• Tushar Thakare 7
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I'm doing a trigger that is triggered from the Assigned Resource.  The trigger works in the UI, however, I'm having an issue with the Test Code.

I receive an error:
FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Cannot change status from New to Scheduled: []

Now, if i do the same from the UI, there is no error regarding the status change.  The status change is allowed in the FSL administration.  I can assign using the dispatcher console - all good.  And I can mimic the process i'm using in the test code in the UI (editing the SA directly) with out error.  
Wondering if any one has seen this error before?
Code is included below:
@isTest static void test_AssignedResource_Insert() {
		List<AssignedResource> toInsert = new List<AssignedResource>();

		//retrieve a service resource
		List<ServiceResource> listSR = new List<ServiceResource>([SELECT Id, Name FROM ServiceResource WHERE Name = 'Technician One']);
		ServiceResource sr1 = listSR[0];

		// retrieve the Service Appointment created by test data
		List<WorkOrder> workOrders = new List<WorkOrder>([SELECT Id FROM WorkOrder WHERE Subject ='Test Subject1']);
		List<Id> woIds = new List<Id>();
		for (WorkOrder wo : workOrders ) {
		if (woIds.size() > 0 ) {
			List<ServiceAppointment> appts = new List<ServiceAppointment> ();
			appts = [SELECT Id FROM ServiceAppointment WHERE Work_Order__c IN :woIds];
			//for all the appts - should be one - create an assigned resource
			if(appts.size()>0) {
				for( ServiceAppointment sa : appts ) {
					sa.SchedStartTime = datetime.newInstance(2019, 4, 19, 11, 00, 0);
					sa.SchedEndTime = datetime.newInstance(2019, 4, 19, 11, 30, 0);

					AssignedResource ar = new AssignedResource(ServiceAppointmentId=sa.Id,ServiceResourceId=sr1.Id);
				update appts;

				insert toInsert;

				List<ServiceAppointment> assignedSA = new List<ServiceAppointment>([SELECT Id,Technician_Name__c FROM ServiceAppointment WHERE Work_Order__c IN :woIds]);
				System.assertEquals(assignedSA.size(), 1);

			} else {


		} else {
			System.assertNotEquals(woIds.size(), 0);

the error occurs on the insert of the assigned resources
insert toInsert;
IF i change the code such that I manually do the status change in the code example:
sa.SchedStartTime = datetime.newInstance(2019, 4, 19, 11, 00, 0);
sa.SchedEndTime = datetime.newInstance(2019, 4, 19, 11, 30, 0);
sa.Status = 'Scheduled';
the error is returned for the update of the service appointments.
update appts;

Feed back greatly appreciated.



I am trying to solve the challange of the HTTP and Basic Callout module of Salesforce trailhead and I am having some queries in which you could point to the right direction:

1- The challange asked us to call this URL https://th-apex-http-callout.herokuapp.com/animals/:id in method getAnimalNameById... should that URL be in this form instead of the above https://th-apex-http-callout.herokuapp.com/animals?id ? Where id is a parameter in the URL.

2- When I tried to check the solution of the challange, Salesforce generated that error for me
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Executing the 'getAnimalNameById' method on 'AnimalLocator' failed. Make sure the method exists with the name 'getAnimalNameById', is public and static, accepts an Integer and returns a String."
despite that my class implementation has this method declared as public static String as below in the code snippet:
public class AnimalLocator {
	public static String getAnimalNameById(Integer id) {
		Http http = new Http();
		HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
		HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
		List<Object> animals = NULL;
		String returnValue = NULL;
		// if the request was successful, then parse the JSON response
		if (response.getStatusCode() == 200) {
			Map<String, Object> result = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody());
			animals = (List<Object>) result.get('animals');
		if (animals.size() > 0 && animals != NULL && id < animals.size()) {
			returnValue = (String) animals.get(id);
		return returnValue;
	} // end getAnimalNameById method
} // end AnimalLocator class

I would appreciate your help in this post.

Thank you,
