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Apex Code: Help me in solving 70% test coverage for following test class.
Help me in getting 70 % test coverage for following code.
Apex Code:
Apex Code:
global class BatchUpdateContactRole implements Database.Batchable<sObject> { global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) { String str = '001q000001Ob8yxAAB'; String query = 'SELECT Id, RoleProcessed__c, Name FROM Account Where id =:str'; return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Account> scope) { try{ List<Contact> conToUpdate = new List<Contact>(); List<Account> accToUpdate = new List<Account>(); Set<string> allAccountIds = new set<string>(); Map<string, list<Contact>> AccountIdContactMap = new Map<string, list<Contact>>(); Map<Id,Account> AccountData = new Map<Id,Account>(); Map<String, DominantRolePatternm__mdt> mapEd = DominantRolePatternm__mdt.getAll(); for(Account a: scope){ allAccountIds.add(a.Id); AccountData.put(a.id,a); } system.debug('All AccountIds'+allAccountIds); for(Contact con : [SELECT Id, rdcc__Role__c, FirstName, LastName, accountId from Contact where accountId IN :allAccountIds]){ if(AccountIdContactMap.containsKey(con.accountId) && AccountIdContactMap.get(con.accountId)!=null){ AccountIdContactMap.get(con.accountId).add(con); }else{ AccountIdContactMap.put(con.accountId, new list<contact>{con}); } } system.debug('AccountIdContactMap'+AccountIdContactMap); for(string accId : AccountIdContactMap.keyset()){ boolean roleEmpty = false; boolean allroleEmpty = false; Integer countContact = 0; Integer countNull = 0; String roleToUpdate = ''; Map<string,Integer> roleMap = new Map<string,Integer>(); if(accId!=null){ system.debug('account Id'+accId); for(Contact cont : AccountIdContactMap.get(accId)){ system.debug('Contact to be processed'+cont.Id); if(cont.rdcc__Role__c == null){ //atleast one empty role is found within contacts of Account roleEmpty = true; ++countNull; system.debug('empty role found'); //break; } // system.debug('sizeee--'+AccountIdContactMap.get(accId).size()+'--- count--'+countNull); if(countNull == AccountIdContactMap.get(accId).size()) { allroleEmpty = true; } } system.debug('sizeee--'+AccountIdContactMap.get(accId).size()+'--- count--'+countNull); if(roleEmpty && allroleEmpty) { Account AccData = AccountData.get(accId); for(String nameEmailDomain : mapEd.keySet()){ System.debug('----->'+mapEd.get(nameEmailDomain).Name_Combination__c); List<String> lsttest= mapEd.get(nameEmailDomain).Name_Combination__c.split(';'); for(String roleStr : lsttest) { system.debug('inside contains111--'+roleStr); if(AccData.Name.contains(roleStr)) { system.debug('inside contains222-'+roleStr); for(Contact cont : AccountIdContactMap.get(accId)){ cont.MatchingRole__c = mapEd.get(nameEmailDomain).RoleMatched__c; conToUpdate.add(cont); } } } } } else if(roleEmpty && !allroleEmpty) { system.debug('Inside If Condition'); Integer prevValue = 0; Integer num = 1; for(Contact cont : AccountIdContactMap.get(accId)){ system.debug('Contact to be processed'+cont.Id); if(cont.rdcc__Role__c != null){ system.debug('roleMap'+roleMap); if(roleMap.containsKey(cont.rdcc__Role__c)){ num = roleMap.get(cont.rdcc__Role__c); roleMap.put(cont.rdcc__Role__c,num+1); }else{ roleMap.put(cont.rdcc__Role__c,num); } } } system.debug('Role Map'+roleMap); List<Integer> mapValues = new List<Integer>(); //Check the maximum count to find Dominant Integer maxValue = 0; Integer secondHighestValue = 0; if(roleMap.size() > 0){ mapValues = roleMap.values(); mapValues.sort(); maxValue = mapvalues[mapvalues.size()-1]; if(mapValues.size()>1){ secondHighestValue = mapvalues[mapValues.size()-2]; } system.debug('max Values'+maxValue); system.debug('second highest value'+secondHighestValue); if(maxValue != secondHighestValue){ //dominant role not clashing for(String s : roleMap.keySet()){ Integer pattern_value = roleMap.get(s); if((pattern_value == maxValue) && (maxValue > 0)){ system.debug(' Dominant Role for contacts with accountId'+accId+' is ' + s + ' with value' + pattern_value); roleToUpdate = s; } } } else if(maxValue == secondHighestValue){ //dominant role not clashing for(String s : roleMap.keySet()){ system.debug('s'+s); Integer pattern_value = roleMap.get(s); if((pattern_value == maxValue) && (maxValue > 0) ||(pattern_value == secondHighestValue) && (secondHighestValue > 0) ){ system.debug(' Dominant Role for contacts with accountId'+accId+' is ' + s + ' with value' + pattern_value); for (String St : System.Label.Significant_Role.split(',')) { if(st.equalsIgnoreCase(s)) roleToUpdate = s; } } } } } system.debug('AccountIdContactMap'+AccountIdContactMap); //Updating Role in contact with dominant role for(Contact cont : AccountIdContactMap.get(accId)){ if(cont.rdcc__Role__c == null){ system.debug('roleToUpdate'+roleToUpdate); if(roleToUpdate != ''){ cont.MatchingRole__c = roleToUpdate; cont.rdcc__Role__c = roleToUpdate; } } conToUpdate.add(cont); } } } //acc.RoleProcessed__c = true; Account acc = new Account(); acc.Id = accId; acc.RoleProcessed__c = True; accToUpdate.add(acc); } system.debug('Con To Update'+conToUpdate); if(conToUpdate.size()>0 && conToUpdate!=null){ update conToUpdate; } system.debug('Acc To Update'+accToUpdate); if(accToUpdate.size()>0 && accToUpdate!=null){ update accToUpdate; } }catch(exception e){ system.debug('e--'+e); } } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) { } }Test Class:
@isTest private class BatchUpdateContactRoleTest { @testSetup static void setup() { List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>(); List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact>(); // insert 10 accounts and add test fields as per your need. Account acc=new Account(name='Account ', billingcity='Chennai',billingcountry='India'); insert acc; // find the account just inserted. add contact for each & test data required. Contact con1=new Contact(firstname='first', lastname='last',rdcc__Role__c='Test0', accountId=acc.id); insert con1; Contact con2=new Contact(firstname='first', lastname='last',rdcc__Role__c='Test1', accountId=acc.id); insert con2; Contact con3=new Contact(firstname='first', lastname='last',rdcc__Role__c='', accountId=acc.id); insert con3; } static testmethod void testMethod2(){ Test.startTest(); BatchUpdateContactRole tb = new BatchUpdateContactRole(); Id batchId = Database.executeBatch(tb,50); Test.stopTest(); } }
- Aqua Matrix
- October 28, 2021
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- 0
I want help in writing trigger.
I had created data in the custom metadata for city and zipcode...
I want to write the apex trigger to autopopulate the cityname If I select the zipcode which s present in the custom metadata...
Could you please help me to write the trigger for the above scenario...
I had written the apex code to fetch the custom metadata
And now I want to write the trigger to autopopulate the city name if we choose the zipcode.
I had created data in the custom metadata for city and zipcode...
I want to write the apex trigger to autopopulate the cityname If I select the zipcode which s present in the custom metadata...
Could you please help me to write the trigger for the above scenario...
I had written the apex code to fetch the custom metadata
And now I want to write the trigger to autopopulate the city name if we choose the zipcode.
trigger Autopopulate on Contact (after insert) { // When a new account is created, fill in the city and state based on zip code if (trigger.isAfter && trigger.isInsert) { zipcodemetda.fetchAllMetadata(); } }
- Aqua Matrix
- October 19, 2021
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- 0
I want a help to cover code coverage for below apex class
I have code coverage of 44% for below apex batch class,help me in covering code coverage of 75% for below Apex class.
