• Julian.
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We are trying to create a simple lead grading score using a custom formula that returns a  percentage number based on the input of certain fields.

Unfortunately, we keep getting the following error message when checking the syntax.

Error: Syntax error. Extra ')'

The code is pasted below for reference.

CASE( Industry, "Legal Services", 5,0, "Financial Services", 5,0)
CASE( City, "London", 5, 0)
CASE( NumberOfEmployees, "1000+", 1, "251-1000", 2, "51-250", 3, "11-50", 4, "1-10", 5, 0)
IF(CONTAINS( Street, "1 Finsbury Market"), 10,
IF(CONTAINS( Street, "20 Old Bailey"), 10,0)))

Does anyone have any idea's how to correct this?

We're trying to create a map in salesforce essentials that will show accounts by geolocation. We successfully managed to create an Account Locator page / tab and a working version using our developer environment in our playground setting but due to the limitations imposed on essentials, we're unable to replicate this in our production environment (we can't create an APEX class).

Here is a link to the Trailblazer we were trying to replicate:


My question is, as the above APEX class is restricted, would it be possible to somehow create the below  ode / functionality  in Salesforce Essentials. If it is possible, how would we go about doing it?


Thank you in advance to anyone wishing to help.


We are unsure if there is a means to create an APEX class in Salesforce Essentials. We have successfully created it in Developer mode but unable to get working in the production version of Essentials.

The APEX class was created from the following resource on Trailhead: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/projects/develop-account-geolocation-app-with-aura-components/develop-account-geo-app-create-account-map-component 

Unfortunately despite our best attempts we haven't been able to create an APEX Class as a part of the setup process and wondered if there was a way a workaround or a means to have it created and uploaded in a package if it's not possible!

All other aspects of the Account Locator have been created and appear to be set up and working correctly, Specifically, it would appear its the second step 'Create the Account Search Controller' that we're struggling with as we're unable to create an APEX Class! 

If you could help get this resolved it would be much appricated. 

Thank you in advance. 


We're trying to create a map in salesforce essentials that will show accounts by geolocation. We successfully managed to create an Account Locator page / tab and a working version using our developer environment in our playground setting but due to the limitations imposed on essentials, we're unable to replicate this in our production environment (we can't create an APEX class).

Here is a link to the Trailblazer we were trying to replicate:


My question is, as the above APEX class is restricted, would it be possible to somehow create the below  ode / functionality  in Salesforce Essentials. If it is possible, how would we go about doing it?


Thank you in advance to anyone wishing to help.


We are unsure if there is a means to create an APEX class in Salesforce Essentials. We have successfully created it in Developer mode but unable to get working in the production version of Essentials.

The APEX class was created from the following resource on Trailhead: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/projects/develop-account-geolocation-app-with-aura-components/develop-account-geo-app-create-account-map-component 

Unfortunately despite our best attempts we haven't been able to create an APEX Class as a part of the setup process and wondered if there was a way a workaround or a means to have it created and uploaded in a package if it's not possible!

All other aspects of the Account Locator have been created and appear to be set up and working correctly, Specifically, it would appear its the second step 'Create the Account Search Controller' that we're struggling with as we're unable to create an APEX Class! 

If you could help get this resolved it would be much appricated. 

Thank you in advance.