• DiutG
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Hi, i want to cover my class but i don't know what i do that.

public with sharing class LCCTRL_GenBop {

    public static void insertFile(Id oppId, String base64FileData, Opportunity recordData) {

        try {
            Id[] contentDocIdLs = new Id[]{};
            ContentDocumentLink[] ctLinkLs = [SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE LinkedEntityId = :oppId];
            for(ContentDocumentLink ctLink : ctLinkLs) {
            ContentVersion[] cvLs = [SELECT Id FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocumentId  IN :contentDocIdLs AND IsLatest = true AND Type_fileupload__c = 'BOP'];
            String fileTitle = 'BOP--'+ (recordData.Name!=null ? recordData.Name : '') + '_V'+(cvLs.size()+1);
            ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion(Type_fileupload__c = 'BOP',  VersionData = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(base64FileData), Title = fileTitle, PathOnClient = fileTitle + '.' + 'pdf');
            insert cv;

            cv = [SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE Id = : cv.Id];
            insert new ContentDocumentLink(LinkedEntityId = oppId, ContentDocumentId = cv.ContentDocumentId);

        } catch (AuraHandledException e) {
            throw new AuraHandledException(e.getMessage());

    public static Map<String,Object> getData(Id oppId) {
        Map<String,Object> dataMap = new Map<String,Object>();

        Opportunity opp = [SELECT Id, Name, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Price__c, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Time__c, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Quality__c, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Location__c, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Reputation__c, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Relationship__c,
            Account.Name, TOLABEL(Account.Country__c), TOLABEL(Account.Type), Account.Market_cap_Investors__c, Account.Dedicated_to_therapeutic_fields__c, Account.Clinical_or_marketed_product_pipeline__c, Account.Linked_to_other_CDMO__c, Account.Cultural_fit__c, Account.Expertise__c, Account.Capacity__c, Account.Strategic__c, Account.Relationship__c, 
            Nature_of_the_molecule__c, Z_Indication__c, TOLABEL(Stage_of_Development__c), Sales_expected_at_Peak_Sale__c, Estimated_probability_of_Success__c, When__c, Which_technology__c, First_source__c, Dead_line_to_deliver_the_offer__c, Dead_line_to_select_the_CDMO__c
                FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :oppId LIMIT 1];

        dataMap.put('record', opp);

        return dataMap;

I have try this to make test for enter in the method testInsertFile but he doesn't work.

In the test class is my data used in the org for test.

public with sharing class TEST_LCCTRL_GenBop {

    static void setup(){

        Map<String,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> rtMapByName = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName();

        Schema.RecordTypeInfo recordtype = rtMapByName.get('Commercial');

        Account account4Test = new Account(name = 'TEST ACCOUNT'
                , Country__c = 'US'
                , CurrencyIsoCode = 'EUR'
                , Type = 'Commercial'
                , RecordTypeId = recordtype.RecordTypeId);

        insert account4Test;
        Product2 product = TestCreate_Product2.Create_Product2();

        GMID_Product__c gmid = new GMID_Product__c();

        gmid.Z_Commercial_Product__c = product.Id;
        gmid.Z_GMID_ext_key__c = 'GMID_EXT_001';
        gmid.Z_GMID_GUOM_to_KGM__c = '0';
        gmid.Z_GMID_Status__c = true;
        gmid.Z_CRI__c = 100;
        insert gmid;

        Term_of_payment__c temOfPayment = new Term_of_payment__c();
        temOfPayment.Z_EN_Description__c = 'TEST';
        temOfPayment.Z_Source_date__c = Date.today();
        insert temOfPayment;

        Opportunity opportunity = new Opportunity();
        opportunity.AccountId = account4Test.Id;
        opportunity.Z_Product__c = product.Id;
        opportunity.Z_GMID_Product__c = gmid.Id;
        opportunity.StageName= TRGHDL_Opportunity.QUALIFICATION;
        opportunity.Name = 'TEST1';
        opportunity.Z_Service_comments__c = 'TEST1';
        opportunity.CloseDate = Date.today().addDays(30);

        opportunity.Z_Incoterms__c = 'CIP';
        opportunity.Z_Incoterms_2__c = 'TEST';
        opportunity.Z_Terms_of_Payment__c = temOfPayment.Id;
        insert opportunity;
    private static void testInsertFile(){