Apex code:
I have code coverage of 44% for below apex batch class,help me in covering code coverage of 75% for below Apex class.
Apex code:
Global class BatchValidateEmailDominantPattern Implements Database.Batchable<sObject>,Database.AllowsCallouts, Database.stateful{ Public boolean noCredit = false; Public string key; List<EmailValidationApiKey__mdt> apiKeys = [SELECT APIKey__c from EmailValidationApiKey__mdt]; Global Database.QueryLocator Start(Database.BatchableContext BC){ String query = ''; Set<String> accIds = new Set<String>(); //accIds.add('001q000001OZhiPAAT'); //accIds.add('001q000001Ll1puAAB'); //accIds.add('001q000001OJZxpAAH'); //accIds.add('001q000001Ll1puAAB'); try{ system.debug('Validate Email Pattern start!'); //Callout HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse(); Http http = new Http(); for(EmailValidationApiKey__mdt record: apiKeys){ key = record.APIKey__c; } //Checking credits String apiURL = 'https://api.zerobounce.net/v2/getcredits?api_key='+key; req.setEndpoint(apiURL); req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); req.setMethod('GET'); String defaultAcc = 'Test Email'; if (!Test.isRunningTest()) { res = http.send(req); system.debug('--res.getBody--'+res.getBody()); if(res.getStatusCode() == 200){ system.debug('success status'); Map<String, Object> docData = (Map<String, Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped(res.getBody()); string credits =(string)docData.get('Credits'); Integer cred = Integer.valueOf(credits); if(cred >= 1){ system.debug('Credits'+cred); query = 'SELECT Id, Name FROM Account where DominantEmailPattern__c != null and EmailBatchProcessed__c = true AND ID IN :accIds'; }else{ query = 'Select Id,Name From Account where Name =: defaultAcc'; noCredit = true; } } }else{ query='Select Id,Name From Account where Name =: defaultAcc'; } }catch (Exception e) { System.debug('Error:' + e.getMessage() + 'LN:' + e.getLineNumber() ); } return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } Global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Account> scope) { system.debug('scope'+scope); String endpoint; Map<Id,String> DominantEmailContactMap = new Map<Id,String>(); List<String> ListemailList = new List<String>(); List<List<String>> listWrapper = new List<List<String>>(); Set<string> allAccountIds = new set<string>(); Map<string, list<Contact>> AccountIdContactMap = new Map<string, list<Contact>>(); List<Contact> conToUpdate = new List<Contact>(); List<Contact> allConToUpdate = new List<Contact>(); Set<string> conIds = new set<string>(); Set<string> catchAllConIds = new set<string>(); try { if((scope.size() > 0)&& (scope!=null)){ system.debug('scope size greater than 0'); for(Account a: scope){ allAccountIds.add(a.Id); } system.debug('allAccountIds'+allAccountIds); for(Contact con : [SELECT Id, Email, FirstName, LastName, MatchingEmail1__c, MatchingEmail2__c, accountId from Contact where accountId IN :allAccountIds and EmailValidateFlag__c = False]){ if(AccountIdContactMap.containsKey(con.accountId) && AccountIdContactMap.get(con.accountId)!=null){ AccountIdContactMap.get(con.accountId).add(con); }else{ AccountIdContactMap.put(con.accountId, new list<contact>{con}); } } system.debug('AccountIdcontactmap'+AccountIdContactMap); for(string accId : AccountIdContactMap.keyset()){ system.debug('Inside loop'); if(accId!=null){ for(Contact cont : AccountIdContactMap.get(accId)){ if(cont.MatchingEmail1__c != null) { if( DominantEmailContactMap.containsKey(cont.Id)) { String mapEmail = DominantEmailContactMap.get(cont.Id); mapEmail = cont.MatchingEmail1__c; DominantEmailContactMap.put(cont.Id,mapEmail); }else{ DominantEmailContactMap.put(cont.Id, cont.MatchingEmail1__c); } } } } } system.debug('DominantEmailContactMap'+DominantEmailContactMap); if(DominantEmailContactMap!=null){ List<String> FinalEmailList = new List<String>(); ListemailList = DominantEmailContactMap.values(); for(String emailString : ListemailList ) { FinalEmailList.add(emailString); } for(Integer i = 0 ; i < (FinalEmailList.size()/3)+1 ; i++){ List<String> lstTemp = new List<String>(); for(Integer j=(i*3);(j<(i*3)+3) && j<FinalEmailList.size() ; j++){ lstTemp.add(FinalEmailList.get(j)); } if(lstTemp!=null && lstTemp.size()>0){ listWrapper.add(lstTemp); } } } String firstPart = '{\"api_key\":\"'+key+'\",'; String reqPart = '\"email_batch\":['; system.debug('listwrapper'+listWrapper); for(List<String> emailTempList: listWrapper){ String emailRequest = ''; String matchingEmail = ''; if(emailTempList.size() == 1){ for(Integer i=0; i<emailTempList.size(); i++){ matchingEmail = emailTempList[i]; if(matchingEmail != ''){ emailRequest += '{\"email_address\": '+'\"'+matchingEmail+'\"'+'}'; } } } else if(emailTempList.size()> 1){ for(Integer i=0; i<emailTempList.size(); i++){ matchingEmail = emailTempList[i]; if(matchingEmail != ''){ emailRequest += '{\"email_address\": '+'\"'+matchingEmail+'\"'+'},'; } } } String lastPart = ']}'; if (emailRequest.right(1) == ',') emailRequest = emailRequest.removeEnd(','); String request = firstPart + reqPart + emailRequest +lastPart; system.debug('Request'+request); if(request != null) { system.debug('Inside if'); HttpRequest req1 = new HttpRequest(); HttpResponse res1 = new HttpResponse(); Http http1 = new Http(); req1.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); req1.setEndpoint('https://bulkapi.zerobounce.net/v2/validatebatch'); req1.setMethod('POST'); req1.setBody(request); if (!Test.isRunningTest()) { res1 = http1.send(req1); System.debug('Response Validating email' + res1.getBody()); if(res1.getStatusCode() == 200){ EmailValidationBatchJsonParser emailParserResponse = new EmailValidationBatchJsonParser(); emailParserResponse = (EmailValidationBatchJsonParser) JSON.deserialize(res1.getBody(), EmailValidationBatchJsonParser.class); List<EmailValidationBatchJsonParser.email_batch> etList = emailParserResponse.email_batch; for(EmailValidationBatchJsonParser.email_batch etObj : etList){ system.debug('etObj.status'+etObj.status); if(etObj.status == 'Valid'){ system.debug('Email Status Valid'); for(Id conId : DominantEmailContactMap.keySet()){ if(DominantEmailContactMap.get(conId) == etObj.address){ conIds.add(conId); } } }else if(etObj.status == 'catch-all'){ for(Id conId : DominantEmailContactMap.keySet()){ if(DominantEmailContactMap.get(conId) == etObj.address){ catchAllConIds.add(conId); } } }else{ system.debug('Not Valid status'); } } }else{ system.debug('Response Failure!!'); } }else{ system.debug('status code: error'); } } } //Update Contacts Email system.debug('conIds'+conIds); if(conIds!=null){ system.debug('Inside'); for(Contact con : [SELECT Id, Email, MatchingEmail1__c from Contact where Id IN:conIds]){ if(con.MatchingEmail1__c!=null){ system.debug('con'+con.Id); con.ValidEmail__c = con.MatchingEmail1__c; system.debug('con updated email'+con.ValidEmail__c); } conToUpdate.add(con); } } if(catchAllConIds!=null){ for(Contact cont: [SELECT Id, catchAllEmail__c from Contact where Id IN:catchAllConIds]){ cont.catchAllEmail__c = True; conToUpdate.add(cont); } } for(Id conId : DominantEmailContactMap.keySet()){ Contact cn = new Contact(); cn.Id = conId; cn.EmailValidateFlag__c = True; allConToUpdate.add(cn); } if(conToUpdate!=null && conToUpdate.size()>0){ update conToUpdate; } if(allConToUpdate!=null && allConToUpdate.size()>0){ update allConToUpdate; } } }catch (Exception e) { System.debug('Error:' + e.getMessage() + 'LN:' + e.getLineNumber() ); } } Global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) { Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); String[] toAddresses = new String[] {'shweta.lal@nagarro.com','aditya.pandey@nagarro.com'}; mail.setToAddresses(toAddresses); if(nocredit){ mail.setSubject('No Credits Found!'); mail.setPlainTextBody('Credits are not available on this API key'); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); }else{ AsyncApexJob a = [Select Id, Status,ExtendedStatus,NumberOfErrors,JobItemsProcessed,TotalJobItems, CreatedBy.Email from AsyncApexJob where Id =: BC.getJobId()]; mail.setSubject('Dominant Email Pattern Batch ' + a.Status); mail.setPlainTextBody('records processed ' + a.TotalJobItems + 'with '+ a.NumberOfErrors + ' failures.'); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } } }test class:
