• igorcguedes
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Hello, I have a form in LWC that at the end I need it to show a VisualForcePage rendered as PDF, how do I call it? I already have it done as VFP.

Like, when the user Clicks to finish the form, call the VisualForce page and display like that:

User-added image

I have a page using tables.

<td class="table td">Data</td>
<td class="table td_right">{!formularioVisita.Data__c}</td>

How i can format the data?

I tried some things using the apex but not sucess at all.



I got some trouble trying to display the sub-querry from Child fields.
Apex controller:

public class FormController {

    private final FormularioDeVisita__c formulario;

    public FormularioVisitaPdfController() {
        if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') != null){
        formulario = [
          ChequeEmpresa__c, SedePropria__c, CNPJ__c, MercadoExternoCliente__c, DataFundacao__c,
                FormInfoPercent__c, FormInfoText__c, FormInfoCheckbox__c, FormInfoDate__c, FormInfoCurrency__c,
                FormInfoPercentDecimal__c, FormularioVisita__c
            from FormularioVisitaChild__r) 
        from FormularioDeVisita__c 
        WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];

    public FormularioDeVisita__c getformularioVisita() {
            return formulario;

    public PageReference save() {
        update formulario;
        return null;

Example from Visualforce page:
         <td class="table td">Mercado livre?</td>
         <td class="table td_right">{!formularioVisita.MercadoLivre__c}</td>

Using that format i can display the Father querrys without problem: {formularioVisita."any"}.

But when i try to use a field from the sub-querry, i cant make it work.
Thanks for any help!

I have a page using tables.

<td class="table td">Data</td>
<td class="table td_right">{!formularioVisita.Data__c}</td>

How i can format the data?

I tried some things using the apex but not sucess at all.