        String fileData = 'Title';
        String fileDateBase64 = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf(FileData));

        Opportunity opportunity = [SELECT AccountId, StageName FROM Opportunity WHERE Z_Service_comments__c ='TEST1' LIMIT 1];

        ContentVersion[] cvLs = [SELECT Id, ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion];
        insert opportunity;

    private static void getData(){

  • July 19, 2022
  • Like
  • 0

Hi, i want to cover my class but i don't know what i do that.

public with sharing class TEST_LCCTRL_GenBulltinSouscription {
private static String TU_PREFIX = 'TEST_TRGHDL_Case_VRSetup';
public static String TYPE_VALIDATOR_PLAN_NAME = '%Bulletin de souscription%';
public static String PLAN_NAME = 'Validation document';

private static String CABINETID = '56789';
private static String URL = 'https://ged-sous/DocuWare/Platform/';

static void TEST_TRGHDL_Case_VRSetup(){
    List<TypeValidator__c> LstValidator = new List<TypeValidator__c>{
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.1 - Justificatif de domicile'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.2 - RIB'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.3 - CNI'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.4 - Tutelle/Curatelle'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.5 - Correspondances'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.6 - Status'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.7 - KBIS'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.1 - Bulletin de souscriptions'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.7 - Origine des fonds'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.2.1 - Certificat'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.2.2 - Courrier'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.1 - Chèque'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.2 - Virement'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.5 - FACTA CRS'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.10 - Attestation régimes matrimoniaux'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.11 - Documents complémentaires'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.14 - Justificatif(s) identité Représentant PM et Dirigeant'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.15 - Liasse fiscale'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.16 - Livret de famille'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.17 - PV'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.18 - Offre de prêt'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.19 - Situation patrimoniale'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.20 - Attestation personne âgée'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.8 - Bilan'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.9 - Carton de signatures'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.1 - Bulletin de souscription'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.10 - Bénéficiaires effectifs'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.12 - Attestation Emploi de Fonds Propres'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.8 - LAB/LAT'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.4 - Mandat SEPA'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.5 - FATCA CRS'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.6 - Versement programmé'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.12 - Justificatif(s) identité principal'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.13 - Justificatif(s) identité secondaire')
    insert LstValidator;

    INSEE__c i1 =TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genInsee('FRANCE');
    i1.Code_Pays_ISO_3166A3__c = 'FRA';
    INSEE__c i2 =TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genInsee('BELGIQUE');
    i2.Code_Pays_ISO_3166A3__c = 'BEL';
    insert new INSEE__c[]{i1, i2};

    Account accApporteur = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genApporteur(TU_PREFIX+'Apporteur', '4');
    accApporteur.ShippingCountry = 'FRANCE';
    accApporteur.BillingCountry = 'FRANCE';
    accApporteur.Identifiant_Unicia__c = '1884';
    accApporteur.Type_de_societe__c = null;
    Account accApporteur2 = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genApporteur(TU_PREFIX+'Apporteur2', '4');
    accApporteur2.Identifiant_Unicia__c = '1390';
    accApporteur2.Type_de_societe__c = null;
    insert new Account[]{accApporteur, accApporteur2};

    Account accAssociePM = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genAssociePM(TU_PREFIX+'AssociePM1', accApporteur.Id);
    Account accAssociePP = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genAssociePP(TU_PREFIX+'AssociePP1', accApporteur.Id, '1');
    accAssociePP.Taux_non_resident__c = null;
    insert new Account[]{accAssociePM, accAssociePP};