@isTest(SeeAllData=true) public class TestBatchValidate { @istest public static void testmet(){ List<Contact> clist = new List<Contact>(); List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>(); Account acc=new Account(name='Account ',SecDomEmailPattern__c = 'FinitialLastName@va.gov', billingcity='Chennai',billingcountry='India',EmailBatchProcessed__c = true,DominantEmailPattern__c='FirstName.LastName@aec.com',RoleProcessed__c=True); accounts.add(acc); contact c = new contact(LastName='sample name',MatchingEmail1__c='samplename@gmail.com',Accountid=acc.Id); clist.add(c); contact c1 = new contact(LastName='sample' ,MatchingEmail1__c='sample@gah.com',FirstName='sample',Accountid=acc.Id); clist.add(c1); contact c2 = new contact(LastName='sample',MatchingEmail1__c='',Accountid=acc.Id); clist.add(c2); contact c3 = new contact(LastName='sample' ,MatchingEmail1__c='sample5@gmail.com',Accountid=acc.Id); clist.add(c3); contact c4 = new contact(LastName='sample',MatchingEmail1__c='sample6@gmail.com' ,Accountid=acc.Id); clist.add(c4); contact c5 = new contact(LastName='sample' ,MatchingEmail1__c='sample7@gmail.com',Accountid=acc.Id); clist.add(c5); insert(clist); } @istest public static void testmet2(){ Test.startTest(); BatchValidateEmailDominantPattern obj = new BatchValidateEmailDominantPattern(); DataBase.executeBatch(obj); Test.stopTest(); } }
- Aqua Matrix
- September 22, 2021
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- 0
I want help in writing test class for below Apex Batch Class
I want to write a test class which covers code coverage of 75% for below Apex Batch class
I want to write a test class which covers code coverage of 75% for below Apex Batch class
Global class BatchValidateSecondDominantEmail Implements Database.Batchable<sObject>,Database.AllowsCallouts,Database.stateful{ Public boolean noCredit = false; Public string key; List<EmailValidationApiKey__mdt> apiKeys = [SELECT APIKey__c from EmailValidationApiKey__mdt]; Global Database.QueryLocator Start(Database.BatchableContext BC){ system.debug('Start!!!'); String query = ''; try{ //Callout HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse(); Http http = new Http(); for(EmailValidationApiKey__mdt record: apiKeys){ key = record.APIKey__c; } //Checking credits String apiURL = 'https://api.zerobounce.net/v2/getcredits?api_key='+key; req.setEndpoint(apiURL); req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); req.setMethod('GET'); if (!Test.isRunningTest()) { res = http.send(req); system.debug('--res.getBody--'+res.getBody()); if(res.getStatusCode() == 200){ Map<String, Object> docData = (Map<String, Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped(res.getBody()); system.debug('===docData==='+docData); string credits =(string)docData.get('Credits'); Integer cred = Integer.valueOf(credits); system.debug('credits'+cred); if(cred >= 1){ system.debug('Credits'+cred); query = 'SELECT Id, Name FROM Account where EmailBatchProcessed__c = true'; }else{ noCredit = true; } } } /* String accId = '001q000001Ll27sAAB'; String query = 'SELECT Id, Name FROM Account where EmailBatchProcessed__c = true AND Id =: accId'; */ }catch (Exception e) { System.debug('Error:' + e.getMessage() + 'LN:' + e.getLineNumber() ); } system.debug('query fired'); return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } Global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Account> scope) { system.debug('inside execute'); system.debug('scope'+scope); String endpoint; Map<Id,String> SecondDominantEmailContactMap = new Map<Id,String>(); List<String> ListemailList = new List<String>(); List<List<String>> listWrapper = new List<List<String>>(); Set<string> allAccountIds = new set<string>(); Map<string, list<Contact>> AccountIdContactMap = new Map<string, list<Contact>>(); List<Contact> conToUpdate = new List<Contact>(); List<Contact> allConToUpdate = new List<Contact>(); Set<string> conIds = new set<string>(); Set<string> catchAllConIds = new set<string>(); try { if((scope.size() > 0)&& (scope!=null)){ for(Account a: scope){ allAccountIds.add(a.Id); } for(Contact con : [SELECT Id, Email, FirstName, LastName, MatchingEmail2__c, accountId from Contact where accountId IN :allAccountIds AND MatchingEmail2__c!=null AND MatchingEmail1__c!=null AND EmailValidateFlag__c = True AND EmailValidateFlag2__c = False AND Email=null]){ if(AccountIdContactMap.containsKey(con.accountId) && AccountIdContactMap.get(con.accountId)!=null){ AccountIdContactMap.get(con.accountId).add(con); }else{ AccountIdContactMap.put(con.accountId, new list<contact>{con}); } } for(string accId : AccountIdContactMap.keyset()){ if(accId!=null){ for(Contact cont : AccountIdContactMap.get(accId)){ if(cont.MatchingEmail2__c != null) { if( SecondDominantEmailContactMap.containsKey(cont.Id)) { String mapEmail = SecondDominantEmailContactMap.get(cont.Id); mapEmail = cont.MatchingEmail2__c; SecondDominantEmailContactMap.put(cont.Id,mapEmail); }else{ SecondDominantEmailContactMap.put(cont.Id, cont.MatchingEmail2__c); } } } } } if(SecondDominantEmailContactMap!=null){ List<String> FinalEmailList = new List<String>(); ListemailList = SecondDominantEmailContactMap.values(); for(String emailString : ListemailList ) { FinalEmailList.add(emailString); } system.debug('FinalEmailList'+FinalEmailList); for(Integer i = 0 ; i < (FinalEmailList.size()/3)+1 ; i++){ List<String> lstTemp = new List<String>(); for(Integer j=(i*3);(j<(i*3)+3) && j<FinalEmailList.size() ; j++){ system.debug('value of counter'+j); lstTemp.add(FinalEmailList.get(j)); system.debug('lstTemp'+lstTemp); } if(lstTemp!=null && lstTemp.size()>0){ listWrapper.add(lstTemp); } } } system.debug('listWrapper'+listWrapper); String firstPart = '{\"api_key\":\"'+key+'\",'; String reqPart = '\"email_batch\":['; for(List<String> emailTempList: listWrapper){ String emailRequest = ''; String matchingEmail = ''; if(emailTempList.size() == 1){ for(Integer i=0; i<emailTempList.size(); i++){ matchingEmail = emailTempList[i]; if(matchingEmail != ''){ emailRequest += '{\"email_address\": '+'\"'+matchingEmail+'\"'+'}'; } } } else if(emailTempList.size()> 1){ for(Integer i=0; i<emailTempList.size(); i++){ matchingEmail = emailTempList[i]; if(matchingEmail != ''){ emailRequest += '{\"email_address\": '+'\"'+matchingEmail+'\"'+'},'; } } } String lastPart = ']}'; if (emailRequest.right(1) == ',') emailRequest = emailRequest.removeEnd(','); String request = firstPart + reqPart + emailRequest +lastPart; if(request != null) { HttpRequest req1 = new HttpRequest(); HttpResponse res1 = new HttpResponse(); Http http1 = new Http(); req1.