.LeadConvert LeadConvert = new Database.LeadConvert();
if(lead.Name != null && lead.Date_Of_Birth__c != null){
if(nameDOBToAccountMap.containsKey(lead.Name+lead.Date_Of_Birth__c) && nameDOBToAccountMap.get(lead.Name+lead.Date_Of_Birth__c)!=Null){
Account existingAccount = new Account();
existingAccount.Id = nameDOBToAccountMap.get(lead.Name+lead.Date_Of_Birth__c).id;
existingAccount.Ethnicity__pc = lead.Ethnicity__c;
existingAccount.Race__pc = lead.Race__c;
existingAccount.PersonGender = lead.Gender__c;
if(newCreatedAccounts.containskey(lead.FirstName+lead.LastName) && newCreatedAccounts.get(lead.FirstName+lead.LastName)!= Null){
update accountsToUpdate;
List<Database.LeadConvertResult> lcr = Database.convertLead(massLeadConvert);
for(Database.LeadConvertResult leadConvertResult : lcr) {
if(leadConvertResult.isSuccess() && !existingAccounts.containskey(leadConvertResult.accountid) ) {
Contract contract = new Contract();
contract.Status = 'Draft';
contract.AccountId = leadConvertResult.getAccountId();
contract.StartDate = system.today();
contract.ContractTerm = 12;
if(leadProductMap.containskey(leadConvertResult.getLeadId()) && leadProductMap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId())!=Null){
contract.Service__c = leadProductMap.get(leadConvertResult.getLeadId());
insert contractsToInsert;
}catch(Exception e){
//System.debug('Error: '+e.getMessage()+ 'Line Number'+e.getLineNumber());
Test Class :-
public class Test_AutoConvertLead {
static void testAutoConvertLead()
String recordTypeId = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get('Account').getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Person Account').getRecordTypeId();
Account acc= new Account(
RecordTypeID=recordTypeId ,
FirstName='Test FName',
LastName='Test LName',
PersonBirthdate = system.today(),
PersonGender = 'Male',
insert acc;
Product2 p = new Product2();
p.Name = 'product';
p.sstation__Msrp__c = 1;
insert p;
Lead ld = new lead();
ld.LastName = 'test';
ld.FirstName = 'class';
ld.Email = 'test@gmail.com';
ld.Date_Of_Birth__c = system.today();
ld.Race__c = 'Asian';
ld.Ethnicity__c = 'Hispanic or Latino';
ld.Gender__c = 'Male';
ld.Status = 'New';
ld.Shipping_First_Name__c = 'test';
ld.Shipping_Last_Name__c = 'class';
ld.City = 'test';
ld.Country = 'tes';
ld.Street = 'test';
ld.State = 'test';
ld.PostalCode = '000000';
ld.Service__c = p.Id;
insert ld;
Account accc = new Account();
accc.LastName = ld.LastName;
accc.FirstName = ld.FirstName;
accc.PersonEmail = ld.Email;
//accc.PersonBirthdate = ld.Date_Of_Birth__c-3;
accc.Race__pc = ld.Race__c;
accc.Ethnicity__pc = ld.Ethnicity__c;
accc.PersonGender = ld.Gender__c;
accc.BillingCity = ld.City;
accc.BillingCountry = ld.Country;
accc.BillingPostalCode = ld.PostalCode;
accc.BillingState = ld.State;
accc.BillingStreet = ld.Street;
insert accc;
Contract cont = new Contract();
cont.AccountId= accc.id;
//cont.Pricebook2Id = standardPricebook.Id;
//cont.Service__c = op.Id;
//cont.Insurance__c = mp.Id;
cont.BillingStreet = 'test';
cont.BillingPostalCode = '759128';
cont.BillingState = 'test';
cont.BillingCity = 'test';
cont.BillingCountry = 'test';
cont.BillingLatitude = 20.296059;
cont.BillingLongitude = 85.824539;
cont.ShippingCity = 'test';
cont.ShippingCountry = 'test';
cont.ShippingPostalCode = '777777';
cont.ShippingLatitude = 20.296059;
cont.ShippingLongitude = 85.824539;
cont.Service__c = p.Id;
insert cont;
System.assert(True, 'ErrorMessage');
Lead l = new Lead(LastName = 'Test Lead',
Company = 'Test Company',Race__c = 'Asian',Ethnicity__c = 'Hispanic or Latino'
insert l;
AutoConvertLead obj = new AutoConvertLead();
//String CRON_EXP = '0 0 0 3 9 ? 2042';
//system.schedule('Test status Check9', CRON_EXP, obj );
// For Schedulable AutoSubscriptionForOrderCreation
- Sudeep Singh
- January 26, 2023
- Like
- 0
My lead is not converting
public static void assignLeads(List<Id> LeadIds) {
LeadStatus cLeadStatus = [SELECT Id,MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE isConverted = true LIMIT 1];
List<Lead> leads = [SELECT Id,Name,Date_Of_Birth__c,Ethnicity__c, Race__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :LeadIds];
Map<String,Date> NameDOBMap = new Map<String,Date>();
List<String> leadNames = new List<String>();
List<Date> leadDOBs = new List<Date>();
for(Lead lead: leads) {
System.debug('Check 1'+lead.Name);
NameDOBMap.put(lead.Name, lead.Date_Of_Birth__c);
Map<Id, Account> existingAccounts = new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT Id, PersonBirthdate, Name FROM Account WHERE Name IN :NameDOBMap.KeySet() AND PersonBirthdate IN :NameDOBMap.values()]);
