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Call one function of js into another function of same js
If there are two javascript methods fun1() and fun2() in same LWC component, is it possible to call method fun2() from fun1() where Function fun1() gets called with click of button? If not what can be the possible workaround for this?
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- May 21, 2021
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Query top 15 records with Maximum child records
I have a task to do. For hat I have to fetch top 15 records with maximum number of child records. So can anyone tell me How to query a parent record which has maximum number of child records associated ?
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- May 18, 2021
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Lightning web component is not visible in community page
I am trying to upload a custom component on the community site page, but it's not visible on the community site.
Can anyone help me to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance
Can anyone help me to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance
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- May 14, 2021
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Can't find component
I am new at a company and they are using a Js. code in one of their custom components. There is a button it calls upon an action. this action then creates an object called "Action" this action is then using the following code:
var Action = component.get("c.CreateEroll");
the problem I am facing is that I have no idea what CreateEroll is it's not one of the components in the .cmp file. Is this part of Aura's components? How can I find this? I need to know what is inside that component to see what values it holds and what it does
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- May 11, 2021
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Process builder criteria not matching
In formula Evaluate True if Profile is Operator or Accountant and Status(picklist) is "Solved"then process builder fire update the status solved to "New".
I have used these conditions to Criteria. But I'm not getting desired output.
I have used these conditions to Criteria. But I'm not getting desired output.
$USer.UserName = 'Operator' OR $USer.UserName = 'Accountant' and Status = 'Solved'
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- May 08, 2021
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