    Id rtIdApporteur =  Schema.SObjectType.Contact.getRecordTypeInfosByDeveloperName().get('Contact_Apporteur').getRecordTypeId();
    Contact contactAssociePP = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genContactPP('ContTUACC1', 'name', accAssociePP.Id);
    Contact contactEditique = new Contact(
        Salutation = '2',
        FirstName = 'toto',
        LastName = 'tutu',
        RecordTypeId = rtIdApporteur,
        AccountId = accApporteur.Id
    insert new Contact[]{contactAssociePP, contactEditique};

    AccountContactRelation acrEditique = [SELECT Id, Roles, AccountId, ContactId FROM AccountContactRelation WHERE AccountId = :accApporteur.Id AND ContactId = :contactEditique.Id LIMIT 1];
    acrEditique.Roles = 'Editique';
    update acrEditique;

    Product2 p = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genProduct(TU_PREFIX+'1');
    insert p;
    Case cDemembrement = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genSouscriptionDemembrement(true, 'GC', TU_PREFIX+'SOUS2', 'US', 'Démembrement', accAssociePM.Id, accAssociePM.Id, accApporteur.Id, p.Id);
    cDemembrement.Type_de_dur_e__c = 'Viager';

    Case cVLP = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genSouscriptionVLP(true, 'GC', TU_PREFIX+'VLP', accAssociePM.Id, accAssociePM.Id, accApporteur.Id, p.Id);
    cVLP.Type_de_VLP__c = Util_Case.TYPEVLP_CREATION;
    Datetime dt = datetime.now().addMonths(3);
    Date myDate = date.newinstance(dT.year(), dT.month(), dT.day());
    cVLP.Date_de_debut_de_mandat__c = myDate;
    Case c2Contrepartie = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genDemandeContrepartie(cDemembrement, TU_PREFIX+'Ctpr');

    insert new Case[]{cDemembrement, c2Contrepartie, cVLP};
    Case c = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genSouscriptionPP('GC', TU_PREFIX+'SOUS1', accAssociePM.Id, accAssociePM.Id, accApporteur.Id, p.Id);
    insert c;

    List<TypeValidatorPlan__c> typeValidatorPlanLs= [SELECT Id FROM TypeValidatorPlan__c WHERE Plan__r.Name = 'Validation document' AND  Plan__r.RecordValidationPlan__r.RecordId__c = :c.Id];

    Docuware_settings__c setting = (Docuware_settings__c)Util_Test.populatedMock('Docuware_settings__c', null);
    setting.CabinetId__c = CABINETID;
    setting.Url__c = URL;
    insert setting;


static void TEST_LCCTRL_GenBulltinSouscription(){

    Case c = [SELECT Id, Description_Statut_Souscription__c, Contrepartie__c FROM Case WHERE suppliedCompany = :TU_PREFIX+'SOUS1'];
    Map<String,Object> result = LCCTRL_GenBulltinSouscription.getRecordForBS(c.Id);
    //System.debug('result : ' + result);
    System.assertEquals(3, result.values().size());

static void TEST_saveBS(){

    String url = URL+'FileCabinets/'+ CABINETID + '/Documents';
    String body = '{"Id":12345}';

    Util_Test.GenericHTTPCalloutMock mock = new Util_Test.GenericHTTPCalloutMock(url,'POST',200,body);

    Map<String, HttpCalloutMock> requestsMap = new Map<String, HttpCalloutMock>{url=>mock};
    Util_Test.MultiRequestMock multiMock = new Util_Test.MultiRequestMock(requestsMap);

    Case c = [SELECT Id, Description_Statut_Souscription__c, Contrepartie__c FROM Case WHERE suppliedCompany = :TU_PREFIX+'SOUS1'];
        Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, multiMock);


I have start to write a test class but he doesn't work to enter in the method testInsertFile
public with sharing class TEST_LCCTRL_GenBop {

    static void setup(){

        Map<String,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> rtMapByName = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName();

        Schema.RecordTypeInfo recordtype = rtMapByName.get('Commercial');

