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Test class for callout with multiple methods
Need help in writing test class for a Call Out with mutiple functions
For example , in below I am trying to get response from service now for list of tasks assigned to particular and based on details in those tasks, users should be created automatically in Salesforce on click of Submit button on visualforce page. We will pass the group name in VF page. Once the user is created, Permission Set and Permission Set Groups will also be assigend to that user automatically through two separate methods
How do i start for the test class so that all the methods are covered here ?
public class ServiceNowSTask { public String snow_user{get;set;} public String snow_pwd{get;set;} public integer sctasknum{get;set;} Public integer iCount = 0; public void servicenowcallout(){ try{ List<User> lstNewUser = new List<User>(); List<User> lstOldUser = new List<User>(); List<Id> lstOldUserIdForPermissionSet = new List<Id>(); List<Id> lstNewUserIdForPermissionSet = new List<Id>(); Map<String,String> mapOfAliasPSG = new Map<String,String>(); Map<Id,String> mapOfOldUidPSG = new Map<Id,String>(); Map<Id,String> mapOfNewUidPSG = new Map<Id,String>(); Map<String,String> mapOfAliasSCTask = new Map<String,String>(); HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(); request.setEndpoint('https://abcinstance.service-now.com/api/now/table/sc_task?sysparm_display_value=true&sysparm_query=active=true^assignment_group=da2766e09dbfd1c06fc11235220c7d15^short_descriptionLIKEAdd&sysparm_fields=comments_and_work_notes,number,u_details,sys_created_on'); request.setMethod('GET'); Blob headerValue = Blob.valueOf(snow_user + ':' + snow_pwd); String authorizationHeader = 'BASIC ' + EncodingUtil.base64Encode(headerValue); request.setHeader('Authorization', authorizationHeader); //request.setHeader('Authorization', 'OAuth '+UserInfo.getSessionId()); HttpResponse response = new Http().send(request); //System.debug('response ' + response.getBody()); ServiceNowJsonWrapper snowResponse = ServiceNowJsonWrapper.parse(response.getBody()); //System.debug('snowResponse = ' + snowResponse); Set<String> setRoleInfo = new Set<String>(); Set<String> setProfileInfo = new Set<String>(); Set<String> setAlias = new Set<String>(); for(ServiceNowJsonWrapper.Result sResponse : snowResponse.result){ String userDetails = ''; String workNotes = ''; userDetails = sResponse.u_details; workNotes=sResponse.comments_and_work_notes; String alias = userDetails.substringAfter('Login ID: ').substringBefore(' \n'); workNotes = workNotes.replace('\n\n','\r\n'); String roleInfo = workNotes.substringafter('Role: ').substringBefore('\r\n'); if(roleInfo == ''){ roleInfo = workNotes.substringafter('role: ').substringBefore('\r\n'); } String profileInfo = workNotes.substringafter('Profile: ').substringBefore('\r\n'); System.debug('Profile name is :-'+profileInfo); System.debug('Profile name after trim is :-'+profileInfo.trim()); setRoleInfo.add(roleInfo.trim()); setProfileInfo.add(profileInfo.toUppercase().trim()); setAlias.add(alias.trim()); } System.debug('Profile names are :-'+setProfileInfo); Map<String, id> mapUserRoleWithId = new Map<String, id>(); for(UserRole objUserRole : [Select Id, Name from UserRole where Name in : setRoleInfo]) mapUserRoleWithId.put(objUserRole.Name, objUserRole.id); Map<String, id> mapUserProfileWithId = new Map<String, id>(); for(Profile objUserProfile : [Select Id, Name from Profile where Name in : setProfileInfo]) mapUserProfileWithId.put(objUserProfile.Name.toUppercase().trim(), objUserProfile.id); System.debug('mapUserProfileWithId-'+mapUserProfileWithId); Map<String, User> mapUserAliasWithObject = new Map<String, User>(); for(User objUser : [Select Id, Name, IsActive, UserName,alias, FederationIdentifier from User where alias =: