• linshell
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I have the following Case Button URL to create a New Case populating some of the necessary fields:


That is giving me the following error:
Unable to Access Page - The value of the "id" parameter contains a character that is not allowed or the value exceeds the maximum allowed length.  Remove the character from the parameter value or reduce the value length and resubmit. If the error still persists, report it to our Customer Support team. Provide the URL of the page you were requesting as well as any other related information.

If I remove the Account.Id and Contact.Id fields, the URL opens the new case but the Site_Account__c is blank so all lookups are not working properly.  The Site_AccountId__c is a second lookup to the Account object.

I have also tried this and many other field name variations with no luck:


Any help is greatly appreciated!

I am trying to create a formula field that has critieria relating to several other fields but can't figure it out.  I started with two different formulas that were requested by the user at different times then received new criteria to be added to the formula so I have each individual formula that has been tested and works.  The formula field name is "Migration Eligible" and the criteria is the following:

- If the Type field = "Inactive" the Migration Eligible field = No regardless of other criteria

- If the Initial Ship Date field is blank and the Manufacturer field = "Company 1" or "Company 2" the Migration Eligible field = Yes


- If the Years since last activity field >= 5 the Migration Eligible field =  Yes


Here are the individual formulas that were tested and worked:


IF(NOT(ISPICKVAL (Type,"Inactive")),"Yes","No")

IF (Years_since_last_activity__c >= 5), "Yes","No"

IF (AND (ISBLANK(Initial_Ship_Date__c),
OR (ISPICKVAL (Manufacturer__c,"PlantCML"), 
ISPICKVAL (Manufacturer__c,"TCI"))),"Yes","No"


Thanks for any help!




I had someone help me with an Apex Trigger on the Lead object that takes the Case ID number from a text field  and populates the lookup field to create a link to the actual case.  Problem is I only want the trigger to work for a specific Lead record type.  I believe I would have to add the following but am not sure where it would go in the current statement: 

if (RecordTypeId=’012600000005EJy’)


This is the current Apex Trigger code:


trigger PopulateCaseId on Lead (before insert) {
String caseId = Trigger.new[0].Case_Number__c;
Trigger.new[0].Case__c = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Id = :caseId].Id;



I have the following Case Button URL to create a New Case populating some of the necessary fields:


That is giving me the following error:
Unable to Access Page - The value of the "id" parameter contains a character that is not allowed or the value exceeds the maximum allowed length.  Remove the character from the parameter value or reduce the value length and resubmit. If the error still persists, report it to our Customer Support team. Provide the URL of the page you were requesting as well as any other related information.

If I remove the Account.Id and Contact.Id fields, the URL opens the new case but the Site_Account__c is blank so all lookups are not working properly.  The Site_AccountId__c is a second lookup to the Account object.

I have also tried this and many other field name variations with no luck:


Any help is greatly appreciated!

I am trying to create a formula field that has critieria relating to several other fields but can't figure it out.  I started with two different formulas that were requested by the user at different times then received new criteria to be added to the formula so I have each individual formula that has been tested and works.  The formula field name is "Migration Eligible" and the criteria is the following:

- If the Type field = "Inactive" the Migration Eligible field = No regardless of other criteria

- If the Initial Ship Date field is blank and the Manufacturer field = "Company 1" or "Company 2" the Migration Eligible field = Yes


- If the Years since last activity field >= 5 the Migration Eligible field =  Yes


Here are the individual formulas that were tested and worked:


IF(NOT(ISPICKVAL (Type,"Inactive")),"Yes","No")

IF (Years_since_last_activity__c >= 5), "Yes","No"

IF (AND (ISBLANK(Initial_Ship_Date__c),
OR (ISPICKVAL (Manufacturer__c,"PlantCML"), 
ISPICKVAL (Manufacturer__c,"TCI"))),"Yes","No"


Thanks for any help!




I had someone help me with an Apex Trigger on the Lead object that takes the Case ID number from a text field  and populates the lookup field to create a link to the actual case.  Problem is I only want the trigger to work for a specific Lead record type.  I believe I would have to add the following but am not sure where it would go in the current statement: 

if (RecordTypeId=’012600000005EJy’)


This is the current Apex Trigger code:


trigger PopulateCaseId on Lead (before insert) {
String caseId = Trigger.new[0].Case_Number__c;
Trigger.new[0].Case__c = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Id = :caseId].Id;



The SFDC Blog had an article on Double Dropdown lists (options on one picklist dependant on the selection made in another picklist) found at http://crmsuccess.blogs.com/crmsuccess/2005/02/dependent_dropd.html
(see "Download double_drop_down_example.txt" for code)

I solved a couple of problems I had when a category had no sub category entries, but I'm having trouble solving a problem with the "Update Case Record" function. When I click the "Save" button, nothing happens. I am getting a status value back from the server of 500 rather than 200.

I understand the Summer release in June will have this functionality, but I need it yesterday.

Anyone have a solution?

Anyone have another version of this double dropdown for opportunities or leads (or a list of changes to make it work for opportunities or leads)?