        Account account4Test = new Account(name = 'TEST ACCOUNT'
                , Country__c = 'US'
                , CurrencyIsoCode = 'EUR'
                , Type = 'Commercial'
                , RecordTypeId = recordtype.RecordTypeId);

        insert account4Test;
        Product2 product = TestCreate_Product2.Create_Product2();

        GMID_Product__c gmid = new GMID_Product__c();

        gmid.Z_Commercial_Product__c = product.Id;
        gmid.Z_GMID_ext_key__c = 'GMID_EXT_001';
        gmid.Z_GMID_GUOM_to_KGM__c = '0';
        gmid.Z_GMID_Status__c = true;
        gmid.Z_CRI__c = 100;
        insert gmid;

        Term_of_payment__c temOfPayment = new Term_of_payment__c();
        temOfPayment.Z_EN_Description__c = 'TEST';
        temOfPayment.Z_Source_date__c = Date.today();
        insert temOfPayment;

        Opportunity opportunity = new Opportunity();
        opportunity.AccountId = account4Test.Id;
        opportunity.Z_Product__c = product.Id;
        opportunity.Z_GMID_Product__c = gmid.Id;
        opportunity.StageName= TRGHDL_Opportunity.QUALIFICATION;
        opportunity.Name = 'TEST1';
        opportunity.Z_Service_comments__c = 'TEST1';
        opportunity.CloseDate = Date.today().addDays(30);

        opportunity.Z_Incoterms__c = 'CIP';
        opportunity.Z_Incoterms_2__c = 'TEST';
        opportunity.Z_Terms_of_Payment__c = temOfPayment.Id;
        insert opportunity;
    private static void testInsertFile(){

        String fileData = 'Title';
        String fileDateBase64 = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf(FileData));

        Opportunity opportunity = [SELECT AccountId, StageName FROM Opportunity WHERE Z_Service_comments__c ='TEST1' LIMIT 1];

        ContentVersion[] cvLs = [SELECT Id, ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion];
        insert opportunity;

    private static void getData(){

  • July 19, 2022
  • Like
  • 0

Hi, i want to cover my class but i don't know what i do that.

public with sharing class LCCTRL_GenBop {

    public static void insertFile(Id oppId, String base64FileData, Opportunity recordData) {

        try {
            Id[] contentDocIdLs = new Id[]{};
            ContentDocumentLink[] ctLinkLs = [SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE LinkedEntityId = :oppId];
            for(ContentDocumentLink ctLink : ctLinkLs) {
            ContentVersion[] cvLs = [SELECT Id FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocumentId  IN :contentDocIdLs AND IsLatest = true AND Type_fileupload__c = 'BOP'];
            String fileTitle = 'BOP--'+ (recordData.Name!=null ? recordData.Name : '') + '_V'+(cvLs.size()+1);
            ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion(Type_fileupload__c = 'BOP',  VersionData = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(base64FileData), Title = fileTitle, PathOnClient = fileTitle + '.' + 'pdf');
            insert cv;

            cv = [SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE Id = : cv.Id];
            insert new ContentDocumentLink(LinkedEntityId = oppId, ContentDocumentId = cv.ContentDocumentId);

        } catch (AuraHandledException e) {
            throw new AuraHandledException(e.getMessage());

    public static Map<String,Object> getData(Id oppId) {
        Map<String,Object> dataMap = new Map<String,Object>();

        Opportunity opp = [SELECT Id, Name, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Price__c, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Time__c, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Quality__c, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Location__c, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Reputation__c, Customer_Selection_Criteria_Relationship__c,
            Account.Name, TOLABEL(Account.Country__c), TOLABEL(Account.Type), Account.Market_cap_Investors__c, Account.Dedicated_to_therapeutic_fields__c, Account.Clinical_or_marketed_product_pipeline__c, Account.Linked_to_other_CDMO__c, Account.Cultural_fit__c, Account.Expertise__c, Account.Capacity__c, Account.Strategic__c, Account.Relationship__c, 
            Nature_of_the_molecule__c, Z_Indication__c, TOLABEL(Stage_of_Development__c), Sales_expected_at_Peak_Sale__c, Estimated_probability_of_Success__c, When__c, Which_technology__c, First_source__c, Dead_line_to_deliver_the_offer__c, Dead_line_to_select_the_CDMO__c
                FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :oppId LIMIT 1];

        dataMap.put('record', opp);

        return dataMap;

I have try this to make test for enter in the method testInsertFile but he doesn't work.