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); req1.setEndpoint('https://bulkapi.zerobounce.net/v2/validatebatch'); req1.setMethod('POST'); req1.setBody(request); if (!Test.isRunningTest()) { res1 = http1.send(req1); System.debug('Response Validating email' + res1.getBody()); if(res1.getStatusCode() == 200){ system.debug('success'); EmailValidationBatchJsonParser emailParserResponse = new EmailValidationBatchJsonParser(); emailParserResponse = (EmailValidationBatchJsonParser) JSON.deserialize(res1.getBody(), EmailValidationBatchJsonParser.class); List<EmailValidationBatchJsonParser.email_batch> etList = emailParserResponse.email_batch; system.debug('list'+etList); for(EmailValidationBatchJsonParser.email_batch etObj : etList){ if(etObj.status == 'Valid'){ system.debug('Status Valid!!'); for(Id conId : SecondDominantEmailContactMap.keySet()){ if(SecondDominantEmailContactMap.get(conId) == etObj.address){ system.debug('Email status valid for conId'+conId); conIds.add(conId); } } }else if(etObj.status == 'catch-all'){ system.debug('Catch all status'); for(Id conId : SecondDominantEmailContactMap.keySet()){ if(SecondDominantEmailContactMap.get(conId) == etObj.address){ catchAllConIds.add(conId); } } }else{ system.debug('Not Valid status'); } } } }else{ system.debug('status code: error'); } } } //Update Contacts Email if(conIds!=null){ for(Contact con : [SELECT Id, Email, MatchingEmail2__c from Contact where Id IN:conIds]){ if(con.MatchingEmail2__c!=null){ con.Email = con.MatchingEmail2__c; } conToUpdate.add(con); } } if(catchAllConIds!=null){ for(Contact cont: [SELECT Id, catchAllEmail__c from Contact where Id IN:catchAllConIds]){ cont.catchAllEmail__c = True; conToUpdate.add(cont); } } for(Id conId : SecondDominantEmailContactMap.keySet()){ Contact cn = new Contact(); cn.Id = conId; cn.EmailValidateFlag2__c = True; allConToUpdate.add(cn); } if(conToUpdate!=null && conToUpdate.size()>0){ update conToUpdate; } if(allConToUpdate!=null && allConToUpdate.size()>0){ update allConToUpdate; } } }catch (Exception e) { System.debug('Error:' + e.getMessage() + 'LN:' + e.getLineNumber() ); } } Global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) { system.debug('Inside finish'+noCredit); Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); String[] toAddresses = new String[] {'shweta.lal@nagarro.com'}; mail.setToAddresses(toAddresses); if(nocredit){ mail.setSubject('No Credits Found!'); mail.setPlainTextBody('Credits are not available on this API key'); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); }else{ AsyncApexJob a = [Select Id, Status,ExtendedStatus,NumberOfErrors,JobItemsProcessed,TotalJobItems, CreatedBy.Email from AsyncApexJob where Id =: BC.getJobId()]; mail.setSubject('Dominant Email Pattern Batch ' + a.Status); mail.setPlainTextBody('records processed ' + a.TotalJobItems + 'with '+ a.NumberOfErrors + ' failures.'); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } } }
- Aqua Matrix
- September 15, 2021
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- 0
i want to write a test class for below apex batch class
i want to write a test class for below apex batch class which covers 75% code coverage.
Apex code:
i want to write a test class for below apex batch class which covers 75% code coverage.
Apex code:
global class BatchUpdateContactEmail implements Database.Batchable<sObject> { global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) { String accId = '001q000001Ll27sAAB'; String query = 'SELECT Id,EmailBatchProcessed__c, Name,(SELECT Id, Email, FirstName, LastName FROM Contacts) FROM Account Where Id =: accId'; return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Account> scope) { try{ system.debug('scope'+scope); List<Contact> conToUpdate = new List<Contact>(); List<Account> accToUpdate = new List<Account>(); List<String> patternList = new List <String>(); List<String> genericPattern = new List<String>(); List<EmailPattern__mdt> listEmailPattern = [SELECT Id, Pattern__c from EmailPattern__mdt]; List<GenericEmailPattern__mdt> genericPatternList = [SELECT Id, GenericPattern__c from GenericEmailPattern__mdt]; for(EmailPattern__mdt record: listEmailPattern){ patternList.add(record.Pattern__c); } for(GenericEmailPattern__mdt record: genericPatternList){ genericPattern.add(record.GenericPattern__c); } for(Account acc : scope){ Map<string,Integer> counterMap = new Map<string,Integer>(); Map<Id,string> emailConMap = new Map<Id,string>(); Map<Id,string> accountDomainMap = new Map<Id,string>(); Map<string,Integer> emailDomainMap = new Map<string,Integer>(); boolean emailEmpty = false; Integer countContact = 0; String dominantPattern = ''; String secondDominantPattern = ''; String maxDomain = ''; for(string s1:patternList){ counterMap.put(s1,0); } if(acc.Id!=null && acc.EmailBatchProcessed__c!=true){ countContact = acc.contacts.size(); if(countContact > 1){ for(Contact cont : acc.contacts) { if(emailEmpty == false){ if(cont.Email == null){ system.debug('one empty email found'); //atleast one empty email is found within contacts of Account emailEmpty = true; break; } } } } //if atleast one blank email found if(emailEmpty == true){ Integer domainCount = 0; boolean validDomain = false; String domainName = ''; Map<string,integer> emailMap = new Map<string,integer>(); boolean noMatch = false; boolean patternFound = false; for(Contact cont : acc.contacts){ system.debug('contact to be processed'+cont.Id); Map<string,string> conMap = new Map<string,string>(); String temps = ''; String emailDomain = ''; Integer num = 0; if(cont.Email !=null && cont.Email!=''){ temps = cont.Email.split('@')[0]; emailDomain = cont.Email.split('@')[1]; Integer prevValue = 0; boolean validEmail = true; boolean genericPatternFound = false; system.debug('genericPattern List'+genericPattern); for(String s: genericPattern){ if(cont.Email.contains(s)){ genericPatternFound=true; break; } } //Finding Maximum repeated Domain if(!genericPatternFound){ system.debug('Not generic pattern'); if(emailDomain != ''){ prevValue = emailDomainMap.get(emailDomain); if(prevValue != null){ num = num + 1; } emailDomainMap.put(emailDomain,num); } string firstName = ''; string lastName = ''; if(cont.FirstName != ''){ firstName = cont.FirstName.toLowercase(); } if(cont.LastName != ''){ lastName = cont.LastName.toLowercase(); String middleName = ''; if (lastName.containsWhitespace()){ List<String> names = lastName.split(''); for(String name :names){ middleName = names.get(0); } } } system.debug('firstname'+firstName); system.debug('lastname'+lastName); conMap.put(firstName+'.'+lastName,'FirstName.LastName'); conMap.put(firstName,'FirstName'); conMap.put(firstName+lastName,'FirstNameLastName'); conMap.put(firstName.substring(0,1)+lastName,'FinitialLastName'); conMap.put(firstName+lastName.substring(0,1),'FirstNameLastinitial'); conMap.put(firstName.substring(0,1)+'.'+lastName,'Finitial.LastName'); conMap.put(firstName+'_'+lastName,'FirstName_LastName'); conMap.put(firstName+'-'+lastName,'FirstName-LastName'); conMap.put(firstName.substring(0,1)+'_'+lastName,'Finitial_LastName'); //replace it with temps system.debug('temps'+temps); string pattern = conMap.get(temps); system.debug('conMap'+conMap); system.debug('Pattern'+pattern); if(pattern != null) { if(patternFound!