List<Database.LeadConvert> massLeadConvert = new List<Database.LeadConvert>();
for(Lead lead : leads){
System.debug('Check 2'+lead.Name);
Database.LeadConvert LeadConvert = new Database.LeadConvert();
if(lead.Name != null && lead.Date_Of_Birth__c != null){
System.debug('Check 3'+lead.Name);
if(NameDOBMap.containsKey(lead.Name) && lead.Date_Of_Birth__c==NameDOBMap.get(lead.Name)){
System.debug('Check 4'+lead.Name);
Account existingAccount = existingAccounts.get(lead.Id);
existingAccount.Ethnicity__pc = lead.Ethnicity__c;
existingAccount.Race__pc = lead.Race__c;
update existingAccount;
} else {
System.debug('Check 5'+lead.Name);
List<Database.LeadConvertResult> lcr = Database.convertLead(massLeadConvert);
for(Database.LeadConvertResult leadConvertResult : lcr) {
if(leadConvertResult.isSuccess()) {
Contract contract = new Contract();
contract.Status = 'Draft';
contract.AccountId = leadConvertResult.getAccountId();
contract.StartDate = system.today();
contract.Description = 'New Contract';
insert contract;
}catch(Exception e){
//System.debug('Error: '+e);
Lead is not conveting to Contract
- Sudeep Singh
- January 24, 2023
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- 0
Instantly write a field while creating record
First Name
Last Name
Shipping First Name
Shipping Last name
While creating record we need to give input for all the fields. I need to do one automation that, when a user click on checkbox "Same as First and Last name" then Shipping First Name and Shipping last name must be automatically write the values of First name and Last name.
Summary :-
First Name = Test
Last Name = Check
Clicked on Same as First name and last name checkbox
Shipping first name = test
Shipping Last name = check
- Sudeep Singh
- March 09, 2023
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- 0
Cancel Contract and Order
A custom object Cancellation Request is there and it is having First name, last Name, Email, birthdate. Data will be coming from an intak form from Marketing cloud.
When form submission will be done the data will be coming to "Cancellation Request " Obj and it will check wether any account is there or not with those same First name, last Name, Email, birthdate. If there then it will cancel the contract and order.
There is no relation between Cancellation Request Obj and Account, Contracts and Orders.
how we can achieve this
- Sudeep Singh
- March 02, 2023
- Like
- 0
Lead to contract conversion using batch
Currently am converting Lead to Contract, while converting it creates account, Memberplan, Address record also.
Now I need to do it in Batch so that it will convert all the leads at a single time. Batch should run according the condition of class am using currently.
How to achieve this ?
- Sudeep Singh
- February 28, 2023
- Like
- 0
Twillio Send Message
now it is going well and fine.
But the SMS should go once not repeatedly. Till the lead exist the SMS goes to that lead's mobile number. How to prevent it ?
- Sudeep Singh
- February 28, 2023
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- 0
Need to attach the latest attachment in the mail when we are sending email
I added one documents in Notes and Attachment in Account object. In the activity tab in email section when I click on send then it should send email attaching the latest document in Note & Attachment.
How we can acheive this ?
- Sudeep Singh
- February 20, 2023
- Like
- 0
In MemberPlan if a insurance is marked as primary then it should get updated in the Account lookup custom field with that primary marked lookup
Primary is the custom field in MemberPlan standard object
Insurance is lookup with MemberPlan.
Any MemberPlan which is marked primary that must get displayed in the Insurance field of Account
- Sudeep Singh
- February 13, 2023
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How to get exception and success message
1. Get the everyday logs on batch runs and number of order created and its status.
2. In case batch did not run due to any issue(exceptions) that also needs to be notified.
Can I get any help how to achieve on this.
- Sudeep Singh
- February 10, 2023
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Progress Indicator not working properly
I am adding a progress indicator in one of my requirement referred from this link :- https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.lightning.meta/lightning/components_config_for_flow_screens_stages.htm
It is not getting progress perfectly.
Green color is not coming on the first stage. I had attached a file for reference
- Sudeep Singh
- February 07, 2023
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