setAlias]) mapUserAliasWithObject.put(objUser.Alias, objUser); for(ServiceNowJsonWrapper.Result sResponse : snowResponse.result){ if(iCount < sctasknum){ String userDetails = ''; String workNotes = ''; String scTaskNumner = ''; userDetails = sResponse.u_details; workNotes=sResponse.comments_and_work_notes; scTaskNumner = sResponse.number_Z; System.debug('User Details are: '+userDetails); System.debug('Work Notes are: '+workNotes); System.debug('SCTASK number is : '+scTaskNumner); String userName = userDetails.substringAfter('Name: ').substringBefore(' \n'); System.debug('userName is '+userName); String eNumber = userDetails.substringAfter('Bank ID: ').substringBefore(' \n'); System.debug('eNumber is '+eNumber); String aliasId = userDetails.substringAfter('Login ID: ').substringBefore(' \n'); System.debug('alias is '+aliasId); String division = userDetails.substringAfter('Dept/Div: ').substringBefore(' \n'); System.debug('division is '+division); String environmentName = userDetails.substringAfter('Environment').substringBefore('\n'); System.debug('Environment Name is '+environmentName); mapOfAliasSCTask.put(aliasId,scTaskNumner); workNotes = workNotes.replace('\n\n','\r\n'); String roleInfo = workNotes.substringafter('Role: ').substringBefore('\r\n'); if(roleInfo == ''){ roleInfo = workNotes.substringafter('role: ').substringBefore('\r\n'); } System.debug('Role name is '+roleInfo); String profileInfo = workNotes.substringafter('Profile: ').substringBefore('\r\n'); System.debug('Profile name(2nd loop) is-'+profileInfo + '-'); String regionInfo = workNotes.substringafter('Region: ').substringBefore('\r\n'); System.debug('Region is '+regionInfo); String segmentInfo = workNotes.substringafter('Segment: ').substringBefore('\r\n'); System.debug('Segment is '+segmentInfo); String permSetGroup = workNotes.substringafter('Permission Set Group: ').substringBefore('\r\n'); System.debug('Permission set group is '+permSetGroup); mapOfAliasPSG.put(aliasId,permSetGroup); String instanceUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().getHost().substringBetween('--','.'); System.debug('instanceUrl is '+instanceUrl); if((instanceUrl== 'hotfix' && environmentName.contains('Production')) || (instanceUrl== 'UATone' && environmentName.contains('UAT')) || (instanceUrl== 'UATTwo' && environmentName.contains('UAT'))){ User existingUser = mapUserAliasWithObject.get(aliasId); if(existingUser == null){ User user = new User(); user.FirstName = userName.substringBefore(' '); user.LastName = userName.substringAfter(' '); user.Alias = aliasId; user.Email = aliasId+'@gmail.com'; if(instanceUrl<>null){ user.UserName = aliasId+'@gmail.com'+'.'+instanceUrl; } else{ user.UserName = aliasId+'@gmail.com'; } user.FederationIdentifier = aliasId; user.EDW_ID__c = aliasId; user.ETL_Employee_Status__c = 'Active'; user.IsActive = true; user.UserRoleId = mapUserRoleWithId.get(roleInfo); user.profileId = mapUserProfileWithId.get(profileInfo.toUppercase().trim()); System.debug('profileId user specific '+mapUserProfileWithId.get(profileInfo.toUppercase().trim())); user.EmployeeNumber = eNumber; user.Division = division; if(division.length() > 1){ user.Department = division.substring(0,2); } user.Region__c = regionInfo; user.Segment__c = segmentInfo; user.UserPermissionsMarketingUser = True; user.TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Chicago'; user.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US'; user.