In the test class is my data used in the org for test.

public with sharing class TEST_LCCTRL_GenBop {

    static void setup(){

        Map<String,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> rtMapByName = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName();

        Schema.RecordTypeInfo recordtype = rtMapByName.get('Commercial');

        Account account4Test = new Account(name = 'TEST ACCOUNT'
                , Country__c = 'US'
                , CurrencyIsoCode = 'EUR'
                , Type = 'Commercial'
                , RecordTypeId = recordtype.RecordTypeId);

        insert account4Test;
        Product2 product = TestCreate_Product2.Create_Product2();

        GMID_Product__c gmid = new GMID_Product__c();

        gmid.Z_Commercial_Product__c = product.Id;
        gmid.Z_GMID_ext_key__c = 'GMID_EXT_001';
        gmid.Z_GMID_GUOM_to_KGM__c = '0';
        gmid.Z_GMID_Status__c = true;
        gmid.Z_CRI__c = 100;
        insert gmid;

        Term_of_payment__c temOfPayment = new Term_of_payment__c();
        temOfPayment.Z_EN_Description__c = 'TEST';
        temOfPayment.Z_Source_date__c = Date.today();
        insert temOfPayment;

        Opportunity opportunity = new Opportunity();
        opportunity.AccountId = account4Test.Id;
        opportunity.Z_Product__c = product.Id;
        opportunity.Z_GMID_Product__c = gmid.Id;
        opportunity.StageName= TRGHDL_Opportunity.QUALIFICATION;
        opportunity.Name = 'TEST1';
        opportunity.Z_Service_comments__c = 'TEST1';
        opportunity.CloseDate = Date.today().addDays(30);

        opportunity.Z_Incoterms__c = 'CIP';
        opportunity.Z_Incoterms_2__c = 'TEST';
        opportunity.Z_Terms_of_Payment__c = temOfPayment.Id;
        insert opportunity;
    private static void testInsertFile(){

        String fileData = 'Title';
        String fileDateBase64 = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf(FileData));

        Opportunity opportunity = [SELECT AccountId, StageName FROM Opportunity WHERE Z_Service_comments__c ='TEST1' LIMIT 1];

        ContentVersion[] cvLs = [SELECT Id, ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion];
        insert opportunity;

    private static void getData(){

  • July 19, 2022
  • Like
  • 0

Hi, i want to cover my class but i don't know what i do that.

public with sharing class TEST_LCCTRL_GenBulltinSouscription {
private static String TU_PREFIX = 'TEST_TRGHDL_Case_VRSetup';
public static String TYPE_VALIDATOR_PLAN_NAME = '%Bulletin de souscription%';
public static String PLAN_NAME = 'Validation document';

private static String CABINETID = '56789';
private static String URL = 'https://ged-sous/DocuWare/Platform/';

static void TEST_TRGHDL_Case_VRSetup(){
    List<TypeValidator__c> LstValidator = new List<TypeValidator__c>{
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.1 - Justificatif de domicile'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.2 - RIB'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.3 - CNI'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.4 - Tutelle/Curatelle'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.5 - Correspondances'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.6 - Status'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.7 - KBIS'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.1 - Bulletin de souscriptions'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.7 - Origine des fonds'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.2.1 - Certificat'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.2.2 - Courrier'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.1 - Chèque'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.2 - Virement'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.5 - FACTA CRS'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.10 - Attestation régimes matrimoniaux'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.11 - Documents complémentaires'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.14 - Justificatif(s) identité Représentant PM et Dirigeant'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.15 - Liasse fiscale'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.16 - Livret de famille'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.17 - PV'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.18 - Offre de prêt'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.19 - Situation patrimoniale'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.20 - Attestation personne âgée'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.8 - Bilan'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.9 - Carton de signatures'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.1 - Bulletin de souscription'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.10 - Bénéficiaires effectifs'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.12 - Attestation Emploi de Fonds Propres'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.1.8 - LAB/LAT'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.4 - Mandat SEPA'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.5 - FATCA CRS'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '2.3.6 - Versement programmé'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.12 - Justificatif(s) identité principal'),
        new TypeValidator__c(Name = '1.1.13 - Justificatif(s) identité secondaire')
    insert LstValidator;

