• Mrityunjay Patel 18
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List<order> odr = [select id,odname from order where odname =:'xyz'];
                    if(odr.size() > 0 && insodr.id != null)
                        for(order od:odr)
                         od.OpportunityId = insodr.id;
                         update od;
null: Status: bad value for restricted picklist field: Draft
how to fix the error.it is restricted but how to make unrestricted can anyone solve my problem.
update condition
if contact email  is null then insert the some xyz@mail in email field
if contact email is not null then copy the value of contact email in custom field cemail_c on contact
My cmp file

  <lightning:input type="text" name="searchKey" label="Enter" class="config_field" aura:id="searchKey" onchange="{!c.searchKeyChange}" placeholder="Search"/>   
                    <lightning:select aura:id="picklist" name="selectAccount" class="selectList config_field" onchange="{!c.onHeaderChange}">
                            <aura:iteration items="{!v.accounts}" var="item" >
                                <option value="{!item.Id}" label="{!item.Name}" >

Thanks in advance !

Map<String, Set<String>> shopFldToValMap = new Map<String, Set<String>>();
 Map<Integer, String> indexToShopFld = new Map<Integer, String>();
 shopFldToValMap.get(indexToShopFld.get(i)).size() != 0) {
                                      String condtn ;
                                      if(indexToCondn.get(i) == 'equals') {
                                          for(String s : shopFldToValMap.get(indexToShopFld.get(i))) {
                                              if(s != null && s.length() != 0) {
                                                  if(condtn != null) {
                                                      condtn += ' or ';
                                                      condtn += '('+indexToSfFld.get(i);
                                                  } else {
                                                      condtn = '('+indexToSfFld.get(i);
                                                  if(s != null) {
                                                      s = String.escapeSingleQuotes(s);
                                                  s = '\''+s+'\'';
                                                  condtn += ' = '+s+')' ;
Thanks in advance
Hi Everyone,
This is my String and i want to get the value after equal and before semicolon and this value is dynamic.So how to get these specific value Can anyone them help me !
String X = 'System.Location[getLatitude =25.6154;getLongitude=85.101;]'