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Hi Devs...
I have Created a custom button in my object by custom button/links thorugh object manager.

Now my requirement is about "If I Click the button an automated email is sent to the email in email field of my object " Can anyone please helpme with this....

Hi Devs,
I have a requirement that i need a search button in my visualforcepage, and i have two  Course master(Parent) object has Master detail relation ship with Training deal object(Child). 
If  i search Course_Name__c(Parent field) in search button it needs to display all the deals done in training_deal__c(Child)  object. 
Fileds in Course_Master__c object : Course_Name__c (Parent)
fields in Training_Deal__c  object : Course_Master__c (MDR), Deal_Risk_Status__c,Discount__c,Email_of_student__c i want to show these fields if i search for Course_Name__c. 
please help me with this and thanks in advance.

Hi Devs...
I have Created a custom button in my object by custom button/links thorugh object manager.

Now my requirement is about "If I Click the button an automated email is sent to the email in email field of my object " Can anyone please helpme with this....


I want to update the fields in a custom object based on the condition using the Batch class. 
I have written a code on batch class but I'm unable to update the fields.

Below is the code which I have worked, 

Global class BatchUpdateTrainer implements Database.Batchable<Sobject> {
    Global database.QueryLocator start(database.BatchableContext BC){
        return Database.getQueryLocator('Select id, Background_Check_Done__c, LinkedIn_Profile__c, Verification_Status__c from Trainer_Master__c where id!=null');
    Global void execute(database.BatchableContext BC, List<Trainer_Master__c> Scope){
        for (Trainer_Master__c trainer : Scope){
            if(trainer.Background_Check_Done__c =='No' && trainer.LinkedIn_Profile__c == null){
                trainer.Verification_Status__c = 'Details Needed';
            else if(trainer.Background_Check_Done__c =='No' && trainer.LinkedIn_Profile__c!= null){
                trainer.Verification_Status__c = 'Non Verified';
            else if(trainer.Background_Check_Done__c =='Yes' && trainer.LinkedIn_Profile__c!= null){
                trainer.Verification_Status__c = 'Verified';
        system.debug('verification status' + scope);
    Global void finish(database.BatchableContext BC){

Kindly Help me to fix the code.

Thank You..!!

Sanjay Vinayak T
Hi All,
There are 2 objects - 
Object 1- Student Details with Field 1- Pan Number, Field 2- Background status, Field 3-Phone number, 
Object 2- Backlisted candidates with Field 1 - Pan number and Field 2- Phone number. 
My requirement is: 
When a record is created/inserted in Object 1- Student Details.
 If Field 1- Pan Number of  Object 1- Student Details is equal to Field 1 - Pan number of Object 2- Backlisted candidates. 
Then update Field 2- Background status of Object 1- Student Details with a message as Student is blacklisted, and also update Field 2- Phone number of Object 2- Backlisted candidates with Field 3-Phone number of Object 1- Student Details.
I have tried with Flows but am unable to fetch the fields to compare.
So tried APEX Class and Triggers, but unable to update the fields.
Below is the Apex code and Trigger I worked on:
APEX Class:
 User-added image
 User-added image
Kindly help me to improvise the code and work on it.
Or What should be the new approach for this problem using Apex and Trigger?