    INSEE__c i1 =TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genInsee('FRANCE');
    i1.Code_Pays_ISO_3166A3__c = 'FRA';
    INSEE__c i2 =TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genInsee('BELGIQUE');
    i2.Code_Pays_ISO_3166A3__c = 'BEL';
    insert new INSEE__c[]{i1, i2};

    Account accApporteur = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genApporteur(TU_PREFIX+'Apporteur', '4');
    accApporteur.ShippingCountry = 'FRANCE';
    accApporteur.BillingCountry = 'FRANCE';
    accApporteur.Identifiant_Unicia__c = '1884';
    accApporteur.Type_de_societe__c = null;
    Account accApporteur2 = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genApporteur(TU_PREFIX+'Apporteur2', '4');
    accApporteur2.Identifiant_Unicia__c = '1390';
    accApporteur2.Type_de_societe__c = null;
    insert new Account[]{accApporteur, accApporteur2};

    Account accAssociePM = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genAssociePM(TU_PREFIX+'AssociePM1', accApporteur.Id);
    Account accAssociePP = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genAssociePP(TU_PREFIX+'AssociePP1', accApporteur.Id, '1');
    accAssociePP.Taux_non_resident__c = null;
    insert new Account[]{accAssociePM, accAssociePP};

    Id rtIdApporteur =  Schema.SObjectType.Contact.getRecordTypeInfosByDeveloperName().get('Contact_Apporteur').getRecordTypeId();
    Contact contactAssociePP = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genContactPP('ContTUACC1', 'name', accAssociePP.Id);
    Contact contactEditique = new Contact(
        Salutation = '2',
        FirstName = 'toto',
        LastName = 'tutu',
        RecordTypeId = rtIdApporteur,
        AccountId = accApporteur.Id
    insert new Contact[]{contactAssociePP, contactEditique};

    AccountContactRelation acrEditique = [SELECT Id, Roles, AccountId, ContactId FROM AccountContactRelation WHERE AccountId = :accApporteur.Id AND ContactId = :contactEditique.Id LIMIT 1];
    acrEditique.Roles = 'Editique';
    update acrEditique;

    Product2 p = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genProduct(TU_PREFIX+'1');
    insert p;
    Case cDemembrement = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genSouscriptionDemembrement(true, 'GC', TU_PREFIX+'SOUS2', 'US', 'Démembrement', accAssociePM.Id, accAssociePM.Id, accApporteur.Id, p.Id);
    cDemembrement.Type_de_dur_e__c = 'Viager';

    Case cVLP = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genSouscriptionVLP(true, 'GC', TU_PREFIX+'VLP', accAssociePM.Id, accAssociePM.Id, accApporteur.Id, p.Id);
    cVLP.Type_de_VLP__c = Util_Case.TYPEVLP_CREATION;
    Datetime dt = datetime.now().addMonths(3);
    Date myDate = date.newinstance(dT.year(), dT.month(), dT.day());
    cVLP.Date_de_debut_de_mandat__c = myDate;
    Case c2Contrepartie = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genDemandeContrepartie(cDemembrement, TU_PREFIX+'Ctpr');

    insert new Case[]{cDemembrement, c2Contrepartie, cVLP};
    Case c = TEST_SouscriptionDataFactory.genSouscriptionPP('GC', TU_PREFIX+'SOUS1', accAssociePM.Id, accAssociePM.Id, accApporteur.Id, p.Id);
    insert c;