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US'; user.EmailEncodingKey = 'ISO-8859-1'; lstNewUser.add(user); } else{ existingUser.IsActive = true; existingUser.FederationIdentifier = aliasId; existingUser.profileId = mapUserProfileWithId.get(profileInfo.toUppercase().trim()); System.debug('profileId user specific '+mapUserProfileWithId.get(profileInfo.toUppercase().trim())); existingUser.UserRoleId = mapUserRoleWithId.get(roleInfo); existingUser.Email = aliasId+'@gmail.com'; existingUser.Division = division; existingUser.Department = division.substring(0,2); existingUser.Region__c = regionInfo; existingUser.Segment__c = segmentInfo; existingUser.EDW_ID__c = aliasId; existingUser.ETL_Employee_Status__c = 'Active'; lstOldUser.add(existingUser); } } iCount = iCount + 1; } } System.debug('lstNewUser - ' + lstNewUser); System.debug('lstOldUser - ' + lstOldUser); String strExistingUser = ''; String strNewUser = ''; if(lstOldUser.size()>0){ try{ update lstOldUser; for(User oldUser : lstOldUser){ System.debug('11111111mapOfAliasPSG.get(oldUser.alias) -' + mapOfAliasPSG.get(oldUser.alias)); mapOfOldUidPSG.put(oldUser.id,mapOfAliasPSG.get(oldUser.alias)); System.debug('22222222mapOfUserIdPSG.values() -' + mapOfOldUidPSG.values()); strExistingUser+= ', ' + mapOfAliasSCTask.get(oldUser.alias) + ' -> ' + oldUser.id + ' -> ' + oldUser.Alias ; If(oldUser.profileId == mapUserProfileWithId.get('General User')){ lstOldUserIdForPermissionSet.add(oldUser.id); } } if(strExistingUser.length() >0){ strExistingUser.substring(1); } assignPermissionSetGroup(mapOfOldUidPSG); System.debug('mapUserProfileWithId-' + mapUserProfileWithId); System.debug('lstOldUserIdForPermissionSet-' + lstOldUserIdForPermissionSet); if(!lstOldUserIdForPermissionSet.isEmpty()){ String strPerSet = 'Aura-Enabled Apex Class Access for Financial Services Cloud,Financial Services Cloud Extension,Financial Services Cloud Standard,FSC Relationship Center (ARC)'; assignPermissionSet(strPerSet,lstOldUserIdForPermissionSet); } ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.Severity.CONFIRM,'Existing Users have been updated as per the Request: ' + strExistingUser)); } catch(DMLException e) { System.debug('The following exception has occurred for old user update : '+e.getMessage()); } } if(lstNewUser.size()>0){ try{ insert lstNewUser; for(User newUser : lstNewUser){ mapOfNewUidPSG.put(newUser.id,mapOfAliasPSG.get(newUser.alias)); strNewUser+= ', ' + mapOfAliasSCTask.get(newUser.alias) + ' -> ' + newUser.id + ' -> ' + newUser.Alias; If(newUser.profileId == mapUserProfileWithId.get('General User')){ lstNewUserIdForPermissionSet.add(newUser.id); } } if(strNewUser.length() >0){ strNewUser.substring(1); } assignPermissionSetGroup(mapOfNewUidPSG); System.debug('mapUserProfileWithId-' + mapUserProfileWithId); System.debug('lstNewUserIdForPermissionSet-' + lstNewUserIdForPermissionSet); if(!lstNewUserIdForPermissionSet.isEmpty()){ String strPerSet = 'Aura-Enabled Apex Class Access for Financial Services Cloud,Financial Services Cloud Extension,Financial Services Cloud Standard,FSC Relationship Center (ARC)'; assignPermissionSet(strPerSet,lstNewUserIdForPermissionSet); } ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.Severity.CONFIRM,'New Users have been Created as per the Request: ' + strNewUser)); } catch(DMLException e) { System.debug('The following exception has occurred for new user insert : '+e.getMessage()); } } } catch(DMLException e){ System.debug('The following exception has occurred in method servicenowcallout : '+e.getMessage()); } } Public void assignPermissionSet(String strPerSet, List<Id> userId ){ try{ //List<id> userId = new List<id>(); //userId.add('0050y00000F6zVUAAZ'); //userId.add('0050y000003j3yfAAA'); //String strPerSet = 'Aura-Enabled Apex Class Access for Financial Services Cloud,Financial Services Cloud Extension,Financial Services Cloud Standard,FSC Relationship Center (ARC)'; List<String> lstPerSetGroup = strPerSet.split(','); List<PermissionSet> idPermissions = [Select Id from PermissionSet where Label in: lstPerSetGroup ]; System.debug('assignPermissionSet inside ' + idPermissions.size()); Map<Id, Set<Id>> mapExistAssignment = new Map<Id, Set<Id>>(); for(PermissionSetAssignment objCS : [select PermissionSetId, AssigneeId from PermissionSetAssignment where AssigneeId in : userId]){ if(!mapExistAssignment.containsKey(objCS.AssigneeId)){ mapExistAssignment.put(objCS.AssigneeId,new set<Id>{objCS.PermissionSetId}); } else { mapExistAssignment.get(objCS.AssigneeId).add(objCS.PermissionSetId); } } System.debug('mapExistAssignment ' + mapExistAssignment); List<PermissionSetAssignment> lstPermSetAssign = new List<PermissionSetAssignment>(); for(Id idUser : userId){ for(PermissionSet idPermission : idPermissions){ if(!mapExistAssignment.get(idUser).contains(idPermission.id)){ System.debug('Not Exist value - ' + idUser + ' - ' + idPermission); PermissionSetAssignment permSetAssign = new PermissionSetAssignment(); permSetAssign.PermissionSetId = idPermission.id; permSetAssign.AssigneeId = idUser; lstPermSetAssign.add(permSetAssign); } } } if(lstPermSetAssign.size()>0){ insert lstPermSetAssign; } System.debug('PermissionSet assignment done'); } catch(DMLException e){ System.debug('The following exception has occurred in method assignPermissionSet : '+e.getMessage()); } } Public void assignPermissionSetGroup(Map<Id,String> mapOfUserIdPSG){ try{ List<PermissionSetAssignment> lstPermSetAssignToInsert = new List<PermissionSetAssignment>(); Set<String> setGroups = new Set<String>(); //Map<Id,String> mapOfUserIdPSG = new Map<Id,String>(); //mapOfUserIdPSG.put('0050y00000F6zVUAAZ','WM CSS,WM Core FSC'); //mapOfUserIdPSG.put('0050y00000EV1W8AAL','WM CSS,WM Trust/Inv Relationship Manager'); for(String strGroup: mapOfUserIdPSG.values()){ for(String strGroup1: strGroup.split(',')){ setGroups.add(strGroup1.trim()); } //List<String> lstPerSetGroup = strGroup.split(','); //setGroups.addAll(lstPerSetGroup); System.debug('Print ' + setGroups); } Map<String, id> mapPermissionSetGroup = new Map<String, id>(); for(PermissionSetGroup objCS : [Select MasterLabel,Id from PermissionSetGroup where MasterLabel in: setGroups]) mapPermissionSetGroup.put(objCS.MasterLabel, objCS.id); System.debug('mapPermissionSetGroup keyset ' + mapPermissionSetGroup.keyset()); System.debug('mapPermissionSetGroup value ' + mapPermissionSetGroup.values()); Map<Id, Set<Id>> mapExistAssignment = new Map<Id, Set<Id>>(); for(PermissionSetAssignment objCS : [select PermissionSetGroupId, AssigneeId from PermissionSetAssignment where AssigneeId in : mapOfUserIdPSG.KeySet()]){ if(!mapExistAssignment.containsKey(objCS.AssigneeId)){ mapExistAssignment.put(objCS.AssigneeId,new set<Id>{objCS.PermissionSetGroupId}); } else { mapExistAssignment.get(objCS.AssigneeId).add(objCS.PermissionSetGroupId); } } System.debug('mapExistAssignment ' + mapExistAssignment); for(Id userAlias : mapOfUserIdPSG.KeySet()){ List<String> lstPerSetGroup1 = mapOfUserIdPSG.get(userAlias).split(','); for(String strPermSetGroup : lstPerSetGroup1){ if(!mapExistAssignment.get(userAlias).contains(mapPermissionSetGroup.get(strPermSetGroup.trim()))){ System.debug('Not Exist strPermSetGroup ' + userAlias + ' -' + strPermSetGroup + '-' + mapPermissionSetGroup.get(strPermSetGroup)); PermissionSetAssignment permSetAssign = new PermissionSetAssignment(); permSetAssign.PermissionSetGroupId = mapPermissionSetGroup.get(strPermSetGroup.trim()); permSetAssign.AssigneeId = userAlias; lstPermSetAssignToInsert.add(permSetAssign); } else{ System.debug('Exist strPermSetGroup ' + userAlias + '-' + strPermSetGroup + '-' + mapPermissionSetGroup.get(strPermSetGroup)); } } } if(lstPermSetAssignToInsert.size()>0){ insert lstPermSetAssignToInsert; } System.debug('PermissionSetGroup assignment done'); } catch(DMLException e){ System.debug('The following exception has occurred in method assignPermissionSetGroup : '+e.getMessage()); } } }
- Ashish PWPAdmin
- September 11, 2023
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LWC combobox not showing selected value
I have just started learning LWC and trying to display a picklist of Account Names in a LWC ComboBox and the selected value should be displayed on the Placeholder and on a text line below the placeholder.