= true){ patternFound = true; } integer count = counterMap.get(pattern); count = count + 1; counterMap.put(pattern,count); }else{ noMatch = true; } } } } //Check the maximum count to find Dominant pattern in an Account if(patternFound){ Integer maxValue = 0; Integer secondHighestValue = 0; List<Integer> mapValues = new List<Integer>(); List<String> patternKeyList = new List<String>(); if(counterMap != null){ mapValues = counterMap.values(); mapValues.sort(); maxValue = mapvalues[mapvalues.size()-1]; secondHighestValue = mapvalues[mapValues.size()-2]; string secondPartEmail = ''; boolean dominantPatternFound = false; for(String s : counterMap.keySet()) { Integer pattern_value = counterMap.get(s); if((pattern_value == maxValue) && (maxValue > 0)) { if(!dominantPatternFound){ system.debug(' Dominant Pattern Email for contacts with accountId'+acc.Id+' is ' + s + ' with value' + pattern_value); dominantPattern = s; dominantPatternFound = true; } } if((pattern_value == secondHighestValue) && (secondHighestValue > 0)){ system.debug(' Second Dominant Pattern Email for contacts with accountId'+acc.Id+' is ' + s + ' with value' + pattern_value); secondDominantPattern = s; } } } //Checking Max Domain Name Integer highestNum = 0; List<Integer> domainList = new List<Integer>(); if(emailDomainMap != null){ domainList = emailDomainMap.values(); domainList.sort(); if(domainList.size()>0){ highestNum = domainList[domainList.size()-1]; } } for(String domain : emailDomainMap.keySet()){ Integer num = emailDomainMap.get(domain); if(num == highestNum){ maxDomain = domain; system.debug('Max Domain for contacts with accountId'+acc.Id+' is ' + maxDomain); } } //Updating fields in contact with pattern formed email for(Contact cont : acc.contacts){ // cont.MatchingEmail1__c = ''; // cont.MatchingEmail2__c = ''; string patternString = ''; string emailDomain = ''; List<String> domPatternList = new List<String>(); domPatternList.add(dominantPattern); domPatternList.add(secondDominantPattern); if(cont.Email == null){ cont.MatchingEmail1__c = ''; cont.MatchingEmail2__c = ''; string firstName = ''; string lastName = ''; string middleName = ''; if(cont.FirstName != null && cont.FirstName != ''){ firstName = cont.FirstName.toLowercase(); } if(cont.LastName != null && cont.LastName != ''){ lastName = cont.LastName.toLowercase(); List<String> names = new List<string>(); if (lastName.containsWhitespace()){ names = lastName.split(''); }else if(lastName.contains('.')){ names = lastName.split('.'); } for(String name :names){ middleName = names.get(0); } } if(middleName != ''){ lastName = middleName; } for(string s2:domPatternList){ switch on s2{ when 'FirstName.LastName' { patternString = firstName+'.'+lastName; }when 'FirstName' { patternString = firstName; }when 'FirstNameLastName' { patternString = firstName+lastName; }when 'FinitialLastName' { patternString = firstName.substring(0,1)+lastName; }when 'FirstNameLastinitial' { patternString = firstName+lastName.substring(0,1); }when 'Finitial.LastName' { patternString = firstName.substring(0,1)+'.'+lastName; }when 'FirstName_LastName' { patternString = firstName+'_'+lastName; }when 'FirstName-LastName' { patternString = firstName+'-'+lastName; }when 'Finitial_LastName' { patternString = firstName.substring(0,1)+'_'+lastName; }when else{ system.debug('No Match found'); } } if(s2.equals(dominantPattern)){ if(dominantPattern != ''){ cont.MatchingEmail1__c = patternString+'@'+maxDomain; } }else if (s2.equals(secondDominantPattern)){ if(secondDominantPattern != ''){ cont.MatchingEmail2__c = patternString+'@'+maxDomain; } } } } conToUpdate.add(cont); } } } } acc.EmailBatchProcessed__c = true; if(dominantPattern != ''){ acc.DominantEmailPattern__c = dominantPattern+'@'+maxDomain; } accToUpdate.add(acc); } system.debug('Contact List........ '+conToUpdate); if(conToUpdate.size()>0 && conToUpdate!=null){ update conToUpdate; } if(accToUpdate.size()>0 && accToUpdate!=null){ update accToUpdate; } }catch(exception e){ system.debug('e--'+e); } } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) { } }
- Aqua Matrix
- September 13, 2021
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Apex Code: Help me in solving 70% test coverage for following test class.
Help me in getting 70 % test coverage for following code.
Apex Code:
Apex Code:
global class BatchUpdateContactRole implements Database.Batchable<sObject> { global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) { String str = '001q000001Ob8yxAAB'; String query = 'SELECT Id, RoleProcessed__c, Name FROM Account Where id =:str'; return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Account> scope) { try{ List<Contact> conToUpdate = new List<Contact>(); List<Account> accToUpdate = new List<Account>(); Set<string> allAccountIds = new set<string>(); Map<string, list<Contact>> AccountIdContactMap = new Map<string, list<Contact>>(); Map<Id,Account> AccountData = new Map<Id,Account>(); Map<String, DominantRolePatternm__mdt> mapEd = DominantRolePatternm__mdt.getAll(); for(Account a: scope){ allAccountIds.add(a.Id); AccountData.put(a.id,a); } system.debug('All AccountIds'+allAccountIds); for(Contact con : [SELECT Id, rdcc__Role__c, FirstName, LastName, accountId from Contact where accountId IN :allAccountIds]){ if(AccountIdContactMap.containsKey(con.accountId) && AccountIdContactMap.get(con.accountId)!=null){ AccountIdContactMap.get(con.accountId).add(con); }else{ AccountIdContactMap.put(con.accountId, new list<contact>{con}); } } system.debug('AccountIdContactMap'+AccountIdContactMap); for(string accId : AccountIdContactMap.keyset()){ boolean roleEmpty = false; boolean allroleEmpty = false; Integer countContact = 0; Integer countNull = 0; String roleToUpdate = ''; Map<string,Integer> roleMap = new Map<string,Integer>(); if(accId!=null){ system.debug('account Id'+accId); for(Contact cont : AccountIdContactMap.get(accId)){ system.debug('Contact to be processed'+cont.Id); if(cont.rdcc__Role__c == null){ //atleast one empty role is found within contacts of Account roleEmpty = true; ++countNull; system.debug('empty role found'); //break; } // system.debug('sizeee--'+AccountIdContactMap.get(accId).size()+'--- count--'+countNull); if(countNull == AccountIdContactMap.get(accId).size()) { allroleEmpty = true; } } system.debug('sizeee--'+AccountIdContactMap.get(accId).size()+'--- count--'+countNull); if(roleEmpty && allroleEmpty) { Account AccData = AccountData.get(accId); for(String nameEmailDomain : mapEd.keySet()){ System.debug('----->'+mapEd.get(nameEmailDomain).Name_Combination__c); List<String> lsttest= mapEd.get(nameEmailDomain).Name_Combination__c.split(';'); for(String roleStr : lsttest) { system.debug('inside contains111--'+roleStr); if(AccData.Name.contains(roleStr)) { system.debug('inside contains222-'+roleStr); for(Contact cont : AccountIdContactMap.get(accId)){ cont.MatchingRole__c = mapEd.get(nameEmailDomain).RoleMatched__c; conToUpdate.add(cont); } } } } } else if(roleEmpty && !allroleEmpty) { system.debug('Inside If Condition'); Integer prevValue = 0; Integer num = 1; for(Contact cont : AccountIdContactMap.get(accId)){ system.debug('Contact to be processed'+cont.Id); if(cont.rdcc__Role__c != null){ system.debug('roleMap'+roleMap); if(roleMap.containsKey(cont.rdcc__Role__c)){ num = roleMap.get(cont.rdcc__Role__c); roleMap.put(cont.rdcc__Role__c,num+1); }else{ roleMap.put(cont.rdcc__Role__c,num); } } } system.debug('Role Map'+roleMap); List<Integer> mapValues = new List<Integer>(); //Check the maximum count to find Dominant Integer maxValue = 0; Integer secondHighestValue = 0; if(roleMap.size() > 0){ mapValues = roleMap.values(); mapValues.sort(); maxValue = mapvalues[mapvalues.size()-1]; if(mapValues.size()>1){ secondHighestValue = mapvalues[mapValues.size()-2]; } system.debug('max Values'+maxValue); system.debug('second highest value'+secondHighestValue); if(maxValue != secondHighestValue){ //dominant role not clashing for(String s : roleMap.keySet()){ Integer pattern_value = roleMap.get(s); if((pattern_value == maxValue) && (maxValue > 0)){ system.debug(' Dominant Role for contacts with accountId'+accId+' is ' + s + ' with value' + pattern_value); roleToUpdate = s; } } } else if(maxValue == secondHighestValue){ //dominant role not clashing for(String s : roleMap.keySet()){ system.debug('s'+s); Integer pattern_value = roleMap.get(s); if((pattern_value == maxValue) && (maxValue > 0) ||(pattern_value == secondHighestValue) && (secondHighestValue > 0) ){ system.debug(' Dominant Role for contacts with accountId'+accId+' is ' + s + ' with value' + pattern_value); for (String St : System.Label.Significant_Role.split(',')) { if(st.equalsIgnoreCase(s)) roleToUpdate = s; } } } } } system.debug('AccountIdContactMap'+AccountIdContactMap); //Updating Role in contact with dominant role for(Contact cont : AccountIdContactMap.get(accId)){ if(cont.rdcc__Role__c == null){ system.debug('roleToUpdate'+roleToUpdate); if(roleToUpdate != ''){ cont.MatchingRole__c = roleToUpdate; cont.rdcc__Role__c = roleToUpdate; } } conToUpdate.add(cont); } } } //acc.RoleProcessed__c = true; Account acc = new Account(); acc.Id = accId; acc.RoleProcessed__c = True; accToUpdate.add(acc); } system.debug('Con To Update'+conToUpdate); if(conToUpdate.size()>0 && conToUpdate!=null){ update conToUpdate; } system.debug('Acc To Update'+accToUpdate); if(accToUpdate.size()>0 && accToUpdate!=null){ update accToUpdate; } }catch(exception e){ system.debug('e--'+e); } } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) { } }Test Class:
@isTest private class BatchUpdateContactRoleTest { @testSetup static void setup() { List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>(); List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact>(); // insert 10 accounts and add test fields as per your need. Account acc=new Account(name='Account ', billingcity='Chennai',billingcountry='India'); insert acc; // find the account just inserted. add contact for each & test data required. Contact con1=new Contact(firstname='first', lastname='last',rdcc__Role__c='Test0', accountId=acc.id); insert con1; Contact con2=new Contact(firstname='first', lastname='last',rdcc__Role__c='Test1', accountId=acc.id); insert con2; Contact con3=new Contact(firstname='first', lastname='last',rdcc__Role__c='', accountId=acc.id); insert con3; } static testmethod void testMethod2(){ Test.startTest(); BatchUpdateContactRole tb = new BatchUpdateContactRole(); Id batchId = Database.executeBatch(tb,50); Test.stopTest(); } }
- Aqua Matrix
- October 28, 2021
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- 0
I want help in writing trigger.
I had created data in the custom metadata for city and zipcode...
I want to write the apex trigger to autopopulate the cityname If I select the zipcode which s present in the custom metadata...
Could you please help me to write the trigger for the above scenario...
I had written the apex code to fetch the custom metadata
And now I want to write the trigger to autopopulate the city name if we choose the zipcode.
I had created data in the custom metadata for city and zipcode...
I want to write the apex trigger to autopopulate the cityname If I select the zipcode which s present in the custom metadata...
Could you please help me to write the trigger for the above scenario...
I had written the apex code to fetch the custom metadata
And now I want to write the trigger to autopopulate the city name if we choose the zipcode.
trigger Autopopulate on Contact (after insert) { // When a new account is created, fill in the city and state based on zip code if (trigger.isAfter && trigger.isInsert) { zipcodemetda.fetchAllMetadata(); } }
- Aqua Matrix
- October 19, 2021
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- 0
I want a help to cover code coverage for below apex class
I have code coverage of 44% for below apex batch class,help me in covering code coverage of 75% for below Apex class.
Apex code:
I have code coverage of 44% for below apex batch class,help me in covering code coverage of 75% for below Apex class.
Apex code:
Global class BatchValidateEmailDominantPattern Implements Database.Batchable<sObject>,Database.AllowsCallouts, Database.stateful{ Public boolean noCredit = false; Public string key; List<EmailValidationApiKey__mdt> apiKeys = [SELECT APIKey__c from EmailValidationApiKey__mdt]; Global Database.QueryLocator Start(Database.BatchableContext BC){ String query = ''; Set<String> accIds = new Set<String>(); //accIds.add('001q000001OZhiPAAT'); //accIds.add('001q000001Ll1puAAB'); //accIds.add('001q000001OJZxpAAH'); //accIds.add('001q000001Ll1puAAB'); try{ system.debug('Validate Email Pattern start!'); //Callout HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse(); Http http = new Http(); for(EmailValidationApiKey__mdt record: apiKeys){ key = record.APIKey__c; } //Checking credits String apiURL = 'https://api.zerobounce.net/v2/getcredits?api_key='+key; req.setEndpoint(apiURL); req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); req.setMethod('GET'); String defaultAcc = 'Test Email'; if (!Test.isRunningTest()) { res = http.send(req); system.debug('--res.getBody--'+res.getBody()); if(res.getStatusCode() == 200){ system.debug('success status'); Map<String, Object> docData = (Map<String, Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped(res.getBody()); string credits =(string)docData.get('Credits'); Integer cred = Integer.valueOf(credits); if(cred >= 1){ system.debug('Credits'+cred); query = 'SELECT Id, Name FROM Account where DominantEmailPattern__c != null and EmailBatchProcessed__c = true AND ID IN :accIds'; }else{ query = 'Select Id,Name From Account where Name =: defaultAcc'; noCredit = true; } } }else{ query='Select Id,Name From Account where Name =: defaultAcc'; } }catch (Exception e) { System.debug('Error:' + e.getMessage() + 'LN:' + e.getLineNumber() ); } return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } Global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Account> scope) { system.debug('scope'+scope); String endpoint; Map<Id,String> DominantEmailContactMap = new Map<Id,String>(); List<String> ListemailList = new List<String>(); List<List<String>> listWrapper = new List<List<String>>(); Set<string> allAccountIds = new set<string>(); Map<string, list<Contact>> AccountIdContactMap = new Map<string, list<Contact>>(); List<Contact> conToUpdate = new List<Contact>(); List<Contact> allConToUpdate = new List<Contact>(); Set<string> conIds = new set<string>(); Set<string> catchAllConIds = new set<string>(); try { if((scope.size() > 0)&& (scope!