    List<TypeValidatorPlan__c> typeValidatorPlanLs= [SELECT Id FROM TypeValidatorPlan__c WHERE Plan__r.Name = 'Validation document' AND  Plan__r.RecordValidationPlan__r.RecordId__c = :c.Id];

    Docuware_settings__c setting = (Docuware_settings__c)Util_Test.populatedMock('Docuware_settings__c', null);
    setting.CabinetId__c = CABINETID;
    setting.Url__c = URL;
    insert setting;


static void TEST_LCCTRL_GenBulltinSouscription(){

    Case c = [SELECT Id, Description_Statut_Souscription__c, Contrepartie__c FROM Case WHERE suppliedCompany = :TU_PREFIX+'SOUS1'];
    Map<String,Object> result = LCCTRL_GenBulltinSouscription.getRecordForBS(c.Id);
    //System.debug('result : ' + result);
    System.assertEquals(3, result.values().size());

static void TEST_saveBS(){

    String url = URL+'FileCabinets/'+ CABINETID + '/Documents';
    String body = '{"Id":12345}';

    Util_Test.GenericHTTPCalloutMock mock = new Util_Test.GenericHTTPCalloutMock(url,'POST',200,body);

    Map<String, HttpCalloutMock> requestsMap = new Map<String, HttpCalloutMock>{url=>mock};
    Util_Test.MultiRequestMock multiMock = new Util_Test.MultiRequestMock(requestsMap);

    Case c = [SELECT Id, Description_Statut_Souscription__c, Contrepartie__c FROM Case WHERE suppliedCompany = :TU_PREFIX+'SOUS1'];
        Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, multiMock);


I have start to write a test class but he doesn't work to enter in the method testInsertFile
public with sharing class TEST_LCCTRL_GenBop {

    static void setup(){

        Map<String,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> rtMapByName = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName();

        Schema.RecordTypeInfo recordtype = rtMapByName.get('Commercial');

        Account account4Test = new Account(name = 'TEST ACCOUNT'
                , Country__c = 'US'
                , CurrencyIsoCode = 'EUR'
                , Type = 'Commercial'
                , RecordTypeId = recordtype.RecordTypeId);

        insert account4Test;
        Product2 product = TestCreate_Product2.Create_Product2();

        GMID_Product__c gmid = new GMID_Product__c();

        gmid.Z_Commercial_Product__c = product.Id;
        gmid.Z_GMID_ext_key__c = 'GMID_EXT_001';
        gmid.Z_GMID_GUOM_to_KGM__c = '0';
        gmid.Z_GMID_Status__c = true;
        gmid.Z_CRI__c = 100;
        insert gmid;

        Term_of_payment__c temOfPayment = new Term_of_payment__c();
        temOfPayment.Z_EN_Description__c = 'TEST';
        temOfPayment.Z_Source_date__c = Date.today();
        insert temOfPayment;

        Opportunity opportunity = new Opportunity();
        opportunity.AccountId = account4Test.Id;
        opportunity.Z_Product__c = product.Id;
        opportunity.Z_GMID_Product__c = gmid.Id;
        opportunity.StageName= TRGHDL_Opportunity.QUALIFICATION;
        opportunity.Name = 'TEST1';
        opportunity.Z_Service_comments__c = 'TEST1';
        opportunity.CloseDate = Date.today().addDays(30);

        opportunity.Z_Incoterms__c = 'CIP';
        opportunity.Z_Incoterms_2__c = 'TEST';
        opportunity.Z_Terms_of_Payment__c = temOfPayment.Id;
        insert opportunity;
    private static void testInsertFile(){

        String fileData = 'Title';
        String fileDateBase64 = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf(FileData));

        Opportunity opportunity = [SELECT AccountId, StageName FROM Opportunity WHERE Z_Service_comments__c ='TEST1' LIMIT 1];

        ContentVersion[] cvLs = [SELECT Id, ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion];
        insert opportunity;

    private static void getData(){

  • July 19, 2022
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