• jeff.bohanek
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I see that the OpportunitySplit object is available in version 16.0 of the Web Services API.  However, it is not listed in the Web Services 16.0 API Documentation in either the What's New section or as a Standard Object in the Reference Section.


Does anyone know if this object is officially supported?  I am eager to write some integration with the Opportunity Splits functionality, but I am nervous that this support may go away.  When you ask to turn on Opportunity Splits it is specifically mentioned that there is no API support:


"* Opportunity Splitting is not accessible via The Force.com Web Services API.

To prevent invalidating the 100% split total for a given opportunity, sales team members with a split (%) can not be deleted via The Force.com API (the split must be deleted or reassigned before the sales team member can be deleted).  Because a sales team member's split (%) is not accessible via The Force.com API, existing integrations that manage sales team members via The Force.com API may be impacted."





I'm trying to create a page that will print a detail section for multiple objects on one page, with a Page Break in between each object.  Basically I'm trying to create a printout of a bunch of tasks to give out to people prior to a meeting.  Here is the code that I tried:

<apex:page controller="printTasksController" tabStyle="MNI_ProjectTask__c" showHeader="false" standardStyleSheets="true">
<style type="text/css">
{ page-break-after : always } ;
<apex:repeat value="{!projectTasks}" var="projectTask" id="projectList" >
{!projectTask.id} {!projectTask.name}
<apex:detail subject="{!projectTask.id}" relatedList="false" title="true" id="projectDetail"></apex:detail>
</apex:repeat >


public class printTasksController 
    public MNI_ProjectTask__c[] getProjectTasks()
        return [select id, name from MNI_ProjectTask__c];

I don't think there is anything too fancy here.  In my Sandbox I have 2 tasks that I'm trying to print.  The page produces 2 Detail sections, but the second Detail section shows the data from the first task, so the first task is basically duplicated.  If you look in the page source you can see that I'm printing out the ID and Name prior to the detail section and for the second one I am definitely getting a different ID and Name, but it is not represented in the second detail section.

Any ideas?

I'm trying to create a page that will print a detail section for multiple objects on one page, with a Page Break in between each object.  Basically I'm trying to create a printout of a bunch of tasks to give out to people prior to a meeting.  Here is the code that I tried:

<apex:page controller="printTasksController" tabStyle="MNI_ProjectTask__c" showHeader="false" standardStyleSheets="true">
<style type="text/css">
{ page-break-after : always } ;
<apex:repeat value="{!projectTasks}" var="projectTask" id="projectList" >
{!projectTask.id} {!projectTask.name}
<apex:detail subject="{!projectTask.id}" relatedList="false" title="true" id="projectDetail"></apex:detail>
</apex:repeat >


public class printTasksController 
    public MNI_ProjectTask__c[] getProjectTasks()
        return [select id, name from MNI_ProjectTask__c];

I don't think there is anything too fancy here.  In my Sandbox I have 2 tasks that I'm trying to print.  The page produces 2 Detail sections, but the second Detail section shows the data from the first task, so the first task is basically duplicated.  If you look in the page source you can see that I'm printing out the ID and Name prior to the detail section and for the second one I am definitely getting a different ID and Name, but it is not represented in the second detail section.

Any ideas?