=null)){ system.debug('scope size greater than 0'); for(Account a: scope){ allAccountIds.add(a.Id); } system.debug('allAccountIds'+allAccountIds); for(Contact con : [SELECT Id, Email, FirstName, LastName, MatchingEmail1__c, MatchingEmail2__c, accountId from Contact where accountId IN :allAccountIds and EmailValidateFlag__c = False]){ if(AccountIdContactMap.containsKey(con.accountId) && AccountIdContactMap.get(con.accountId)!=null){ AccountIdContactMap.get(con.accountId).add(con); }else{ AccountIdContactMap.put(con.accountId, new list<contact>{con}); } } system.debug('AccountIdcontactmap'+AccountIdContactMap); for(string accId : AccountIdContactMap.keyset()){ system.debug('Inside loop'); if(accId!=null){ for(Contact cont : AccountIdContactMap.get(accId)){ if(cont.MatchingEmail1__c != null) { if( DominantEmailContactMap.containsKey(cont.Id)) { String mapEmail = DominantEmailContactMap.get(cont.Id); mapEmail = cont.MatchingEmail1__c; DominantEmailContactMap.put(cont.Id,mapEmail); }else{ DominantEmailContactMap.put(cont.Id, cont.MatchingEmail1__c); } } } } } system.debug('DominantEmailContactMap'+DominantEmailContactMap); if(DominantEmailContactMap!=null){ List<String> FinalEmailList = new List<String>(); ListemailList = DominantEmailContactMap.values(); for(String emailString : ListemailList ) { FinalEmailList.add(emailString); } for(Integer i = 0 ; i < (FinalEmailList.size()/3)+1 ; i++){ List<String> lstTemp = new List<String>(); for(Integer j=(i*3);(j<(i*3)+3) && j<FinalEmailList.size() ; j++){ lstTemp.add(FinalEmailList.get(j)); } if(lstTemp!=null && lstTemp.size()>0){ listWrapper.add(lstTemp); } } } String firstPart = '{\"api_key\":\"'+key+'\",'; String reqPart = '\"email_batch\":['; system.debug('listwrapper'+listWrapper); for(List<String> emailTempList: listWrapper){ String emailRequest = ''; String matchingEmail = ''; if(emailTempList.size() == 1){ for(Integer i=0; i<emailTempList.size(); i++){ matchingEmail = emailTempList[i]; if(matchingEmail != ''){ emailRequest += '{\"email_address\": '+'\"'+matchingEmail+'\"'+'}'; } } } else if(emailTempList.size()> 1){ for(Integer i=0; i<emailTempList.size(); i++){ matchingEmail = emailTempList[i]; if(matchingEmail != ''){ emailRequest += '{\"email_address\": '+'\"'+matchingEmail+'\"'+'},'; } } } String lastPart = ']}'; if (emailRequest.right(1) == ',') emailRequest = emailRequest.removeEnd(','); String request = firstPart + reqPart + emailRequest +lastPart; system.debug('Request'+request); if(request != null) { system.debug('Inside if'); HttpRequest req1 = new HttpRequest(); HttpResponse res1 = new HttpResponse(); Http http1 = new Http(); req1.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); req1.setEndpoint('https://bulkapi.zerobounce.net/v2/validatebatch'); req1.setMethod('POST'); req1.setBody(request); if (!Test.isRunningTest()) { res1 = http1.send(req1); System.debug('Response Validating email' + res1.getBody()); if(res1.getStatusCode() == 200){ EmailValidationBatchJsonParser emailParserResponse = new EmailValidationBatchJsonParser(); emailParserResponse = (EmailValidationBatchJsonParser) JSON.deserialize(res1.getBody(), EmailValidationBatchJsonParser.class); List<EmailValidationBatchJsonParser.email_batch> etList = emailParserResponse.email_batch; for(EmailValidationBatchJsonParser.email_batch etObj : etList){ system.debug('etObj.status'+etObj.status); if(etObj.status == 'Valid'){ system.debug('Email Status Valid'); for(Id conId : DominantEmailContactMap.keySet()){ if(DominantEmailContactMap.get(conId) == etObj.address){ conIds.add(conId); } } }else if(etObj.status == 'catch-all'){ for(Id conId : DominantEmailContactMap.keySet()){ if(DominantEmailContactMap.get(conId) == etObj.address){ catchAllConIds.add(conId); } } }else{ system.debug('Not Valid status'); } } }else{ system.debug('Response Failure!!'); } }else{ system.debug('status code: error'); } } } //Update Contacts Email system.debug('conIds'+conIds); if(conIds!=null){ system.debug('Inside'); for(Contact con : [SELECT Id, Email, MatchingEmail1__c from Contact where Id IN:conIds]){ if(con.MatchingEmail1__c!=null){ system.debug('con'+con.Id); con.ValidEmail__c = con.MatchingEmail1__c; system.debug('con updated email'+con.ValidEmail__c); } conToUpdate.add(con); } } if(catchAllConIds!=null){ for(Contact cont: [SELECT Id, catchAllEmail__c from Contact where Id IN:catchAllConIds]){ cont.catchAllEmail__c = True; conToUpdate.add(cont); } } for(Id conId : DominantEmailContactMap.keySet()){ Contact cn = new Contact(); cn.Id = conId; cn.EmailValidateFlag__c = True; allConToUpdate.add(cn); } if(conToUpdate!=null && conToUpdate.size()>0){ update conToUpdate; } if(allConToUpdate!=null && allConToUpdate.size()>0){ update allConToUpdate; } } }catch (Exception e) { System.debug('Error:' + e.getMessage() + 'LN:' + e.getLineNumber() ); } } Global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) { Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); String[] toAddresses = new String[] {'shweta.lal@nagarro.com','aditya.pandey@nagarro.com'}; mail.setToAddresses(toAddresses); if(nocredit){ mail.setSubject('No Credits Found!'); mail.setPlainTextBody('Credits are not available on this API key'); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); }else{ AsyncApexJob a = [Select Id, Status,ExtendedStatus,NumberOfErrors,JobItemsProcessed,TotalJobItems, CreatedBy.Email from AsyncApexJob where Id =: BC.getJobId()]; mail.setSubject('Dominant Email Pattern Batch ' + a.Status); mail.setPlainTextBody('records processed ' + a.TotalJobItems + 'with '+ a.NumberOfErrors + ' failures.'); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); } } }test class:
@isTest(SeeAllData=true) public class TestBatchValidate { @istest public static void testmet(){ List<Contact> clist = new List<Contact>(); List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>(); Account acc=new Account(name='Account ',SecDomEmailPattern__c = 'FinitialLastName@va.gov', billingcity='Chennai',billingcountry='India',EmailBatchProcessed__c = true,DominantEmailPattern__c='FirstName.LastName@aec.com',RoleProcessed__c=True); accounts.add(acc); contact c = new contact(LastName='sample name',MatchingEmail1__c='samplename@gmail.com',Accountid=acc.Id); clist.add(c); contact c1 = new contact(LastName='sample' ,MatchingEmail1__c='sample@gah.com',FirstName='sample',Accountid=acc.Id); clist.add(c1); contact c2 = new contact(LastName='sample',MatchingEmail1__c='',Accountid=acc.Id); clist.add(c2); contact c3 = new contact(LastName='sample' ,MatchingEmail1__c='sample5@gmail.com',Accountid=acc.Id); clist.add(c3); contact c4 = new contact(LastName='sample',MatchingEmail1__c='sample6@gmail.com' ,Accountid=acc.Id); clist.add(c4); contact c5 = new contact(LastName='sample' ,MatchingEmail1__c='sample7@gmail.com',Accountid=acc.Id); clist.add(c5); insert(clist); } @istest public static void testmet2(){ Test.startTest(); BatchValidateEmailDominantPattern obj = new BatchValidateEmailDominantPattern(); DataBase.executeBatch(obj); Test.stopTest(); } }
- Aqua Matrix
- September 22, 2021
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- 0
i want to write a test class for below apex batch class
i want to write a test class for below apex batch class which covers 75% code coverage.
Apex code:
i want to write a test class for below apex batch class which covers 75% code coverage.