The issue is I am seeing the dropdown values but the selected value is not being displayed on the placeholder and not even on the text line below it. What am i doing wrong.
Below is my code
JS Code
import { LightningElement, track, wire } from 'lwc'; import getAccList from '@salesforce/apex/test_LWCWireDemo.getAccList'; export default class Test_comboboxDemo extends LightningElement { @track value = "" @track accoption = []; get options(){ return this.accoption; } connectedCallback(){ getAccList() .then(result => { let arr = []; for(var i=0;i<result.length;i++){ arr.push({value :result[i].Name, label :result[i].ID}); } this.accoption = arr; }) .catch(error => { console.log("error occurred"); }) } handleChange(event){ this.value = event.detail.value; } }
<template> <lightning-card title="Combo Box Demo"> <lightning-combobox label="Account Status" value={value} placeholder="Select Account" options={options} onchange={handleChange}> </lightning-combobox> <p>Select Value is: {value}</p> </lightning-card> </template>
Apex Class
public class test_LWCWireDemo { @AuraEnabled public static List<Account> getAccList(){ List<Account> accList = [Select ID, Name from Account]; return accList; } }
- Ashish PWPAdmin
- September 02, 2023
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If I have UserRole Name , then how to fetch ID for it in Apex
- Ashish PWPAdmin
- June 09, 2023
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Extract info from a nested json in Apex
I want to extract the Role, Profile and Permission Set Group Names from the work_notes element in this JSON. How do i proceeed if I have to use only the Json.deserialze method in Apex
"result": [
"parent": {
"display_value": "RITM002561558",
"watch_list": "",
"sc_catalog": "",
"upon_reject": "Cancel all future Tasks",
"sys_updated_on": "06-02-2023 12:29:30",
"approval_history": "",
"skills": "",
"number": "SCTASK003691047",
"u_requester": {
"display_value": "DJS15",
"u_file_attachment_1": "",
"state": "Work in Progress",
"x_fls_flexera_fnms_flexera_software_model": "",
"sys_created_by": "system",
"order": "",
"u_stat_hist_closed_date": "",
"cmdb_ci": "",
"cmdb_ci_business_app": "",
"contract": "",
"impact": "3 - Medium",
"active": "true",
"work_notes_list": "",
"priority": "",
"sys_domain_path": "/",
"business_duration": "",
"group_list": "",
"u_restore_start_time": "",
"u_notes_to_requester": "",
"approval_set": "",
"u_reference_number_4": "",
"u_reference_number_1": "",
"u_reference_number_3": "",
"u_reference_number_2": "",
"universal_request": "",
"short_description": "Add Access",
"u_ipp_number": "SAMIPP0001459",
"correlation_display": "",
"work_start": "06-01-2023 06:50:52",
"u_due_date": "06-15-2023 06:50:35",
"additional_assignee_list": "",
"u_stat_hist_inprogress_date": "06-01-2023 09:29:40",
"u_ppm_funding_category": "",
"u_quantity": "1",
"service_offering": "",
"sys_class_name": "Catalog Task",
"u_stat_hist_opened_date": "06-01-2023 06:50:52",
"closed_by": "",
"follow_up": "",
"u_stat_hist_pending_date": "",
"u_eiwms_move": null,
"reassignment_count": "1",
"u_email_recvd": "",
"assigned_to": {
"display_value": "SJS69",
"u_architecture_version": "",
"u_relationship_type": "",
"sla_due": "UNKNOWN",
"comments_and_work_notes": "06-01-2023 09:29:40 - SYM11 (Additional comments)\n\n\nStatus Change: \nWork in Progress\n\n\n06-01-2023 07:49:40 - AGO1 (Work notes)\nPlease add user DJS15 as follows\r\nRole: Wealth Planning / Wealth Advisors\r\nProfile: WM FSC General Access user\r\nRegion: Central Region\r\nPermission Set Group: WM Core Front Office\n\n",
"request_item": {
"display_value": "RITM002561558",
"agile_story": "",
"escalation": "Normal",
"upon_approval": "Proceed to Next Task",
