• DexPaPa
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Custom object Production_Request__c has a picklist field named Production_Status__c which contains the values New, Approved, In Progress and Completed.
Custom object Merchandise__c has a picklist field named Status__c which contains the Item Requested, Production approved, In Production and Available.
Studying salesforce apex, I have 2 objects one is name Merch and the other is Production, the production object has a look up field to get the names of items available on the Merchandise object. What I want to do is when the status field of the Production record which is picklist is set to "New" the status field on the Merchandise record will update to "Item Requested" , when the production request status is set to "Approved" the status on the merchandise record will be changed to "Prodution Approved". Each update on the Production record status field there will be matching update on the Merch record status field.
Custom object Production_Request__c has a picklist field named Production_Status__c which contains the values New, Approved, In Progress and Completed.
Custom object Merchandise__c has a picklist field named Status__c which contains the Item Requested, Production approved, In Production and Available.
Studying salesforce apex, I have 2 objects one is name Merch and the other is Production, the production object has a look up field to get the names of items available on the Merchandise object. What I want to do is when the status field of the Production record which is picklist is set to "New" the status field on the Merchandise record will update to "Item Requested" , when the production request status is set to "Approved" the status on the merchandise record will be changed to "Prodution Approved". Each update on the Production record status field there will be matching update on the Merch record status field.