• nagarjuna guraja
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Hello Everyone,
Write batch Apex on Opportunity.In order to run batch of records daily at about 8AM in the morning. Using only batch Apex how we can write.
Hello Everyone,
We have two objects A and B, Both are on same role and same profile. Both have masterdetail relationship. A have 10 B1 records. User 1 have both view and edit access to all 10 records but User 2 have view access and edit access only 5 Records.By using which type of sharing model should we achieve that?
Hello Everyone,
How to pass parameters from one page to another page with example in vf page.
Best Regards 
 Write a trigger such that we have two objects Account and Contact. Field named numberofcontacts on Account. If we insert number of contacts as 3, then three contacts should be created.
Best Regards 
Hello Everyone,
 How to debug logs in salesforce.
Hello Everyone,
We have two objects Account and Contact, We need to write a trigger such that Account has three child contacts, There is a field called "Revenue" on all three child contacts, and there is  Field called "Total Revenue" on Account. If we update all three child contacts revenue field then automatically parent Account Total Revenue value should be populated.
Note:- If we update three contact Revenue fields then automatically Parent Total Revenue should be populated.
Thanks in advance!
We have two objects Account and Contact, We need to write a trigger such that Account has three child contacts, There is a field called "Revenue" on all three child contacts, and there is  Field called "Total Revenue" on Account. If we update all three child contacts revenue field then automatically parent Account Total Revenue value should be populated.
Hi All,
 We need to write a trigger to insert 500 account records to its related Opportunities.One account has only one related opportunity.
Thanks in advance
write a trigger such that insert 500 account records to its related opportunities.One account has only one opportunity.
Write a trigger such that Whenever account record is created by any user,automatically send message to system admin.
 Thanks in advance!
Hello Everyone,
 I need Trigger. Please help anyone
Write a trigger such that whenever Account record is created, Automatically Opportunity name should also be created.
Thanks in advance.
1.If the owd is private,I had given cred options to opportunity. What will be the result of other user.Whether he can perform any operations on records.
2..If the owd is public read only,I removed  cred options to opportunity. What will be the result of other user.Whether he can perform any operations on records.
1. Wite an soql to find duplicate contact where ContactLastName= ContactFirstName.
2. Using Map collection, If one field on Account Object is modified,.it should be automatically update same field on Contact.(Note:- We should not use trigger.By using Map we should perform the operation).
 I need a trigger and simple question on trigger

1.Write a trigger on lead object, whenever leadSource is 'Direct',update LeadStatus should be equal to 'Hot'.
2. Can we perform dml operation on same object in trigger'
Best Regards,
 Write a trigger on Opportunity that create a task on Opportunity whenever Account Owner is Changed.

I need an apex trigger.Could anyone please help me with this
Write a trigger such that To create a task on Opportunity,whenever Account Owner is Changed

1.Write a trigger such that there is checkbox field on User,Account,Contact. Whenever we check the checkbox field on Contact, automatically Account and User should also get updated.
2.How can we able to display 70000 records on visualforce page?
 Best Regards,
Write a trigger such that whenever Opportunity stage changes to contract sent but there is no contract sent it will throw error"Create contract sent"
Hello All,
1.Write a trigger to prevent user from editing record(If any field is edited) on Account Object.
2.Write a Validation rule  to prevent user from editing record(If any field is edited) on Account Object
Best Regards,
Write a trigger whenever we add value on Billing Address field, it should update Timezone and Contact Address?

Best Regards
1.How to create empty string of sets in apex?
2.How to create list of typeid in Apex?

Awaiting for Answer!
Thanks in Advance
Hello Everyone,
Write batch Apex on Opportunity.In order to run batch of records daily at about 8AM in the morning. Using only batch Apex how we can write.
Hello Everyone,
We have two objects Account and Contact, We need to write a trigger such that Account has three child contacts, There is a field called "Revenue" on all three child contacts, and there is  Field called "Total Revenue" on Account. If we update all three child contacts revenue field then automatically parent Account Total Revenue value should be populated.
Note:- If we update three contact Revenue fields then automatically Parent Total Revenue should be populated.
Thanks in advance!
We have two objects Account and Contact, We need to write a trigger such that Account has three child contacts, There is a field called "Revenue" on all three child contacts, and there is  Field called "Total Revenue" on Account. If we update all three child contacts revenue field then automatically parent Account Total Revenue value should be populated.
write a trigger such that insert 500 account records to its related opportunities.One account has only one opportunity.
1. Wite an soql to find duplicate contact where ContactLastName= ContactFirstName.
2. Using Map collection, If one field on Account Object is modified,.it should be automatically update same field on Contact.(Note:- We should not use trigger.By using Map we should perform the operation).
 I need a trigger and simple question on trigger

1.Write a trigger on lead object, whenever leadSource is 'Direct',update LeadStatus should be equal to 'Hot'.
2. Can we perform dml operation on same object in trigger'
Best Regards,
Write a trigger such that To create a task on Opportunity,whenever Account Owner is Changed

1.Write a trigger such that there is checkbox field on User,Account,Contact. Whenever we check the checkbox field on Contact, automatically Account and User should also get updated.
2.How can we able to display 70000 records on visualforce page?
 Best Regards,
Write a trigger such that whenever Opportunity stage changes to contract sent but there is no contract sent it will throw error"Create contract sent"
Hello All,
1.Write a trigger to prevent user from editing record(If any field is edited) on Account Object.
2.Write a Validation rule  to prevent user from editing record(If any field is edited) on Account Object
Best Regards,
Write a trigger whenever we add value on Billing Address field, it should update Timezone and Contact Address?

Best Regards