• Yaman Neameh
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  • Member since 2021

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Hello everyone

I would like to add new comment in Comments tab (not in Feeds tab), I am able to get all comments using:

SELECT Case__c,Comment__c,Id FROM RequestComments__c WHERE Case__c = '5000Q00000PwT5JQAV'

how should the body look like if I have the case id?

{"RequestComments__c" :"New Comment"} -> this doesn'T work
{"RequestComments__c":{"Comment__c":"New Comment"}} -> this doesn'T work

Thank you
Yaman Neameh

I'm receiveing relationship error while querying for Cases Ids and their attached document Ids:

Select id, (SELECT Id FROM ContentDocumentLink) From Case limit 5

Can you please support me to run the above query in one statement?
Thank you

Hello everyone

I would like to add new comment in Comments tab (not in Feeds tab), I am able to get all comments using:

SELECT Case__c,Comment__c,Id FROM RequestComments__c WHERE Case__c = '5000Q00000PwT5JQAV'

how should the body look like if I have the case id?

{"RequestComments__c" :"New Comment"} -> this doesn'T work
{"RequestComments__c":{"Comment__c":"New Comment"}} -> this doesn'T work

Thank you
Yaman Neameh

I'm receiveing relationship error while querying for Cases Ids and their attached document Ids:

Select id, (SELECT Id FROM ContentDocumentLink) From Case limit 5

Can you please support me to run the above query in one statement?
Thank you