• Sreelakshmi Asokan
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Hello Everyone,

So I have 2 UAT environments, in one I am able to see and create records of particular record types which has read access only while in another environment i cant see or create records. Have gone through OWD, SHARING Rules, Permission sets public group and didnt find anything. Can someone please help me with this
I have a custom label which has a url, there is a utility item, when i click on the utility, it should get redirected to the link in custom label. can I do this directly , or should i write lightning component for this. 
Please help

I have a field in Account as Top_Opportunity__c which is a lookup to opportunity. I need to write a trigger to populate the same field with the child opportunity having maximum Amount (In all after triggers).

Can someone please help me with this. Thanks in advance:)

I was trying to practice writing trigger to prevent duplicates on contact based on the email. But I am getting an error "System.FinalException: SObject row does not allow errors". Adding my code below, please help me understanding the issue.

public class preventDuplicate {
    public static void duplicatePreventMthd(List<Contact> conList){
        Map<String,Contact> updatedMap = new Map<String,Contact>();
          for(Contact con:conList){
        List<Contact> fetchedContacts =[SELECT Id,Email FROM Contact WHERE Email IN:updatedMap.keySet()];
           for(Contact conn:fetchedContacts){
                conn.Email.addError('Duplicate Contact not allowed');
I have a custom label which has a url, there is a utility item, when i click on the utility, it should get redirected to the link in custom label. can I do this directly , or should i write lightning component for this. 
Please help

I am trying to add an item to our Utility Bar and I am seeing the following error:

There was an error saving the page: PropertyType cannot be specified for flexipages of type UTILITY_BAR.

I tried adding various different component types but no matter what I try to add I see the same error. 

Similar issue as - https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/396841/lightning-web-component-fails-when-added-to-utility-bar