• Kristian Kauper 1
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  • Member since 2022

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We have created an LWC component for use on Contact and Opportunity pages. In testing, the component works fine on those two pages, but a couple of customers have reported that the component installs fine on their Contact page, but not on their Opportunity page.

In the case of the Opportunity page, our component appears in the list of components, and they can drag it on to the page, but then a loader appears and the process never completes.

This has happened to at least two customers, so this does not appear to be an isolated issue.

Does anyone know what could cause this?
I have created an LWC app, and am now trying to add code test coverage. But unfortunately, Jest (@salesforce/sfdx-lwc-jest@1.1.1) is failing in two different ways:

1. I use the getRecords wire adapter, which I think was added fairly recently (we're using api version 55). But Jest throws this error:
TypeError: Invalid adapterId, it must be extensible.
The other wire adapters, such as getRecord, are fine. Only the inclusion of this adapter causes this problem.

2. The uiRelatedListApi and LightningConfirm libraries result in errors like this:
Cannot find module 'lightning/uiRelatedListApi' from '<snip>'
No other lightning/* module causes this problem.

Any ideas what is causing this?

One thing I have noticed is that my project (derived from a recipe project), includes a Typescript type declaration file called lds.d.ts, and each of the types above which are causing problems do not exist in this file. The others, which are working fine, do exist.

I am developing an LWC app which uses the free Partner Cache capacity. The problem I've run into is that when I install my app package in a scratch org, the allocation for the Partner Cache capacity is always 0, when I believe I have correctly configured it for 1 MB.
My session.cachePartition-meta.xml looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<PlatformCachePartition xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">

And the project-scratch-def.json is:
  "orgName": "<snip>",
  "edition": "Developer",
  "adminEmail": "<snip>",
  "features": ["enableSetPasswordInApi", "PlatformCache", "ProviderFreePlatformCache"],
  "settings": {
    "lightningExperienceSettings": {
      "enableS1DesktopEnabled": true
    "mobileSettings": {
      "enableS1EncryptedStoragePref2": false

And finally, my package.xml includes this snippet:
But, as I said, when I install this, I do get the session Platform Cache, but it's allocated capacity is 0. Any idea why this is happening?
We have created an LWC component for use on Contact and Opportunity pages. In testing, the component works fine on those two pages, but a couple of customers have reported that the component installs fine on their Contact page, but not on their Opportunity page.

In the case of the Opportunity page, our component appears in the list of components, and they can drag it on to the page, but then a loader appears and the process never completes.

This has happened to at least two customers, so this does not appear to be an isolated issue.

Does anyone know what could cause this?