"correlation_id": "",
"u_stat_hist_completed_date": "",
"u_vendor_ticket_number": "",
"made_sla": "true",
"u_secure_data": "",
"sn_esign_document": "",
"task_effective_number": "SCTASK003691047",
"sys_updated_by": "sym11",
"u_arn_number": "IDM2251314",
"opened_by": {
"display_value": "",
"user_input": "",
"sys_created_on": "06-01-2023 06:50:52",
"sys_domain": {
"display_value": "global",
"u_overdue_task": "false",
"u_software_name": "",
"route_reason": "",
"u_restore_end_time": "",
"calendar_stc": "",
"closed_at": "",
"u_overdue_duration": "",
"u_op_tier_2": null,
"u_op_tier_1": "Access",
"u_update_log": "",
"business_service": "",
"time_worked": "",
"expected_start": "",
"opened_at": "06-01-2023 06:50:52",
"u_website_link": "",
"work_end": "",
"work_notes": "06-01-2023 07:49:40 - AGO1 (Work notes)\nPlease add user DJS15 as follows\r\nRole: Wealth Planning / Wealth Advisors\r\nProfile: WM FSC General Access user\r\nRegion: Central Region\r\nPermission Set Group: WM Core Front Office\n\n",
"request": {
"display_value": "REQ002463226",
"u_application_tla": "",
"u_escalated_by": "",
"u_row_access": "",
"assignment_group": {
"display_value": "Support",
"description": "",
"calendar_duration": "",
"close_notes": "",
"sys_id": "a30bff5b8743615cd4d3bbb9cebb3580",
"contact_type": "Phone",
"sn_esign_esignature_configuration": "",
"u_status_detail": null,
"urgency": "3 - Medium",
"u_details": "Please add access to the application
"u_log_file": "",
"u_manual_task": "false",
"u_task_survey_taken": "false",
"company": "",
"activity_due": "UNKNOWN",
"u_request": {
"display_value": "REQ002463226",
- Ashish PWPAdmin
- June 09, 2023
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- 0
Field Integrity Exception Validation while trying to update Work order line item
I am trying to update the Work Order Line Item as DONE but I am getting a validation error as
The flow tried to update these records: 0WO8b000000r5qnGAA. This error occurred: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER: We can't save this record because the “NTWSM Work Order Last Completed Step Updated” process failed. Give your Salesforce admin these details. This error occurred when the flow tried to update records: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: The Start Date must be equal to or earlier than the End Date.: Start Date
There is no such custom vaidation rule written and its not allwoing us to makr this Item as Done even though we are putting End Date greater than Start Date
Any workaround to bypass this and update it
- Ashish PWPAdmin
- August 11, 2022
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- 0
If I have UserRole Name , then how to fetch ID for it in Apex
- Ashish PWPAdmin
- June 09, 2023
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- 0
Field Integrity Exception Validation while trying to update Work order line item
I am trying to update the Work Order Line Item as DONE but I am getting a validation error as
The flow tried to update these records: 0WO8b000000r5qnGAA. This error occurred: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER: We can't save this record because the “NTWSM Work Order Last Completed Step Updated” process failed. Give your Salesforce admin these details. This error occurred when the flow tried to update records: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: The Start Date must be equal to or earlier than the End Date.: Start Date
There is no such custom vaidation rule written and its not allwoing us to makr this Item as Done even though we are putting End Date greater than Start Date
Any workaround to bypass this and update it
- Ashish PWPAdmin
- August 11, 2022
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