• wjlyerly
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I'm trying to pull the TextBody field out of an EmailMessage.  This seems to work fine except that the carriage returns are missing.  As a result, the text is jumbled and quite difficult to ready.

Any hints?
We're implementing email-to-case and everything's going pretty well. However, there is some concern about emails going to closed cases. Our support staff would like a case to be automatically reopened when a new email arrives.

I've looked into doing this via escalation but I can't find a way to make it happen. Email-to-case runs as a separate user used only for automation, so I thought I could trigger an escalation rule when the automation user adds an email. On further inspection, it looks like the case itself is never modified by the automation user, only the email, so there's no criteria availble to trigger the escalation.

I also considered an independent process that periodically combs the database for new email and verifies that the emails are attached to non-closed cases. It could reopen those that were closed. However, there's a race condition. If the email comes in and is read by a user, the email could be marked read before the case is reopened.

Anyone have a solution for this? Do you simply rely on the users to re-open the case if the email warrants it? I'm not convinced its terribly important, but the users feel strongly about it. Its our last major roadblock to SalesForce acceptance by the support staff.
I'm trying to figure out how to auto-enable the self-service portal for our customers. We'd really be happy if all our contacts had self-service enabled. There doesn't seem to be any way to do this through the normal interface -- can it be done through the API?

If it can be done through the API, what steps do I need to take? Is there a shortcut or do I basically just create a SelfServiceUser object for each contact?

I'm integrating our license management system into salesforce. In the process, I'd like to our users to be able to send a canned email to a customer with a license key attached.

I understand from other posts, that you can't pre-attach a file to the built in emailauthor.jsp form. I'm willing to build by own external page to access the appropriate data in SF, create and send the email. However, I would like to attach the email to our license object to preserve it for posterity.

I've looked through my WSDL and the API docs and can't find any mention of an email object? Are the email attachments (in Activity History) just an instance of something else? How can I create the proper object type and attach it.

I'm trying to use the following perl example (user and pass deleted) to login into salesforce via the api.

use Salesforce;

my $service = new Salesforce::SforceService;
my $port = $service->get_port_binding('Soap');
$port->login('username'=>$user, 'password'=> $pass) ||
die "Could not login to salesforce.com";

But it fails with the error message:

INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username or password or locked out. at /Library/Perl/5.8.6/Salesforce.pm line 54.

Using the same username and password, I'm able to log on with the php example, so the account seems to have all the right permissions. I'm using the latest perl/php packages from sourceforge.

Any suggestions? Perhaps a configuration issue in the sample code / library I'm overlooking?
