• Samantha Reddy
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  • Member since 2022

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Requirement :
We have Two recordTypes in Account object
  1.RecordType A.
  2.RecordType B.

User A: Has only Access to RecordType A in the profile level.
 User A: Created a Record with RecordType A.
Ex: say(Accountname ='WhiteStar', phone ='56877', industry='rating' , RecordType='RecordType A').

Note: Now Created and Added Permission Set (PS1) to UserA to Access  RecordType B as Well,Now UserA access both.

User A: Created a Record with RecordType B
Ex: say(Accountname ='samsung', phone ='1234', industry='rating' , RecordType='RecordTypeB')

Note: Now Removed the Above  Permission PS1 to the UserA.

Final Requirement : When the PermissionSet PS1 with Acess for RecordTypeB is removed, i dont want to see the data say(accountname ='samsung', phone ='1234', industry='rating' , RecordType='RecordTypeB')

Note:if Permsision set is Removed only Record Type A records should visible..

Please let me know your valuable suggestions.

Samantha Reddy.

May i know how to add the upload file button , as image 2, in the image 1, any suggestions.
Image 1


image 2
Note: Need UPLOAD file button , how can i add it ..

Added the Activity in the case pagelayout and added in the lightning page as well, as shown below.

but Event and Case are not getting  visible, may i know the reason behind it.

Activity added in pagelayout

added in pagelayout:
User-added image
any solution is much welcome.

Thanks in advance
UseCase In Account Object:

Created a Trigger when the ParentAccount is selected in account object ,need to copy  the phone number and name and insert the record.
how can i add the Trigger in the Apex Class and Write Test Class...
trigger CopyAccountTriggerTest on Account (before insert) {
    if(checkRecursiveTest.runOnce()) {
        Set<Id> accountIds = new Set<Id>();
        for (Account acc : Trigger.new) {
            if (acc.ParentId != null){
            if(accountIds.size() > 0){  
                  List<Account> accounts = [select id,Name,Phone from account where id in :accountIds ];
                for (Account acc2 : Trigger.new) {
                    if (acc2.ParentId != null){
                        acc2.Name = 'Duplicate'+accounts[0].Name;
                        acc2.Phone= 'Duplicate'+accounts[0].Phone;


Apex Class:
public class checkRecursiveTest {
    private static boolean run = true;
    public static boolean runOnce(){
     return true;
        return run;

trigger CopyAccountTriggerTest on Account (before insert) {
    if(checkRecursiveTest.runOnce()) {
        Set<Id> accountIds = new Set<Id>();
        for (Account acc : Trigger.new) {
            if (acc.ParentId != null){
            if(accountIds.size() > 0){  
                  List<Account> accounts = [select id,Name,Phone from account where id in :accountIds ];
                for (Account acc2 : Trigger.new) {
                    if (acc2.ParentId != null){
                        acc2.Name = 'Duplicate'+accounts[0].Name;
                        acc2.Phone= 'Duplicate'+accounts[0].Phone;


public class checkRecursiveTest {
    private static boolean run = true;
    public static boolean runOnce(){
     return true;
        return run;

UseCase In Account Object:

Created a Trigger when the ParentAccount is selected in account object ,need to copy  the phone number and name and insert the record.
how can i add the Trigger in the Apex Class and Write Test Class...

Use Case:
1. In CASE object Created a LOOKUP with Order.
2.Once any Order Selected in the CASE object and Saved.
3.ORDERPRODUCTS Related to ORDER Need to be displayed in CASE object

Can any one suggest how can i proceed using Aura Component.

Thanks and Regards
Samantha Reddy
Use Case:
 1.CASE,ORDER,ORDERPRODUCT are Standard Objects.
 2. We  created  LOOKUP field in CASE Object with ORDER.

1.When we create a  New CASE and Select the Order form lookup and Saved.
2. Need to  display  the list of  ORDERPRODUCTS related to that Order in CASE object.

Requirement: Need to Display the list of  OrderProducts in Case object with respective selected Order.

Can any one suggest how can i proceed using Aura Component.

Thanks and Regards
Samantha Reddy
for the salesforce custom profile , iam trying to remove the View All permission ,but getting the below error related to some custom o objects, can any one suggest good solution for it.

User-added image
Hi Team,
 Greetings of the day.
I have   Profile name as Manager and license as Salesforce

Actually , unable to disable the view all permission for the Manager profile, for the Account Object.

if iam disabling the view all permission in the Profile level and saving, iam getting the below error

User-added image
May i know how to add the upload file button , as image 2, in the image 1, any suggestions.
Image 1


image 2
Note: Need UPLOAD file button , how can i add it ..

Hi Team,
 Greetings of the day.
I have   Profile name as Manager and license as Salesforce

Actually , unable to disable the view all permission for the Manager profile, for the Account Object.

if iam disabling the view all permission in the Profile level and saving, iam getting the below error

User-added image