Apex code:
global class BatchUpdateContactEmail implements Database.Batchable<sObject> { global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) { String accId = '001q000001Ll27sAAB'; String query = 'SELECT Id,EmailBatchProcessed__c, Name,(SELECT Id, Email, FirstName, LastName FROM Contacts) FROM Account Where Id =: accId'; return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Account> scope) { try{ system.debug('scope'+scope); List<Contact> conToUpdate = new List<Contact>(); List<Account> accToUpdate = new List<Account>(); List<String> patternList = new List <String>(); List<String> genericPattern = new List<String>(); List<EmailPattern__mdt> listEmailPattern = [SELECT Id, Pattern__c from EmailPattern__mdt]; List<GenericEmailPattern__mdt> genericPatternList = [SELECT Id, GenericPattern__c from GenericEmailPattern__mdt]; for(EmailPattern__mdt record: listEmailPattern){ patternList.add(record.Pattern__c); } for(GenericEmailPattern__mdt record: genericPatternList){ genericPattern.add(record.GenericPattern__c); } for(Account acc : scope){ Map<string,Integer> counterMap = new Map<string,Integer>(); Map<Id,string> emailConMap = new Map<Id,string>(); Map<Id,string> accountDomainMap = new Map<Id,string>(); Map<string,Integer> emailDomainMap = new Map<string,Integer>(); boolean emailEmpty = false; Integer countContact = 0; String dominantPattern = ''; String secondDominantPattern = ''; String maxDomain = ''; for(string s1:patternList){ counterMap.put(s1,0); } if(acc.Id!=null && acc.EmailBatchProcessed__c!=true){ countContact = acc.contacts.size(); if(countContact > 1){ for(Contact cont : acc.contacts) { if(emailEmpty == false){ if(cont.Email == null){ system.debug('one empty email found'); //atleast one empty email is found within contacts of Account emailEmpty = true; break; } } } } //if atleast one blank email found if(emailEmpty == true){ Integer domainCount = 0; boolean validDomain = false; String domainName = ''; Map<string,integer> emailMap = new Map<string,integer>(); boolean noMatch = false; boolean patternFound = false; for(Contact cont : acc.contacts){ system.debug('contact to be processed'+cont.Id); Map<string,string> conMap = new Map<string,string>(); String temps = ''; String emailDomain = ''; Integer num = 0; if(cont.Email !=null && cont.Email!=''){ temps = cont.Email.split('@')[0]; emailDomain = cont.Email.split('@')[1]; Integer prevValue = 0; boolean validEmail = true; boolean genericPatternFound = false; system.debug('genericPattern List'+genericPattern); for(String s: genericPattern){ if(cont.Email.contains(s)){ genericPatternFound=true; break; } } //Finding Maximum repeated Domain if(!genericPatternFound){ system.debug('Not generic pattern'); if(emailDomain != ''){ prevValue = emailDomainMap.get(emailDomain); if(prevValue != null){ num = num + 1; } emailDomainMap.put(emailDomain,num); } string firstName = ''; string lastName = ''; if(cont.FirstName != ''){ firstName = cont.FirstName.toLowercase(); } if(cont.LastName != ''){ lastName = cont.LastName.toLowercase(); String middleName = ''; if (lastName.containsWhitespace()){ List<String> names = lastName.split(''); for(String name :names){ middleName = names.get(0); } } } system.debug('firstname'+firstName); system.debug('lastname'+lastName); conMap.put(firstName+'.'+lastName,'FirstName.LastName'); conMap.put(firstName,'FirstName'); conMap.put(firstName+lastName,'FirstNameLastName'); conMap.put(firstName.substring(0,1)+lastName,'FinitialLastName'); conMap.put(firstName+lastName.substring(0,1),'FirstNameLastinitial'); conMap.put(firstName.substring(0,1)+'.'+lastName,'Finitial.LastName'); conMap.put(firstName+'_'+lastName,'FirstName_LastName'); conMap.put(firstName+'-'+lastName,'FirstName-LastName'); conMap.put(firstName.substring(0,1)+'_'+lastName,'Finitial_LastName'); //replace it with temps system.debug('temps'+temps); string pattern = conMap.get(temps); system.debug('conMap'+conMap); system.debug('Pattern'+pattern); if(pattern != null) { if(patternFound!= true){ patternFound = true; } integer count = counterMap.get(pattern); count = count + 1; counterMap.put(pattern,count); }else{ noMatch = true; } } } } //Check the maximum count to find Dominant pattern in an Account if(patternFound){ Integer maxValue = 0; Integer secondHighestValue = 0; List<Integer> mapValues = new List<Integer>(); List<String> patternKeyList = new List<String>(); if(counterMap != null){ mapValues = counterMap.values(); mapValues.sort(); maxValue = mapvalues[mapvalues.size()-1]; secondHighestValue = mapvalues[mapValues.size()-2]; string secondPartEmail = ''; boolean dominantPatternFound = false; for(String s : counterMap.keySet()) { Integer pattern_value = counterMap.get(s); if((pattern_value == maxValue) && (maxValue > 0)) { if(!dominantPatternFound){ system.debug(' Dominant Pattern Email for contacts with accountId'+acc.Id+' is ' + s + ' with value' + pattern_value); dominantPattern = s; dominantPatternFound = true; } } if((pattern_value == secondHighestValue) && (secondHighestValue > 0)){ system.debug(' Second Dominant Pattern Email for contacts with accountId'+acc.Id+' is ' + s + ' with value' + pattern_value); secondDominantPattern = s; } } } //Checking Max Domain Name Integer highestNum = 0; List<Integer> domainList = new List<Integer>(); if(emailDomainMap != null){ domainList = emailDomainMap.values(); domainList.sort(); if(domainList.size()>0){ highestNum = domainList[domainList.size()-1]; } } for(String domain : emailDomainMap.keySet()){ Integer num = emailDomainMap.get(domain); if(num == highestNum){ maxDomain = domain; system.debug('Max Domain for contacts with accountId'+acc.Id+' is ' + maxDomain); } } //Updating fields in contact with pattern formed email for(Contact cont : acc.contacts){ // cont.MatchingEmail1__c = ''; // cont.MatchingEmail2__c = ''; string patternString = ''; string emailDomain = ''; List<String> domPatternList = new List<String>(); domPatternList.add(dominantPattern); domPatternList.add(secondDominantPattern); if(cont.Email == null){ cont.MatchingEmail1__c = ''; cont.MatchingEmail2__c = ''; string firstName = ''; string lastName = ''; string middleName = ''; if(cont.FirstName != null && cont.FirstName != ''){ firstName = cont.FirstName.toLowercase(); } if(cont.LastName != null && cont.LastName != ''){ lastName = cont.LastName.toLowercase(); List<String> names = new List<string>(); if (lastName.containsWhitespace()){ names = lastName.split(''); }else if(lastName.contains('.')){ names = lastName.split('.'); } for(String name :names){ middleName = names.get(0); } } if(middleName != ''){ lastName = middleName; } for(string s2:domPatternList){ switch on s2{ when 'FirstName.LastName' { patternString = firstName+'.'+lastName; }when 'FirstName' { patternString = firstName; }when 'FirstNameLastName' { patternString = firstName+lastName; }when 'FinitialLastName' { patternString = firstName.substring(0,1)+lastName; }when 'FirstNameLastinitial' { patternString = firstName+lastName.substring(0,1); }when 'Finitial.LastName' { patternString = firstName.substring(0,1)+'.'+lastName; }when 'FirstName_LastName' { patternString = firstName+'_'+lastName; }when 'FirstName-LastName' { patternString = firstName+'-'+lastName; }when 'Finitial_LastName' { patternString = firstName.substring(0,1)+'_'+lastName; }when else{ system.debug('No Match found'); } } if(s2.equals(dominantPattern)){ if(dominantPattern != ''){ cont.MatchingEmail1__c = patternString+'@'+maxDomain; } }else if (s2.equals(secondDominantPattern)){ if(secondDominantPattern != ''){ cont.MatchingEmail2__c = patternString+'@'+maxDomain; } } } } conToUpdate.add(cont); } } } } acc.EmailBatchProcessed__c = true; if(dominantPattern != ''){ acc.DominantEmailPattern__c = dominantPattern+'@'+maxDomain; } accToUpdate.add(acc); } system.debug('Contact List........ '+conToUpdate); if(conToUpdate.size()>0 && conToUpdate!=null){ update conToUpdate; } if(accToUpdate.size()>0 && accToUpdate!=null){ update accToUpdate; } }catch(exception e){ system.debug('e--'+e); } } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) { } }
- Aqua Matrix
- September 13, 2021
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