• Anju T 3
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Hello sfdx gurus,
In Windows 7, I get the following error when I attampt to authorize the developer hub org. The login windows to DevHub opens up that lead to next error after I put my DevHub credential.
It works fine in Mac. 

Appreciate any input.

C:\Users\raip\sfdx\sfdx-dreamhouse>sfdx force:auth:web:login -d -a DevHub
ERROR running force:auth:web:login:  Command failed with response.
 - CylancePROTECT Script Control has blocked access to this PowerShell script.
Try this:
Determine why this command failed to get an encryption key for user raip: [C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File C:\Users\raip\AppData\Local\sfdx\plug
ins\node_modules\salesforce-alm\CredMan.ps1 -GetCred -Target sfdx -User local].