• sgsales force
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Hello Guys,

My objective is to play around with LWC components at 
by reading documentation and develop these concise LWC programs using Visual Studio Code.
However its overwhelming given the fact i am fairly new to LWC. 
I have had basic training of LWC and know about JS, HTML. I have pretty decent hands on with Apex 
and a good understanding of SF Admin. 

Could anyone please help me to get started and learn little bit of LWC? 
For example - could someone please tell me how to go about developing a basic and next advanced 
version of Datatable (included in link above) just by reading the documentation and sample.

Thank you so much in advance. 

Hey All Experts,

Looking to create a onepage Lightning component or Page. I am a newbie to SF
Would prefer if its doable via App Builder or declaratively.

1.Objective is to fetch existing Lead record (based on name,mobile)
and populate fields

2.If record doesnot exist it should give an option to create and 
save new lead record

Just want to keep it simple and stupid for the first version as 
long as basic functionality works.
Any clues y'all might be able to provide. Thank you so much in advance.

Hey All Experts,

Its a tricky situation fail to get it. i am a newbie in SF. Here is the scenario --

There is a lookup filter on Product Interest field & 
Product Brand is a PickList

what's happening is that out of 6 picklist values for Product Brands only one is causing Lookup functionality to fail i.e Products corresponding to that particular brand do'not show up in Product Interest field. 
-Show All does nothing,
-Typing related values (from Workbench) does nothing,
-Adding a new product does not register new product with that particular brand.
-tried comparing WorkBench data with other brands no conclusion still

Any clues y'all might be able to provide. Thank you so much in advance.

Hey all experts,

I am a newbie and need to comeup with a trigger (i/u/d)
to Rollup individual discounts from QLIs to parent Quote. Can someone please provide me with some working sample code? or give an insight which way its going to be most simple. Thank you so much.

hey all,

i am a newbie. writing a test class to test a Quotes trigger.
can someone pls tell how to create a test class which calls 

objective is adding/updating/deleting QLIs. 

Thank you so much.
