• Wayne Gladman
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Hi there,
My current company uses a 3rd party calendar sync solution that just logs an event against the contacts activity history. All I want is for that same event to be logged against the opportunity's activity history if that contact is listed as a contact role.

My question… is it possible to have events automatically get created onto opportunities where those synced contacts exist as contact roles? I’m thinking a flow could possibly accomplish this but not exactly sure how it would look.

All I can tell so far is that you need Einstein activity capture to do this however that still wouldn’t work due to Einstein AC not allowing you to report through Salesforce reports.

Appreciate any help.

I'm trying to configure Salesforce to add activities (specifically events) that are posted on the account to automatically be posted on the account's open opportunities.

I'm thinking it should be a trigger but not exactly sure beyond that.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hello, I'm trying to build a lead scoring formula based on age of a lead

I've created the below formula but am getting the error:  Incorrect parameter type for function 'IF()'. Expected Text, received Number. (I've tried this as a CASE formula and got a syntax error highlighting <=)

IF(Lead_Age__c,<=5 and >=0,"10",
IF(Lead_Age__c,<=10 and >=6,"6",
IF(Lead_Age__c,<=35 and >=11,"9",
IF(Lead_Age__c,<=60 and >=36,"4",
IF(Lead_Age__c,<=90 and >=61,"2",

Basically the formula is meant to say for the first line for instance if the lead age is between (or equal) 0-5 then the score will be 10.

Not sure why an IF formula can't produce a number so any help would be appreciated.

Hello, I'm trying to build a lead scoring formula based on category. I have analysed my historic data and was able to give a score to category based on how viable it is to convert.

I've create the below case formula but am getting the error: Compiled formula is too big to execute (77,895 characters). Maximum size is 5,000 characters

CASE(Category__c,'Animal-Related',6,'Arts, Culture and Humanities',8,'Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy',3,'Community Improvement, Capacity Building',6,'Crime, Legal-Related',7,'Diseases, Disorders, Medical Disciplines',6,'Educational Institutions and Related Activities',9,'Employment, Job-Related',6,'Environmental Quality,Protection and Beautification',7,'Food, Agriculture and Nutrition',5,'Health ? General and Rehabilitative',7,'Housing, Shelter',6,'Human Services ? Multipurpose and Other',10,'International, Foreign Affairs and National Security',6,'Medical Research',4,'Mental Health, Crisis Intervention',5,'Mutual/Membership Benefit Organizations, Other',2,'Philanthropy, Voluntarism and Grantmaking Foundations',7,'Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness and Relief',4,'Public, Society Benefit ? Multipurpose and Other',8,'Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics',8,'Religion-Related, Spiritual Development',6,'Science and Technology Research Institutes, Services',2,'Social Science Research Institutes, Services',4,'Unknown',7,'Youth Development',8,1)

Looking for help on how I can shorten it.


Hello, I'm looking to build a lead scoring formula based on U.S. State. I have analysed my historic data and was able to give a score to each state based on how viable a lead is likely to close.

Below is an example of some of the scores I've created: 

State Score

CA  6

TX  10

NY  7

FL  3

GA  1

IL  8

NC  8

PA  7

NA  5

OH  2

VA  4

MI  5

SD  8

I believe it should be a case formula, I’m wanting to assign each of the 50 states with correct value in as efficient a way as possible.

Would anyone be able to help with the template?

Hi there,
My current company uses a 3rd party calendar sync solution that just logs an event against the contacts activity history. All I want is for that same event to be logged against the opportunity's activity history if that contact is listed as a contact role.

My question… is it possible to have events automatically get created onto opportunities where those synced contacts exist as contact roles? I’m thinking a flow could possibly accomplish this but not exactly sure how it would look.

All I can tell so far is that you need Einstein activity capture to do this however that still wouldn’t work due to Einstein AC not allowing you to report through Salesforce reports.

Appreciate any help.

I'm trying to configure Salesforce to add activities (specifically events) that are posted on the account to automatically be posted on the account's open opportunities.

I'm thinking it should be a trigger but not exactly sure beyond that.

Any help would be appreciated.


Hello, I'm looking to build a lead scoring formula based on U.S. State. I have analysed my historic data and was able to give a score to each state based on how viable a lead is likely to close.

Below is an example of some of the scores I've created: 

State Score

CA  6

TX  10

NY  7

FL  3

GA  1

IL  8

NC  8

PA  7

NA  5

OH  2

VA  4

MI  5

SD  8

I believe it should be a case formula, I’m wanting to assign each of the 50 states with correct value in as efficient a way as possible.

Would anyone be able to help with the template?