• Jatin Goyal 14
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All examples that I have seen so far show how to add a custom button/action on Leads List View. I am looking for a way to launch a flow from a custom buttom/action from Account List View.

The Flow is to create account and related contact records and it needs to happen only through a flow, as the customer wants point and click customization.

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So far, I have only been able to launch the flow from within a record- by adding the action on the account page layout. However, my requirement is to launch the flow from the Account List View itself and not requiring the user to first have to select any other record. I have also tried creating a VF page to launch the flow from.

The issue that I am running into is

1- I do NOT see 'List View' as an option when I navigate to 'Search Layouts' on the Account Object and the 'Default Layout' does not have the custom button that I created

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Default Layout- supports only buttons that create or update a record

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2- I do see 'List View' listed when I navigate TO 'Search Layouts for Salesforce Classic' on the Account Object, however, the button to launch flow still does not show up under custom buttons and the only buttons that show up are related to either creating/updating a record. Also, I am sure if seeing the button to launch a flow under Search Layouts for Salesforce Classic would do me any good as I am working in Lightning
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Direction on how to proceed ahead is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Hi everyone,

I have this trigger to delete a document when a lead is deleted :
trigger DeleteImageLead on Lead (before delete) {

    if (Trigger.isDelete) {
        for (Lead l : Trigger.old)
            List<ContentDocument> myFeed = [SELECT LatestPublishedVersionId FROM ContentDocument WHERE Id In (SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE Id =:l.PhotoLead_Image__c)];
            delete myFeed;
When I deploy it on a production environment, I have a code coverage error because it is 0%.
Can you please help me with to make an apex test class for this code ? I tried to develop it but I'm still with 0% code coverage

Thanks a lot !

  • January 27, 2017
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All examples that I have seen so far show how to add a custom button/action on Leads List View. I am looking for a way to launch a flow from a custom buttom/action from Account List View.

The Flow is to create account and related contact records and it needs to happen only through a flow, as the customer wants point and click customization.

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So far, I have only been able to launch the flow from within a record- by adding the action on the account page layout. However, my requirement is to launch the flow from the Account List View itself and not requiring the user to first have to select any other record. I have also tried creating a VF page to launch the flow from.

The issue that I am running into is

1- I do NOT see 'List View' as an option when I navigate to 'Search Layouts' on the Account Object and the 'Default Layout' does not have the custom button that I created

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Default Layout- supports only buttons that create or update a record

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2- I do see 'List View' listed when I navigate TO 'Search Layouts for Salesforce Classic' on the Account Object, however, the button to launch flow still does not show up under custom buttons and the only buttons that show up are related to either creating/updating a record. Also, I am sure if seeing the button to launch a flow under Search Layouts for Salesforce Classic would do me any good as I am working in Lightning
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Direction on how to proceed ahead is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!