• Josh Bridgman
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  • Member since 2023

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I'm trying to reference a custom setting in Salesforce CPQ's quote term object, although instead of displaying what's in the field, it's just showing the formula. This is the formula {!$Setup.MBNZ_Speed_Disclaimers__c.FibreClassic__c}. Is it even possible for CPQ to reference setup fields? The reason I'm trying to do this is because we often have to update one certain part of multiple quote terms, so it would be more straight forward just to have one place to update, then have the quote terms reference that via formula. Thanks

I'm trying to create a Classic Email Template formula that shows a different value based on what's in the Plan_Name__c field on the Work Order object. I've managed to get one IF statement working but additional ones are just resulting in a null value. I've also tried the CASE function but that doesn't work at all. The first example is the working one and the following two are the ones that aren't working. Thanks in advance!

{!IF(WorkOrder.Plan_Name__c="$84 Naked FibreClassic","84","0")}


{!IF(WorkOrder.Plan_Name__c = "$84 Naked FibreClassic", "84", IF(WorkOrder.Plan_Name__c = "$89 FibreClassic + Phone", "89", IF(WorkOrder.Plan_Name__c = "$99 Naked FibreMax", "99", IF(WorkOrder.Plan_Name__c = "$104 FibreMax + Phone", "104", "0"))))}


{!CASE(WorkOrder.Plan_Name__c, "$84 Naked FibreClassic", 84, "89 FibreClassic + Phone", 89, "$99 Naked FibreMax", 99, "$104 FibreMax + Phone", 104, 0)}