• Cheryl
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I've spent hours on this today (trial & error and searching help/forums) and hope one of you has an answer to this!


1.  I have a basic custom object where we've built many reports that hyperlink from that object - and feed a report formula automatically with data from a field on the object called "End Markets for Report Filters"  (benefit being we just clone the object page, change the name of the  End Markets for Report filters - for each end market team-- and then each report hyperlinked from that object works for all end market teams - they just go to their own page)


2.  The data in that field is passed through via a formula text hyperlink to a report with filter: 

 "End Market Group" (which is a custom field on opportunities) contains  [the data in the "end markets for report filters" field]


3.  Until recently, data in the "End Markets for Report Filters" field was pure text, such as "automotive", "communications", etc.  - and it worked fine


4.  But now I need to pass "I&I"through to the formula below-- just like I do today with "automotive"


HYPERLINK("00O60000001tGct?pv0=" & End_Markets_for_Report_Filters__c, "New Opportunities created Last 90 Days" )   ** <-- space between Days" and ) just to the left isn't there, but it keeps making a winking smiley face so I added a space


Question:  How can I pass a field that has an ampersand into the formula above?  My preference is to do it on the custom object - because I'm not sure if changing the formula above will impact the plain text pages.


What I've tried already:  On the custom object, I've tried changing the I&I with "I&I" or I"&"I or I'&'I  etc. 


Note:  If I edit the underlying report to....  contains... I&I (no quotes, nothing special), the report works fine.  It's just passing it through via hyperlinks on the custom object that's a problem (it comes through as contains  ,I    for example)


This impacts thousands of records that have "I&I" in that field name, so changing the core data so that I don't have to search on I&I isn't a good option.

